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Case Digest by DONITA respondent courts Orders under attack.

#1 - [G.R. No. 124320. March 2, 1999] Petitioners contend that the issue of heirship should first be
determined before trial of the case could proceed. It is petitioner’s
HEIRS OF GUIDO YAPTINCHAY AND ISABEL YAPTINCHAY vs. submission that the respondent court should have proceeded with the
HON. ROY S. DEL ROSARIO, et.al. trial and simultaneously resolved the issue of heirship in the same
FACTS: Petitioners claim that they are the legal heirs of the late Guido
and Isabel Yaptinchay, the owners-claimants of Lot situated in Bancal, ISSUE: IS THE CONTENTION OF PETITIONER CORRECT?
Carmona, Cavite. Petitioners executed an Extra-Judicial Settlement of
the estate of the deceased Guido and Isabel Yaptinchay. Subsequently,
petitioners discovered that a portion, if not all, of the aforesaid
- Petitioners Petition for Certiorari before this Court is an improper
properties were titled in the name of respondent Golden Bay Realty
recourse. Their proper remedy should have been an appeal. An order of
and Development Corporation (Golden Bay). the discovery of what
dismissal, be it right or wrong, is a final order, which is subject to
happened to subject parcels of land, petitioners filed a complaint for
appeal and not a proper subject of certiorariWhere appeal is available
as a remedy, certiorari will not lie.
Branch 21 of the Regional Trial Court in Imus, Cavite.

- The respondent court did not commit grave abuse of discretion in

Upon learning that Golden Bay sold portions of the parcels of land in
issuing the questioned Order dismissing the Second Amended
question, petitioners filed with the RTC an Amended Complaint to
Complaint of petitioners, as it aptly ratiocinated and ruled:But the
implead new and additional defendants and to mention the TCTs to be
plaintiffs who claimed to be the legal heirs of the said Guido and Isabel
annulled. But the respondent court dismissed the Amended
Yaptinchay have not shown any proof or even a semblance of it - except
Complaint.Petitioners moved for reconsideration of the Order
the allegations that they are the legal heirs of the aforementioned
dismissing the Amended Complaint. The motion was granted by the
Yaptinchays - that they have been declared the legal heirs of the
which further allowed the herein petitioners to file a Second Amended
deceased couple. Now, the determination of who are the legal heirs of
Complaint, which they promptly did. The private respondents
the deceased couple must be made in the proper special proceedings
presented a Motion to Dismisson the grounds that the complaint
in court, and not in an ordinary suit for reconveyance of property. This
failed to state a cause of action, that plaintiffs did not have a must take precedence over the action for reconveyance. The trial court
right of action, that they have not established their status as cannot make a declaration of heirship in the civil action for the reason
heirs, that the land being claimed is different from that of the that such a declaration can only be made in a special proceeding.
defendants, and that plaintiffs claim was barred by laches. The Under Section 3, Rule 1 of the 1997 Revised Rules of Court, a civil
said Motion to Dismiss was granted. Petitioners interposed a Motion action is defined as one by which a party sues another for the
for Reconsiderationbut to no avail. The same was denied by the RTC. enforcement or protection of a right, or the prevention or redress of a
Undaunted, petitioners have come before this Court to seek relief from wrong while a special proceeding is a remedy by which a party seeks to
establish a status, a right, or a particular fact. It is then decisively respondent of the title to the Caloocan property in her name,
clear that the declaration of heirship can be made only in a special petitioners filed before the RTC a complaint against respondent for
proceeding inasmuch as the petitioners here are seeking the annulment of the Affidavit of Adjudication executed by her and the
establishment of a status or right. transfer certificate of title issued in her name. Petitioners alleged that
respondent is not related whatsoever to the deceased Portugal, hence,
not entitled to inherit the Caloocan parcel of land and that she
perjured herself when she made false representations in her Affidavit
[G.R. No. 155555. August 16, 2005] of Adjudication.

# 2 - ISABEL P. PORTUGAL and JOSE DOUGLAS PORTUGAL JR., After trial, the trial court, without resolving the issues defined during
petitioners, vs. LEONILA PORTUGAL-BELTRAN, respondent. pre-trial, dismissed the case for lack of cause of action on the ground
that petitioners status and right as putative heirs had not been
CARPIO MORALES, J.: established before a probate (sic) court, and lack of jurisdiction over
the case, citing Heirs of Guido and Isabel Yaptinchay v. Del Rosario. CA

FACTS:Jose Q. Portugal (Portugal) married Paz Lazo. However, after

few years, Portugal married petitioner Isabel de la Puerta who gave
birth to a boy whom she named Jose Douglas Portugal Jr., her herein ISSUE: Whether or not the respondents have to institute a special
co-petitioner. Meanwhile, Paz gave birth to a girl, Aleli, herein proceeding to determine their status as heirs of Anacleto Cabrera
respondent. Portugal and his four (4) siblings executed a Deed of before they can file an ordinary civil action to nullify the affidavits of
Extra-Judicial Partition and Waiver of Rights over the estate of their Anacleto Cabrera and Dionisia Reyes.
father, Mariano Portugal, who died intestate. In the deed, Portugals
siblings waived their rights, interests, and participation over a parcel of
land located in Caloocan in his favor. Thus, the Registry of Deeds for
Caloocan City issued Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 34292 RULING: Yes, the determination of who are the legal heirs of the
covering the Caloocan parcel of land in the name of Jose Q. Portugal, deceased couple must be made in the proper special proceedings in
married to Paz C. Lazo. Paz died. Portugal died intestate. Respondent court, and not in an ordinary suit for reconveyance of property. This
executed an Affidavit of Adjudication by Sole Heir of Estate of Deceased must take precedence over the action for reconveyance. The
Person adjudicating to herself the Caloocan parcel of land. TCT No. respondents have yet to substantiate their claim as the legal heirs of
34292/T-172 in Portugals name was subsequently cancelled and in its Anacleto Cabrera who are, thus, entitled to the subject property.
stead TCT No. 159813[14] was issued by the Registry of Deeds for
Caloocan City on March 9, 1988 in the name of respondent, Leonila The Rules of Court provide that only a real party in interest is allowed

Portugal-Beltran, married to Merardo M. Beltran, Jr.Later getting wind to prosecute and defend an action in court. A real party in interest is

of the death in 1985 of Portugal and still later of the 1988 transfer by the one who stands to be benefited or injured by the judgment in the

suit or the one entitled to the avails thereof. Such interest, to be lifetime, Graciana sold her share over the land to Etta. Thus, making
considered a real interest, must be one which is present and the latter the sole owner of the one-half share of the subject parcel of
substantial, as distinguished from a mere expectancy, or a future, land. Subsequently, Etta died and the property passed on to
contingent, subordinate or consequential interest. petitioners Peter and Deborah Ann by virtue of an Extra-Judicial
Settlement of Estate. Later on, Peter and Deborah sold the land
G.R. No. 162956 April 10, 2008 toDionisio and Catalina Fernandez (Spouses Fernandez), also their co-
respondents in the case at bar. After the sale, Spouses Fernandez took
# 3 - FAUSTINO REYES, ESPERIDION REYES, JULIETA C. RIVERA, possession of the said area in the subject parcel of land.
and EUTIQUIO DICO, JR., petitioners, vs.PETER B. ENRIQUEZ, for
himself and Attorney-in-Fact of his daughter DEBORAH ANN C. When Spouses Fernandez, tried to register their share in the subject

ENRIQUEZ, and SPS. DIONISIO FERNANDEZ and CATALINA land, they discovered that certain documents prevent them from doing
so. Alleging that the foregoing documents are fraudulent and fictitious,
FERNANDEZ, respondents.
the respondents filed a complaint for annulment or nullification of the
aforementioned documents and for damages. The RTC dismissed the
FACTS: The subject matter of the present case is a parcel of land
case on the ground that the respondents-plaintiffs were actually
located in Talisay, Cebu.According to petitioners Faustino Reyes,
seeking first and foremost to be declared heirs of Anacleto Cabrera
Esperidion Reyes, Julieta C. Rivera, and EutiquioDico, Jr., they are the
since they can not demand the partition of the real property without
lawful heirs of Dionisia Reyes who co-owned the subject parcel of land
first being declared as legal heirs and such may not be done in an
with Anacleto Cabrera. Petitioners executed an Extrajudicial
ordinary civil action, as in this case, but through a special proceeding
Settlement with Sale of the Estate of Dionisia Reyes (the Extra Judicial
specifically instituted for the purpose. CA reversed.
Settlement) involving a portion of the subject parcel of land. The
petitioners and the known heirs of Anacleto Cabrera executed a
ISSUE: Whether or not the respondents have to institute a special
Segregation of Real Estate and Confirmation of Sale (the Segregation
proceeding to determine their status as heirs of Anacleto Cabrera
and Confirmation) over the same property. Thus, TCT were issued
before they can file an ordinary civil action to nullify the disputed

Respondents Peter B. Enriquez (Peter) for himself and on behalf of his

minor daughter Deborah Ann C. Enriquez (Deborah Ann), also known
as Dina Abdullah Enriquez Alsagoff, on the other hand, alleges that
An ordinary civil action is one by which a party sues another for the
their predecessor-in-interest Anacleto Cabrera and his wife Patricia
enforcement or protection of a right, or the prevention or redress of a
Seguera Cabrera (collectively the Spouses Cabrera) owned ½ pro-
wrong. A special proceeding, on the other hand, is a remedy by which
indiviso share in the subject parcel of land. They further allege that
a party seeks to establish a status, a right or a particular fact. The
Spouses Cabrera were survived by two daughters – Graciana, who died
Rules of Court provide that only a real party in interest is allowed to
single and without issue, and Etta, the wife of respondent Peter and
prosecute and defend an action in court. A real party in interest is the
mother of respondent Deborah Ann – who succeeded their parents’
one who stands to be benefited or injured by the judgment in the suit
rights and took possession of the subject parcel of land. During her
or the one entitled to the avails thereof. Such interest, to be considered records of this case which would show that a special proceeding to
a real interest, must be one which is present and substantial, as have themselves declared as heirs of Anacleto Cabrera had been
distinguished from a mere expectancy, or a future, contingent, instituted. As such, the trial court correctly dismissed the case for
subordinate or consequential interest. A plaintiff is a real party in there is a lack of cause of action when a case is instituted by parties
interest when he is the one who has a legal right to enforce or protect, who are not real parties in interest. While a declaration of heirship was
while a defendant is a real party in interest when he is the one who not prayed for in the complaint, it is clear from the allegations therein
has a correlative legal obligation to redress a wrong done to the that the right the respondents sought to protect or enforce is that of an
plaintiff by reason of the defendant’s act or omission which had heir of one of the registered co-owners of the property prior to the
violated the legal right of the former. The purpose of the rule is to issuance of the new transfer certificates of title that they seek to
protect persons against undue and unnecessary litigation. It likewise cancel. Thus, there is a need to establish their status as such heirs in
ensures that the court will have the benefit of having before it the real the proper forum.
adverse parties in the consideration of a case. Thus, a plaintiff’s right
to institute an ordinary civil action should be based on his own right to Furthermore, it would be superfluous to still subject the estate to
the relief sought. administration proceedings since a determination of the parties' status
as heirs could be achieved in the ordinary civil case filed because it
In cases wherein alleged heirs of a decedent in whose name a property appeared from the records of the case that the only property left by the
was registered sue to recover the said property through the institution decedent was the subject matter of the case and that the parties have
of an ordinary civil action, such as a complaint for reconveyance and already presented evidence to establish their right as heirs of the
partition, or nullification of transfer certificate of titles and other deeds decedent. In the present case, however, nothing in the records of this
or documents related thereto, the SC has consistently ruled that a case shows that the only property left by the deceased Anacleto
declaration of heirship is improper in an ordinary civil action since the Cabrera is the subject lot, and neither had respondents Peter and
matter is "within the exclusive competence of the court in a special Deborah Ann presented any evidence to establish their rights as heirs,
proceeding." considering especially that it appears that there are other heirs of
Anacleto Cabrera who are not parties in this case that had signed one
In the instant case, while the complaint was denominated as an action of the questioned documents.
for the "Declaration of Non-Existency, Nullity of Deeds, and
Cancellation of Certificates of Title, etc.," a review of the allegations
therein reveals that the right being asserted by the respondents are
their right as heirs of Anacleto Cabrera who they claim co-owned one-
half of the subject property and not merely one-fourth as stated in the
documents the respondents sought to annul.

The respondents herein, except for their allegations, have yet to

substantiate their claim as the legal heirs of Anacleto Cabrera who are,
thus, entitled to the subject property. Neither is there anything in the Case Digest by Amiel Pascual

G.R. No. 163604 May 6, 2005 Republic filed a Petition for Certiorari before the CA and contended
that declaration of presumptive death of a person under Article 41 of
# 4 - REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioner, vs.THE HON. the Family Code is not a special proceeding or a case of multiple or
COURT OF APPEALS (Twentieth Division), HON. PRESIDING separate appeals requiring a record on appeal reiterating its earlier

MALINAO JOMOC, respondents.

The CA denied the Republic’s Petition for Certiorari. It reasons that
that the instant petition is in the nature of a special proceeding
and not an ordinary action. The petition merely seeks for a
The RTC of Ormoc City granted the petition "In the Matter of declaration by the trial court of the presumptive death of absentee
Declaration of Presumptive Death of Absentee Spouse Clemente P. spouse Clemente Jomoc. It does not seek the enforcement or
Jomoc” petitioned by ApolinariaJomoc on the basis of the Comissioner protection of a right or the prevention or redress of a wrong. Neither
report declaring the absentee spouse presumptively dead. Stated does it involve a demand of right or a cause of action that can be
therein is that Clemente left Apolinaria nine years earlier. enforced against any person. The instant petition, being in the
nature of a special proceeding, OSG should have filed, in addition
Judge Fortunito L. Madrona cited Art. 41, par. 2 of the Family Code, to its Notice of Appeal, a record on appeal.
stating that for the purpose of contracting a valid subsequent marriage
during the subsistence of a previous marriage where the prior spouse Issue: Is a petition for declaration of the presumptive death of a
had been absent for four consecutive years, the spouse present must person in the nature of a special proceeding?
institute summary proceedings for the declaration of presumptive
death of the absentee spouse, without prejudice to the effect of the Ruling: No. A petition for declaration of presumptive death is a
reappearance of the absent spouse. summary proceeding under the Family Code and not a special
proceeding under the Revised Rules of Court.
The Republic appealed the RTC’s order by filing a Notice of Appeal and
insists that the declaration of presumptive death under Art. 41 of the
FC is not a special proceeding involving multiple appeals where a
record on appeal shall be filed and served in like manner. The petition Ratio:
for declaration of presumptive death of an absent spouse is not
included in Rule 109 of the Rules of Court that enumerates the cases Article 41 of the Family Code, upon which the trial court anchored
wherein multiple appeals are allowed. Republic contends that a mere its grant of the petition for the declaration of presumptive death of the
notice of appeal suffices. absent spouse, provides:

RTC disapproved Republic’s Notice of Appeal. Art. 41. A marriage contracted by any person during the subsistence
of a previous marriage shall be null and void, unless before the
Republic’s Motion for Reconsideration was denied.
celebration of the subsequent marriage, the prior spouses had been
absent for four consecutive years and the spouse present had a well- Since Title XI of the Family Code, entitled SUMMARY JUDICIAL
founded belief that the absent spouses was already dead. In case of PROCEEDING IN THE FAMILY LAW, contains the following provision,
disappearance where there is danger of death under the circumstances inter alia:
set forth in the provisions of Article 391 of the Civil Code, an absence
of only two years shall be sufficient. Art. 238. Unless modified by the Supreme Court, the procedural rules
in this Title shall applyin all cases provided for in this Codes requiring
For the purpose of contracting the subsequent marriage under the summary court proceedings. Such cases shall be decided in an
preceding paragraph, the spouses present must institute a summary expeditious manner without regard to technical rules.
proceeding as provided in this Code for the declaration of
presumptive death of the absentee, without prejudice to the effect of a There is no doubt that the petition of ApolinariaJomoc required,
reappearance of the absent spouse. and is, therefore, a summary proceeding under the Family Code,
not a special proceeding under the Revised Rules of Court appeal
Rule 41, Section 2 of the Revised Rules of Court, on Modes of
for which calls for the filing of a Record on Appeal. It being a
Appeal, invoked by the trial court in disapproving petitioner’s Notice of
summary ordinary proceeding, the filing of a Notice of Appeal
Appeal, provides:
from the trial court’s order sufficed.

Sec. 2.Modes of appeal. -

Also, Republic’s failure to attach to his petition before the appellate
court a copy of the trial court’s order denying its motion for
(a) Ordinary appeal. - The appeal to the Court of Appeals in cases
reconsideration of the disapproval of its Notice of Appeal is not
decided by the Regional Trial Court in the exercise of its original
necessarily fatal, for the rules of procedure are not to be applied in a
jurisdiction shall be taken by filing a notice of appeal with the court
technical sense. The CA should’ve directed Republic to comply with the
which rendered the judgment or final order appealed from and serving
rule and not dismissed the petition outright.
a copy thereof upon the adverse party. No record on appeal shall be
required except in special proceedings and other cases of multiple
G.R. No. 157912 December 13, 2007
or separate appeals where the law or these Rules so require. In
such cases, the record on appeal shall be filed and served in like
manner. (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
SHEKER, VICTORIA S. MEDINA-Administratrix, Respondent.

By the trial court’s citation of Article 41 of the Family Code, it is

gathered that the petition of ApolinariaJomoc to have her absent
spouse declared presumptively dead had for its purpose her desire RTC admitted to probate the holographic will of Alice O. Sheker and
to contract a valid subsequent marriage. Ergo, the petition for issued an order for all the creditors to file their respective claims
that purpose is a "summary proceeding," following above-quoted against the estate. In compliance therewith, Alan Sheker filed on
Art. 41, paragraph 2 of the Family Code. October 7, 2002 a contingent claim for agent's commission due him

amounting to approximately P206,250.00 in the event of the sale of proceedings; but in the absence of special provisions, the rules
certain parcels of land belonging to the estate, and the amount of provided for in Part I of the Rules governing ordinary civil actions shall
P275,000.00, as reimbursement for expenses incurred and/or to be be applicable to special proceedings, as far as practicable.
incurred by petitioner in the course of negotiating the sale of said
realties. The word "practicable" is defined as: possible to practice or perform;
capable of being put into practice, done or accomplished.4 This means
The executrix of the Estate of Alice O. Sheker, Victorina Medina, moved that in the absence of special provisions, rules in ordinary actions may
for the dismissal of said money claim against the estate on the grounds be applied in special proceedings as much as possible and where doing
that: so would not pose an obstacle to said proceedings. Nowhere in the
Rules of Court does it categorically say that rules in ordinary actions
(1) the requisite docket fee, as prescribed in Section 7(a), Rule 141 of are inapplicable or merely suppletory to special proceedings.
the Rules of Court, had not been paid; (2) petitioner failed to attach a
certification against non-forum shopping; and Provisions of the Rules of Court requiring a certification of non-forum
shopping for complaints and initiatory pleadings, a written
(3) petitioner failed to attach a written explanation why the money explanation for non-personal service and filing, and the payment of
claim was not filed and served personally. filing fees for money claims against an estate would not in any way
obstruct probate proceedings, thus, they are applicable to special
proceedings such as the settlement of the estate of a deceased person
as in the present case.
RTC assailed Order and dismissed the money claim without prejudice
based on the grounds above stated by Medina.
On the issue of certification of non-forum shopping:

Shekker then filed fpr a Petition for review on certiorari.

The certification of non-forum shopping is required only for
complaints and other initiatory pleadings. The RTC erred in ruling
Issue: Must Shekker’s contingent money claim against the estate be
that a contingent money claim against the estate of a decedent is an
dismissed for his failure to attach to his motion a certification against
initiatory pleading. In the present case, the whole probate
non-forum shopping?
proceeding was initiated upon the filing of the petition for
Ratio: No. allowance of the decedent's will. Under Sections 1 and 5, Rule 86 of
the Rules of Court, after granting letters of testamentary or of
The filing of a money claim against the decedent’s estate in the probate administration, all persons having money claims against the decedent
court is mandatory. are mandated to file or notify the court and the estate administrator of
their respective money claims; otherwise, they would be barred,
To emphasize.. subject to certain exceptions.5

Special provisions under Part II of the Rules of Court govern special Such being the case, a money claim against an estate is more akin to a
motion for creditors' claims to be recognized and taken into Under Section 11, Rule 13 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure,
consideration in the proper disposition of the properties of the estate. personal service and filing is the general rule, and resort to other
modes of service and filing, the exception. Henceforth, whenever
A money claim is only an incidental matter in the main action for the personal service or filing is practicable, in the light of the circumstances
settlement of the decedent's estate; more so if the claim is contingent of time, place and person, personal service or filing is mandatory. Only
since the claimant cannot even institute a separate action for a mere when personal service or filing is not practicable may resort to other
contingent claim. Hence, herein petitioner's contingent money modes be had, which must then be accompanied by a written
claim, not being an initiatory pleading, does not require a explanation as to why personal service or filing was not practicable to
certification against non-forum shopping. begin with. In adjudging the plausibility of an explanation, a court
shall likewise consider the importance of the subject matter of the case
or the issues involved therein.

On the issue of filing fees: In the present case, petitioner holds office in Salcedo Village, Makati
City, while counsel for respondent and the RTC which rendered the
The trial court has jurisdiction to act on a money claim against an assailed orders are both in Iligan City. The lower court should have
estate for services rendered by a lawyer to the administratrix to assist taken judicial notice of the great distance between said cities and
her in fulfilling her duties to the estate even without payment of realized that it is indeed not practicable to serve and file the money
separate docket fees because the filing fees shall constitute a lien on claim personally.
the judgment pursuant to Section 2, Rule 141 of the Rules of Court, or
the trial court may order the payment of such filing fees within a The ruling spirit of the probate law is the speedy settlement of estates
reasonable time. 9
After all, the trial court had already assumed of deceased persons for the benefit of creditors and those entitled to
jurisdiction over the action for settlement of the estate. residue by way of inheritance or legacy after the debts and expenses of
administration have been paid.
Clearly, therefore, non-payment of filing fees for a money claim against
the estate is not one of the grounds for dismissing a money claim The RTC should have relaxed and liberally construed the procedural
against the estate. rule on the requirement of a written explanation for non-personal
service, again in the interest of substantial justice.
On the issue of personal service and filing:

Personal service and filing are preferred for obvious reasons. Plainly,
G.R. No. 16680 September 13, 1920
such should expedite action or resolution on a pleading, motion or
other paper; and conversely, minimize, if not eliminate, delays likely to
be incurred if service or filing is done by mail, considering the
inefficiency of the postal service. Judge of First Instance of Cebu, ET AL., respondents.

JOHNSON, J.: of estate of a deceased person?

Original petition for a writ of certiorari.Facts are admitted by demurrer. Ruling: No.

Judge Adolph Wislizenus argues that the provision of Act No. 190 Ratio: In proceedings like the present, the judge of the Court of First
permit him to appoint assessors in "special proceedings". Instance is without authority to appoint assessors.

BroadwellHagans contends that no authority in law exists for the We find, upon an examination of section 1 of Act No. 190, which gives
appointment of assessors in such proceedings. us an interpretation of the words used in said Act, that there is a
distinction between an "action" and a "special proceeding," and that
The only provisions of law which authorize the appointment of when the Legislature used the word "action" it did not mean "special
assessors are the following; proceeding."

(a) Section 57-62 of Act No. 190--appointment of assessors in the

court of justice of the peace.

