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EnergyNext bags Sundtonk Sury’sChoice RE soatret rescence: (a ] ene Publication Award sreraywatch Group, € Former & . oe ree: ‘Member of German Paniament = 2100 $5 © fE POSTAL REGISTRATION NO.: HD/1153/2014-15 N www.energynext. in Value? | Isue12| October2017| roy Your guide to Renewable Energy ra uo: apcieyan19296 Date Pubicaton: C6/1072017 Date of Posting 10/10/2017 Need forasystems | Fértunes mixed carded prea et em Cd eer) cor) Liens} rd straw 1g 24 ee Pree at) | eCOiy )MUTTeaOMUOy DMs ae « Mee T Seem onc er tn MOEA) EC Batteries Charged through Solar = Source for Free Power Backup Low Genetation Cost from Solar Desined fo Indian Grid Conditions Can be paralleled for MW Scale Remote Monitoring STADE ea Tf ss39 = Smat Energy Storage & Saving Solitons = Revolutionary olution Works with or without Solr ~ No Dependency for eak Load on Grd = Draw Less Power during Peak Hours. Ks Accompisinent Lb) Next Clas rat a La rel Ec BY cover ‘Opportunities Tm elutes sector are CTV ( ) Renewabl Pere te Pwre The most effective iad to manage idy straw Deer ea Pera) Ered bree Stra on boty sony er ey Cea eet) Le Sc Pre eter ieee ecu) Crna nuur tier Pee eats cece ee EY a el Cesc Cee ees erent eee INTERVIEWS Cpu hus De ele pee ae Eee anti veteeetel e : Dee ee eae) Rd eee es DE cee eect Sse Estancia Photovoltaics offers great eee hed pene eer Inet tet ad Coa www cemergymextiis ee Teo PCa tong Cente tena) o w Re ead Poet Sct ra ee eae Bear ecient) oe Re Tuk Ser ete tee rd Stee ey amigos WINNER eRe eas Ere t id Hassel Free Solution The MSAT100"™ is an innovative Single Axis Solar Tracker from Mahindra Susten that gives you best-in-class quality at affordable prices. Features = Plug & Track = Indigenous Supply » Tested Self-Lubricated Bearings Intelligent » Information Interface 1625 + MWp 482 MW Smwp+imwp | 20MWp 1200 Mw. Utility Scale Solar | MSAT100™ Solar Tracker | Thailand Project | Distributed Solar | O&M Portfolio 15,00,000 sq.ft 400 + MW 450+ MW Design Build Solar Monitoring Portfolio Wind Monitoring Portfolio Email : 5 ten, [-ROM THE EDITOR] RE as the backbone of ‘silent energy revolution’ radia is racing ahead in the mmission to create a low-carbon world and emerge as an energy: independent economy, with « confidence to achieve 17 Advancements in technology and falling prices of wind and solar will provide farther inipetus to growth of renewable energy in the country. The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi eecontly lounched a new scheme ‘Pradhan Mantel Saba) Bij Har Ghar Yojna’ - “Saubhagya" which aims at providing electricty connections to four croze households across the country ata cost of Rs.16320 crore by Desember, 2018 with the collateral =W target benefits of creating demand for Industrial equipment and employment opportunities. The International Solar Alliance (1SA\ 4s likely to act at a vehicle to being in RE revolution in 121 solar resource rich countries lying fully or partially between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. Already 11 countries have ratified the framework ‘which would become an international ceement of ISA legal body once total of 15 nations ratified the framework agreement which Is expected before RE-INVEST 2017 to be held in December, 2017, Renewables accounted for almost two thirds of net new power capacity around the world last year, with almost 165 GW coming online, Renewables will continue to have a strong growth in coming years. By 2022, renewable electricity capacity should increase by 439 oe perth latest report released by International Energy ‘Agency (IEA), Mr Fatih Birol, Executive Director, 1 that renewables growing by about 1,000 ‘GW by 2022, which equals about half of the current glabal eapacity in coal power, which took 89 years to build, The latest report by the World Resources Institute’, titled “Powering Citiesin the Global South’, on how energy-poor cities can be powered has ‘mentioned in the re sited Delhi's net-metering policy for solar ooftap systems as « probable solution for providing cheap electricity The report also pointed out that Brazil was contemplating logislative