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LVR - Archaolog ischer Park Xanten

LVR - RomerMuseum APX

33rd international archaeological
ummercamp Xanten 2021

swill live in the

ructed Roman hostel

Date: • Free accomodation in the reconstructed Roman hostel

1st Campa ign : July 19 th -August 13 th 2021 • Travel expenses max . 75 €
2nd Campa ign : August 23' 0 - September 17 th 2021 • 150 € pocket money

Number of participants: Who can participate?

■ Students of prehistoric, classica l or provinc ial Roman archaeology
15 participants in each campa ign possible
from all over the world
Application to: ■ No experience in excavation required
LVR-Archaologischer Park Xanten / LVR-RomerMuseum • Participants from abroad Inon German -speaking areas) have to prove
Bahnhofstr. 46-50 their knowledge of German w ith an off icial cert ificate
D-46509 Xanten , Germany • All courses are held in German
mail :
slogan : 33. IASX Apply online:
• Address, phone number and e- mail
Latest date of application : May 14th, 2021 • Your age
• University
Offer: • Main and minor subject
• Part icipation on an excavation, introduction in all working • Number of semesters/terms
processes on an excavation (incl. photography, drawing , mea- • Experience in excavations lor not). main interests in the study
suring, writing the diary) ■ Preference for 1st or 2nd campaign
• An extensive side program (excursion, courses in archaeo-
botany, archaeozoology, geology, and determination of finds) We are loo ki ng forward to re ceiving a detailed applica tion!

Qualitat fUr Menschen


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