(b) sections 153-161 of Act No. 190--the only provisions of law Action Special Proceeding
which could, by any possibility, permit the appointment of
 ordinary suit in a court  every other remedy furnished by law
assessors in "special proceedings
of justice  defined as an application or proceeding
 formal demand of one's to establish the status or right of a
(c) section 44 (a) of Act No. 267—applicable to Manila only
legal rights in a court of party, or a particular fact.
justice in the manner  Usually, in special proceedings, no
(d) section 2477 of Act No. 2711—applicable to Manila only
prescribed by the court formal pleadings are required, unless
or by the law. It is the the statute expressly so provides. The
(e) section 2 of Act No. 2369-- appointment of assessors in criminal
method of applying legal remedy in special proceedings is
cases only
remedies according to generally granted upon an application

Section 154 provides that "either party to an action may apply in definite established or motion. Illustrations of special

writing to the judge for assessors to sit in the trial. Upon the filing of rules. proceedings, in contradistinction to

such application, the judge shall direct that assessors be provided, . . . actions, may be given: Proceedings for

." the appointment of an administrator,

guardians, tutors; contest of wills; to
Issue: Is a judge of the CFI, in special proceedings, authorized under perpetuate testimony; to change the

the law to appoint assessors to fix the amount due an name of persons; application for

administrator/executor for his services and expenses in the settlement admission to the bar, etc., etc.

 RTC denied the motion for dismissal of the proceeding.

Therefore, the demurrer is overruled and the prayer of the petition is  CA likewise dismissed the petition.
granted, and it is ordered and decreed that the order of the Judge
Wislezenus appointing the assessors described in the petition be and
the same is annulled and set aside.

Whether or not the proceeding is an ordinary civil action.

Case Digest by CLARISSE

Case No. 7 - Vda. De Manalo vs CA
Petitioners may not validly take refuge under the provisions of Rule 1,
Section 2, of the Rules of Court to justify the invocation of Article 222
of the Civil Code (No suit shall be filed or maintained between
FACTS: members of the same family unless it should appear that earnest
efforts toward a compromise have been made, but that the same have
 Troadio Manalo, a resident of Manila died intestate. He was survived by failed, subject to the limitations in Article 2035) for the dismissal of
his wife, Pilar S. Manalo, and his11 children who are all of legal age. the petition.

 Troadio Manalo left several real properties located in Manila and in the The Article 222 is applicable only to ordinary civil actions. This is clear
province of Tarlac including a business under the name and style from the term suit that it refers to an action by one person or persons
Manalos Machine Shop. against another or others in a court of justice in which the plaintiff
pursues the remedy which the law affords him for the redress of an
 Respondents who are 8 of the surviving children filed a petitionwith the injury or the enforcement of a right, whether at law or in equity.A civil
RTCfor the judicial settlement of the estate of their late father, Troadio action is thus an action filed in a court of justice, whereby a party sues
Manalo and for the appointment of their brother, Romeo Manalo, as another for the enforcement of a right, or the prevention or redress of a
administrator. wrong.

 Petitioners filed a motion for outright dismissal of the proceeding It must be emphasized that the petitioners are not being sued for any
contending that the proceeding is actually an ordinary civil action cause of action as in fact no defendant was impleaded. The Petition for
involving members of the same family. Issuance of Letters of Administration, Settlement and Distribution of
Estate is a special proceeding and, as such, it is a remedy whereby the

petitioners therein seek to establish a status, a right, or a particular deceased.
fact.The private respondents merely seek to establish the fact of death
of their father and subsequently to be duly recognized as among the  CA reversed the RTC ruling.
heirs of the said deceased so that they can validly exercise their right
to participate in the settlement and liquidation of the estate of the ISSUE:
decedent consistent with the limited and special jurisdiction of the
probate court. Whether or not the RTC acting as a court of general jurisdiction in an
action for reconveyance and annulment of title with damages,
Case No. 8 adjudicate matters relating to the settlement of the estate of a
Natcher vs CA
 Spouses Graciano del Rosario and Graciana Esguerra were registered
owners of a parcel of land. There lies a marked distinction between an action and a special
proceeding. An action is a formal demand of ones right in a court of
 Upon the death of Graciana, Graciano together with his 6 children justice in the manner prescribed by the court or by the law. The term
entered into an extrajudicial settlement of Graciana’s estate special proceeding may be defined as an application or proceeding to
adjudicating and and dividing among themselves the real property. establish the status or right of a party, or a particular fact.

 Graciano married petitioner Patricia Natcher. During their marriage, Applying these principles, an action for reconveyance and annulment
Graciano sold the 2 nd
lot of the property by to his wife Patricia. of title with damages is a civil action, whereas matters relating to
settlement of the estate of a deceased person such as advancement of
 Graciano died leaving his second wife Patricia and his six children by his property made by the decedent, partake of the nature of a special
first marriage, as heirs. proceeding, which concomitantly requires the application of specific
rules as provided for in the Rules of Court.
 Private respondents filed for annulment of title and reconveyance of the
property before the RTC. They alleged that petitioner Natcher, upon Clearly, matters which involve settlement and distribution of the estate
Gracianos death, through the employment of fraud, misrepresentation of the decedent fall within the exclusive province of the probate court
and forgery, acquired the property by making it appear that Graciano in the exercise of its limited jurisdiction.Corollarily, the RTC, acting in
executed a Deed of Sale. its general jurisdiction, is devoid of authority to render an adjudication
and resolve the issue of advancement of the real property in favor of
 RTC ruled in favor petitioner Natcher stating that the property is an herein petitioner Natcher, inasmuch as the civil case for reconveyance
advance inheritance of Natcher being a compulsory heir of the and annulment of title with damages is not the proper vehicle to

thresh out said question. Moreover, the RTC was not properly  Fule filed a special appearance to question Venue and
constituted as a probate court so as to validly pass upon the question Jurisdiction of the CFI Quezon City.
of advancement made by the decedent Graciano to petitioner Natcher.
 CFI Quezon City issued an order granting Garcia’s "Urgent
Petition for Authority to Pay Estate Obligations" in that the
payments were for the benefit of the estate and that there hangs
Case No. 9 a cloud of doubt on the validity of the proceedings of the CFI
Fule vs CA
 Fule instituted a petition to annul the proceedings before CFI
FACTS: Quezon City.

 Virginia G. Fule filed with the CFI of Laguna, at Calamba a ISSUES:

petition for letters of administration, alleging that Amado G.
Garcia, a property owner of Calamba, Laguna, died intestate in Whether or not the venue is improperly laid out.
the City of Manila, leaving real estate and personal properties in
Laguna, and in other places, within the jurisdiction of the RULING:
Court.CFI judge granted the motion.
 Preciosa B. Garcia filed an opposition raising that the venue was
improperly laid and for lack of jurisdiction. Section 1, Rule 73 specifically the clause "so far as it depends on the
place of residence of the decedent, or of the location of the estate," is in
 CFI laguna deny the opposition of Garcia. reality a matter of venue, as the caption of the Rule indicates:
"Settlement of Estate of Deceased Persons. Venue and Processes. “ It
 CA annulled the proceedings before CFI Laguna for lack of could not have been intended to define the jurisdiction over the subject
jurisdiction. matter, because such legal provision is contained in a law of procedure
dealing merely with procedural matters. Procedure is one thing;
 Fule appealed to the SC. jurisdiction over the subject matter is another.

 Meanwhile, Garcia filed a petition for letters of administration The place of residence of the deceased in settlement of estates, probate
before the CFI Quezon City over the same intestate estate of of will, and issuance of letters of administration does not constitute an
Amado G. Garcia. element of jurisdiction over the subject matter. It is merely constitutive
of venue.
 CFI Quezon City granted the motion and appointed Garcia as
special administratix of the estate. The term "resides" means the personal, actual or physical habitation of

a person, actual residence or place of abode. The term means merely December 28, 1956 | Concepcion
residence, that is, personal residence, not legal residence or
domicile. Residence simply requires bodily presence as an inhabitant in Facts:
a given place, while domicile requires bodily presence in that place and
Petitioner Eugenio Eusebio filed with the CFI of Rizal a petition for his
also an intention to make it one's domicile. No particular length of time
appointment as administrator of the estate of his father, Andres
of residence is required though; however, the residence must be more
Eusebio. He alleged that his father, who died on November 28, 1952,
than temporary.
resided in Quezon City. Eugenio’s siblings (Amanda, Virginia, Juan,
Delfin, Vicente and Carlos), stating that they are illegitimate children of
The Court rule that the last place of residence of the deceased Amado
Andres, opposed the petition and alleged that Andres was domiciled in
G. Garcia was at 11 Carmel Avenue, Carmel Subdivision, Quezon City,
San Fernando, Pampanga. They prayed that the case be dismissed
and not at Calamba, Laguna. A death certificate is admissible to prove
upon the ground that venue had been improperly laid.
the residence of the decedent at the time of his death. As it is, the
death certificate of Amado G. Garcia, which was presented in evidence
The CFI of Rizal granted Eugenio’s petition and overruled his siblings’
by Virginia G. Fule herself and also by Preciosa B. Garcia, shows that
his last place of residence was at Quezon City. Aside from this, the
deceased's residence certificate for 1973 obtained three months before
Issue: Whether venue had been properly laid in Rizal?
his death; the Marketing Agreement and Power of Attorney dated
turning over the administration of his two parcels of sugar land to the Held: No. Don Andres Eusebio up to October 29, 1952, was and had
Calamba Sugar Planters Cooperative Marketing Association, Inc.; the always been domiciled in San Fernando, Pampanga. He only bought a
Deed of Donation, transferring part of his interest in certain parcels of house and lot at 889-A Espana Extension, Quezon City because his
land in Calamba, Laguna to Agustina B. Garcia; and certificates of son, Dr. Jesus Eusebio, who treated him, resided at No. 41 P.
titles covering parcels of land in Calamba, Laguna, show in bold Florentino St., Quezon City. Even before he was able to transfer to the
documents that Amado G. Garcia's last place of residence was at house he bought, Andres suffered a stroke and was forced to live in his
Quezon City. Withal, the conclusion becomes imperative that the son’s residence. It is well settled that “domicile is not commonly
venue for Virginia C. Fule's petition for letters of administration was changed by presence in a place merely for one own’s health” even if
improperly laid in the Court of First Instance of Calamba, Laguna. coupled with “knowledge that one will never again be able, on account
of illness, to return home. Having resided for over seventy years in
Case Digest by JAZZ
Pampanga, the presumption is that Andres retained such domicile.

Case No. 10 - Eusebio vs. Eusebio

In the matter of the Intestate of the deceased Andres Eusebio. Eugenio Andres had no intention of staying in Quezon City permanently. There
Eusebio, petitioner and appellee, vs. Amanda Eusebio, Virginia is no direct evidence of such intent – Andres did not manifest his
Eusebio, Juan Eusebio, et al., oppositors and appellants. desire to live in Quezon City indefinitely; Eugenio did not testify
thereon; and Dr. Jesus Eusebio was not presented to testify on the
matter. Andres did not part with, or alienate, his house in San MALIG, plaintiffs-appellants,
Fernando, Pampanga. Some of his children remained in that
municipality. In the deed of sale of his house at 889 – A Espana Ext., vs.
Andres gave San Fernando, Pampanga, as his residence. The marriage
contract signed by Andres when he was married in articulo mortis to MARIA SANTOS BUSH, defendant-appellee.
Concepcion Villanueva two days prior to his death stated that his
residence is San Fernando, Pampanga. On September 19, 1962 the plaintiffs filed the complaint, alleging that
they were the acknowledged natural children and the only heirs in the
The requisites for a change of domicile include (1) capacity to choose direct line of the deceased John T. Bush, having been born of the
and freedom of choice, (2) physical presence at the place chosen, (3) common-law relationship of their father with Apolonia Perez from 1923
intention to stay therein permanently. Although Andres complied with up to August, 1941;
the first two requisites, there is no change of domicile because the
third requisite is absent. that said John T. Bush and Apolonia Perez, during the conception of
the plaintiffs, were not suffering from any disability to marry each
Anent the contention that appellants submitted themselves to the other; that the defendant, by falsely alleging that she was the legal wife
authority of the CFI of Rizal because they introduced evidence on the of the deceased was able to secure her appointment as administratrix
residence of the decedent, it must be noted that appellants specifically of the estate of the deceased in Testate Proceedings No. 29932 of the
made of record that they were NOT submitting themselves to the Court of First Instance of Manila; that she submitted to the court for
jurisdiction of the court, except for the purpose only of assailing the approval a project of partition, purporting to show that the deceased
same. left a will whereby he bequeathed his estate to three persons, namely:
Maria Santos Bush, Anita S. Bush and Anna Berger; that the
In sum, the Court found that Andres was, at the time of his death, defendant then knew that the plaintiffs were the acknowledged natural
domiciled in San Fernando, Pampanga; that the CFI of Rizal had no children of the deceased; and that they discovered the fraud and
authority, therefore, to appoint an administrator of the estate of the misrepresentation perpetrated by the defendant only in July, 1962.
deceased, the venue having been laid improperly.
They prayed that the project of partition be annulled on the ground of
Doctrine: Domicile once acquired is retained until a new domicile is fraud and misrepresentation on the part of the defendant, who knew
gained. It is not changed by presence in a place for one’s own health. that herein plaintiffs were the acknowledged natural children of the
Case No. 11
The defendant moved to dismiss, alleging lack of cause of action, res
G.R. No. L-22761 judicata and statute of limitations. The plaintiffs opposed and the
defendant filed a reply to the opposition. On January 10, 1963 the
ROSE BUSH MALIG and JOE, THOMAS, and JOHN all surnamed lower court denied the motion, “it appearing that the grounds upon
BUSH, represented in this suit by their attorney-in-fact, ROSE BUSH which said motion is based are not indubitable.” In time, the defendant

filed her answer specifically denying all the material averments of the Section 1 of Rule 8 enumerates the grounds upon which an action may
complaint and invoking laches, res judicata and statute of limitations be dismissed, and it specifically ordains that a motion to this end be
as affirmative defenses. filed. In the light of this express requirement we do not believe that the
court had power to dismiss the case without the requisite motion duly
The defendant filed a motion to dismiss, challenging the jurisdiction of presented. The fact that the parties filed memoranda upon the court’s
the court, stating that since the action was one to annul a project of indication or order in which they discussed the proposition that the
partition duly approved by the probate court it was that court alone action was unnecessary and was improperly brought outside and
which could take cognizance of the case, citing Rule 75, Section 1, of independently of the case for libel did not supply the deficiency. Rule
the Rules of Court. On October 31, 1963 30 of the Rules of Court provides for the cases in which an action may
be dismissed, and the inclusion of those therein provided excludes any
TRIAL COURT: granted the motion and dismissed the complaint, not other, under the familiar maxims, inclusio unius est exclusivo ulterius.
on the ground relied upon by the defendant but because the action The only instance in which, according to said Rules, the court may
had prescribed. dismiss upon the court’s own motion an action is, when the ‘plaintiff
fails to appear at the time of the trial or to prosecute his action for an
The plaintiffs moved to reconsider but were turned down; hence, this unreasonable length of time or to comply with the Rules or any order
appeal. of the court.

ISSUE: May the lower court dismiss an action on a ground not alleged Although a motion to dismiss had been presented defendant the
in the motion to dismiss? resolution of the court granting the same was based upon a ground
not alleged in said motion. But assuming that the lower court could
It must be remembered that the first motion to dismiss, alleging lack of
properly consider the question of prescription anew, the same still did
cause of action, res judicata and statute of limitations, was denied
not appear to be indubitable on the face of the allegations in the
because those grounds did not appear to the court to be indubitable.
The second motion reiterated none of those grounds and raised only
the question of jurisdiction. The defendant cites Article 137 of the Civil Code, which provides that
an action for acknowledgment of natural children may be commenced
In dismissing the complaint upon a ground not relied upon, the lower
only during the lifetime of the putative parents, except in two instances
court in effect did so motu proprio, without offering the plaintiffs a
not obtaining in this case, and that the present action was commenced
chance to argue the point. In fact the court did not even state in its
after the death of the putative father of the plaintiffs. The said
order why in its opinion the action had prescribed, and why in effect,
provision is not of indubitable application, since the plaintiffs do not
without any evidence or new arguments on the question, it reversed its
seek acknowledgment but allege as a matter of fact that they “are the
previous ruling that the ground of prescription was not indubitable.
acknowledged natural children and the only heirs in the direct line of
the late John T. Bush.” Whether or not this allegation is true will, of
In Manila Herald Publishing Co., Inc. vs. Ramos, et al., 88 Phil. 94, it
course, depend upon the evidence to be presented at the trial.
was held:

Without prejudice to whatever defenses may be available to the
defendant, this Court believes that the plaintiffs’ cause should not be
The defendant insists in this instance on the jurisdictional ground foreclosed without a hearing on the merits.
posed in her motion to dismiss, citing Rule 75, Section 1, of the Rules
of Court formerly in force (now Rule 73, Section 1), which says: WHEREFORE, the orders appealed from are set aside and the case
remanded for further proceedings. Costs against the defendant-
SECTION 1. Where estate of deceased persons settled. – If the decedent appellee in this instance.
is an inhabitant of the Philippines at the time of his death, whether a
citizen or an alien, his will shall be proved, or letters of administration
granted, and his estate settled, in the Court of First Instance in the
province in which he resides at the time of his death, and if he is an Case No. 12
inhabitant of a foreign country, the Court of First Instance of any
province in which he had estate. The court first taking cognizance of TOMAS JIMENEZ vs IAC
the settlement of the estate of a decedent, shall exercise jurisdiction to
the exclusion of all other courts. The jurisdiction assumed by a court, FACTS:
so far as it depends on the place of residence of the decedent, or of the
location of his estate, shall not be contested in a suit or proceeding, Lino Jimenez married consolacion Ungson with whom he begot 4
except in an appeal from that court, in the original case, or when the children, namely; Alberto, Leonardo, Jr., Alejandra Angeles. During
want of jurisdiction appears on the record such marriage, Lino acquired 5 parcels of land in Pangasinan. When
Consolacion died, lino contracted a second marriage with Genoveva
It will be noted that the foregoing rule fixes jurisdiction for purposes of Caolboy with whom he begot the 7 petitioners herein. After Lino and
the special proceeding for the settlement of the estate of a deceased Genoveva's death, Virginia(2nd Marriage) filed a petition before CFI
person, “so far as it depends on the place of residence of the decedent, praying to be appointed as administratix of the properties of the
or of the location of his estate.”The matter really concerns venue, as deceased spouses Lino and Genoveva upon which Leonardo Jimenez,
the caption of Rule cited indicates, and in order to preclude different jr. filed a motion for exclusion of his father's name and those of his
courts which may properly assume jurisdiction from doing so, the Rule uncle and aunts contending that they have already received their
specifies that “the court first taking cognizance of the settlement of the inheritance consisting of 5 parcels of land. However, the petition of
estate of a decedent, shall exercise jurisdiction to the exclusion of all Virginia wherein she included the said 5 parcels of land in the
other courts.” inventory of the estate of Sps. Lino & Genoveva.

In the final analysis this action is not necessarily one to annul the Consequently, Leonardo moved for the exclusion of those properties
partition already made and approved by the probate court, and to from the inventory contending that such parcels of land were already
reopen the estate proceeding so that a new partition may be made, but adjudicated to his father and to his uncle and aunts. The probate
for recovery by the plaintiffs of the portion of their alleged inheritance court ordered the exclusion of 5 parcels of land and denied the motion
of which, through fraud, they have been deprived. for recon. filed by Virginia. The latter went to CA on a petition for

certiarari and prohobition seeking the annulkment of the orders of the pronouncement by said court as to title is not conclusive and could
probate court, of which the CA dismissed. still be attaced in a separate proceeding.

Subsequently, the petitioners filed an amended complaint before the Indeed, the grounds relied upon by private respondents in their motion
RTC to recover possession/ownership of the 5 parcels of land as part to dismiss do not appear to be indubitable. Res judicata has been
of the estate of Lino and Genoveva. Private respondents moved for the shown to be unavailable and the other grounds of prescription and
dismissal of the complaint on the grounds that the action was barred laches by private respondents are seriously disputed.
by prior judgment and prescription and laches. Thereafter, the Trial
Court dissmied the complaint on the ground of res judicata.

ISSUE: Case Digest by DATS

W/N in a settlement proceeding (testate or intestate) the lower court #13 – PURITA ALIPIO, petitioner,
has jurisdiction to decide on questions of ownership vs.
COURT OF APPEALS and ROMEO G. JARING, represented by his
W/N the petitioners' present action for the recovery of possession and Attorney-In-Fact RAMON G. JARING,respondents.
ownership of the 5 parcels of land is barred by res judicata


Respondent Romeo Jaring1 was the lessee of a 14.5 hectare fishpond

Petitioners' action was appropriately filed because as a general rule, a
in Barito, Mabuco, Hermosa, Bataan. The lease was for a period of five
probate court can only pass upon questions of title provisionally. The
years ending on September 12, 1990. On June 19, 1987, he subleased
Patent reason is the probate court's limited jurisdiction and the
the fishpond, for the remaining period of his lease, to the spouses
principle that questions of title or ownership, which result in inclusion
Placido and PuritaAlipio and the spouses Bienvenido and Remedios
or exlusion from the inventory of the property, can only be settled in a
Manuel. The stipulated amount of rent was P485,600.00, payable in
separate action. It has been held that in a special proceeding for the
two installments ofP300,000.00 and P185,600.00, with the second
probate of a will, the question of ownership is an extraneous matter
installment falling due on June 30, 1989. Each of the four sublessees
which the probate court cannot resolve with finality. This
signed the contract.
pronouncement no doubt applies with equal force to intestate
proceedings as in the case at bar.
The first installment was duly paid, but of the second installment, the
sublessees only satisfied a portion thereof, leaving an unpaid balance
Res judicata, does not exist because of the difference in the causes of
of P50,600.00. Despite due demand, the sublessees failed to comply
action. The other action was for the settlement of the intestate estate of
with their obligation, so that, on October 13, 1989, private respondent
Lino and Genoveva while the other one was an action for recovery of
sued the Alipio and Manuel spouses for the collection of the said
possession and ownership of the 5 parcels of land. Moreover, while the
amount before the Regional Trial Court, Branch 5, Dinalupihan,
CFI had jurisdiction, the same was merely limited. Any
Bataan. In the alternative, he prayed for the rescission of the sublease testate. Private respondent cannot short-circuit this procedure by
contract should the defendants fail to pay the balance.Petitioner moved lumping his claim against the Alipios with those against the Manuels
to dismiss the case on the ground that her husband, Placidoalipio, had considering that, aside from petitioner’s lack of authority to represent
passed away. Hence, the case should be filed in the probate court. their conjugal estate, the inventory of the Alipios’ conjugal property is
necessary before any claim chargeable against it can be paid. Needless
to say, such power exclusively pertains to the court having jurisdiction
over the settlement of the decedent’s estate and not to any other court.
Can the creditor sue the surviving spouse of a decedent in an ordinary DECEASED ISMAEL REYES, THE HEIRS OF OSCAR R.
proceeding for the collection of a sum of money chargeable against the REYES, petitioners,
conjugal partnership? vs.
CESAR R. REYES, respondent.