changes to its renewable energy norms to enable a Dethi-like policy, While the 1eport highlight the three solutions — decentralized solar photovoltaic (PV) system, clean cooking fuel and ener efficient buildings and appliances — the system in the Indian capital was pointed out as exemplary TREDA has successfully raised USS 800 million through “Green Masale Bond’ which are now listed on the London Stock Exchange’ (LSE) new Interaatioal Securities Market and Singapore Stock Exchange. The issue attracted bid offers of USS 300 milion against the issuance of US$ 300 million The overwhelming respoase to the issue is testament 10 the confidence of global investors in IREDA, in Indian economy in general and the renewable energy sector in particular. Cl tbe 2017 | Enegy Nac | 7 [LETTERS TO THE EDITOR] Hydro Facts ‘Thecoverage onthe hydro power was Informative. Getting to krow that India Is the second most attractive market in baydro power gives alot of hope or the growth avenues in India. Energy Next hasbeen 2 real source of knowledge for me regarding renewables, Iewould be great i you could give some insight Into the sartup ventares and policies governing thers, Wewsll be looking forvard to these details. (00 Sagar Negi, Utrakhand SS Excellent Info on Future ‘our eseazh, Looking forward manufacturingissue {request that ifsome toaninsighfltake en how Informaton about te future thisnew policy wil impactthe ofthe selers or dealers deiling_ sector. Keep waiting! | inenewableenergycan 9 Ajay Prakash, besiven, Weare all dealers Hyderabad, of solar PVs, hdeo pumps andothersuchrenevable Outlook on ISA , ‘ipmeat and youranalyis—Tabvays wl for Energy Nets but the future demands will insight on vious developments be very helpful for ws. Your inthe grem energy sector Tam ragaine is ead egalarly by realy curious ifyour magazine Bigcongsatulations ty Energy our professional cirde islokinginto the dewloprments Next fr ts special sue (©8 Sanjay Satay,Bihar. the oternational Solar Allince, themonth of September. The ‘specially when the gaand ent rimnucuringagptinite New Biofuel policy of 00? 23s wand ke corset renevablesocrwaswowdl- let isbeing speculted about Ashe dependency on the dean proenled Brryonespoheof thebiofl poly that sin enegy eure increasing thepossiltiesand govt that thepipelne. Weareeseanh acrstheglobe the maging Indaismovingtovards Sich studentsand aati artes kegs us postedon the fue coveageboodtthe moval afall of nergyNexthelp oe git _ofenegy work. Lat Energy workingacrostheisiy: views fromacrssindury Next sui for insight (28 Neh Dhangwa, and goverment people thus reading Faridabad contributing gist del towards #0 Soma Khel, Deli Feedback: Please send your feedback and comments to Huuuuuuzugeaeariceiageiiamiiaeninaieiiiiiaae advisory board HAGA S veer Smt optim at Sh ca me Mata ne eee SOLAR ram 23! sonst st ss 7.04 guNarae my Energy Next i Enabing investmentEnvironment Edita Chef KS He Pallicaton Dicer Anopan Di ‘Avot Eitee sn atin Principal Comespondent svn Sing Sein St Comeipondemt Sais Ran Dosen Fyne Tiske Mai ‘Mashting Marager Abin Duto Matketing Maager itys Daftar ‘Asstant Manager, Diya Kate ‘ents Marg Berar Aseria Chalrariy Sabscription® Dispatch Ani Pal ery Nea pity Rapa tpi WR Bonu hl of Fu iMate as eg, Ka, dS 004 Togo it CIN tPeeman oP TIT ve aay Me La si ‘MA Kae ot Pct a yb 50 0 al a to oe Nee Pt Ll 07 Fo oan Pa Rr peal 3006 nn lowe Chit Soh Sie Te viii eaearie a -abeninenet 0, Maar ui, Now Doict0018 INDIA fie adalat bray or ve Somes hea ere an wt rere min fo Pot Ma £8) Ener Ne | Ocober2017 From Mega watts to Giga watts ENCOURAGING GREEN-POWER TODAY ENERGISING INDIA’S TOMORROW a ‘ Teens (Cre) (0122017) weenie ettngt ent ‘oats oa 300 — toy 8 eae / Funded more than 2,382 renewable energy projects ZYs!I Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd. RSJ ikEDA — (A Gout. of india Espns) Beney (Auifnscataartra) Mini Ratna PSU under Ministry of New and Renewable Energy iantcamor aise Corporate Ofc: S14 Floor, August Kati Bhavien, Shikai Cama Pace, New Delh 110068, Tl: 431 1126717400..26717412 Registered Offce: India Habitat Cente, East Cou, Cere-4A, 1st Floor, Lodhi Road, New Det 