Spouses Ismael Reyes and FelisaRevita Reyes are the registered owners
No, It must be noted that for marriages governed by the rules of
of parcels of land situated in Arayat Street, Cubao, Quezon City
conjugal partnership of gains, an obligation entered into by the
covered by TCT. The spouses have seven children, namely: Oscar,
husband and wife is chargeable against their conjugal partnership and
Araceli, Herminia, Aurora, Emmanuel, Cesar and Rodrigo, all
it is the partnership which is primarily bound for its repayment. Thus,
surnamed Reyes.
when the spouses are sued for the enforcement of an obligation
entered into by them, they are being impleaded in their capacity as
On April 18, 1973, Ismael Reyes died intestate. Prior to his death,
representatives of the conjugal partnership and not as independent
Ismael Reyes was notified by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) of
debtors such that the concept of joint or solidary liability, as between
his income tax deficiency which arose out of his sale of a parcel land
them, does not apply. But even assuming the contrary to be true, the
located in TandangSora, Quezon City. For failure to settle his tax
nature of the obligation involved in this case, is not solidary but rather
liability, the amount increased to about P172,724.40 and since no
merely joint, making imperial still inapplicable to this case.
payment was made by the heirs of deceased Ismael Reyes, the property
covered by TCT No. 4983 was levied sold and eventually forfeited by the
It is clear that private respondent cannot maintain the present suit
Bureau of Internal Revenue in favor of the government.
against petitioner.Rather, his remedy is to file a claim against the
Alipios in the proceeding for the settlement of the estate of petitioner’s
Sometime in 1976, petitioners’ predecessor Oscar Reyes availed of the
husband or, if none has been commenced, he can file a petition either
BIR’s tax amnesty and he was able to redeem the property covered by
for the issuance of letters of administration or for the allowance of
TCT No. 4983 upon payment of the reduced tax liability in the amount
will, depending on whether petitioner’s husband died intestate or
of about P18,000.
On May 10, 1989, private respondent Cesar Reyes, brother of Oscar deceased Ismael Reyes without prejudice to the outcome of any action
Reyes, filed a petition for issuance of letters of administration with the to be brought thereafter in the proper court on the issue of ownership
Regional Trial Court of Quezon City praying for his appointment as considering that the subject properties are still titled under the torrens
administrator of the estate of the deceased Ismael Reyes which estate system in the names of spouses Ismael and FelisaRevita Reyes which
included 50% of the Arayat properties covered by TCT Nos. 4983 and under the law is endowed with incontestability until after it has been
3598. Oscar Reyes filed his conditional opposition thereto on the set aside in the manner indicated in the law. The declaration of the
ground that the Arayat properties do not form part of the estate of the provisional character of the inclusion of the subject properties in the
deceased as he (Oscar) had acquired the properties by redemption and inventory as stressed in the order is within the jurisdiction of the
or purchase. Probate Court.

The probate court subsequently issued letters of administration in #15 – HILARIA BAGAYAS, Petitioner,
favor of Cesar Reyes where the latter was ordered to submit a true and vs.
complete inventory of properties pertaining to the estate of the ROGELIO BAGAYAS, FELICIDAD BAGAYAS, ROSALINA BAGAYAS,
deceased and the special powers of attorney executed by the other MICHAEL BAGAYAS, and MARIEL BAGAYAS, Respondents.
heirs who reside in the USA and that of Aurora Reyes-Dayot
conforming to his appointment as administrator. Cesar Reyes filed an
inventory of real and personal properties of the deceased which
included the Arayat properties with a total area of 1,009 sq. meters. Facts:

Issue: Petitioner filed a complaint for annulment of sale and partition before
the RTC, claiming that Rogelio, Felicidad, Rosalina, Michael, and
Can the probate court determine ownership over the property? Mariel, all surnamed Bagayas (respondents) intended to exclude her
from inheriting from the estate of her legally adoptive parents,
Held: MaximinoBagayas (Maximino) and Eligia Clemente (Eligia), by falsifying
a deed of absolute sale (deed of absolute sale) purportedly executed by
No, the question of ownership is as a rule, an extraneous matter which
the deceased spouses (Maximino and Eligia) transferring two parcels of
the Probate Court cannot resolve with finality. Thus, for the purpose of
land (subject lands) registered in their names to their biological
determining whether a certain property should or should not be
children, respondent Rogelio and Orlando Bagayas(Orlando). Said
included in the inventory of estate proceeding, the probate court may
deed, which was supposedly executed on October 7, 1974, bore the
pass upon the title thereto, but such determination is provisional, not
signature of Eligia who could not have affixed her signature thereon as
conclusive, and is subject to the final decision in a separate action to
she had long been.
resolve title.
Respondents likewise testified in their defense denying any knowledge
We find that the respondent Court did not err in affirming the
of the alleged adoption of petitioner by Maximino and Eligia, and
provisional inclusion of the subject properties to the estate of the
pointing out that petitioner had not even lived with the
family. Furthermore, Rogelio claimed that after their parents had died, adoption, as well as the forgery of Eligia’s signature on the questioned
he and Orlando executed a document denominated as Deed of Extra deed, no partition was decreed, as the action was, in fact, dismissed.
judicial Succession (deed of extra judicial succession) over the subject Consequently, the declaration that petitioner is the legally adopted
lands toeffect the transfer of titles thereof to their names. Before the child of Maximino and Eligia did not amount to a declaration of
deed of extra judicial succession could be registered, however, a deed heirship and co-ownership upon which petitioner may institute an
of absolute sale transferring the subject lands to them was discovered action for the amendment of the certificates of title covering the
from the old files of Maximino, which they used by “reason of subject land. More importantly, the Court has consistently ruled that
convenience” to acquire title to the said lands. the trial court cannot make a declaration of heirship in an ordinary
civil action, for matters relating to the rights of filiation and heirship
In dismissing Civil Case No. 04-42, the RTC declared that petitioner must be ventilated in a special proceeding instituted precisely for the
could not ask for the partition of the subject lands, even though she is purpose of determining such rights. Therefore, the remedy then of
an adopted child, because “she was not able to prove any of the petitioner is to institute intestate proceedings for the settlement of the
instances that would invalidate the deed of absolute sale” purportedly estate of the deceased spouse Maximino and Eligia.
executed by Maximino and Eligia. This conclusion came about as a
consequence of the RTC’s finding that, since the subject lands Case Digest by DREW
belonged exclusively to Maximino, there was no need to secure the
consent of his wife who was long dead before the sale took place. For # 16 - URIARTE V. CFI
this reason, the forgery of Eligia’s signature on the questioned deed
was held to be inconsequential. However, on reconsideration, the RTC Short summary: alleged natural child of the deceased filed petition for
declared that it committed a mistake in holding the subject lands as settlement of INTESTATE estate of Don Juan Uriarte y Goite in Negros
exclusive properties of Maximino “since there was already an Occidental Court. PNB was even appointed as special administrator,
admission by the defendants during the pre-trial conference that the but PNB failed to qualified. MTD filed by nephew of Don Juan, alleging
subject properties are the conjugal properties of the spouses that while he was in Spain, the deceased made a will AND that
MaximinoBagayas and Eligia Clemente.” Nonetheless, the RTC petitioner had doubtful interest (proceeding for his recognition as a
sustained its dismissal of Civil Case No. 04-42 on the ground that it natural child not yet done). Pending this, the nephews instituted a
constituted a collateral attack upon the title of Rogelio and Orlando. petition for probate of the will of Don Juan in Manila. Alleged natural
son opposed, contending that Negros courts already had exclusive
Issue: jurisdiction of the case.But Negros court dismissed the special
proceeding, and the Manila court proceeded to probate the will.
Is the ordinary court vested with power to determined heirship of an Petitioner contested it. Court held that since the decedent was a non-
adopted child? resident, both Manila and Negros courts may be proper venues for the
proceedings. But since probate proceedings enjoy priority over
Held: intestate proceedings, action by Manila court proper. Even if the venue
was improper, petitioner considered to have waived the defect by
No. While the RTC may have made a definitive ruling on petitioner’s laches. Lastly, the court held that if ever recognized as the natural
child of the decedent, he could opt to intervene in the probate Issue: W/N NEGROS COURT ERRED IN DISMISSING THE
proceedings, or to have it opened if already finished. INTESTATE PROCEEDINGS BEFORE IT?

Facts: Ruling: NO.

 Don Juan Uriarte y Goite died in Spain, left properties both in Manila Decedent is an inhabitant of a foreign country (Spain) during the time
and Negros of his death, so the courts in the province s where he left property may
 The alleged natural son of Don Juan, VICENTE URIARTE, filed petition take cognizance of settlement of his estate
for settlement of INTESTATE ESTATE of Don Juan before the Negros
Occidental court. Note that during that time, the proceedings for Here, decedent left properties both in Manila and in Negros
compulsory acknowledgment as the natural son of Don Juan was still
pending Even if Negros court first took cognizance of the case, still has to give
 PNB also was appointed as special administrator of the estate, but PNB way to Manila court special proceeding intended to effect the
failed to qualify distribution of the estate of a deceased person, whether in accordance
with the law on intestate succession or in accordance with his will, is a
 Don Juan left a will, executed in Spain, duly authenticated - submitted
"probate matter" or a proceeding for the settlement of his estate.
before Negros court
 ViCENTE's capacity and interest are questionable
 JUAN URIARTE ZAMACONA (di ko alam how related) commenced
BUT testate proceedings, for the settlement of the estate of a
courts + MTD in Negros Courts
 Since there's a will, no need for intestate proceedings before Negros deceased person take precedence over intestate proceedings for
Courts the same purpose.
 Vicente had no legal personality to sue
 OPPOSED by VICENTE: Negros Courts first took cognizance, it had So even pending Intestate proceedings, if it is found it hat the
acquired exclusive jurisdiction over the same decedent had left a last will, proceedings for the probate of the
latter should replace the intestate proceedings even if at that
stage an administrator had already been appointed, the latter
being required to render final account and turn over the estate in
 NEGROS COURT: DISMISS proceedings before it
 VICENTE filed OMNIBUS MOTION in Manila Court for leave to intervene his possession to the executor subsequently appointed.
+ dismissal of petition for probate + annulment of proceedings –
DENIED If will rejected or disproved, proceedings shall continue as intestacy
 Manila court admitted to probate the last will
VICENTE already waived procedural defect of VENUE IMPROPERLY


He knew that there was a will when a MTD was filed in Negros court,  Petitioner Rebong applied for a petition to cancel the annotation on
so he should have filed a MTD in Manila court earlier: Manila court the certificate of title of a land which he inherited from his parents.
 The annotation was pursuant to Sections 1 and 4 of Rule 74 of the
*appointed an administrator Rules of Court (on settlement of estate) to the effect that the property
is still subject to any claim by creditors and other heirs of his deceased
*admitted the will to probate more than 5 months earlier parents within 2 years from settlement of estate.

Court would not annul proceedings regularly had in a lower court even  Petitioner based her petition for cancellation on section 112 of Act no.
if the latter was not the proper venue therefor, if the net result would be 496.
to have the same proceedings repeated in some other court of similar
jurisdiction  HOWEVER, Respondent Judge denied her petition. She now claims
that Judge acted with grave abuse of discretion.
As to interest of Vicente in the case

Two alternatives for an acknowledged natural child to prove his status

and interest in the estate of the deceased parent: Issue/Held:

(1) to intervene in the probate proceeding if it is still open; and  Whether the petition to cancel annotation should be allowed.

(2) to ask for its reopening if it has already been closed. NO


#17 - Rebong vs. Ibanez  The annotation could NOT be cancelled because the registered
interests have not yet terminated and ceased.

 The two year period required by Rule 74 has not yet lapsed when the
Subject: petition for cancellation was filed.

Liability of Heirs and Distributees  Neither section 4, Rule 74 nor Act 496 authorizes the substitution of
a bond for a lien or registered interest, whether vested, expedient,
inchoate or contingent, which have not yet terminated or ceased.

#18 - Hernandez v. Andal Rule 74 Sec. 1 provides that when there are no outstanding debts the
heirs may divide the estate by means of a public instrument. Although
Facts: it is contended that a verbal partition is entirely void and cannot
be validated by any acts short of the execution of a public
Cresencia, Maria and Aquilina Hernandez are sisters who inherited document, there are no indications in the phraseology of the rule
from their father a parcel of land. They partitioned the land verbally.
to justify an affirmative answer. Where the law intends a writing
or other formality to be the essential requisite to the validity of
Afterwards Maria and Aquilina sold their share to Zacarias Andal.
the transaction it says so in clear and unequivocal terms. Sec. 1
Cresencia tried to repurchase the land sold at P150 but Andal did not
agree. In her supplemental complaint she alleged that she offered to Rule 74 contains no such express or clear declaration that the
repurchase it for P860 but Andal asked for an extension but later on required public instrument is to be constitutive of a contract of
sold the land back to Maria and Aquilina for P970. partition.

During trial, counsel for plaintiff contended that the best evidence was
the document of partition. The trial court ruled that under Rules 74
and 123 of the Rules of Court and Art. 1248 of the CC, parol evidence Likewise, the Rules of Court promulgated by the Judicial department
of partition is inadmissible hence the resale of Andal to the deals with matters of procedure exclusively. For the Court to prescribe
Hernandezes was null and void. Hence this appeal. what is to be a binding agreement between co-heirs in the settlement
of their private affairs which in no way affect the rights of 3rd parties
would be to transcend its rule-making power.


W/N a contract of partition can be proved by parol evidence Case Digest by ROVER

G.R. No. 147468 April 9, 2003


CHAVEZ DOMINGO, petitioners,
There are 2 conflicting views as to whether an agreement of partition
should be in writing under the statute of frauds. Partition is excluded Vs.
from the operation of the statute of frauds for the reason that partition
is not a conveyance but simply a separation and designation of that LILIA MONTINOLA ROCES, CESAR ROBERTO M. ROCES, ANA
part of the lands which belongs to each tenant in common.
INES MAGDALENA ROCES TOLENTINO, LUIS MIGUEL M. ROCES, provisions of section 4, rule 74 of the Rules of Court.
When respondents learned of the sale of the property to petitioners,
ROCES, respondents.
they filed a complaint against Montinola and petitioners with the
FACTS: Regional Trial Court of Pasig.They argued that the affidavit of self-
adjudication was fraudulent because Montinola was not an heir of the
The spouses Cesar and Lilia Roces were the owners of two contiguous Roces spouses and it was not true that Lilia Roces was dead.
parcels of land, On November 1962, the GSIS caused the annotation of
an affidavit of adverse claim on the titles alleging that the spouses Petitioners in their answer alleged that they are buyers in good faith
have mortgaged the same to it. and that the actions of the respondents was barred by estoppel and
GSIS wrote a letter to Cesar Roces demanding the surrender of the
owner's duplicates of titles, Spouses Roces failed to comply, GSIS filed Trial court rendered judgment in favor of the respondent. CA reversed
a petition with the then Court of First Instance of Rizal,praying that the decision and ordered Montinola to pay the Petitioners, the title was
the owner's duplicates in Roces' possession be declared null and void reinstated back to the respondents and that all other claims made by
and that the Register of Deeds of Pasig be directed to issue new the Petitioners were dismissed.
owner's duplicates to GSIS. CFI of Rizal granted the petition.
Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration but was denied hence
Cesar died intestate on January 1980, survived by his widow along this petition.
with all the respondents in this case.

On July 1992, Montinola a nephew of Lila Rocesexecuted an affidavit

of self-adjudication over the said parcels of land. That the properties
were acquired during the existence of their marriage; that the spouses
1. Whether the Petitioners in holding the annotation in the title regarding
left no heirs except the brother of Lilia Roces, who was his father; that
SEC. 4, RULE 74 is an encumbrance which disqualifies them from
neither of the spouses left any will nor any debts; and that he was the
being innocent purchasers for value
sole heir of the Roces spouses.
2. Whether the Respondents was barred by Estoppel and Laches

Montinola filed a petition against GSIS with the Regional Trial Court of
Pasig,During the trial, GSIS failed to produce any document
evidencing the alleged real estate mortgage by Roces of the properties.
1. The foregoing rule clearly covers transfers of real property to any
Hence, the trial court rendered judgment in favor of Montinola. GSIS
person, as long as the deprived heir or creditor vindicates his rights
did not appeal the judgment thus became final and executory.
within two years from the date of the settlement and distribution of
estate. Contrary to petitioners' contention, the effects of this provision
Montinola sold the parcels of land to Spouses Domingo, subject to the
are not limited to the heirs or original distributees of the estate
properties, but shall affect any transferee of the properties. In 1952, Felicidad Marquez died intestate. Thirty years later or in
Hence, petitioners cannot be considered buyers in good faith and 1982, Rafael Marquez, Sr. executed an "Affidavit of Adjudication"
cannot now avoid the consequences brought about by the application vesting unto himself sole ownership to the property. Thereafter on
of Rule 74, Section 4 of the Rules of Court. December 1983 Rafael Marquez, Sr. executed a "Deed of Donation Inter
2. Hence, petitioners cannot be considered buyers in good faith and Vivos covering the house and lot abovementioned to three of this
cannot now avoid the consequences brought about by the application children, namely: (1) petitioner Rafael, Jr.; (2) Alfredo; and (3) Belen,
of Rule 74, Section 4 of the Rules of Court. both private respondents herein, to the exclusion of his other children,
Delay is an indispensable requisite for a finding of estoppel by laches,
petitioners herein.TCT No. 33350 was cancelled and TCT No. 47572
but to be barred from bringing suit on grounds of estoppel and laches,
was issued in private respondents' name.
the delay must be lengthy and unreasonable.No unreasonable delay
can be attributed to respondents in this case. From 1983 to 1991, private respondents were in actual possession of
the land. However, when petitioners learned about the existence of TCT
DECISION: WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the instant petition
No. 47572, they immediately demanded that since they are also
for review is DENIED. The decision and resolution of the Court of
children of Rafael Marquez, Sr., they are entitled to their respective
Appeals in CA-G.R. No. CV No. 62473 are AFFIRMED in toto.
shares over the land in question. Private respondents ignored
petitioner’s demands.

Petitioners joined by Rafael Marquez Jr. filed a complaint on May 1991

G.R. No. 125715 December 29, 1998
for "Reconveyance and Partition with Damages" before the trial
courtalleging that both the "Affidavit of Adjudication" and "Deed of
Donation Inter Vivos" were fraudulent since the private respondents
took advantage of the advanced age of their father in making him
RAFAEL F. MARQUEZ, JR., petitioners, execute the said documents.

Vs. Private respondents argued that petitioner’s action was already barred
by the statute of limitations that the same should’ve been filed within
MARQUEZ, respondents.
Trial Court rendered its decision in favor of the Petitioners. Stating
FACTS: that: Prescription cannot set in because an action to set aside a
document which is void ab initio does not prescribe.Both the "Affidavit
During their lifetime, the spouses Rafael Marquez, Sr. and Felicidad of Adjudication" and the "Donation Inter Vivos" did not produce any
Marquez begot twelve children, sometime in 1945, the spouses legal effect and did not confer any right whatsoever.
acquired a parcel of land, wherein they constructed their conjugal
home. Private respondents appealed to the CA and decision of the RTC was

reversed stating that: In line with the decision of the Supreme Court in trust under Article 1456 was established.Constructive trusts are
Gerona v. de Guzman, 11 SCRA 143, 157, the action therefor may be created in equity in order to prevent unjust enrichment. They arise
filed within four (4) years from the discovery of the fraud.Such contrary to intention against one who, by fraud, duress or abuse of
discovery is deemed to have taken place in the case at bar on June 16, confidence, obtains or holds the legal, right to property which he ought
1982, when the affidavit of self-adjudication was filed with the Register not, in equity and good conscience, to hold.
of Deeds and new certificate of titlewas issued in the name of Rafael
Marquez, Sr.Considering that the period from June 16, 1982, when In this regard, it is settled that an action for reconveyance based on an
TCT No. 33350 was issued in the name of Rafael Marquez Sr., to May implied or constructive trust prescribes in ten years from the issuance
31, 1991, when appellees' complaint was filed in court, is eight (8) of the Torrens title over the property.For the purpose of this case, the
years, eleven (11) months and fifteen (15) days, appellants' action to prescriptive period shall start to run when TCT No. 33350 was issued,
annul the deed of self-adjudication is definitely barred by the statute of which was on June 16, 1982. Thus, considering that the action for
limitation. reconveyance was filed on May 31, 1991, or approximately nine years
later, it is evident that prescription had not yet barred the action.
Petitioners filed a motion of reconsideration but proved unavailing.
Hence this petition. Cognizant of the fact that the disputed land was conjugal property of
the spouses Rafael, Sr. and Felicidad, ownership of the same is to be
ISSUE: equally divided between both of them.

Whether their action for reconveyance had prescribed? Prescinding therefrom, can Rafael Marquez Sr., as trustee of his wife's
share, validly donate this portion to the respondents? Obviously, he
HELD: cannot, as expressly provided in Art. 736 of the Civil Code.

It must be noted that Felicidad Marquez died in 1952; thus, Moreover, nobody can dispose of that which does not belong to him.
succession to her estate is governed by the present Civil Code. Under
Article 887 thereof, her compulsory heirs are her legitimate children, DECISION: WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the decision of the
petitioners and private respondent therein, and her spouse, Rafael Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 41214 is REVERSED and SET
Marquez, Sr. Now, in 1982, Rafael Marquez, Sr. decided to adjudicate ASIDE. Except as to the award of attorney's fees which is hereby
the entire property by executing an "Affidavit of Adjudication" claiming DELETED, the judgment of the trial court in Civil Case No. 60887 is
that he is the sole surviving heir of his deceased wife Felicidad F. REINSTATED. No costs.
G.R. No. L-23638 October 12, 1967
As such, when Rafael Marquez Sr., for one reason or another,
misrepresented in his unilateral affidavit that he was the only heir of #21 - DIONISIO FERNANDEZ, EUSEBIO REYES and LUISA REYES,
his wife when in fact their children were still alive, and managed to petitioners,
secure a transfer of certificate of title under his name, a constructive

Vs. executed; but deferred resolution on the questions of estoppel and
revocation "until such time when we shall pass upon the intrinsic
ISMAELA DIMAGIBA, respondent. validity of the provisions of the will or when the question of adjudication
of the properties is opportunely presented."
Oppositors Fernandez and Reyes petitioned for reconsideration, and/or
G.R. No. L-23662 October 12, 1967 new trial, insisting that the issues of estoppel and revocation be
considered and resolved; on July 1959, the Court overruled the claim
MARIANO REYES, CESAR REYES, LEONOR REYES and PACIENCIA that proponent was in estoppel to ask for the probate of the will, but
REYES, petitioners, "reserving unto the parties the right to raise the issue of implied
revocation at the opportune time."
On January 1960, the Court of First Instance appointed Ricardo Cruz
ISMAELA DIMAGIBA, respondent. as administrator for the sole purpose of submitting an inventory of the
estate, and this was done on February 9, 1960.
On February 1962, after receiving further evidence on the issue
On January 1955, Ismaela Dimagiba, now respondent, submitted whether the execution by the testatrix of deeds of sale in favor of the
to the Court of First Instance a petition for the probate of the testamentary heir, made in 1943 and 1944, subsequent to the
purported will of the late Benedicta de los Reyes, executed on October execution of her 1930 testament, had revoked the latter under Article
22, 1930, and annexed to the petition. The will instituted the petitioner 957(2) of the 1950 Civil Code (Art. 869 of the Civil Code of 1889), the
as the sole heir of the estate of the deceased. The petition was set for trial Court resolved against the oppositors and held the will of the late
hearing, and in due time, Dionisio Fernandez, Eusebio Reyes and Benedicta de los Reyes "unaffected and unrevoked by the deeds of
Luisa Reyes and one month later, Mariano, Cesar, Leonor and sale." Whereupon, the oppositors elevated the case to the Court of
Paciencia, all surnamed Reyes, all claiming to be heirs intestate of the Appeals.
decedent, filed oppositions to the probate asked. Grounds advanced for
the opposition were forgery, vices of consent of the testatrix, estoppel The appellate Court held that the decree of June 20, 1958, admitting

by laches of the proponent and revocation of the will by two deeds of the will to probate, had become final for lack of opportune appeal; that

conveyance of the major portion of the estate made by the testatrix in the same was appealable independently of the issue of implied

favor of the proponent in 1943 and 1944, but which conveyances were revocation; that contrary to the claim of oppositors-appellants, there

finally set aside by this Supreme Court in a decision promulgated on had been no legal revocation by the execution of the 1943 and 1944

August 3, 1954. deeds of sale, because the latter had been made in favor of the legatee
herself, and affirmed the decision of the Court of First Instance.
After trial on the formulated issues, the Court of First Instance,
by decision of June 1958, found that the will was genuine and properly ISSUE:

1. Whether the decree of the Court of First Instance allowing the will to sequitur to allow public policy to be evaded on the pretext of estoppel.
probate had become final for lack of appeal; Whether or not the order overruling the allegation of estoppel is still
2. Whether the order of the Court of origin dated July 27, 1959, appealable or not, the defense is patently unmeritorious and the Court
overruling the estoppel invoked by oppositors-appellants had likewise of Appeals correctly so ruled.
become final;
3. Whether the 1930 will of Benedicta de los Reyes had been impliedly 3. As observed by the Court of Appeals, the existence of any such change
revoked by her execution of deeds of conveyance in favor of the or departure from the original intent of the testatrix, expressed in her
proponent on 1943 and 1944. 1930 testament, is rendered doubtful by the circumstance that the
subsequent alienations in 1943 and 1944 were executed in favor of the
HELD: legatee herself, appellee Dimagiba. In fact, as found by the Court of
Appeals in its decision annulling these conveyances"no consideration
1. We agree with the Court of Appeals that the appellant's stand is whatever was paid by respondent Dimagiba" on account of the
untenable. It is elementary that a probate decree finally and transfers, thereby rendering it even more doubtful whether in conveying
definitively settles all questions concerning capacity of the testator and the property to her legatee, the testatrix merely intended to comply in
the proper execution and witnessing of his last will and testament, advance with what she had ordained in her testament, rather than an
irrespective of whether its provisions are valid and enforceable or alteration or departure therefrom”.
Revocation being an exception, we believe, with the Courts below, that
As such, the probate order is final and appealable; and it is so in the circumstances of the particular case, Article 957 of the Civil
recognized by express provisions of Section 1 of Rule 109. The rule Code of the Philippines, does not apply to the case at bar.
expressly enumerates six different instances when appeal may be
taken in special proceedings. Not only that, but even if it were applicable, the annulment of the
conveyances would not necessarily result in the revocation of the
There being no controversy that the probate decree of the Court below legacies, if we bear in mind that the findings made in the decision
was not appealed on time, the same had become final and conclusive. decreeing the annulment of the subsequent 1943 and 1944 deeds of
Hence, the appellate courts may no longer revoke said decree nor sale were also thatit was the moral influence, originating from their
review the evidence upon which it is made to rest. Thus, the appeal confidential relationship, which was the only cause for the execution of
belatedly lodged against the decree was correctly dismissed. the 1943 and 1944 conveyances.
2. As to the issue of estoppel, we have already ruled in Guevara vs.
Guevara, 98 Phil. 249, that the presentation and probate of a will are DECISION: In view of the foregoing considerations, the appealed
requirements of public policy, being primarily designed to protect the decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby affirmed. Costs against
testator's, expressed wishes, which are entitled to respect as a appellants Reyes and Fernandez. So ordered.
consequence of the decedent's ownership and right of disposition
within legal limits. Evidence of it is the duty imposed on a custodian of
a will to deliver the same to the Court, and the fine and imprisonment
prescribed for its violation (Revised Rule 75). It would be a non Case Digest by SALLY
# 22- Rodelas vs. Aranza

No. L-58509. December 7, 1982.* Yes, pursuant to Article 811 of the Civil Code, probate of holographic
wills is the allowance of the will by the court after its due execution
has been proved. The probate may be uncontested or not. If
uncontested, at least one identifying witness is required and, if no
witness is available, experts may be resorted to. If contested, at least
OF RICARDO B. BONILLA, deceased, MARCELA RODELAS, three identifying witnesses are required. However, if the holographic
petitioner-appellant, vs. AMPARO ARANZA, ET. AL., oppositors- will has been lost or destroyed and no other copy is available, the will
appellees, ATTY. LORENZO SUMULONG, intervenor. cannot be probated because the best and only evidence is the
handwriting of the testator in said will. It is necessary that there be a
FACTS: comparison between sample handwritten statements of the testator and
the handwritten will. But, a photostatic copy or xerox copy of the
Appellant Marcela Rodelas filed a petition with the Court of First holographic will may be allowed because comparison can be made with
Instance of Rizal for the probate of the holographic will of Ricardo B. the standard writings of the testator. In the case of Gan vs. Yap, 104
Bonilla and the issuance of letters testamentary in her favor. The Phil. 509, the Court ruled that “the execution and the contents of a lost
petition was opposed by the appellees Amparo Aranza Bonilla, or destroyed holographic will may not be proved by the bare testimony of
Wilferine Bonilla Treyes, Expedita Bonilla Frias and Ephraim Bonilla witnesses who have seen and/or read such will The will itself must be
on the ground that lost or destroyed holographic wills cannot be presented; otherwise, it shall produce no effect. The law regards the
proved by secondary evidence unlike ordinary wills. The lower court document itself as material proof of authenticity.” But, in Footnote 8 of
rendered a decision in favor of the oppositors-appellees. Hence, this said decision, it says that “Perhaps it may be proved by a photographic
appeal. or photostatic copy. Even a mimeographed or carbon copy; or by other
similar means, if any, whereby the authenticity of the handwriting of the
ISSUE: deceased may be exhibited and tested before the probate court.”
Evidently, the photostatic or xerox copy of the lost or destroyed
Whether a holographic will which was lost or cannot be found will be holographic will may be admitted because then the authenticity of the
probated by means of a photostatic copy.
handwriting of the deceased can be determined by the probate court.

WHEREFORE, the order of the lower court dated October 3, 1979,

denying appellant’s motion for reconsideration dated August 9, 1979, of
the Order dated July 23, 1979, dismissing her petition to approve the
will of the late Ricardo B. Bonilla, is hereby SET ASIDE. and hospitalization. Rodolfo submitted documentary evidence
previously executed by the decedents, consisting of income tax
returns, voter’s affidavits, statements of assets and liabilities, real
estate tax payments, motor vehicle registration and passports, all
# 23 - JAO vs. COURT OF APPEALS indicating that their permanent residence was in Angeles City,
G.R. No. 128314. May 29, 2002
Private respondentPerico countered that their deceased parents
#23 - RODOLFO V. JAO, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS and actually resided in Rodolfo’s house in Quezon City at the time of their
PERICO V. JAO, respondents. deaths. As a matter of fact, it was conclusively declared in their death
certificates that their last residence before they died was at 61 Scout
FACTS: Gandia Street, Quezon City. Rodolfo himself even supplied the entry
appearing on the death certificate of their mother, Andrea, and affixed
Petitioner (RodolfoJao) and private respondent (PericoJao) were the his own signature on the said document.
only sons of the spouses Ignacio JaoTayag and Andrea V. Jao, who died
intestate in 1988 and 1989, respectively. The decedents left real estate, The Trial Court ruled in favor of Perico. The CA affirmed in toto the
cash, shares of stock and other personal properties. trial’s court decision. Hence, this petition.

Perico instituted a petition for issuance of letters of administration ISSUE:

before the RTC of Quezon City, over the estate of his parents. Pending
the appointment of a regular administrator, Perico moved that he be Where should the settlement proceedings be had—in Pampanga, where
appointed as special administrator. He alleged that his brother, the decedents had their permanent residence, or in Quezon City,
Rodolfo, was gradually dissipating the assets of the estate. More where they actually stayed before their demise?
particularly, Rodolfo was receiving rentals from real properties without
rendering any accounting, and forcibly opening vaults belonging to HELD:
their deceased parents and disposing of the cash and valuables
therein. Rule 73, Section 1 of the Rules of Court states:

Rodolfo moved for the dismissal of the petition on the ground of Where estate of deceased persons be settled.—If the decedent is an
improper venue.He argued that the deceased spouses did not reside in inhabitant of the Philippines at the time of his death, whether a citizen
Quezon City either during their lifetime or at the time of their deaths. or an alien, his will shall be proved, or letters of administration granted,
The decedent’s actual residence was in Angeles City, Pampanga, where and his estate settled, in the Court of First Instance in the province in
his late mother used to run and operate a bakery. As the health of his which he resides at the time of his death, and if he is an inhabitant of a
parents deteriorated due to old age, they stayed in Rodolfo’s residence foreign country, the Court of First Instance of any province in which he
in Quezon City, solely for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment had estate. The court first taking cognizance of the settlement of the

estate of a decedent shall exercise jurisdiction to the exclusion of all domicile requires bodily presence in that place and also an intention to
other courts. The jurisdiction assumed by a court, so far as it depends make it one’s domicile. No particular length of time of residence is
on the place of residence of the decedent, or of the location of his required though; however, the residence must be more than temporary.
estate, shall not be contested in a suit or proceeding, except in an
appeal from that court, in the original case, or when the want of The death certificates thus prevailed as proofs of the decedents’
jurisdiction appears on the record. residence at the time of death, over the numerous documentary
evidence presented by petitioner. To be sure, the documents presented
Clearly, the estate of an inhabitant of the Philippines shall be settled or by petitioner pertained not to residence at the time of death, as required
letters of administration granted in the proper court located in the by the Rules of Court, but to permanent residence or domicile. In
province where the decedent resides at the time of his death. Garcia-Fule v. Court of Appeals, we held:

The death certificates thus prevailed as proofs of the decedents’ xxxxxxxxx the term “resides” connotes ex vi termini “actual residence”
residence at the time of death, over the numerous documentary as distinguished from “legal residence or domicile.” This term “resides,”
evidence presented by petitioner. To be sure, the documents presented like the terms “residing” and “residence,” is elastic and should be
by petitioner pertained not to residence at the time of death, as required interpreted in the light of the object or purpose of the statute or rule in
by the Rules of Court, but to permanent residence or domicile. In which it is employed. In the application of venue statutes and rules—
Garcia-Fule v. Court of Appeals, we held: x xxxxxxxx the term “resides” Section 1, Rule 73 of the Revised Rules of Court is of such nature—
connotes ex vi termini “actual residence” as distinguished from “legal residence rather than domicile is the significant factor. Even where the
residence or domicile.” This term “resides,” like the terms “residing” statute uses the word “domicile” still it is construed as meaning
and “residence,” is elastic and should be interpreted in the light of the residence and not domicile in the technical sense. Some cases make a
object or purpose of the statute or rule in which it is employed. In the distinction between the terms “residence” and “domicile” but as
application of venue statutes and rules—Section 1, Rule 73 of the generally used in statutes fixing venue, the terms are synonymous,
Revised Rules of Court is of such nature—residence rather than and convey the same meaning as the term “inhabitant.” In other
domicile is the significant factor. Even where the statute uses the word words, “resides” should be viewed or understood in its popular sense,
“domicile” still it is construed as meaning residence and not domicile meaning, the personal, actual or physical habitation of a person,
in the technical sense. Some cases make a distinction between the actual residence or place of abode. It signifies physical presence in a
terms “residence” and “domicile” but as generally used in statutes place and actual stay thereat. In this popular sense, the term means
fixing venue, the terms are synonymous, and convey the same merely residence, that is, personal residence, not legal residence or
meaning as the term “inhabitant.” In other words, “resides” should be domicile. Residence simply requires bodily presence as an inhabitant
viewed or understood in its popular sense, meaning, the personal, in a given place, while domicile requires bodily presence in that place
actual or physical habitation of a person, actual residence or place of and also an intention to make it one’s domicile. No particular length of
abode. It signifies physical presence in a place and actual stay thereat. time of residence is required though; however, the residence must be
In this popular sense, the term means merely residence, that is, more than temporary.
personal residence, not legal residence or domicile. Residence simply
requires bodily presence as an inhabitant in a given place, while Venue for ordinary civil actions and that for special proceedings have

one and the same meaning.At any rate, petitioner is obviously splitting herein, namely, Manuel Cuenco, Lourdes Cuenco, Concepcion
straws when he differentiates between venue in ordinary civil actions CuencoManguera, Carmen Cuenco, Consuelo Cuenco Reyes and
and venue in special proceedings. In Raymond v. Court of Appeals and Teresita Cuenco Gonzales, all of legal age and residing in Cebu.
Bejer v. Court of Appeals, we ruled that venue for ordinary civil actions
and that for special proceedings have one and the same meaning. As Respondent Lourdes Cuenco filed a Petition for Letters of
thus defined, “residence,” in the context of venue provisions, means Administration with the court of first instance of Cebu, alleging among
nothing more than a person’s actual residence or place of abode, other things, that the late senator died intestate in Manila; that he was
provided he resides therein with continuity and consistency. All told, a resident of Cebu at the time of his death; and that he left real and
the lower court and the Court of Appeals correctly held that venue for personal properties in Cebu and Quezon City. On the same date, the
the settlement of the decedents’ intestate estate was properly laid in Cebu court issued an order setting the petition for hearing on 10 April
the Quezon City court. 1964, directing that due notice be given to all the heirs and interested
persons, and ordering the requisite publication thereof at LA PRENSA,
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the petition is DENIED, and a newspaper of general circulation in the City and Province of Cebu.
the decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 35908 is
AFFIRMED. In the meantime, petitioner Rosa CayetanoCuenco filed a petition with
the CFI of Rizal (Quezon City) for the probate of the deceased’s last will
and testament and for the issuance of letters testamentary in her favor,
as the surviving widow and executrix in the said last will and
#24 - Cuenco vs. Court of Appeals
Having learned of the intestate proceeding in the Cebu court,
petitioner Rosa filed in said Cebu court an Opposition and Motion to
No. L-24742. October 26, 1973. Dismiss, as well as an Opposition to Petition for Appointment of
Special Administrator. Cebu court issued an order holding in abeyance
# 24 - ROSA CAYETANO CUENCO, petitioners, vs. THE its resolution on petitioner’s motion to dismiss “until after the CFI
HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DIVISION, MANUEL Quezon City shall have acted on the petition for probateproceedings.
MANGUERRA, CARMEN CUENCO, CONSUELO CUENCO REYES. Respondents filed in the Quezon City court an Opposition and Motion
and TERESITA CUENCO GONZALEZ, respondents. to Dismiss,on the groundof lack of jurisdiction and/or improper venue,
considering that CFI Cebu already acquired exclusive jurisdiction over
FACTS: the case. The opposition and motion to dismiss were denied. Upon
appeal, CA ruled in favor of respondents and issued a writ of
Sen. Mariano Jesus Cuenco died in Manila. He was survived by his prohibition to CFI Quezon.
widow, the herein petitioner, and their 2minor sons, all residing in
Quezon City, and by his children of the first marriage, respondents ISSUE(s):

1. WoN CA erred in issuing the writ of prohibition province in which he had estate. The court first taking cognizance of the
settlement of the estate of a decedent, shall exercise jurisdiction to the
2. WoN CFI Quezon acted without jurisdiction or grave abuse of exclusion of all other courts. The jurisdiction assumed by a court, so far
discretion in taking cognizance and assuming exclusive jurisdiction as it depends on the place of residence of the decedent, or of the
over the probate proceedings in pursuance to CFI Cebu’s order location of his estate, shall not be contested in a suit or proceeding,
expressly consenting in deference to the precedence of probate over except in an appeal from that court, in the original case, or when the
intestate proceedings want of jurisdiction appears on the record.” (Rule 73)8

It is equally conceded that the residence of the deceased or the location

of his estate is not an element of jurisdiction over the subject matter
HELD: but merely of venue.

The Court finds that the appellate court erred in law in issuing the It should be noted that the Rule on venue does not state that the court
writ of prohibition against the Quezon City court from proceeding with with whom the estate or intestate petition is first filed acquires
the testate proceedings and annulling and setting aside all its orders exclusive jurisdiction.
and actions, particularly its admission to probate of the deceased’s last
will and testament and appointing petitioner-widow as executrix A fair reading of the Rule—since it deals with venue and comity
thereof without bond pursuant to the deceased testator’s express wish. between courts of equal and co-ordinate jurisdiction—indicates that
the court with whom the petition is first filed, must also first take
The Judiciary Act concededly confers original jurisdiction upon all cognizance of the settlement of the estate in order to exercise
Courts of First Instance over “all matters of probate, both of testate jurisdiction over it to the exclusion of all other courts.
and intestate estates.” On the other hand, Rule 73, section of the Rules
of Court lays down the rule of venue, as the very caption of the Rule Conversely, such court, may upon learning that a petition for probate
indicates, and in order to prevent conflict among the different courts of the decedent’s last will has been presented in another court where
which otherwise may properly assume; jurisdiction from doing so, the the decedent obviously had his conjugal domicile and resided with his
Rule specifies that “the court first taking cognizance of the settlement of surviving widow and their minor children, and that the allegation of
the estate of a decedent, shall exercise jurisdiction to the exclusion of all the intestate petition before it stating that the decedent died intestate
other courts.” The cited Rule provides: may be actually false, may decline to take cognizance of the petition
and hold the petition before it in abeyance, and instead defer to the
“Section 1 1.Where estate of deceased persons settled. If the decedent is second court which has before it the petition for probate of the
an inhabitant of the Philippines at the time of his death, whether a decedent’s alleged last will.
citizen or an alien, his will shall be proved, or letters of administration
granted, and his estate settled, in the Court of First Instance in the The Court therefore holds under the facts of record that the Cebu court
Province in which he resides at the time of his death, and if he is an did not act without jurisdiction nor with grave abuse of discretion in
inhabitant of a foreign country, the Court of First Instance of the declining to take cognizance of the intestate petition and instead

deferring to the testate proceedings filed just a week later by petitioner ACCORDINGLY, judgment is hereby rendered reversing the appealed
as surviving widow and designated executrix of the decedent’s last will, decision and resolution of the Court of Appeals and the petition for
since the record before it (the petitioner’s opposition and motion to certiorari and prohibition with preliminary injunction originally filed
dismiss) showed the falsity of the allegation in the intestate petition by respondents with the Court of Appeals (CA-G.R. No. 34104-R) is
that the decedent had died without a will. It is noteworthy that ordered dismissed. No costs.
respondents never challenged by certiorari or prohibition proceedings
the Cebu court’s order of 10 April 1964 deferring to the probate Case Digest by YUMMY
proceedings before the Quezon City court/thus leaving the latter free
(pursuant to the Cebu court’s order of deference) to exercise # 25 - BENNY SAMPILO and HONORATO SALACUP, petitioners,
jurisdiction and admit the decedent’s will to probate.
For the same reasons, neither could the Quezon City court be held to
have acted without jurisdiction nor with grave abuse of discretion in FACTS:
admitting the decedent’s will to probate and appointing petitioner as
executrix in accordance with its testamentary disposition, in the light In January 1945, TeodoroTolete died intestate. He left 4 lands in San
of the settled doctrine that the provisions of Rule 73, section 1 lay Manuel, Pangasinan. Heirs left were his widow, Leoncia de Leon and
down only a rule of venue, not of jurisdiction. several nephews and nieces. On July 1946, without any judicial
proceeding, Leoncia executed an affidavit stating that she is the only
Finally, it should be noted that in the Supreme Court’s exercise of its heir of the decedent to inherit the said properties. Such affidavit was
supervisory authority over all inferior courts, it may properly registered with the ROD of Pangasinan. On the same day, Leoncia also
determine, as it has done in the case at bar, that venue was properly executed a deed of sale in favor of Benny Sampilo for 10k which was
assumed by and transferred to the Quezon City court and that it is the also registered in said ROD.
interest of justice and in avoidance of needless delay that the Quezon
City court’s exercise of jurisdiction over the testate estate of the
decedent and its admission to probate of his last will and testament
and appointment of petitioner-widow as administratrix without bond in On March, 1950, FelisaSinopera instituted proceedings for the
pursuance of the decedent’s express will and all its orders and actions administration of the estate of the late Teodoro. Meanwhile, on June
taken in the testate proceedings before it be approved and authorized 17, 1950, Sampilo, in turn, sold the lands to HonoratoSalacup for 50k.
rather than to annul all such proceedings regularly had and to repeat The sale was also registered in the ROD.
and duplicate the same proceedings before the Cebu court only to
revert once more to the Quezon City court should the Cebu court find
that indeed and in fact, as already determined by the Quezon City
On June 20, 1950, Sinopera, then as appointed administratrix,
court on the strength of incontrovertible documentary evidence of
brought this present action against Sampilo and Salacup on the
record, Quezon City was the conjugal residence of the decedent.
ground that Leoncia had no right to execute the affidavit. Notice of

lispendens was recorded on the certificates on June 26, 1950. The laws governing such case are Sections 1 and 4 of Rule 74 (codal
please; saving space).

CFI: in favor of Sinopera; the affidavit was declared null and void;
declared Sinopera owner of ½ of the 4 lands; declared that the By the title of Section 4, the "distributees and estate" it indicates the
usufructuary rights of Leoncia to said properties are terminated. persons to answer for rights violated by the extrajudicial settlement.
On the other hand, it is also significant that no mention is made
expressly of the effect of the extrajudicial settlement on persons who
did not take part therein or had no notice or knowledge thereof.
CA: modified the judgment; the deeds of sale were void only insofar as
the properties conveyed exceed the portion that corresponds to
Leoncia; Salacup was ordered to deliver to Sinopera ½ of the lands in
the complaint for disposition but reserved his right to secure that part There cannot be any doubt that those who took part or had knowledge
which belonged to Leoncia and his right to bring an action against of the extrajudicial settlement are bound thereby. As to them, the law
Leoncia and Sampilo for damages. is clear that if they claim to have been in any manner deprived of their
lawful right or share in the estate by the extrajudicial settlement, they
may demand their rights or interest within the period of two years, and
both the distributees and estate would be liable to them for such rights
Sampilo and Salacup appealed to the SC alleging that the action has or interest.
already prescribed since it should have been commenced within 2
years and but was only filed 4 years after the registration of the
But as to those who did not take part in the settlement or had no
notice of the death of the decedent or of the settlement, there is no
direct or express provision that they also be required to assert their
ISSUE: WON Sinopera's right of action to recover her and her co-heirs' claims within the period of two years. To extend the effects of the
participation to the lands in question prescribed at the time the action settlement to them, to those who did not take part or had no
to recover was filed. knowledge thereof, without any express legal provision to that effect,
would be violative of the fundamental right to due process of law.

SC RULING: Nope. Not yet. CA decision was affirmed in toto.

The procedure outlined in Section 1 of Rule 74 of extrajudicial
settlement, or by affidavit, is an ex parte proceeding. It cannot by any
reason or logic be contended that such settlement or distribution
would affect third persons who had no knowledge either of the death of # 26 - IN THE MATTER OF THE INTESTATE ESTATE OF
the decedent or of the extrajudicial settlement or affidavit, especially as DECEASED ISMAEL REYES, THE HEIRS OF OSCAR R. REYES,
no mention of such effect is made, either directly or by implication. petitioners,


The provisions of Section 4 of Rule 74, barring distributees or heirs

CESAR R. REYES, respondent.
from objecting to an extrajudicial partition after the expiration of two
years from such extrajudicial partition, is applicable only:

FACTS: Spouses Ismael Reyes and FelisaRevita Reyes are the owners
of lands in Cubao, QC. They have 7 children. On April 1973, Ismael
(1) to persons who have participated or taken part or had notice of the
Reyes died intestate.
extrajudicial partition, and, in addition, (2) when the provisions of
Section 1 of Rule 74 have been strictly complied with, i.e., that all the
persons or heirs of the decedent have taken part in the extrajudicial
settlement or are represented by themselves or through guardians.
Prior to his death, Ismael was notified by the BIR of an income tax
deficiency arising from his sale of a land in TandangSora, QC. For
failure to pay, the tax increased to about 172k+ and since his heirs
also did not pay such tax, one of the lands in Cubao was levied, sold
The case at bar fails to comply with both requirements because not all
and forfeited in favor of the Government.
the heirs interested have participated in the extrajudicial settlement.

In 1976, Oscar Reyes, son of Ismael, availed of the BIR’s tax amnesty
Moreover, the action is one based on fraud, as the widow of the
and was able to redeem the property. Also in May, 1982, a notice was
deceased owner of the lands had declared in her affidavit of partition
sent to Felisa from the Office of the City Treasurer of QC informing her
that the deceased left no nephews or niece, or other heirs except
that the Cubao properties will be auctioned for her failure to pay the
herself. Plaintiff's right which is based on fraud and which has a
real estate tax delinquency from 1974-1981. Oscar again settled the
period of four years, does not appear to have lapsed when the action
accounts through an amnesty compromise agreement with the City
was instituted. Judicial proceedings where instituted in March, 1950
and these proceedings must have been instituted soon after the
discovery of fraud.