110003, To: +81 11 24682206 .24862219 [NATIONAL] Govt revises appliances’ prices under UJALA he prices of nergy ecient appliances distributed under the Goveramert of Indias Unmat Jeevan by Afferdable LEDs and Appliances for AIl(UJALA) scheme have been revised. Ths wasinformed by Principle secretary of Govt. of M.P & Managing Director of M.P Urja Vikas ‘Nigam Shri Mana Srivastava, Owing tothe rollout of the Goods & Services Tax (GST). the prices were revised. The new prices sre 9W LED bulbs at #670, 20W LED tube light at Rs 220 and 5-star rated fans willbe available at Rs 1,200 [Energy efficiency Services Limited PM launches ‘Saubhagya Yojana to provide power to all households by December 2018 nabidto prove decry all Frown rl an urban areas eo the comity by Deen 218 Pine Minis Narendra Modilaunched adh ‘ania Bi ar har Yoana ‘Sabon atemeber inthe Cap “The Rs 16320 coe pc ako ast proving re ect connetios por fein "The andr bey connections wuldbe inti sng Soc ‘Economic and Casie Census (SECC)2011 do, Hayes u-detied haha rt covered under the SECC data woulda be Frid cleristyconnsctions und the tthe on pyre of 00 which cal be reseed by Discomsin 10 instalments through ety il si the government inactaement. Then cectiid hones Io in emote and ines aes wil be provided vith solar power packs f200 1030 Wp wth ater bank comping fe os Bharat soit wa Bd ee “ata LED lights one DC fn ani one DC power pla There is soa provision ofepairand maintenance (RAM) of ese equipment forfve years. While aunching the scheme, thePM sith modern technology willbe sed to carry ct auveytolocatehouschokds which win tar hp inthe sperdty implementation of the prot “Benearis shallbe Hensel and thee appiton for elect conection along with phetogragh and identity prof shall ereistred en spot? the government sid “the Gram Panchayat or Publicinsitationsin the uralareasmay beauthorsed to collet aphcatinn forns with completedocumentaion, distribute bills and cle reveueinconstation with the Panchayat Raj nstutions and Urban Local Bode The Rural Bectrfeation Corporation Limited (REC) wile the dal agency for “peratinaizaion othe here throughout theory? The Centre wl lage provide funds to all satesand Union Terres to carry out thescheme. Othe ttl R16, 320 crore earmarked forthe project he gross budgetary sugpoet (BS) stand at Rs 12,320 cre While 1405 crore willbe provide fo wal eleatrifation with Rs 10,587.50 crore athe Gis, Rs 2295crorehas been proposed for proving power to urban households wth Rs 1,732.50 croreasthe GBS. (ESL), under the ministration of ‘Ministry of Power Government oflndia 0d the nodal agency far implementation ofthe UALA programme has appealed allconsumers not to pay any amount over and above the prices ied by EES forthe UJALA appliances. The UIALA scheme wan launch bythe Government f Inia on lanuary 5.2015 with a trgetof replacing 77 crore ineficent lbs ‘ith energy Hfcent LED Bubs. Carrey, over 2621 crore LED bubs, 3070 ik ibe light and 12.59 lakh fanshaveatready been Aisribued across 2 states. New solar city master plan for Kochi ternational Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEN) ba prepated a new solar city master plan for Kochl. ICLEL, the implementing body, bas given fresh design to the solar city project that was designed four ‘years hack, ‘As per the eater plan the project included installing solr energy systems ‘tw power streetlights, garden lights, ‘homes, hots and restaurants, and ‘major administrative offices in the ‘Kochi Corporation. Talking t» media, ayor os Jain had seid that the total budget is estimated at Rs 696.59 crore which ‘willbe invested over the five-year {nplementation period, The total budget willbe shared by the state ‘pvernment the Corporation, NNRE and prvateusers. Once the project ‘scompleted, the Corporation will be able to brina down itsannual electricity charges. headed, 10 | Energy Wet | October 2017 SOLAR MADE SIMPLE FOR CORPORATE INDIA Whether your aim is to cut energy costs or to reduce your carbon footprint, we put the pieces together for you. Presenting simple solutions to solar energy Some of our installations: Carlsberg India's first solar brewery * Asahi Glass 