In May, 1989, Cesar, brother, filed a petition for issuance of letters of

administration with the RTC of QC praying for his appointment as
administrator of their father’s estate which includes ½ of the Cubao
properties. Oscar opposed on the ground that he had acquired the The subject properties are still titled under the Torrens system in the
properties by redemption and/or purchase. names of spouses Ismael and FelisaRevita Reyes which under the law
is endowed with incontestability until after it has been set aside in the
manner indicated in the law. The declaration of the provisional
character of the inclusion of the subject properties in the inventory as
RTC: in favor of Cesar; properties were provisionally included in the stressed in the order is within the jurisdiction of the Probate Court.
estate. Oscar appealed but while pending, he died and was substituted
by his heirs.

Settled is the rule that the RTC acting as a probate court exercises but
limited jurisdiction, thus it has no power to take cognizance of and
CA: affirmed, MR denied, hence, present action. determine the issue of title to property claimed by a third person
adversely to the decedent, unless the claimant and all other parties
having legal interest in the property consent, expressly or impliedly, to
the submission of the question to the Probate Court for adjudgment, or
ISSUE: WON the Cubao properties can be included in the estate. WON the interests of third persons are not thereby prejudiced.
the trial court should not determine question on ownership.

The facts obtaining in this case, however, do not call for the application
SC RULING: Yes. of the exception to the rule. It bears stress that the purpose why the
probate court allowed the introduction of evidence on ownership was
for the sole purpose of determining whether the subject properties
should be included in the inventory which is within the probate courts
The jurisdiction of the probate court merely relates to matters having competence.
to do with the settlement of the estate and the probate of wills of
deceased persons, and the appointment and removal of
administrators, executors, guardians and trustees. The question of
ownership is as a rule, an extraneous matter which the Probate Court There was nothing on record that both parties submitted the issue of
cannot resolve with finality. Thus, for the purpose of determining ownership for its final resolution.
whether a certain property should or should not be included in the
inventory of estate proceeding, the probate court may pass upon the
title thereto, but such determination is provisional, not conclusive, and
is subject to the final decision in a separate action to resolve title. In fact, the probate court, aware of its limited jurisdiction declared that
its determination of the ownership was merely provisional and ISSUE: WON the RTC has jurisdiction.
suggested that either the administrator or the widow Felisa Reyes may
commence the proper action in the Regional Trial Court.

SC RULING: Yes. The case was to be returned to the probate court for
the liquidation of the conjugal partnership of Teodoro and
The question of ownership of a property alleged to be part of the estate LucreciaReselva prior to the settlement of the estate of Teodoro.
must be submitted to the Regional Trial Court in the exercise of its
general jurisdiction.

The long standing rule is that probate courts, or those in charge of

proceedings whether testate or intestate, cannot adjudicate or
# 27 - MILAGROS A. CORTES, petitioner, determine title to properties claimed to be part of the estate and which
are claimed to belong to outside parties. Stated otherwise, "claims for
vs. COURT OF APPEALS and MENANDRO A. RESELVA, title to, or right of possession of, personal or real property, made by the
respondents. heirs themselves, by title adverse to that of the deceased, or made by
third persons, cannot be entertained by the probate court."
FACTS: MenandroReselva, Milagros Cortes, and FloranteReselva are
brothers and sister and children - heirs of the late spouses Teodoro T.
Reselva and Lucrecia Aguirre Reselva, who died on April 11, 1989 and
May 13, 1987, respectively. The parents owned a house and lot (more In the present case, however, Menandro, who refused to vacate the
or less 100 sq. m.) in Tondo, Manila. house and lot cannot be considered an "outside party" for he is one of
the three compulsory heirs of the former. As such, he is very much
involved in the settlement of Teodoro's estate.

The father executed a holographic will which was probated in July,

1991 with Milagros as the executrix. Thereafter, she filed a motion
before respondent probate court praying that Menandro, the occupant By way of exception to the above-mentioned rule, "when the parties are
of the house and lot, be ordered to vacate the property and turn over all heirs of the decedent, it is optional upon them to submit to the
the possession to her. This was granted. probate court the question of title to property." Here, the probate court
is competent to decide the question of ownership. More so, when the
CA reversed such decision for having been issued beyond the RTC’s opposing parties belong to the poor stratum of society and a separate
limited jurisdiction as a probate court. Hence, appeal by Milagros. action would be most expensive and inexpedient.

In addition, Menandro's claim is not at all adverse to, or in conflict TESTATE ESTATE OF THE LATE GREGORIO VENTURA MARIA
with that of, the decedent since the former's theory merely advances VENTURA, executrix- appellant, MIGUEL VENTURA and JUANA
co-ownership with the latter. In the same way, when the controversy is CARDONA, heirs-appellants,
whether the property in issue belongs to the conjugal partnership or vs.
exclusively to the decedent, the same is properly within the GREGORIA VENTURA and HER HUSBAND, EXEQUIEL VICTORIO,
jurisdiction of the probate court, which necessarily has to liquidate the
conjugal partnership in order to determine the estate of the decedent
which is to be distributed among the heirs.

More importantly, the case at bar falls squarely under Rule 73, Section
2 of the Revised Rules of Court, thus:
Appellant Maria Ventura is the illegitimate daughter of the
deceased Gregorio Ventura while Miguel Ventura and Juana
Cardona are his son and saving spouse who are also the brother
RULE 73 and mother of Maria Ventura. On the other hand, appellees
Mercedes and Gregoria Ventura are the deceased's legitimate
children with his former wife, the late Paulina Simpliciano (Record
on Appeal, p. 122) but the paternity of appellees was denied by
SEC. 2.Where estate upon dissolution of marriage. - When the
the deceased in his will (Record on Appeal, p. 4).
marriage is dissolved by the death of the husband or wife, the
community property shall be inventoried, administered, and
On December 14,1953, Gregorio Ventura filed a petition for the
liquidated, and the debts thereof paid, in the testate or intestate
probate of his will which did not include the appellees and the petition
proceedings of the deceased spouse. If both spouses have died, the
was docketed as Special Proceedings No. 812 (Record on Appeal, pp. 1-
conjugal partnership shall be liquidated in the testate or intestate
3). In the said will, the appellant Maria Ventura, although an
proceedings of either."
illegitimate child, was named and appointed by the testator to be the
executrix of his will and the administratrix of his estate (Record on
Appeal, p. 7).

Case digest by June

On January 25, 1961, Maria Ventura filed a motion to hold in
abeyance the approval of the accounts of administration or to have
Case No. 28
their approval without the opposition of the spouses Mercedes Ventura
and Pedro Corpuz and Gregoria Ventura and ExequielVictorio on the
G.R. No. L-26306 April 27, 1988
ground that the question of the paternity of Mercedes Ventura and

Gregoria Ventura is still pending final determination before the the strongest ground for preference is the amount or preponderance of
Supreme Court and that should they be adjudged the adulterous interest. As between next of kin, the nearest of kin is to be preferred."
children of testator, as claimed, they are not entitled to inherit nor to
oppose the approval of the counts of administration (Record on As decided by the lower court and sustained by the Supreme
Appeals, pp. 33-36). Court, Mercedes and Gregoria Ventura are the legitimate children of
Gregorio Ventura and his wife, the late Paulina Simpliciano. Therefore,
Hence, this appeal. as the nearest of kin of Gregorio Ventura they are entitled to preference
over the illegitimate children of Gregorio Ventura, namely: Maria and
Gregoria and Mercedes Ventura claimed that they are the legitimate Miguel Ventura. Hence, under the aforestated preference provided in
children of Gregorio Ventura and his wife Paulina Simpliciano, who Section 6 of Rule 78, the person or persons to be appointed
died in 1943, and asked that one-half of the properties described in administrator are Juana Cardona, as the surviving spouse, or
the complaint be declared as the share of their mother in the conjugal Mercedes and Gregoria Ventura as nearest of kin, or Juana Cardona
partnership, with them as the only forced heirs of their mother Paulina and Mercedes and Gregoria Ventura in the discretion of the Court, in
(Joint Brief for the Appellants, pp. 53-68). order to represent both interests.


Whether or not the removal of Maria Ventura as executrix is legally Case No. 29
G.R. No. L-7019 May 31, 1955

In the matter of the intestate estate of the deceased

RosaliaSaquitan. EULOGIO S. EUSEBIO, administrator-appellee,
The Supreme Court held that the removal of Maria Ventura as
DOMINGO VALMORES,oppositor-appellant deceased.
executrix is legally justified. In the case at bar, the surviving spouse of
JACINTA SISCAR, widow of deceased,oppositor-appellant.
the deceased Gregorio Ventura is Juana Cardona while the next of kin
are: Mercedes and Gregoria Ventura and Maria and Miguel Ventura.
The "next of kin" has been defined as those persons who are entitled
under the statute of distribution to the decedent's property (Cooper vs.
On July 31, 1952, the above-entitled proceedings were instituted in the
Cooper, 43 Ind. A. 620, 88 NE 341). It is generally said that "the
Court of First Instance of Rizal, upon petition of Francisco
nearest of kin, whose interest in the estate is more preponderant, is
preferred in the choice of administrator. 'Among members of a class Valmores, who claims to be the adopted son of the spouses

Domingo Valmores and RosaliaSaquitan. The petition alleges that have happened: Domingo Valmores died on May 13, 1954. (According
RosaliaSaquitan died in Pasig, Rizal on October 1, 1950, without to the certificate of death, he was 85 years old at the time of his death.
leaving any decendant or ascendant; that the nearest relatives of said It appears that the said oppositor was married for the second time to
decedent are the husband, Domingo Valmores, and the petitioner Jacinta Siscar on January 6, 1952). Upon being notified of the death of
Francisco Valmores; and that the surviving spouse Domingo Valmores Domingo Valmores, this Court ordered the widow substituted for the
is more than 80 years of age and physically unfit to discharge the deceased appellant.
duties of administrator, so the petitioner recommends the
appointment of EulogioEusebio as administrator. On the same day ISSUES:
of the presentation of the petition, the Clerk of court issued a notice
setting a date (August 29, 1952) for the hearing of the petition and 1. Whether the petitioner can be designated as the administrator of
ordering the publication of the notice in the newspaper "La Opinion." the estate of the deceased.
On the day set for the hearing, no one appeared except counsel for the
petitioner Francisco Valmores. Francisco Valmores himself did not 2. Whether the notice to the persons having an interest in the
appear. Counsel for the petitioner proved the publication of the notice properties of the deceased can be dispense with.
of hearing and, afterwards, presented his witness, one by the name
of RaymundoDelmindo, who declared that he is the brother of HELD:

Francisco Valmores that his brother had been adopted by the

The evidence submitted in the hearing does not satisfactorily prove
spouses Domingo Valmores and RosaliaSaquitan, that RosaliaSaquitan
that the petitioner was legally adopted; hence, he did not have any
did not leave any will, that her nearest relative is her surviving
interest in the properties of the deceased RosaliaSaquitan.
husband who is 80 years of age and incapable of administering the
estate. Thereafter the following proceedings for the settlement of the
A study of the records also discloses fatal irregularities in the notice
estate took place in rapid succession.
required to be given. Thus nowhere does it appear from the record that
Domingo Valmores was ever personally notified of the filing of the
On March 23, 1953 the surviving spouse Domingo Valmores presented
petition or of the time and place for hearing the same. His first
an opposition dated March 20, 1953, impugning the appointment of
opposition shows that he was not aware of the hearing at all. He was
EulogioEusebio as administrator on the ground that he is a stranger to
notified of the proceedings for the first time when the inventory was
the family and to himself, and praying that he be appointed
sent him on November 29, 1952. Section 3 of Rule 80 of the Rules of
administrator of the properties of the deceased, and that the case be
Court provides:
set for hearing so that he can present his evidence. On April 4, 1953
he presented an amended opposition, alleging that RosaliaSaquitan
When a petition for letters of administration is filed in the court having
had died more than two years before, that he had been administering
jurisdiction, such court shall fix a time and place for hearing the
the properties of her deceased wife, that he is now the owner and
petition, and shall causenotice thereof to be given to the known heirs
possessor of the properties in question, which was valued at P45,914.
and creditors of the decedent and to any other persons believed to have
Since the pendency of the case before this Court, the following events
an interest in the estate, in the manner provided in sections 3 and 4 of

Rule 77. (Emphasis supplied.) deceased to appear and contest in due time the right of the petitioner
or the appointment of the person recommended as administrator.
The known heir in this case was Domingo Valmores and notice should
have been given him in accordance with Section 3 and 4 of Rule 77.
Section 4 of Rule 77 specially provides:

The Court shall also cause copies of the notice of the time and place
fixed for proving the will to be addressed to the known heirs, legatees
and devisees of the testator resident in the Philippines at their place of
residence, and deposited in the post office with the postage prepaid at Case No. 30
least twenty days before the hearing, if such places of residence be
known. G.R. No. L-23372 June 14, 1967

. . ..Personal service of copied of the notice at least ten days before the IN RE: INTESTATE ESTATE OF THE LATE PIO DURAN. CIPRIANO
day of hearing shall be equivalent to mailing. DURAN and MIGUEL DURAN, petitioners-appellants,
Section 5 of the same rule also requires:
JOSEFINA B. DURAN, movant-oppositor and appellee.

At the hearing compliance with the provisions of the last two preceding
sections must be shown before the introduction of testimony in
support of the will. All such testimony shall be taken under oath and
Pio Duran died without testament on February 28, 1961 in
reduced to writing.
GuinobatanAlbay. Among his alleged heirs are Josefina Duran, as
surviving spouse; several brothers and sisters; nephews and nieces.
The records of the hearing do not show that the notices as above
required had been given to Domingo Valmores or MaximoSaquitan.
Subsequent to his death, on June 2, 1962, Cipriano Duran, one of the
surviving brothers, executed a public instrument assigning and
We, therefore, find that the error imputed to the trial court in
renouncing his hereditary rights to the decedent's estate in favor of
oppositor-appellant's brief that the court has failed to comply with the
Josefina Duran, for the consideration of P2,500.00.
provisions of Section 3 and 5 of Rule 80 had not been complied with,
was actually committed. The requirement as to notice is essential to
A year later, on June 8, 1963, Cipriano Duran filed in the Court of
the validity of the proceedings in order that no person may be deprived
First Instance of Albay a petition for intestate proceedings to settle Pio
of his right or property without due process of law. The absence of
Duran's estate, further asking that he be named the administrator. An
notice to heirs becomes the more apparent in the case at bar, where
ex parte motion to be appointed special administrator was also filed by
evidently a stranger has been able to railroad the proceedings in court
without opportunity of the person most interested in the estate of the

Against said petition, Josefina Duran filed on August 9, 1963 an (Hernandez v. Andal, 78 Phil. 196). Should it be contended that said
opposition, praying for its dismissal upon the ground that the partition was attended with fraud, lesion or inadequacy of price, the
petitioner is not an "interested person" in the estate, in view of the remedy is to rescind or to annul the same in an action for that
deed of transfer and renunciation the estate, in view of afore-stated, purpose. And in the meanwhile, assigning heir cannot initiate a
she asked to be appointed administratrix. settlement proceedings, for until the deed of assignment is annulled or
rescinded, it is deemed valid and effective against him, so that he is
Acting on said motions, on June 3, 1964, the Court of First Instance left without that "interest" in the estate required to petite for settlement
issued an order dismissing the petition of Cipriano for his lack of proceedings.
interest in the estate. Said lack of interest was premised on the deed of
transfer executed by Cipriano, regarding which the court declared itself
without power to examine in said proceedings, collaterally, the alleged
fraud, inadequacy of price and lesion that would render it rescissible ISSUE:
or voidable. And with the petition's dismissal, Miguel's petition to be
joined as co-petitioner was deemed without leg to stand on. Whether or not the removal of Maria Ventura as executrix is legally
The Rules of Court provides that a petition for administration and
settlement of an estate must be filed by an "interested person" (See. 2,
Rule 79). Appellants contend that the deed of assignment executed by
Cipriano did not operate to render him a person without interest in the HELD:
The Supreme Court held that the removal of Maria Ventura as
ISSUE: Whether the Petitioner is a person-in-interest in the estate of executrix is legally justified. In the case at bar, the surviving spouse of
the decedent. the deceased Gregorio Ventura is Juana Cardona while the next of kin
are: Mercedes and Gregoria Ventura and Maria and Miguel Ventura.
HELD: The "next of kin" has been defined as those persons who are entitled
under the statute of distribution to the decedent's property (Cooper vs.
In the present case, however, the assignment took place when no Cooper, 43 Ind. A. 620, 88 NE 341). It is generally said that "the
settlement proceedings was pending. The properties subject matter of nearest of kin, whose interest in the estate is more preponderant, is
the assignment were not under the jurisdiction of a settlement court. preferred in the choice of administrator. 'Among members of a class
Allowing that the assignment must be deemed a partition as between the strongest ground for preference is the amount or preponderance of
the assignor and assignee, the same does not need court approval to interest. As between next of kin, the nearest of kin is to be preferred."
be effective as between the parties. An extrajudicial partition is valid as
between the participants even if the requisites of Sec. 1, Rule 74 for As decided by the lower court and sustained by the Supreme
extrajudicial partition are not followed, since said requisites are for Court, Mercedes and Gregoria Ventura are the legitimate children of
purposes of binding creditors and non-participating heirs only Gregorio Ventura and his wife, the late Paulina Simpliciano. Therefore,

as the nearest of kin of Gregorio Ventura they are entitled to preference Vicente and Maxima and the estate of Leonardo. It, likewise, prayed for
over the illegitimate children of Gregorio Ventura, namely: Maria and the appointment of an administrator to apportion, divide, and award
Miguel Ventura. Hence, under the aforestated preference provided in the two estates among the lawful heirs of the decedents.
Section 6 of Rule 78, the person or persons to be appointed
administrator are Juana Cardona, as the surviving spouse, or Respondents prayed that they be appointed as special joint
Mercedes and Gregoria Ventura as nearest of kin, or Juana Cardona administrators of the estate, and to serve as such without posting a
and Mercedes and Gregoria Ventura in the discretion of the Court, in bond.
order to represent both interests.
The RTC Court appointed Dalisay and Renato as special joint
administrators of the estate of the deceased spouses, and required
them to post a bond.

Respondents asserted their priority in right to be appointed as

Case Digest by Terelyn administrators being the next of kin of Vicente and Maxima, whereas
Dalisay was a mere daughter-in-law of the decedents and not even a
Case No. 34 legal heir by right of representation from her late husband Leonardo.


FACTS: Whether or not the appointment of special administrators be governed

by the rules regarding the selection of regular administrators.
Petitioners are the surviving wife and the children of Leonardo Ocampo
who died on January 23, 2004. Leonardo and his siblings, HELD:
respondents Renato and ErlindaOcampo are the legitimate children
and only heirs of the spouses Vicente and Maxima Ocampo, who died A special administrator is an officer of the court who is subject to its
intestate. supervision and control, expected to work for the best interest of the
entire estate, with a view to its smooth administration and speedy
On June 24, 2004, the petitioners initiated a petition for intestate settlement.When appointed, he or she is not regarded as an agent or
proceedings of the estate of Sps. Vicente Ocampo and Maxima Mercado representative of the parties suggesting the appointment.The principal
Ocampo, and Leonardo M. Ocampo. It alleged that, upon the death of object of the appointment of a temporary administrator is to preserve
Vicente and Maxima, respondents and their brother Leonardo jointly the estate until it can pass to the hands of a person fully authorized to
controlled, managed, and administered the estate of their administer it for the benefit of creditors and heirs, pursuant to Section
parent. However, when Leonardo died, respondents took possession, 2 of Rule 80 of the Rules of Court.
control and management of the properties to the exclusion of
petitioners. The petition prayed for the settlement of the estate of While the RTC considered that respondents were the nearest of kin to

their deceased parents in their appointment as joint special administrator. They prayed that their attorney-in-fact, Romualdo D.
administrators, this is not a mandatory requirement for the Lim be appointed as the special administrator.
appointment. It has long been settled that the selection or removal of
special administrators is not governed by the rules regarding the Petitioners contendthat they should be given priority in the
selection or removal of regular administrators.The probate court may administration of the estate since they are allegedly the legitimate
appoint or remove special administrators based on grounds other than heirs of the late Gerardo, as opposed to private respondents, who are
those enumerated in the Rules at its discretion, such that the need to purportedly Gerardos illegitimate children. Petitioners rely on the
first pass upon and resolve the issues of fitness or unfitness and the doctrine that generally, it is the nearest of kin, whose interest is more
application of the order of preference under Section 6 of Rule 78, as preponderant, who is preferred in the choice of administrator of the
would be proper in the case of a regular administrator, do not decedents estate. They also claim that they are more competent than
obtain. As long as the discretion is exercised without grave abuse, and private respondents or their attorney-in-fact to administer Gerardos
is based on reason, equity, justice, and legal principles, interference by estate. Petitioners claim to have lived for a long time and continue to
higher courts is unwarranted. The appointment or removalof special reside on Gerardos estate, while respondents are not even in
administrators, being discretionary, is thus interlocutory and may be the Philippines, having long established residence abroad.
assailed through a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of
Court. ISSUE:

Whether or not the order of preference in the appointment of a regular

administrator apply to the selection of a special administrator.
Case No. 35
The Court has consistently ruled that the order of preference in the
FACTS: appointment of a regular administrator as provided in the Rules of
Court does not apply to the selection of a special administrator. The
Gerardo Tan died on 14 October 2000, leaving no will. Private preference under Section 6, Rule 78 of the Rules of Court for the next
respondents, who are claiming to be the children of Gerardo Tan, filed of kin refers to the appointment of a regular administrator, and not of
with the RTC a petition for the issuance of letters of a special administrator, as the appointment of the latter lies entirely in
administration. Petitioners, claiming to be legitimate heirs of Gerardo the discretion of the court, and is not appealable.
Tan, filed an opposition to the petition.
Furthermore, petitioners were not able to sufficiently substantiate
Private respondents then moved for the appointment of a special their claim that their co-petitioner Vilma would have been the more
administrator, asserting the need for a special administrator to take competent and capable choice to serve as the special administratrix of
possession and charge of Gerardos estate until the Petition can be Gerardos estate.
resolved by the RTC or until the appointment of a regular

The Court find it immaterial the fact that private respondents reside suspended upon the death of Carlos Gurrea, and praying that the
abroad, for the same cannot be said as regards their attorney-in-fact, Special Administrator be ordered to continue paying it pending the
Romualdo, who is, after all, the person appointed by the RTC as final determination of the case.
special administrator. It is undisputed that Romualdo resides in the
country and can, thus, personally administer Gerardos estate. ISSUE:

The principal object of the appointment of a temporary administrator Whether or not the estate of the deceased should still be made liable
is to preserve the estate until it can pass into the hands of a person for the support due to Mrs. Gurrea?
fully authorized to administer it for the benefit of creditors and heirs.
Case No. 36
Due to the absence of proof as regards the status, nature or character
PIJUAN VS.VDA. DE GURREA of the property now under the custody of the Special Administrator.
Precisely, however, on account of such lack of proof thereon, we are
FACTS: bound by lawto assume that the estate of the deceased consists of
property belonging to the conjugal partnership, one-half of which
In 1932, appellant Manuela Ruiz and Carlos Gurrea were married in belongs presumptively to Mrs. Gurrea,aside from such part of the
Spain, where they lived together until 1945, when he abandoned her share of the deceased in said partnership as may belong to her as one
and came, with their son Teodoro, to the Philippines. Here he lived of the compulsory heirs,if his alleged will were not allowed to probate,
maritally with Rizalina Perez by whom he had two children. Having or, even if probated, if the provision therein disinheriting her were
been informed by her son Teodoro, years later, that his father was nullified.
residing in Pontevedra, Negros Occidental, Manuela came to the
Philippines in June 1960. It is next urged by Mrs. Gurrea, as widow of the deceased, she claims a
right of preference under Section 6 of Rule 78 of the Revised Rules of
Carlos Gurrea died on leaving a document purporting to be his last will Court. In the language of this provision, said preference exists "if no
andtestament, in which he named Marcelo Pijuan as executor thereof executor is named in the will or the executor or executors are
and disinherited Mrs. Gurrea and their son, Teodoro. Soon thereafter, incompetent, refuse the trust, or fail to give bond, or a person dies
Pijuan instituted Special Proceedings with the CFI, for the probate of intestate." None of these conditions obtains. The deceased Gurrea has
said will. Thereafter Pijuan was, upon his ex parte motion, appointed left a document purporting to be his will, seemingly, is still pending
special administrator of the estate, without bond. Oppositions to the probate. So, it cannot be said, as yet, that he has died intestate. Again,
probate of the will were filed by Mrs. Gurrea, her son and an said document names Marcelo Pijuan as executorthereof, and it is not
illegitimate daughter claimed that he is incompetent therefor. What is more, he has not only
not refused the trust, but, has, also, expressly accepted it, by applying
On July 16, 1962, Mrs. Gurrea filed a motion alleging that the for his appointment as executor, and, upon his appointment as special
aforementioned alimony,pendente lite, of P1,000 a month, had been administrator, has assumed the duties thereof. It may not be amiss to

note that the preference accorded by the aforementioned provision of
the Rules of Court to the surviving spouse refers to the appoint of a
regular administrator or administratrix, not to that of a special HELD: Under Section 3, Rule 82 of the Rules of Court, petitioner’s
administrator, and that the order appointing the latter lies within the lawful acts before the revocation of her letters of administration or
discretion of the probate court, and is not appealable. before her removal shall have the same validity as if there was no such
revocation or removal. It is elementary that the effect of revocation of
Case Digesd by OSHIN letters testamentary or of administration is to terminate the authority
of the executor or administrator, but the acts of the executor or
administrator, done in good faith prior to the revocation of the letters,
will be protected, and a similar protection will be extended to rights
#40 - Vda. De Bacling vs. Laguna acquired under a previous grant of administration.