2441 tonnes reduction in carbon emissions annually * Mindtree Limited sourcing 75% electricity from CleanMax Solar farm in Karnataka * Konecranes India is estimated to save more than 25 lacs annually + And over 60 unique corporate clients and 200+ projects executed across different industries 35% SEC! @ Wy, ay Se SMRT MERE le | See > CleanMax =a Z ae Métins BE Zp sola Nisa AUS UC ac olga ee ero earn [NATIONAL] ReNew Power opens “Centre of Excellence” at IIT, Delhi ‘na bid toestabish a work-class research fcilit to develop cutting-edge renewable energy solutions, ‘Cette of Excellence for Energy and Exvironment was unveiled hereon Tuesday atthe Indian institute of Technology (1) Union Minister for Human Resource Development (HIRD) Prakash Javadekar inaugurated the Centre, which hasbeen built by ReNew Power Ventures Prt Lid “The alm ofthe Cente iso fost ‘exchange of ideas between industry, academia and poliey makers from across Ube world to promote faster adoption ‘frenewable energy twill so oer research and intenship opportunities for undergraduate, postgraduate end PAD students. It wil focus on developing ‘esearch reports on renewable energy, cy matters forthe government and ‘multilateral orgarizations. Iwill so focus on sil enhancement of women ‘ences for entrepreneurship and in the field of renewable energy. ca f ‘The Centre t IIT Delhi wil bea hub for clean energy and related research The facility will undertake research in the fild of integration of large seae solar rcttop capacity with the electri disribusion network esing batery storage technology. will aim at strengthening transmission sgridto accommodate the low af renewable ‘energy from utility sale plants and development of charging infrastructure for slectic vehicles, Research outcomes wil contrbute towards accelerate development of these evolring field, As, the outcomes wouldbe she ‘with the relevant government Inttutions on a petioichassto enable shaping of policy. ‘While inaugurating the Cente, Jovadckat, ‘said “Iam delighted that ReNew Power hhas undertaken thisiniiative to take industy seademia purtneship grster heights. Industry participation essential for ceating solutions which aremarket ready and this COE will help solve critical problemsin the clean energy sestoe” BD Solar farms do not need Green study he Favironment Impact Assessment (ETA) will no more be applicable for solar power projects and development of solar parks, announced the Centre The Union Ministry of New and Renewable Fnergy (MNRE) had issued a circular to all the stale governments inthis regard. The ministry of environment, forest and climate change (ECC) had earlier this year issued a ‘notification on applicability oF the ELA to the sector The MNRE stated, as per media reports that the EFCC ministry has clarified that EIA provisions were not applicable to the sector It further clarified thatthe Aisposal of Photo Voltaic (PV) cell attracts the rules covering hazardous and other wastes. The development of solar parks shall atract the provisions of Water and Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution} ‘Act, as per the August notification of. MNRE, B So: ices of ire PV modules can hit solar projects: ICRA she pres ofimperted photons (PV) modules have been soaring for the past couple of months thetrendcan ‘hve adverse impact cn thesolir power pects across the country, revealed Jats report by the International ret Rating Agency (ICRA). “"Theimperted PV modules pricelevel ‘has show a upward tendon th ast three to four months, inceasingbysbout 18 percent, rom about 0-32 cents per tin May 217 to abot 35 0 37 ets er wat in August 2017 the report sai According to ICRA, this trend canbe atrbuted to "actors ch avancement of module sourcing ‘rom China by companies inthe US {nantipation of imposition of aui- dumping duty on Chinese modules by December 2017, and extenscn of eed- ‘ntarf regime for solar power projects ‘nChina till September 2017, thereby ‘increasing demand” Sabyasich’ Majumdar Senior Vice President and Group Hea, ICRA Ratings ‘si, "Sich paicingpresueifsustained over the nexttheeto sixmonihs i versely impact the viability ct recently bison power projects wher bid ais ‘below Bs 3 Sanit” “Further, any delays in delivery schedule oF dshonouring of price terms ‘agreed earlier by Chinese OEMs tothe Indianindependent power producers (GPP) having solar power projects under implementation, may lead to risk flay along wih cost over-run? B 421 Enemy Het | Ostober 2017 NEW & RENEWABLE ENERGY SECTOR IS GROWING AT A RAPID PACE PS aI eR Nee eh Sa TS Tee eM ea ee ere See Windmils, solar panels, large and small electronic and electrical components and new technology inthis sector ae all consuming ‘more and more plastics. To know more visit PLASTINDIA 2016. The future of Plastics is here. Next is Here! Over 50,000, vistors ==. PLASTINDIAE EMPOWERING GROWTHN 10” International Plastics Exhibition, Conference & Convention © Feb. 7-12, 2018, Gandhinagar - Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. 125,000 2000 600 200,000 BERET) MCROPLAST | Pron | emmte™ | ie, Soman Se i 401, Landmark B', Suren Road, Of Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri (E), Mumbel - 400 083, India Tek: +91-22:26832911/ 14 + Fax: 491-22-26845861 + E-mail: + vow agaiatneiow hn [STATE] ‘Tamil Nadu signs MOUs with solar companies Testi sgt mesorndan ‘of understanding with four solar power companies including the lowest bidder Resi Green that had reportedly quoted the tarff of Rs 3.47 per unit, and set the base price for other companies. ‘The MOUs were signed in the presence of chief minister K Palaniswami, chief Gujarat solar auction witnesses tariff of Rs 2.65/unit Cee at Rs 265 per kwHT ata reverse avction of 500 MW of solar projects. ‘The sate ha less intense solar radiation ‘than Rajesthan (where bidding for Bhadia took place), and the developers will have to-acquire land on their own and not be provided land in solar parks. 1s the four months since the last auction, the cost of solar modales in ‘China has began rising, afer falling sharply fortwo years before that, The lowest bid was made by GRT Jewellers. ‘Thesecond and thisd lovest bidders were Gujarat State Electricity Corporation and Gujarat Industries Power Company, ‘Various big names sch as Tata Power, ReNew Power, Fortam Solar, Lightsource Renewable Energy and Canadian Solar Energy took part in the bidding, Andhra Pradesh to launch e-buses TD etatic teats Corporation (APSRTC) isa set to launch e-bus services in the sae. Manufictued by the Hyderabad-based Gollston:Infratech Limited, round S0such buses connecting Tirupati and Tirumala wouldbe started. ‘Vice-Chairman and Managing Director, APSRTC. M. Malakondaiah said, “We plan torun 50 mini ebuses onthe Tirumal ghat road, These buses have been teste at Koltang and are stable forthe Tirumala route. We havewrten tothe Centre and areaveaiting a response” “the present subsiy is insufficient We are also awaiting the fineprinton the Certe’s policy on e-buses, which isexpected i a couple of months. nthe meantime, we are alsolooking at more affordable models” he added, BL secretary Girija Vadiyanathan and TNES chairman M Saikumar. Around 16 companioshad bid for various capacities of solar power forthe year 2017 18 and won the bidat Rs 3.47 per ua. The firms will install 1OOMW solar power plant fn Ramanathapurar district. Rassi Green head G Narasimhan sys, ‘We will he sting up thesolar project with our id fer 100MW at Paramakual in Ramanthapuram district where we have land. Weneed at leat 400 acres to st up the project” As pera latest Central direction, the ase aif wil be Rs 3 per unit for solar power in Tamil Nada from next year. Rajasthan develops NOS for renewable energy ajathan has serie developing Nation Decpatnal Sands (NOS) or enw ery ad gro constrcion, focussing on dal delopment of youths “Testate assigned memorandm of ‘derstanding (MD) wih the Sl Coane for Gres obs “The MoU il compris currcuhim aligment wth NOS and assessment snd certification ofteaines. The coun ll agprovethe cucu fer traising and eect ‘iinngofaines” programmes ann acct tininginstntes. Rojashan Sill and Leino Development Corporation manging dct Krishan Kunal said thatthe upcoming sl unos in the ate wilaliohaves Grea Secor Genre ef Facer, whl other sch centre willbe subbed for slarenerg. 