# 41 - Ruiz vs. CA (1996)

FACTS: Private respondent Hector Laguda is the registered owner of a

residential land where petitioner and her late husband, Dr. Ramon
Bacaling, constructed a residential house. Unable to pay the lease FACTS: Hilario Ruiz left a holographic will wherein he named as his
rental, an action for ejectment was filed by private respondent against heirs his only son, his adoptive daughter and his grandchildren from
petitioner in her capacity as judicial adminstratrix of the estate of Dr. his only son. His only son was also named executor of the will. Upon
Bacaling. The petitioner entered into a compromise agreement on July his death, the only son did not petition for the probate of said will, and
29, 1964 with private respondent Laguda. For failure to satisfy the even opposed the probate of the will. The probate court ordered that
conditions of the settlement, Laguda moved for execution. Petitioner support be given to the grandchildren, and that the titles to the two
moved for reconsideration to which Laguda filed an opposition alleging apartments being rented out be released to the heirs.
that as judicial administratrix as of July 29, 1964, she was legally
authorized to enter into the amicable settlement which was the basis
of the decision dated July 30, 1964, of the City Court of Iloilo sought
to be executed and, therefore, her act was binding upon the present HELD: As to the support to be given, the rules of court provides that
judicial administrator, Atty. Roberto Dineros, who replaced petitioner ONLY CHILDREN of the deceased (as well as the surviving spouse) are
upon her discharge as such on November 28, 1964. entitled to support, not the grandchildren. As to the release of the
titles, court held that it was too early to release the titles yet as the
estate has not yet been inventoried and appraised, the charges upon
the estate has not yet been paid, and there is still an issue as to the
ISSUE: Whether or not the acts of the petitioner as judicial intrinsic validity of the will which the court should proceed to
administratrix prior to her discharge or removal are valid and binding determine first. Finally, court held that the right of an executor or
upon her successor. administrator to the possession and management of the real and
personal properties of the deceased is not absolute and can only were necessary for the preservation and use of the family residence. As
be exercised “so long as it is necessary of the payment of the debts and a result of those expenses, the co-owners, including the three
expenses of administration. oppositors, would be able to use the family home in comfort,
convenience and security. We hold that the probate court did not err in
approving the use of the income of the estate to defray those expenses.

# 42 - De Guzman vs. De Guzman-Carillo Case Digest by ARNEL

FACTS: This case is about the propriety of allowing as administration G.R. No. 74769 September 28, 1990
expenses certain disbursements made by the administrator of the
testate estate of the late Felix J. de Guzman of Gapan, Nueva Ecija. # 43 -BEATRIZ F. GONZALES, petitioner,
One of the properties left by the decedent was a residential house vs.
located in the poblacion which was adjudicated to his eight children, HON. ZOILO AGUINALDO, Judge of Regional Trial Court, Branch
each one being given a 1/8 proindiviso share in the project of partition. 143, Makati, Metro Manila and TERESA F. OLBES, respondents.
The administrator submitted four accounting reports for his
disbursements which were objected by the three heirs.

HELD: An executor or administrator is allowed the necessary expenses FACTS:

in the care, management, and settlement of the estate. He is entitled to
possess and manage the decedent’s real and personal estate as long as  Special Proceedings No. 021 is an intestate proceeding involving the
it is necessary for the payment of the debts and the expenses of estate of the deceased Doña Ramona Gonzales Vda. deFavis. Doña
administration. He is accountable for the whole decedent’s estate Ramona is survived by her four (4) children who are her only heirs,
which has come into his possession, with all the interest, profit, and namely, AsterioFavis, Beatriz F. Gonzales, Teresa F. Olbes, and Cecilia
income thereof, and with the proceeds of so much of such estate as is Favis-Gomez.
sold by him, at the price at which it was sold (Sec. 3, Rule 84; Secs. 1
and 7, Rule 85, Rules of Court).  The court a quo appointed petitioner Beatriz F. Gonzales and private
respondent Teresa Olbes as co-administratices of the estate.
It should be noted that the family residence was partitioned pro-
indiviso among the decedent’s eight children. Each one of them was
 While petitioner Beatriz was in the United States accompanying her
given a one-eight share in conformity with the testator’s will. Five of
ailing husband who was receiving medical treatment in that country
the eight co-owners consented to the use of the funds of the estate for
Teresafiled a motion to remove Beatriz as co-administratrix, on the
repair and improvement of the family home. It is obvious that the
ground that she is incapable or unsuitable to discharge the trust and
expenses in question were incurred to preserve the family home and to
had committed acts and omissions detrimental to the interest of the
maintain the family’s social standing in the community. Obviously,
estate and the heirs.
those expenses redounded to the benefit of all the co-owners. They

 In an Order, respondent Judge cancelled the letters of administration In the appointment of the administrator of the estate of a
granted to Beatriz and retainedTeresa as the administratrix of the deceased person, the principal consideration reckoned with is the
estate of the late Ramona Gonzales. interest in said estate of the one to be appointed as administrator. The
underlying assumption behind this rule is that those who will reap
the benefit of a wise, speedy, economical administration of the estate,
or, on the other hand, suffer the consequences of waste, improvidence
ISSUE: or mismanagement, have the highest interest and most influential
motive to administer the estate correctly.
 Whether or not the removal of Beatriz as co-administratix of the estate is
valid. Administrators have such an interest in the execution of their
trust as entitle them to protection from removal without just
cause. Hence, Section 2 of Rule 82 of the Rules of Court provides the
legal and specific causes authorizing the court to remove an

 No. Removal of Beatriz as co-administratix of the estate is not among the

While it is conceded that the court is invested with ample discretion in
ground for removal of administrator.
the removal of an administrator, it however must have some fact legally
before it in order to justify a removal. There must be evidence of an
The rule is that if no executor is named in the will, or the named
act or omission on the part of the administrator not conformable
executor or executors are incompetent, refuse the trust, or fail to
to or in disregard of the rules or the orders of the court, which it
give bond, or a person dies intestate, the court must appoint an
deems sufficient or substantial to warrant the removal of the
administrator of the estate of the deceased who shall act as
administrator. In making such a determination, the court must
representative not only of the court appointing him but also of the
exercise good judgment, guided by law and precedents.
heirs and the creditors of the estate. In the exercise of its discretion,
the probate court may appoint one, two or more co-administrators to
In the present case, the court a quo did not base the removal of the
have the benefit of their judgment and perhaps at all times to have
different interests represented. petitioner as co-administratrix on any of the causes specified in
respondent's motion for relief of the petitioner. The court based the
removal of the petitioner on the fact that in the administration of the
estate, conflicts and misunderstandings have existed between
petitioner and respondent Teresa Olbes which allegedly have
prejudiced the estate, and the added circumstance that petitioner had
been absent from the country.

Case No 44 Instance of Davao against respondents, Carlos V. Matute and Matias
S. Matute, as defendants, in their capacities as co-administrators
G.R. No. L-29407 July 29, 1983 of the estate of AmadeoMatuteOlave, for the collection of an
alleged indebtedness of P19,952.11. Defendants Carlos V. Matute and
ESTATE OF AMADEO MATUTE OLAVE, as represented by JOSE S. Matias S. Matute in said Civil Case No. 4623, filed an answer denying
MATUTE, Judicial Co-Administrator in Sp. Proc. No. 25876, Court their lack of knowledge and questioning the legality of the claim of
of First Instance of Manila, petitioner, SAMCO.
HONORABLE MANASES G. REYES, Presiding Judge of Branch III,  An Amicable Settlementwas submitted to Court of First Instance of
Court of First Instance of Davao, Davao City; SOUTHWEST Davao, whereby the property of the estate covered by OCT No. 0-27 of
AGRICULTURAL MARKETING CORPORATION also known as Davao was conveyed and ceded to SAMCO as payment of its claim.
(SAMCO); CARLOS V. MATUTE, as another Administrator of the The said Amicable Settlement signed by the herein respondents was
Estate of AmadeoMatuteOlave, Sp. Proc. No. 25876 CFI, Manila; not submitted to and approved by the then Court of First Instance
and MATIAS S. MATUTE, as former Co-Administrator of the Estate of Manila, Branch IV, in Sp. Proc. No. 25876, nor notice thereof
of AmadeoMatuteOlave, Sp. Proc. No. 25876, CFI, made to the beneficiaries and heirs in said special proceedings.
Manila, respondents. Despite the utter lack of approval of the probate court in Manila, the
CFI Davao approved the said Amicable Settlement and gave the same
the enforceability of a court decision.


 The petition alleged that the estate of AmadeoMatuteOlave is the ISSUE:

owner in fee simple of a parcel of land containing an area of 293,578
square meters, situated province of Davao.  Whether or not the Amicable Settlement approved by the CFI Davao, not
the probate court, is valid.
 The Court of First Instance of Manila, as the probate court, issued
an order directing the co-administrators, Carlos V. Matute and Matias
S. Matute, to secure the probate court's approval before entering into
any transaction involving the seventeen (17) titles of the estate, of
which the property described in OCT No. 0-27 is one of them.

 Private respondent Southwest Agricultural Marketing Corporation

 No. The Amicable Settlement not approved by the Probate Court is
(SAMCO) filed Civil Case No. 4623 with the respondent Court of First
invalid. of the probate court of Manila, in Sp. Proc. No. 25876, which has the
exclusive jurisdiction over the estate of AmadeoMatuteOlave. It was a
Section 1, Rule 87 of the Rules of Court, provides that "no action mistake on the part of respondent court to have given due course
upon a claim for the recovery of money or debt or interest to Civil Case No. 4623, much less issue the questioned Order, dated
thereon shall be commenced against the executor or November 10, 1967, approving the Amicable Settlement.
administrator; ..." The claim of private respondent SAMCO being one
arising from a contract may be pursued only by filing the same in the
administration proceedings in the Court of First Instance of Manila
(Sp. Proc. No. 25876) for the settlement of the estate of the deceased Case No. 45
AmadeoMatuteOlave; and the claim must be filed within the period
prescribed, otherwise, the same shall be deemed "barred forever." G.R. No. L-18936 May 23, 1967
(Section 5, Rule 86, Rules of Court).
The purpose of presentation of claims against decedents of the FERNANDO, deceased.
estate in the probate court is to protect the estate of deceased NATIVIDAD E. IGNACIO and LEONOR E.
persons. That way, the executor or administrator will be able to ALMAZAN, administratrices-appellants,
examine each claim and determine whether it is a proper one which vs.
should be allowed. PAMPANGA BUS COMPANY, INC., claimant appellee.

The primary object of the provisions requiring presentation is to

apprise the administrator and the probate court of the existence of the
claim so that a proper and timely arrangement may be made for its FACTS:
payment in full or by pro-rata portion in the due course of the
administration, inasmuch as upon the death of a person, his entire  August 29, 1951. Pampanga Bus Company, Inc. (Pambusco) lodged its
estate is burdened with the payment of all of his debts and no creditor complaint in the Court of First Instance of Manila against two (2)
shall enjoy any preference or priority; all of them shag share pro-rata defendants Valentin Fernando and EncarnacionElchicoVda. de
in the liquidation of the estate of the deceased. Fernando for collection of P105,000.00 upon a contractual obligation.

It is clear that the main purpose of private respondent SAMCO in  January 23, 1955. EncarnacionElchicoVda. de Fernando died. By this
filing Civil Case No. 4623 in the then Court of First Instance of time, Pambusco in the foregoing civil case had already presented its
Davao was to secure a money judgment against the estate which evidence and submitted its case.
eventually ended in the conveyance to SAMCO of more than twenty-
nine (29) hectares of land belonging to the estate of the deceased  March 23, 1955. Intestate proceedings were filed. Notice to the estate's
AmadeoMatuteOlave in payment of its claim, without prior authority creditors was given for them to file their claims within six (6) months

from this date, the first publication of the notice. money, debt or interest thereon, and the defendant dies before
final judgment in the Court of First Instance, it shall be dismissed
 December 11, 1958. After trial on the merits, the Court of First Instance to be prosecuted in the manner especially provided in these rules.
of Manila rendered judgment in the civil case, ordering the
defendants to pay the Pambusco the sum of P93,000.00 together  The Philosophy behind the rule which provides for the dismissal of
with the costs of these proceedings. the civil case is that, upon the death of defendant, all money claims
should be filed in the testate or interstate proceedings "to avoid
 February 25, 1959.In Special Proceeding 25256, Intestate Estate of
useless duplicity of procedure."7 Obviously, the legal precept just
EncarnacionElchicoVda. Fernando, Pambusco registered its
quoted is procedural in nature. It outlines the method by which an
contingent claim in these special proceedings — for whatever money
action for recovery of money, debt or interest may continue, upon the
judgment may be rendered in his favor in the civil suit.
terms therein prescribed. Whether the original suit for the recovery of
money — as here — proceeds to its conclusion, or is dismissed and the
 January 25, 1961. The judgment in the civil case having reached
claim covered thereby filed with the probate court, one thing is certain:
finality, the probate court issued an order which allowed said amount no substantial rights of the parties are prejudiced.
of P46,500.00 to be paid by the heirs and/or the joint
administratrices, but no payment thereof shall be made until after the  However, at the time of the death of defendant EncarnacionElchicoVda.
administratrices shall have informed the Court in writing as to the de Fernando, plaintiff Pambusco had already closed its evidence and
existence of other unsettled money claims against the estate and of the submitted its case. Her administrator substituted. By this
sufficiency of the assets available for payment of all the debts. substitution, the estate had notice of the claim. The estate was
thus represented. The administrator of the estatetook active steps
to protect the interests of the estate. He went to trial. Defeated in
the Court of First Instance, he appealed to the Court of Appeals. He
even elevated that civil case to this Court. Now that the judgment
Whether or not Pambuso’s claim for payment of indebtness properly has become final, the estate cannot be heard to say that said
admitted by Probate Court. judgment — reached after a full dress trial on the merits — will
now go for naught. The estate has thus waived its right to have
Pambusco's claim re-litigated in the estate proceedings. For, though
presentment of probate claims is imperative, it is generally understood
RULING: that it may be waived by the estate's representative.And, waiver is to
be determined from the administrator's "acts and
 Yes. It was properly admitted by the probate court.
conduct."Certainly, the administrator's failure to plead the statute of
nonclaims, his active participation, and resistance to plaintiff's claim,
 Section 21, Rule 3 of the Rules of Court, provides: SEC. 21. Where
in the civil suit, amount to such waiver.
claim does not survive. — When the action is for recovery of
reconvened to consider his claims, plaintiff states that his failure to
present the said claims to the committee was due to his belief that it
Case Digest by KIM was unnecessary to do so because of the fact that the testator, in his
will, expressly recognized them and directed that they should be paid.
V. CLAIMS AGAINST ESTATE (RULES 86 & 88) The inference is that had plaintiff's claims not been mentioned in the
will he would have presented to the committee as a matter of course;
G.R. No. L-8235 March 19, 1914 that plaintiff was held to believe by this express mention of his claims
in the will that it would be unnecessary to present them to the
# 46 - ISIDRO SANTOS, plaintiff-appellant, committee; and that he did not become aware of the necessity of
vs. presenting them to the committee until after the committee had made
LEANDRA MANARANG, administratrix, defendant-appellee. its final report.

*statute of non-claims ISSUE: When and under what circumstances may the committee be
recalled to consider belated claims?

Section 689 (civil procedure) provides:
Don Lucas de Ocampo died on November 18, 1906, possessed of
certain real and personal property which, by his last will and That court shall allow such time as the circumstances of the case
testament dated July 26, 1906, he left to his three children. The fourth require for the creditors to present their claims the committee for
clause of this will reads as follows: I also declare that I have contracted examination and allowance; but not, in the first instance, more than
the debts detailed below, and it is my desire that they may be twelve months, or less than six months; and the time allowed shall be
religiously paid by my wife and executors in the form and at the time stated in the commission. The court may extend the time as
agreed upon with my creditors. circumstances require, but not so that the whole time shall exceed
eighteen months.
Among the debts mentioned in the list referred to are two in favor of
the plaintiff, Isidro Santos; one due on April 14, 1907, for P5,000, and It is strictly confined, in its application, to claims against the estate of
various other described as falling due at different dates (the dates are deceased persons, and has been almost universally adopted as part of
not given) amounting to the sum of P2,454. The will was duly probated the probate law of the United States. It is commonly termed the
and a committee was regularly appointed to hear and determine such statute of nonclaims, and its purpose is to settle the affairs of the
claims against the estate as might be presented. This committee estate with dispatch, so that residue may be delivered to the persons
submitted its report to the court on June 27, 1908. entitled thereto without their being afterwards called upon to respond
in actions for claims, which, under the ordinary statute of limitations,
In his petition of July 14, 1909, asking that the committee be have not yet prescribed.

The object of the law in fixing a definite period within which claims extension of this time under section 690 rested in the discretion of the
must be presented is to insure the speedy settling of the affairs of a court. (Estate of De Dios, supra.) In other words, the court could
deceased person and the early delivery of the property of the estate in extend this time and recall the committee for a consideration of the
the hands of the persons entitled to receive it. (Estate of De Dios, 24 plaintiff's claims against the estate of justice required it, at any time
Phil. Rep., 573.) within the six months after January 23, 1908, or until July 23, 1908.
Plaintiff's petition was not presented until July 14, 1909. The bar of
Due possibly to the comparative shortness of the period of limitation the statute of nonclaims is conclusive under these circumstances as
applying to such claims as compared with the ordinary statute of the bar of the ordinary statute of limitations would be.
limitations, the statute of nonclaims has not the finality of the
ordinary statute of limitations. It may be safely said that a saving
provision, more or less liberal, is annexed to the statute of nonclaims
in every jurisdiction where is found. In this country its saving clause is
found in section 690, which reads as follows:
G.R. No. 88602 April 6, 1990
On application of a creditor who has failed to present his claim, if
made within six months after the time previously limited, or, if a # 47 - TOMASA VDA. DE JACOB, as Special Administratrix of the
committee fails to give the notice required by this chapter, and such Estate of the Deceased ALFREDO E. JACOB,petitioner,
application is made before the final settlement of the estate, the court vs.
may, for cause shown, and on such terms as are equitable, renew the HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, BICOL SAVINGS & LOAN
commission and allow further time, not exceeding one month, for the
committee to examine such claim, in which case it shall personally
ROSALES, respondents.
notify the parties of the time and place of hearing, and as soon as may
be make the return of their doings to the court.

If the committee fails to give the notice required, that is a sufficient

Dr. Alfredo E. Jacob was the registered owner of a parcel of land in
cause for reconvening it for further consideration of claims which may
Naga City. Sometime in 1972 Jorge Centenera was appointed as
not have been presented before its final report was submitted to the
administrator of Hacienda Jacob until January 1, 1978 when the
court. But, this is not the case made by the plaintiff, as the committee
Special Power of Attorney executed in his favor by Dr. Jacob was
did give the notice required by law. Where the proper notice has been
revoked by the latter. Because of the problem of paying realty taxes,
given the right to have the committee recalled for the consideration of a
internal revenue taxes and unpaid wages of farm laborers of the
belated claim appears to rest first upon the condition that it is
hacienda, Dr. Jacob asked Centenera to negotiate for a loan. For this
presented within six months after the time previously limited for the
purpose, a special power of attorney was executed and acknowledged
presentation of claims. In the present case the time previously limited
by Dr. Jacob before notary public Lorenzo Rosales.
was six months from July 23, 1907. This allowed the plaintiff until
January 23, 1908, to present his claims to the committee. An
Consequently, Centenera secured a loan in the amount of P18,000.00
from the Bicol Savings & Loan Association sometime in September against the deceased secured by mortgage or other collateral security,
1972. Centenera signed and executed the real estate mortgage and may abandon the security and prosecute claim in the manner provided
promissory note as attorney-in-fact of Dr. Jacob. When the loan fell in this rule, and share in the general distribution of the assets of the
due in 1975 Centenera failed to pay the same but was able to arrange estate; or he may foreclose his mortgage or realize upon his security,
a restructuring of the loan using the same special power of attorney by action in court, making the executor or administrator a party
and property as security. Again, Centenera failed to pay the loan when defendant, and if there is a judgment for a deficiency, after the sale of
it fell due and so he arranged for another restructuring of the loan the mortgaged premises, or the property pledged, in the foreclosure or
with the bank on November 23, 1976. Centenera again failed to pay other proceeding to realize upon the security, he may claim his
the loan upon the maturity date forcing the bank to send a demand deficiency judgment in the manner provided in the preceding section;
letter. A copy of the demand letter was sent to Dr. Jacob but no reply or he may rely upon his mortgage or other security alone, and foreclose
or denial was received by the bank. Thus, the bank foreclosed the real the same at any time within the period of the statute of limitations,
estate mortgage and the corresponding provisional sale of the and in that event he shall not be admitted as a creditor, and shall
mortgaged property to the respondent bank was effected. receive no share in the distribution of the other assets of the estate;
but nothing herein contained shall prohibit the executor or
Petitioner Tomasa Vda. De Jacob contends that the extrajudicial administrator from redeeming the property mortgaged or pledged, by
foreclosure proceedings and the sale of the property mortgaged under paying the debt for which it is held as security, under the direction of
the amended real estate mortgage after the mortgagor died are null the court, if the court shall adjudge it to be for the best interest of the
and void. It is pointed out that Dr. Jacob died on March 9, 1979 and estate that such redemption shall be made
that the extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings were effected after his
death, that is, the public auction sale was made on May 11, 1979. From the foregoing provision of the Rules it is clearly recognized that a
Petitioner argues that such extrajudicial foreclosure can only be mortgagee has three remedies that may be alternately availed of in
prosecuted during the lifetime of Dr. Jacob for the reason that such case the mortgagor dies, to wit:
kind of foreclosure under Act No. 3135, as amended, is authorized only
because of the special power of attorney inserted in the mortgage deed; (1) to waive the mortgage and claim the entire debt from the estate of
and that said special power of attorney cannot extend beyond the the mortgagor as an ordinary claim;
lifetime of the supposed mortgagor.
(2) to foreclose the mortgage judicially and prove the deficiency as an
ISSUE: whether or not an extrajudicial foreclosure of a mortgage may ordinary claim; and;
proceed even after the death of the mortgagor.
(3) to rely on the mortgage exclusively, or other security and foreclose
HELD: YES. the same at anytime, before it is barred by prescription, without the
right to file a claim for any deficiency.
Section 7, Rule 86 of the Rules of Court provides as follows:
From the foregoing it is clear that the mortgagee does not lose its light
Sec. 7. Mortgage debt due from estate. — A creditor holding a claim to extrajudicially foreclose the mortgage even after the death of the

mortgagor as a third alternative under Section 7, Rule 86 of the Rules Lilia subsequently moved for the appointment of an Interim Special
of Court. Administrator of the estate of her late mother.