14 | Enemy Wot | October 2017 Two solar firms in legal row in Madhya Pradesh Karnataka to become a the EV pt of India Isputes have sparked between the Madhya Pradesh government ané ‘theo solar power companies, ater hi ‘the government has cancelled the power purchase agreements fr all projects of ‘SkyPower Global The state goveramert Initiated a similar exercise against ReNew Poveer which went to court against the ‘ancelltionand won the cate. “SkyPower failed to procure land Within the period stipulated in the PAS. MPPMCLs board issued the termination notice on August 11,2017)" said a _government offical. Last yea, SkyPower vas locking for buyersto offload its equity inthe MP projects. kL “The PPAs were cancdlled éue tothe ‘non-fulllmest of terms and conditions ‘ofthe agreements and not due to the armatskais eyeing investments unwillingness of MPPMCL to buy of around Rs 31,000 crore solir power ora purpored inention to from compantes ooking at esearch ‘renegotiate the PPAs for lower eletrcity and development (R&D), and tariffs? said the official, B ‘manufacturing of elecric vehicles (EVs) an thestate. “The state isthe first to launch an Delhi's solar energy model sets an example ea oe for other cities "Poe eta estat ced Dent meting ply fr solr ‘roottop systems as a probable solution for provdingcheap elect Named Ponting Cis inthe Global So he ep pointed out that Brad vascontenplaing lepton changes tos enewableenergy noms toenablea Di tke poli, higghe thee souons — deceased solr phoovelc (PV) sym, dean cooking finland egy cee bldg and appliances — the stem inthe Idan capital vwspoined ox as expla node in Debiin2014, Net. metering enue tht home crmers can owna sob pove system oleae ther rofspuceto developers “Thee growed om exch pem Policy thataims at boasting sales of EVs and installing charging infastruture and special manafacturing zones. “Jam suc this polity would be tame change inthe industry and will ea modelfor other sates, Our wal work tarts nov focusing oa developing 4 ready ecosystem fora vibrant EV sectorin the state” said R V Deshpande, Karnstakis industries minister, (Over the next few years, Karnataka expects to create job opportunities for 538,000 people through the FV industry. és sed tomeet the hnuschodls roto ‘The state islready fledging ecosystem ownersenengy needs, withthe ewesseingfed for supporting ekectric mobility. Apart into the grid the reportstted. Hilo aotedthe from Mahindra Blectc, Karnataka i Pay As YouGo(PAYG) process popu in ual alsoahome to astart-ap named Ather parts of Alia where customers acquit solr Energy. B systems fora small deposit BR Tamil Nadu gets the lowest bidding at Rs. 3.42/unit HT ee ie eo id energy auction which generated a rect low tari of Bs 3.42 per unit ‘The lowest iariffwas bid by ReGen Powertech, which sought 200 MW capacity. Other bidders were Leap Green Energy and Neyreli Ligite which fered Rs S43 per unit and Rs 3.43 per unit respectively “Ministry of New & Renewable Energy Secretary Anand Kumar weleomed the fall in tarifé “Competitive bidding _also help to get finance at attractive rates? is done for fair competition. Ascost of said Madhusadhan Khemka, managing renewable power goes down. discoms _ditectorof ReGen Powerteck. B ‘would willingly take renewable power! he told media, “We were able to quote the recerd low tariff of Rs 3.42 per unitbecause Anterest ates of leading institutions for renewable energy projects have been coming dows. The tender conditions, ‘which include a payment guarantee, will (October 2017 | Enry ext | 45 [INTERNATIONAL | NEWS] Fiji, Niger & Tuvalu deposit instrument of ratification France to invest €7 billion of ISA Framework Agreement in renewables by 2022 ‘Wiile welcoming the participants Anand Kamar, Secretary, MNRE urged the prospective member countries of the ISAto expedite theratfiation process. "The cohairSégoléné Royale detilled the actions taken by her government for supporting solar energy projets in (SA countries. She said that concerted actions should focus on tealzing the chjectves ‘shred in the Paris Declaration, which include reducing the costof france for sola energy andl mobilize