The power to foreclose a mortgage is not an ordinary agency that

contemplated exclusively the representation of the principal by the
agent but is primarily an authority conferred upon the mortgagee for The trial court then designated petitioner Atty. George S. Briones as
the latter's own protection. That power survives the death of the Special Administrator of the estate. Atty. Briones accepted the
mortgagor. appointment, took his oath of office, and started the administration of
the estate. The significant highlights of his administration are listed

# 48 - ATTY. GEORGE S. BRIONES, Petitioner, - versus -

G.R. No. 159130 August 22, 2008
5. On January 8, 2002, Atty. Briones submitted the Special
* claim of executor against the estate Administrators Final Report for the approval of the court. He prayed
that he be paid a commission of P97,850,191.26 representing eight
Facts: percent (8%) of the value of the estate under his administration.

Respondent Ruby J. Henson filed on February 23, 1999 a petition for 6. The respondents opposed the approval of the final report and
the allowance of the will of her late mother, Luz J. Henson, with the prayed that they be granted an opportunity to examine the documents,
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila. vouchers, and receipts mentioned in the statement of income and
disbursements. They likewise asked the trial court to deny the Atty.
Briones claim for commission and that he be ordered to refund the
sum of P134,126.33 to the estate.
Lilia Henson-Cruz, one of the deceased’s daughters and also a
respondent in this petition, opposed Rubys petition. She alleged that xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ruby understated the value of their late mother’s estate and acted with
unconscionable bad faith in the management thereof. Lilia prayed that
her mother's holographic will be disallowed and that she be appointed
as the Intestate Administratrix. HELD:

From an estate proceeding perspective, the Special Administrators (c) allows or disallows, in whole or in part, any claim against
commission is no less a claim against the estate than a claim that the estate of a deceased person, or any claim presented on
third parties may make. Section 8, Rule 86 of the Rules recognizes this behalf of the estate in offset to a claim against it;
when it provides for Claim of Executor or Administrator Against an
Estate. Under Section 13 of the same Rule, the action of the court on a
claim against the estate is appealable as in ordinary cases.Hence, by
(d) settles the account of an executor, administrator, trustee or
the express terms of the Rules, the ruling on the extent of the
Special Administrators commission effectively, a claim by the
special administrator against the estate is the lower courts last
word on the matter and one that is appealable.
(e) constitutes, in the proceedings relating to the settlement of
the estate of a deceased person x x x a final determination in
the lower court of the rights of the party appealing, except that
Under these terms and taking into account the previous discussion of
no appeal shall be allowed from the appointment of a special
the nature of the various parts of the Order of April 3, 2002, the lower
courts determination of the special administrators commission is
clearly appealable while the auditors appointment is not. The latter,
under the express terms of the above provision, can be the subject of
an appropriate special civil action under Rule 65. Where multi-appeals are allowed, we see no reason why a separate
petition for certiorari cannot be allowed on an interlocutory aspect of the
case that is separate and distinct as an issue from the aspect of the
case that has been adjudged with finality by the lower court. To
The petitioner is the special administrator in a settlement of estate, a
reiterate, the matter appealed matter was the special administrators
special proceeding governed by Rule 72 to 109 of the Revised Rules of
commission, a charge that is effectively a claim against the estate
Court. Section 1, Rule 109 in part states:
under administration, while the matter covered by the petition
for certiorari was the appointment of an auditor who would pass upon
Section 1. Orders or judgments from which appeals may be
the special administrators final account. By their respective natures,
taken. An interested person may appeal in special proceedings
these matters can exist independently of one another and can proceed
from an order or judgment rendered by a Court of First
separately as envisioned by the Rules under Rule 109.
Instance or a Juvenile Domestic Relations Court, where such
order or judgment:
Case Digest by ICE



GR NO. L-51151
Whether or not the action for revival was proper instead of presenting
the claim in the Special Proceeding in the settlement of Felisa’s estate


Sometime in March 1960 Paz Romualdez and others sued Antonio HELD:

Tiglao and his sureties which includes FelisaTiglao for the payment of
unpaid rentals for the lease of a hacienda and its sugar quota. The action for revival was proper.

The appellant argues that the present action is one for the recovery
of a sum of money so that it is barred by Sec. 1 of Rule 87 of the
The CFI of Rizal rendered a decision in favor of Romualdez adjudging Rules of Court and that the remedy of Romualdez and others is to
Tiglao and others liable for the unpaid rentals, damages, attorney’s present their claim in Special Proc. No. Q-10731 of the Court of First
fees plus costs. Instance of Rizal.

A writ of attachment has been issued, however, the judgment was not The SC held that the original judgment, which was rendered on May
satisfied. 31, 1960, has become stale because of its non-execution after the
lapse of five years (Sec. 6, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court).
Romualdez sought for the revival of the judgment sometime in 1970
and during that time Felisa was already dead. Felisa’s estate was Accordingly, it cannot be presented against the Estate of FelisaTiglao
represented by the Special AdministratrixManingningTiglao-Naguiat. unless it is first revived by action.

Maningning filed a Motion to Dismiss arguing that under Sec. 1 of This is precisely why Romualdez and others have instituted the second
Rule 87 of the Rules of Court, "No action upon a claim for the suit whose object is not to make the Estate of FelisaTiglao pay the
recovery of money or debt or interest thereon shall be sums of money adjudged in the first judgment but merely to keep
commenced against the executor or administrator.” alive said judgment so that the sums therein awarded can be
presented as claims against the estate in Special Proc. No. Q-10731 of
The lower court nevertheless granted the revival. the Court of First Instance of Rizal.

Hence, an appeal by the estate of Felisa. WHEREFORE, finding no error in the judgment insofar as the Estate
of FelisaTiglao is concerned, its appeal is hereby DISMISSED with
costs against the appellant.

Alfonso also filed a Petition for Letters of Administration, as well as

filed a Complaint for the Annulment/Rescission of Extra Judicial
(RULES 87 & 89)
Petitioners raised the affirmative defense that respondents are not
the real parties-in-interest but rather the Estate of Alfonso O.
Orfinada, Jr. in view of the pendency of the administration
#50 - RIOFERIO V. CA 13 JANUARY 2004 proceedings.
GR NO. 129008

Whether or not the heirs may bring suit to recover property of the
FACTS: estate pending the appointment of an administrator.

AfonsoOrfinada, Jr. died without a will leaving several personal and

real properties located in Angeles City, Dagupan and Kalookan City. He
also left a widow, the respondent Esperanza Orfinada, whom he had HELD:
seven children who were also respondents in this case.
Pending the filing of administration proceedings, the heirs without
doubt have legal personality to bring suit in behalf of the estate of the
decedent in accordance with the provision of Article 777 of the New
The decedent also left his paramour and their children, they are Civil Code "that (t)he rights to succession are transmitted from the
petitioner Teodora Rioferio and co-petitioners Veronica, Alberto and moment of the death of the decedent."

The provision in turn is the foundation of the principle that the

On Nov. 1995, respondents Alfonso James and Lourdes (legitimate property, rights and obligations to the extent and value of the
children of the deceased) discovered that petitioner Teodora and her inheritance of a person are transmitted through his death to another
children executed an Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate of a Deceased or others by his will or by operation of law.
Person with Quitclaim involving the properties of the estate of the
decedent located in Dagupan City.

Even if administration proceedings have already been commenced, the

heirs may still bring the suit if an administrator has not yet been
appointed. This is the proper modality despite the total lack of
advertence to the heirs in the rules on party representation namely The money (rentals) allegedly due is not property in the hands of the
Sec. 3, Rule 3 and Sec. 2, Rule 87 of the Rules of Court. administrator, it is not thus within the effective control of the probate
court. Neither does it come within the concept of money of the
deceased “concealed, embezzled, or conveyed away”, which would
confer upon the court incidental prerogative to reach out its arms to
ACTIONS BY OR AGAINST EXECUTOR OR ADMINISTRATOR get it back and, if necessary to cite the possessor thereof in contempt.
(RULES 87 & 89)

#51 - DELA CRUZ V. CAMON 30 APRIL 1966
GR NO. L-21034 Whether or not the administrator can demand by mere motion.


FACTS: NO. When the demand is in favor of the administrator and the party
against whom it is enforced is a third party, not under the court’s
The estate of Thomas Fallon and Anne Fallon Murphy was owner of jurisdiction, the demand can not be by mere motion by the
2/4 share pro-indiviso of Hacienda Rosario in Negros Occidental. administrator, but by an independent action against the third
That whole hacienda was held in lease by Emilio Camon since long
before the present intestate proceedings were commenced.

Camon is a third person, hence, the administrator may not pull him
against his will, by motion, into the administration proceedings. We are
Sometime in Oct. 1962, the administrator of the estate (Dela Cruz) fortified in our view that even matters affecting property under judicial
moved to the court for an order to direct Emilio Camon to pay the administration may not be taken cognizance of by the court in the
estate’s 2/4 share of the rentals on Hacienda Rosario. Emilio Camon course of intestate proceedings, if the interests of third persons are
challenged the probate court’s jurisdiction over his person. The court prejudiced.
ruled that the demand for rentals cannot be made “by mere
motion by the administrator but by independent action.” The
administrator appealed.
Case Digest by RAYMOND

#55 - Guilas vs judge CFI-Pampanga Alejandro oppose the said petition claiming that the testate proceeding
had already been closed and terminated and that he ceased as a
Facts: consequence to be the executor of the estate of the deceased; and that
Juanita Lopez is guilty of laches and negligence in filing the petition of
on 1936 Jacinta executed a will instituting her husband Alejandro as the delivery of her share 4 years after such closure of the estate, when
her sole heir and executor she could have filed a petition for relief of judgment within sixty (60)
days from December 15, 1960
In the year 1953 Juanita Lopez,was declared legally adopted daughter
and legal heir of the spouses Jacinta and Alejandro .After adopting In her reply Juanita contends that the actual delivery and distribution
legally herein petitioner Juanita Lopez, the testatrix Doña Jacinta did of the hereditary shares to the heirs, and not the order of the court
not execute another will or codicil so as to include Juanita Lopez as declaring as closed and terminated the proceedings, determines the
one of her heirs. termination of the probate proceedings the probate court loses
jurisdiction of an estate under administration only after the payment
In the Testate Proceedings the will was admitted to probate the of all the taxes, and after the remaining estate is delivered to the heirs
surviving husband, Alejandro Lopez y Siongco, was appointed entitled to receive the same"); that the executor Alejandro is estopped
executor from opposing her petition because he was the one who prepared, filed
and secured court approval of, the aforesaid project of partition, which
in a project of partition executed by both Alejandro and Juanita, the she seeks to be implemented; that she is not guilty of laches, because
right of Juanita to inherit from Jacinta was recognized and 2 lots when she filed on July 20, 1964, her petition for he delivery of her
where given to Juanita. share allocated to her under the project of partition, less than 3 years
had elapsed from August 28, 1961 when the amended project of
the lower court approved the said project of partition and directed that
partition was approved, which is within the 5-year period for the
the records of the case be sent to the archives, upon payment of the
execution of judgment by motion.
estate and inheritance taxes
on April 1964, herein petitioner Juanita Lopez-Guilas filed a separate
ordinary action to set aside and annul the project of partitionon the won juanitas contention is correct in stating that the actual delivery
ground of lesion, perpetration and fraud, and pray further that and distribution of the hereditary shares to the heirs, and not the
Alejandro Lopez be ordered to submit a statement of accounts of all order of the court declaring as closed and terminated the proceedings,
the crops and to deliver immediately to Juanita lots in the project determines the termination of the probate proceedings
While in the Testate Proceedings No. 1426, Juanita filed a petition
dated July 20, 1964 praying that Alejandro Lopez be directed to deliver The probate court loses jurisdiction of an estate under administration
to her the actual possession of said 2 lots as well as the lessees of the only after the payment of all the debts and the remaining estate
said two lots.
delivered to the heirs entitled to receive the same. The finality of the THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and CONCORDIA
approval of the project of partition by itself alone does not terminate JAVELLANA VILLANUEVA, respondents.
the probate proceeding
Facts :
as long as the order of the distribution of the estate has not been
complied with, the probate proceedings cannot be deemed closed and Case involves the estate of Esteban Javellana, Jr. died a bachelor,
terminated without descendants, ascendants, brothers, sisters, nephews or
nieces. His only surviving relatives are: (1) his maternal aunt,
because a judicial partition is not final and conclusive and does not
petitioner CeledoniaSolivio, the spinster half-sister of his mother,
prevent the heir from bringing an action to obtain his share, provided
SalustiaSolivio; and (2) the private respondent, Concordia Javellana-
the prescriptive period therefor has not elapsed (Mari vs. Bonilla, 83
Villanueva, sister of his deceased father, Esteban Javellana, Sr.
Phil., 137)

During his lifetime, Esteban, Jr. had, more than once, expressed to his
Section 1 of Rule 90 of the Revised Rules of Court of 1964 as worded,
aunt Celedonia and some close friends his plan to place his estate in a
which secures for the heirs or legatees the right to "demand and
foundation to honor his mother and to help poor but deserving
recover their respective shares from the executor or administrator, or
students obtain a college education.Celedonia told Concordia about
any other person having the same in his possession", re-states the
Esteban's desire to place his estate in a foundation to be named after
aforecited doctrines.
his mother, from whom his properties came, for the purpose of helping
indigent students in their schooling. Concordia agreed to carry out the
In the case at bar, the motion filed by petitioner for the delivery of her
plan of the deceased. This fact was admitted by her in her "Motion to
share was filed on July 20, 1964, which is just more than 3 years from
Reopen and/or Reconsider the Order dated April 3, 1978" which she
August 28, 1961 when the amended project of partition was approve
filed on July 27, 1978 in Special Proceeding No. 2540, stating that
and within 5 years from April 23, 1960 when the original project of
partition was approved. Clearly, her right to claim the two lots
Petitioner knew all along the narrated facts in the immediately
allocated to her under the project of partition had not yet expired. And
preceding paragraph [that herein movant is also the relative of the
in the light of Section 1 of Rule 90 of the Revised Rules of Court of
deceased within the third degree, she being the younger sister of the
1964 and the jurisprudence above cited, the order dated December 15,
late Esteban Javellana, father of the decedent herein], because prior to
1960 of the probate court closing and terminating the probate case did
the filing of the petition they (petitioner CeledoniaSolivio and movant
not legally terminate the testate proceedings, for her share under the
Concordia Javellana) have agreed to make the estate of the decedent a
project of partition has not been delivered to her.
foundation, besides they have closely known each other due to their
filiation to the decedent and they have been visiting each other's house
which are not far away for (sic) each other.

#56 - CELEDONIA SOLIVIO, petitioner,

Pursuant to their agreement that Celedonia would take care of the
proceedings leading to the formation of the foundation, Celedonia in
good faith and upon the advice of her counsel, filed on March 8, 1977
Spl. Proceeding No. 2540 for her appointment as special administratrix
of the estate of Esteban Javellana, Jr. (Exh. 2). Later, she filed an ISSUE: 1. whether Branch 26 of the RTC of Iloilo had jurisdiction to
amended petition (Exh. 5) praying that letters of administration be entertain Civil Case No. 13207 for partition and recovery of Concordia
issued to her; that she be declared sole heir of the deceased; and that Villanueva's share of the estate of Esteban Javellana, Jr. even while the
after payment of all claims and rendition of inventory and accounting, probate proceedings (Spl. Proc. No. 2540) were still pending in Branch
the estate be adjudicated to her. 23 of the same court;

The court declared her the sole heir of Esteban, Jr. Thereafter, she sold HELD:
properties of the estate to pay the taxes and other obligations of the
deceased and proceeded to set up the "SALUSTIA SOLIVIO VDA. DE SC finds merit in the petitioner's contention that the Regional Trial
JAVELLANA FOUNDATION" which she caused to be registered in the Court, Branch 26, lacked jurisdiction to entertain Concordia
Securities and Exchange Commission. Villanueva's action for partition and recovery of her share of the estate
of Esteban Javellana, Jr. while the probate proceedings (Spl, Proc. No.
Concordia Javellana Villanueva filed a motion for reconsideration of 2540) for the settlement of said estate are still pending in Branch 23 of
the court's order declaring Celedonia as "sole heir" of Esteban, Jr., the same court, there being as yet no orders for the submission and
because she too was an heir of the deceased. her motion was denied approval of the administratix's inventory and accounting, distributing
by the court for tardinessInstead of appealing the denial, Concordia the residue of the estate to the heir, and terminating the proceedings`
filed with the rtc of Iloilo for partition, recovery of possession,
ownership and damages. The assailed order of Judge Adil in Spl. Proc. No. 2540 declaring
Celedonia as the sole heir of the estate of Esteban Javellana, Jr. did
trial court rendered it judgement in favor of Concordia Javellana- not toll the end of the proceedings .In view of the pendency of the
Villanueva.the trial court ordered the execution of its judgment probate proceedings in Branch 11 of the Court of First Instance (now
pending appeal and required Celedonia to submit an inventory and RTC, Branch 23), Concordia's motion to set aside the order declaring
accounting of the estate. In her motions for reconsideration of those Celedonia as sole heir of Esteban, and to have herself (Concordia)
orders, Celedonia averred that the properties of the deceased had declared as co-heir and recover her share of the properties of the
already been transferred to, and were in the possession of, the deceased, was properly filed by her in Spl. Proc. No. 2540. Her remedy
'SalustiaSolivioVda. deJavellana Foundation." The trial court denied when the court denied her motion, was to elevate the denial to the
her motions for reconsideration. Court of Appeals for review on certiorari. However, instead of availing of
that remedy, she filed more than one year later, a separate action for
Celedonia appealed to the ca and rendered judgment affirming the the same purpose in Branch 26 of the court. We hold that the separate
decision of the trial court. action was improperly filed for it is the probate court that
has exclusive jurisdiction to make a just and legal distribution of the

in the interest of orderly procedure and to avoid confusing and continued living together as husband and wife, his father supporting
conflicting dispositions of a decedent's estate, a court should not them and introducing him to the public as his natural child; that even
interfere with probate proceedings pending in a co-equal court. the family of his father recognized him as such; that on or about the
year 1944, his father and mother separated, and subsequently, his
The orders of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 26, in Civil Case No. father married herein petitioner Natividad del Rosario; that as a result
13207 setting aside the probate proceedings in Branch 23 (formerly of the marriage, two (2) children were born herein petitioners Lourdes
Branch 11) on the ground of extrinsic fraud, and declaring Concordia Alberto and Antonio Alberto, Jr.
Villanueva to be a co-heir of Celedonia to the estate of Esteban, Jr.,
ordering the partition of the estate, and requiring the administratrix, his father died, and without notice to him, petitioner Natividad del
Celedonia, to submit an inventory and accounting of the estate, were Rosario Vda. de Alberto, on July 17, 1949, instituted before the then
improper and officious, to say the least, for these matters he Court of First Instance of Manila an intestate proceedings for the
within the exclusive competence of the probate court.x estate of his deceased father, docketed therein as Special Proceedings
No. 9092; that in the said intestate proceedings, petitioners
deliberately omitted him as one of the heirs and for this reason they
succeeded in having the properties of his deceased father adjudicated
# 57 - G.R. No. L-29759 May 18, 1989 and partitioned among themselves; that the said intestate proceedings
were terminated on November 9, 1953;
having no knowledge of the intestate proceedings and came to know
capacity and as judicial guardian of the minors ANTONIO
about it only recently and thereupon made a demand from the
ALBERTO, JR. and LOURDES ALBERTO, petitioners,
petitioners who refused to give him his share. Accordingly, he prays
that the petitioners be ordered to acknowledge him as the natural child
of Antonio C. Alberto; that his one-fourth share be turned over to him
assisted by his mother as his natural guardian, ANDREA
JONGCO, respondents. petitioners filed a Motion to Dismiss on the grounds that (1) the cause
of action is barred by prior judgment; and (2) that the cause of action
is also barred by the statute of limitation. The trial court issued an
Order denying the Motion to Dismiss. But after the respondent filed an
answer to the complaint the Court orders the dismissal of the
complaint . Private respondent, not satisfied with the decision,
in 1941 his alleged father, Antonio C. Alberto, and his mother, Andrea
appealed to respondent Court, respondent Court reversed the decision
Jongco, lived together as husband and wife and as a result of which,
of the trial court.
he was born on September 10, 1942; that during the time that his
alleged father and mother lived together as husband and wife and up
MR was filed and was denied thus this instant petition.
to the time of his birth, both were single and had no legal impediment
to marry each other; that after his birth, his father and mother
ISSUE: won THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN reglementary period, instead of an independent action, the effect of
HOLDING THAT RESPONDENT ALBERTO JR.'S CAUSE OF ACTION which, if successful, would be, as in the instant case, for another court
WAS NOT BARRED BY PRIOR JUDGMENT. or judge to throw out a decision or order already final and executed
and reshuffle properties long ago distributed and disposed of .

Petitioners alleged that the intestate proceedings for the settlement of

estate of the deceased Antonio C. Alberto (Special Proceedings No. Case digest by Kim and Butsi
9092) had already been terminated on November 9, 1953 by the order
of distribution directing the delivery of the residue of the estate to the # 58 -Reyes vs. Barretto-Datu
persons entitled thereto and that in said proceedings the court also
declared who are the heirs of the deceased. Consequently, the instant Facts:BibianoBarretto was married to Maria Gerardo. During their
case which seeks to secure the recognition of Antonio J. Alberto, Jr. as lifetime, they acquired vast estate (real property inManila, Pampanga
an acknowledged natural child of the deceased in order to establish his and Bulacan). When Bibiano died (Feb. 18, 1936), he left his share in a
rights to the inheritance is already barred by prior judgment will to SaludBarretto(mother of the minors) and Lucia Milagros
(Petitioners' Brief, p. 47) despite private respondent's insistence that he Barretto; and a small portion as legacies to his sisters Rosa Barretto
had no knowledge or notice of the intestate proceedings of his alleged andFelisaBarretto and his nephew and nieces. The usufruct of a
natural father fishpond was reserved for Maria (the widow). Asappointed
administratrix, Maria prepared a project of partition, signed by her in
Petitioners' submission is impressed with merit. her own behalf and as guardian ofthe minor Milagros. It was approved,
and the estate was distributed and the shares delivered. Salud took
This Court has invariably ruled that insolvency proceedings and
immediatepossession of her share and secured the cancellation of
settlement of a decedent's estate are both proceedings in rem which are
OCTs and issuance of new titles in her name. Upon Maria’s death
binding against the whole world. All persons having interest in the
(Mar. 5, 1948), it was discovered that she executed two wills: in the
subject matter involved, whether they were notified or not, are equally
first, she instituted Saludand Milagros as her heirs; in the second, she
bound. The court acquires jurisdiction over all persons interested,
revoked the same and left all her properties in favor of Milagrosalone.
through the publication of the notice prescribed ... and any order that
The later will was allowed and the first rejected. In rejecting the first
may be entered therein is binding against all of them .It was ruled
will presented by Tirso Reyes (asguardian of the children of
further that a final order of distribution of the estate of a deceased
SaludBarretto), the TC held that Salud was not the daughter of the
person vests the title to the land of the estate in the distributees; and
decedent Maria byher husband Bibiano. The SC affirmed the same. 
that the only instance where a party interested in a probate proceeding
TC: The project of partition submitted in the proceedings for the
may have a final liquidation set aside is when he is left out by reason of
settlement of the estate of Bibiano is nulland void ab initio (not merely
circumstances beyond his control or through mistake or inadvertence
voidable) because the distributee (Salud), predecessor of Tirsoet. al.,
not imputable to negligence. Even then, the better practice to secure
wasnot a daughter of the Sps. Bibiano and Maria. The nullity of the
relief is reopening of the same case by proper motion within the
project of partition was decreed on thebasis of Art. 1081 (OCC) (A
partition in which a person was believed to be an heir, without being impinged on thelegitime of Milagros, Salud did not for that reason
so, hasbeen included, shall be null and void). As Milagros was the only cease to be a testamentary heir of Bibiano. Nor does the factthat
true heir of Bibiano, she was entitled torecover from Salud and her Milagros was allotted in her father’s will a share smaller than her
successors all the properties received by her from Bibiano’s estate, in legitime invalidate the institution of Saludas heir, since there was no
view ofArt. 1456 (NCC) which states that property acquired by mistake preterition or total omission of a forced heir here.The view that the
or fraud is held by its acquirer in impliedtrust for the real partition in question is void for being a compromise on the civil status
owner.Having lost the fight for a share in the estate of Maria as her of Salud, in violationof Art. 1814 (OCC) is erroneous. A compromise
legitimate heir, Tirso now falls back upon the remnantof the estate of presupposes the settlement of a controversy through mutual
Bibiano (the fishpond), which was given in usufruct to Maria. Hence, concessions of the parties; and the condition of Salud as daughter of
this action for the recovery ofthe one-half portion thereof.  This the testator Bibiano, while untrue, was atno time disputed during the
action afforded Milagros an opportunity to set up her right of settlement of the estate of testator. There can be no compromise over
ownership; notonly of the fishpond under litigation, but of all the other issues not indispute. While a compromise over civil status is
properties willed and delivered to Salud, for being aspurious heir, and prohibited, the law nowhere forbids a settlement by the partiesover the
not entitled to any share in the estate of Bibiano, thereby directly share that should correspond to a claimant to the estate.At any rate,
attacking the validity, not onlyof the project of partition, but of the independently of the project of partition (a mere proposal for
decision of the court based thereon as well. distribution of estate), it is the courtalone that makes the distribution
of the estate and determines the persons entitled thereto and the parts
Issues/Held: to whicheach is entitled. It is that judicial decree of distribution, once
final, that vests title in the distributees.  Where acourt has validly
(1) W/N the partition from which Salud acquired the fishpond in issued a decree of distribution of the estate, and the same has become
question is void ab initio and Salud did notacquire valid title to it. No. final, the validity orinvalidity of the project of partition becomes
(2) W/N Milagros’ action is barred by the statute of limitations. YES.
(2) Milagros contends that as Maria could not have ignored that Salud
Ratio (1) Art. 1081 (OCC) is misapplied!  Salud admittedly had was not her child, the act of Maria inagreeing to the partition and
been instituted heir in Bibiano’s last will andtestament together with distribution was a fraud on her rights and entitles her to belief. This
Milagros. Hence, the partition had between them could not be one contention isunfounded.First, there is no evidence that when Bibiano’s
such had with a partywho was believed to be an heir without really estate was judicially settled and distributed, Salud knew that shewas
being one, and was not null and void under Art. 1081. The legalprecept not Bibiano’s child. Thus, if fraud was committed, it was Maria who
of Art. 1081 does not speak of children, or descendants, but of heirs was solely responsible; and neitherSalud nor her minor children can
(without distinction betweenforced, voluntary or intestate ones), and be held liable therefor.Second, granting there was such fraud, relief
the fact that Salud did not happen to be a daughter of the testator therefor can be obtained within 4 years from its discovery, and
doesnot preclude her being one of the heirs expressly named in his therecord shows that this period had elapsed a long time ago. At the
testament; for Bibiano was at liberty to assign thefree portion of his time of distribution, Milagros was only 16. She became of age 5 years
estate to whomsoever he chose. While the share (½) assigned to Salud later (1944). On that year, hercause of action accrued to contest on the

ground of fraud the court decree distributing her father’s estateand their relationship also ended in a divorce. Still in the U.S.A., she
the 4-year period of limitation started to run, to expire in 1948. married for the third time, to a certain Wernimont. On 16 April 1972
Conceding that Milagros only becameaware of the true facts in 1946, Arturo died. He left no will. On 31 August 1972 Lino Javier Inciong
her action still became extinct in 1950.  Her action was barred in filed a petition with the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City for
Aug.1956, when she filed her counterclaim in this case contesting the issuance of letters of administration concerning the estate of
decree of distribution of Bibiano’s estate. There is no evidence of an Arturo in favor of the Philippine Trust Company. Respondent
alleged verbal promise by Tirso to reconvey the properties received by BlandinaDandan (also referred to as BlandinaPadlan), claiming to be
Salud,which allegedly induced Milagros to delay the filing of the action. the surviving spouse of Arturo Padlan, and Claro, Alexis, Ricardo,
Granting that there was such promise, itwould not bind Tirso’s wards, Emmanuel, Zenaida and Yolanda, all surnamed Padlan, named in the
who are the real parties-in-interest. An abdicative waiver of rights by children of Arturo Padlan opposed the petition and prayed for the
aguardian, being an act of disposition, and not of administration, appointment instead of Atty. Leonardo Casaba, which was resolved in
cannot bind his wards, being null and voidas to them unless duly favor of the latter. Upon motion of the oppositors themselves, Atty.
authorized by the proper court Cabasal was later replaced by HiginoCastillon. On 30 April 1973 the
oppositors (Blandina and Padlanchildren) submitted certified
Dispositive: CFI decision REVERSED and SET ASIDE, insofar as it photocopies of the 19 July 1950 private writing and the final judgment
orders Tirso to reconvey to Milagros theproperties enumerated in said of divorce between petitioner and Arturo. Later Ruperto T. Padlan,
decision. The same is AFFIRMED, insofar as it denies any right of claiming to be the sole surviving brother of the deceased Arturo,
Milagros toaccounting. The action for partition of the fishpond must be intervened. On 7 October 1987 petitioner moved for the immediate
GIVEN DUE COURSE. declaration of heirs of the decedent and the distribution of his estate.
Blandina and her children assigned as one of the errors allegedly
committed by the trial court the circumstance that the case was
decided without a hearing, in violation of Sec. 1, Rule 90, of the Rules
No. 59 - G.R. No. 124862 December 22, 1998FE D. QUITA, of Court, which provides that if there is a controversy before the court
petitioner, vs.COURT OF APPEALS and BLANDINA DANDAN, * as to who are the lawful heirs of the deceased person or as to the
respondents. distributive shares to which each person is entitled under the law, the
controversy shall be heard and decided as in ordinary cases
FE D. QUITA and Arturo T. Padlan, both Filipinos, were married in the
Philippines on 18 May 1941. They were not however blessed with
children. Somewhere along the way their relationship soured.
Eventually Fe sued Arturo for divorce in San Francisco, California, ISSUE: Should this case be remanded to the lower court for further
U.S.A. She submitted in the divorce proceedings a private writing proceedings? Petitioner insists that there is no need because, first, no
dated 19 July 1950 evidencing their agreement to live separately from legal or factual issue obtains for resolution either as to the heirship of
each other and a settlement of their conjugal properties. On 23 July the Padlan children or as to the decedent; and, second, the issue as to
1954 she obtained a final judgment of divorce. Three (3) weeks who between petitioner and private respondent is the proper heir of the
thereafter she married a certain Felix Tupaz in the same locality but decedent is one of law which can be resolved in the present petition

based on establish facts and admissions of the parties. We cannot lower court perfunctorily settled her claim in her favor by merely
sustain petitioner. The provision relied upon by respondent court is applying the ruling in Tenchavez v. Escaño.Then in private
clear: If there is a controversy before the court as to who are the respondent's motion to set aside and/or reconsider the lower court's
lawful heirs of the deceased person or as to the distributive decision she stressed that the citizenship of petitioner was relevant in
shares to which each person is entitled under the law, the the light of the ruling in Van Dorn v. Romillo Jr. 13 that aliens may
controversy shall be heard and decided as in ordinary cases. obtain divorces abroad, which may be recognized in the Philippines,
provided they are valid according to their national law. . We deduce
that the finding on their citizenship pertained solely to the time of
their marriage as the trial court was not supplied with a basis to
Ruling: We agree with petitioner that no dispute exists either as to the determine petitioner's citizenship at the time of their divorce.
right of the six (6) Padlan children to inherit from the decedent
because there are proofs that they have been duly acknowledged by
him and petitioner herself even recognizes them as heirs of Arturo
Padlan; 10 nor as to their respective hereditary shares. But # 60 - Emilio Pacioles v. MiguelaChuatoco-Ching
controversy remains as to who is the legitimate surviving spouse of
Arturo. The trial court, after the parties other than petitioner failed to
appear during the scheduled hearing on 23 October 1987 of the
motion for immediate declaration of heirs and distribution of estate, Facts:
simply issued an order requiring the submission of the records of birth
of the Padlan children within ten (10) days from receipt thereof, after 1. Miguelita died intestate. She was survived by herhusband
which, with or without the documents, the issue on declaration of (petitioner) and two minor children.
heirswould be deemed submitted for resolution. We note that in her
comment to petitioner's motion private respondent raised, among 2. Emilio filed a verified petition for the settlement of Miguelita’s estate.
others, the issue as to whether petitioner was still entitled to inherit
3. Miguelita’s mother filed an opposition to the petition for issuance of
from the decedent considering that she had secured a divorce in the
letters of administration. That the bulk of the estate is composed of
U.S.A. and in fact had twice remarried. She also invoked the above
paraphernal properties. She wishedto be appointed. She also said that
quoted procedural rule. 11 To this, petitioner replied that Arturo was a
she has direct and material interest in the estate because she gave half
Filipino and as such remained legally married to her in spite of the
of her inherited properties to the deceased on condition that they
divorce that they obtained.12 Reading between the lines, the
would undertake a business endeavor as partners.
implication is that petitioner was no longer a Filipino citizen at the
time of her divorce from Arturo. This should have prompted the trial
4. The mother asked that one Emmanuel be appointed.
court to conduct a hearing to establish her citizenship. The purpose of
a hearing is to ascertain the truth of the matters in issue with the aid
5. Court appointed Emilio and Emmanuel as joint-administrator.
of documentary and testimonial evidence as well as the arguments of
the parties either supporting or opposing the evidence. Instead, the
6. No claims were filed. Thereafter, Emilio filed an
inventory.Emmanuel failed to file one. not be included in the inventory of estate properties, the probate court
may pass upon the title thereto, but such determination is provisional,
7. Court declared Emilio and his children as the only compulsoryheirs not conclusive, and is subject to the final decision in a separate action
of the deceased to resolve title

8. Emilio then petitioned the court for the payment of estate tax 2. Reliance to Pastor v. CA
andthe partition and distribution of the estate.
a. The Court of Appeals relied heavily on the above principle in
9. RTC denied the petition as to the partition and distribution. CA sustaining the jurisdiction of the intestate court to conduct a hearing
affirmed. on respondent’s claim. Such reliance is misplaced.

Issue: May a trial court, acting as an intestate court, hear and pass b. Under the said principle, the key consideration is that the purpose
upon questions of ownership involving properties claimed to be part of of the intestate or probate court in hearing and passing upon
the decedent’s estate? questions of ownership is merely to determine whether or not a
property should be included in the inventory. The facts of this case
Held: show that such was not the purpose of the intestate court.

1. General Rule: i. First, the inventory was not disputed.

a. jurisdiction of the trial court either as an intestate or a probate Respondent could have opposed petitioner’s inventory and sought the
court relates only to matters having to do with the settlement of the exclusion of the specific properties which she believed or considered to
estate and probate of will of deceased persons but does not extend to be hers. But instead of doing so, she expressly adopted the inventory,
the determination of questions of ownership thatarise during the taking exception only to the low valuation placed on the real estate
proceedings. properties.

i. The patent rationale for this rule is that such court exercises special ii. Second, Emmanuel (respondent’s son) did not file an inventory
and limited jurisdiction.
1. He could have submitted an inventory, excluding therefrom those
b. A well-recognized deviation to the rule is the principle that an properties which respondent considered to be hers. The fact that he
intestate or a probate court may hear and pass upon questions of did not endeavor to submit one shows that he acquiesced with
ownership when its purpose is to determine whether or not a property petitioner’s inventory.
should be included in the inventoryi. Pastor v. CA
2. Clearly, the RTC, acting as an intestate court, had overstepped its
1. As a rule, the question of ownership is an extrataneous matter jurisdiction. Its proper course should have been to maintain a hands-
which the probate court cannot resolve with finality. Thus, for the off stance on the matter. It is well- settled in this jurisdiction,
purpose of determining whether a certain property should or should sanctioned and reiterated in a long line of decisions, that when a
question arises as to ownership of property alleged to be a part of the account of the plaintiff the sum of P5098, with legal interest and costs,
estate of the deceased person, but claimed by some other person to be the plaintiff to secure damages in the amount of P10,000 more or less,
his property, not by virtue of any right of inheritance from the and the defendant to be absolved totally from the amended complaint.
deceased but by title adverse to that of the deceased and his estate, As it is conceded that the plaintiff has already received the sum
such question cannot be determined in the course of an intestate or represented by the United States treasury, warrant, which is in
probate proceedings. The intestate or probate court has no jurisdiction question, the appeal will thus determine the amount, if any, which
to adjudicate such contentions, which must be submitted to the court should be paid to the plaintiff by the defendant.
in the exercise of its general jurisdiction as a regional trial court.
The parties to the case are PaulinoGullas and the Philippine National
a. Jurisprudence states that: Bank. The first named is a member of the Philippine Bar, resident in
the City of Cebu. The second named is a banking corporation with a
i. probate court or one in charge of proceedings whether testate or branch in the same city. Attorney Gullas has had a current account
intestate cannot adjudicate or determine title to properties claimed to with the bank.
be a part of the estate and which are claimed to belong to outside
parties. All that the said court could do as regards said properties is to It appears from the record that on August 2, 1933, the Treasurer of the
determine whether they should or should not be included in the United States for the United States Veterans Bureau issued a Warrant
inventory or list of properties to be administered by the administrator. in the amount of $361, payable to the order of Francisco
If there is no dispute, well and good, but if there is, then the parties, SabectoriaBacos. PaulinoGullas and Pedro Lopez signed as endorsers
the administrator, and the opposing parties have to resort to an of this check. Thereupon it was cashed by the Philippine National
ordinary action for a final determination of the conflicting claims of Bank. Subsequently the treasury warrant was dishonored by the
title because the probate court cannot do so. Insular Treasurer.

3. Hence, respondent’s recourse is to file a separate action with a court At that time the outstanding balance of Attorney Gullas on the books
of general jurisdiction. The intestate court is not the appropriate forum of the bank was P509. Against this balance he had issued certain
for the resolution of her adverse claim of ownership over properties cheeks which could not be paid when the money was sequestered by
ostensibly belonging to Miguelita's estate the On August 20, 1933, Attorney Gullas left his residence for Manila.

The bank on learning of the dishonor of the treasury warrant sent

notices by mail to Mr. Gullas which could not be delivered to him at
# 61 - PAULINOGULLAS, that time because he was in Manila. In the bank's letter of August 21,
vs. 1933, addressed to Messrs. PaulinoGulla and Pedro Lopez, they were
THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK informed that the United States Treasury warrant No. 20175 in the
name of Francisco SabectoriaBacos for $361 or P722, the payment for
Both parties to this case appealed from a judgment of the Court of which had been received has been returned by our Manila office with
First Instance of Cebu, which sentenced the defendant to return to the the notation that the payment of his check has been stopped by the

Insular Treasurer. "In view of this therefore we have applied the indorser and that the right of action against him does not accrue until
outstanding balances of your current accounts with us to the part the notice is given. (Asia Banking Corporation vs. Javier [1923] 44
payment of the foregoing check", namely, Mr. PaulinoGullas P509. On Phil., 777; 5 Uniform Laws Annotated.)
the return of Attorney Gullas to Cebu on August 31, 1933, notice of
dishonor was received and the unpaid balance of the United States As a general rule, a bank has a right of set off of the deposits in its
Treasury warrant was immediately paid by him. hands for the payment of any indebtedness to it on the part of a
depositor. In Louisiana, however, a civil law jurisdiction, the rule is
As a consequence of these happenings, two occurrences transpired denied, and it is held that a bank has no right, without an order from
which inconvenienced Attorney Gullas. In the first place, as above or special assent of the depositor to retain out of his deposit an
indicated, checks including one for his insurance were not paid amount sufficient to meet his indebtedness. The basis of the Louisiana
because of the lack of funds standing to his credit in the bank. In the doctrine is the theory of confidential contracts arising from irregular
second place, periodicals in the vicinity gave prominence to the news deposits, e. g., the deposit of money with a banker. With freedom of
to the great mortification of Gullas.lawphil.net selection and after full preference to the minority rule as more in
harmony with modern banking practice.
A variety of incidental questions have been suggested on the record
which it can be taken for granted as having been adversely disposed of Starting, therefore, from the premise that the Philippine National Bank
in this opinion. The main issues are two, namely, (1) as to the right of had with respect to the deposit of Gullas a right of set off, we next
Philippine National Bank, and to apply a deposit to the debt of consider if that remedy was enforced properly. The fact we believe is
depositor to the bank and (2) as to the amount damages, if any, which undeniable that prior to the mailing of notice of dishonor, and without
should be awarded Gullas. waiting for any action by Gullas, the bank made use of the money
standing in his account to make good for the treasury warrant. At this
The Civil Code contains provisions regarding compensation (set off) point recall that Gullas was merely an indorser and had issued in good
and deposit. (Articles 1195 et seq., 1758 et seq. The portions of faith.
Philippine law provide that compensation shall take place when two
persons are reciprocally creditor and debtor of each other (Civil Code, As to a depositor who has funds sufficient to meet payment of a check
article 1195). In his connection, it has been held that the relation drawn by him in favor of a third party, it has been held that he has a
existing between a depositor and a bank is that of creditor and debtor right of action against the bank for its refusal to pay such a check in
the absence of notice to him that the bank has applied the funds so
The Negotiable Instruments Law contains provisions establishing the deposited in extinguishment of past due claims held against him.
liability of a general indorser and giving the procedure for a notice of (Callahan vs. Bank of Anderson [1904], 2 Ann. Cas., 203.) The decision
dishonor. The general indorser of negotiable instrument engages that if cited represents the minority doctrine, for on principle it would seem
he be dishonored and the, necessary proceedings of dishonor be duly that notice is not necessary to a maker because the right is based on
taken, he will pay the amount thereof to the holder. (Negotiable the doctrine that the relationship is that of creditor and debtor.
Instruments Law, sec. 66.) In this connection, it has been held a long However this may be, as to an indorser the situation is different, and
line of authorities that notice of dishonor is in order to charge all notice should actually have been given him in order that he might

protect his interests. FACTS: The Municipality of San Pedro, Laguna filed in the CFI a
petition claiming the Hacienda de San Pedro Tunasan by the right of
We accordingly are of the opinion that the action of the bank was Escheat. Colegio de San Jose, claiming to be the exclusive owner of the
prejudicial to Gullas. But to follow up that statement with others said hacienda, assailed the petition upon the grounds that the petition
proving exact damages is not so easy. For instance, for alleged libelous does not allege sufficient facts to entitle the applicants to the remedy
articles the bank would not be primarily liable. The same remark could prayed for. Carlos Young, claiming to be a lessee of the hacienda under
be made relative to the loss of business which Gullas claims but which a contract legally entered with Coelegio de San Jose, also intervened in
could not be traced definitely to this occurrence. Also Gullas having the case. Municipal Council of San Pedro, Laguna objected to the
eventually been reimbursed lost little through the actual levy by the appearance and intervention of CdSJ and Carlos Young but such
bank on his funds. On the other hand, it was not agreeable for one to objection was overruled. Furthermore the lower court dismissed the
draw checks in all good faith, then, leave for Manila, and on return find petition filed for by Municipal Council of San Pedro.
that those checks had not been cashed because of the action taken by
the bank. That caused a disturbance in Gullas' finances, especially
with reference to his insurance, which was injurious to him. All facts
and circumstances considered, we are of the opinion that Gullas ISSUE: W/N the petition for escheats should be dismissed?
should be awarded nominal damages because of the premature action
of the bank against which Gullas had no means of protection, and
have finally determined that the amount should be P250.
RULING: YES. According to Sec. 750 of the Code of Civil Procedure
Agreeable to the foregoing, the errors assigned by the parties will in (now Sec 1 of Rule 91), the essential facts which should be alleged in
the main be overruled, with the result that the judgment of the trial the petition, which are jurisdictional because they confer jurisdiction
court will be modified by sentencing the defendant to pay the plaintiff upon the CFI are:
the sum of P250, and the costs of both instances.
1. That a person died intestate or without leaving any will,

2. That he has left real or personal property and he was the owner
RULE 91 thereof,

3. That he has not left any heir or person by law entitled to the
property, and
COLEGIO DE SAN JOSE 4. That the one who applies for the escheat is the municipality where
deceased has his last residence or in case he should have no residence
in the country, the municipality where the property is situated.

The Municipal base its right to escheat on the fact that the
Hacienda de San Pedro Tunasan, temporal property of the Father of
Sec. 751 (now Sec 3 of Rule 91) provides that after the publications the Society of Jesus, were confiscated by the order of the King of
and trial, if the court finds that the deceased is in fact the owner of Spain. From the moment it was confiscated, it became the property of
real and personal property situated in the country and has not left any the commonwealth of the Philippines. Given this fact, it is evident that
heir or other person entitled there to, it may order, after payment of the Municipality cannot claim that the same be escheated to them, if
debts and other legal expenses, the escheat and in such case, it shall the court finds that the deceased is in fact the owner of real and
adjudicate the personal property to the municipality where the personal property situated in the country and has not left any heir or
deceased had his last residence and the real property to the other person entitled there to, it may order, after payment of debts and
municipality/ies where they are situated. other legal expenses, the escheat and in such case, it shall adjudicate
the personal property to the municipality where the deceased had his
Escheat is a proceeding whereby the real and personal property of a last residence and the real property to the municipality/ies where they
deceased person become the property of the State upon his death are situated.
without leaving any will or legal heirs. It is not an ordinary action but a
special proceeding. The proceeding should be commenced by a petition Escheat is a proceeding whereby the real and personal property of a
and not by a complaint. deceased person become the property of the State upon his death
without leaving any will or legal heirs. It is not an ordinary action but a
In a special proceeding for Escheat under section 750to 752 (now special proceeding. The proceeding should be commenced by a petition
sec 1 to 3 of Rule 91), the petitioner is not the sole and exclusive and not by a complaint.
interested party. Any person alleging to have a direct right or Interest
in the property sought to be escheated is likewise an interested and In a special proceeding for Escheat under section 750to 752 (now
necessary party and may appear and oppose the petition for escheat. sec 1 to 3 of Rule 91), the petitioner is not the sole and exclusive
interested party. Any person alleging to have a direct right or Interest
When a petition for escheat does not state facts which entitle the in the property sought to be escheated is likewise an interested and
petitioner to the remedy prayed for and even admitting them necessary party and may appear and oppose the petition for escheat.
hypothetically, it is clear that there is no ground for the court to
proceed to the Inquisition provided by law, an interested party should When a petition for escheat does not state facts which entitle the
not be disallowed from filing a motion to dismiss the petition which is petitioner to the remedy prayed for and even admitting them
untenable from all standpoint. And when the motion to dismiss is hypothetically, it is clear that there is no ground for the court to
entertained upon this ground the petition may be dismissed proceed to the Inquisition provided by law, an interested party should
unconditionally. not be disallowed from filing a motion to dismiss the petition which is
untenable from all standpoint. And when the motion to dismiss is
In this case, Colegio de San Jose and Carlos Young had a right to entertained upon this ground the petition may be dismissed
intervene as an alleged exclusive owner and a lessee of the property unconditionally.

In this case, Colegio de San Jose and Carlos Young had a right to the commonwealth of the Philippines. Given this fact, it is evident that
intervene as an alleged exclusive owner and a lessee of the property the Municipality cannot claim that the same be escheated to them,
respectively. because it is no longer the case of real property owned by a deceased
person who has not left any person which may legally claim it (2nd
The Municipal base its right to escheat on the fact that the requirement lacking).
Hacienda de San Pedro Tunasan, temporal property of the Father of
the Society of Jesus, were confiscated by the order of the King of
Spain. From the moment it was confiscated, it became the property of


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