upto USS 1000 lon incestzens by 2030, and 'N Corespondent developing new coseffient and reliable Fiji Niger and Tala dept solar technologies and applications, On Insrumenofratitatin of helnteatonal her suggestion the Commitieagrel to Eee esa ee Soe Allance(ISA) Framework Ageemest include a programme on solar supported to invest €20 billion in ts own atthe Sth mecing of otemational Seer e-mabiliy. nergy transition plan to increase clean ‘Canines (50) ofthe A heen Captal __Upencra Tepathy, ater Director nergy deployment by 7oper cent over “Themeding vas tends by 121 prspectve General of the ISA informed about he five yeas. In adaltion thi, thas ao rember courtres whicheithercomletely progress implementation of varius taken steps to decrease the connection ‘opty cbetween the Tropic of Cancer activities under ISA. He peal coats fr solleracle renewable, and Tropic of Capekorn participated sald he metioned about the progress under the ‘As per France’ so-called Great ‘prernment ina seme. three programmes hunched under the Iaestment Plan 2018-22; €7 billon Therecing wav cheiedbyAnead ‘SA“Alrdable ince at seale, “Sealing, | wouldbe invested in renewable ener Kura, Secretary Ministry ofNewand solar applications fe agricultural us ‘billion insenergy efficiency and €4 Renewable Energy (MNRE) and co-chalted and"Scaling Solar Mini Grids: Hespoke _bilionia the switch toelecti vehicles. bySegoliné Royal, Ambassador for Artic about the [SA Secretariat initiative ‘The tnvestnents will go towards and AntrcticPole and Special Envoy for “Common Risk Mitigating Mechanism research and development renewable theImplemetation ofthe Interatonal _(CRMM International Steering sector phasing oa 10 milion old Soli Alliance, Coverisent of Francs, ___Conmiltiee war etabishment under the vehicles and bringing thermal “Till date 40 countries have signed and mandate ofthe Paris Decaraton of SA insulation to low-income and socal 11 coustries have ratified the Framewock to provide the guidance and direction housing. Other key ivestment areas Agreement ofthe SA. Withraiistions to efablhthe ISA. Indi hae ofered tothe wider Tavestsent plan for by 1S countries, the ISA willhecone _comtbution of R175 cre fo creating __—_‘France inclede sills development, 4 teaty based intr-governmental JSAcorpus fund and for mectiagthecost __dgitazation and innovation, International organization? added. of ISA secretariat for inital five year. Tnvedated news energy minister Nicos Huot bas announced thatthe goverment = vil decrease the cast f connection for Draft norms for wind block surveys issued emnll 40d endian sloedrenewebll energy FTeemnirotneranienntenegy As peeps the quis sae installations and biogss onto he network (MINE hs relessed rat guidlines allocation ofthe ofshore wind energy by upto Oper cent depending om the iz on private partpationinstudes forthe Blacks will bedonethrough internation! ofanysnglepnoect. ‘dewiiationafotfsbore wind power locks, competitive bidding (ICB) ony MNRE has Analysts vested that oc tacit Asperthe deat guidlines, the private asked forthe vewsof allstakcholders in __raductons fave been the preserve af entities will have no ightstothe wind thisrogard. consumers and neswork operators anti blocks identified as part of theiesurveysand Tada carrenily has total insted owSiallersclesptems wil redve the tudes, However, they wil have gh over renewable capac cf38.gigawa. The ‘most benftas France wants incentive the data collected and can sel tto any thi total couttrywide potential of eashore the shi towards the sel consumption party butthis wll be onl afertheyreceine wind potentials estimated tobe around model for which i launched major ‘approval om he government 302256W. B tenderer this year. 16 | vey Het | October 2017 [INTERNATIONAL | NEWS] Finland opens its first offshore wind farm (ae eee Power Bras Pancipasies(KGP'B)wcengy in uber do Paul municipal he plant anounced the commisioning ftwosolar Iseomprsed 090.000 meds which te yoowerphnslostel in Bal wthanaggrepte expected to generate nore than 60 gigawat ‘ape of 4 meats hour of dectristy per year enough or O00 (Pa ‘Thetwo pants include 254 megawatt Toc homes as Finland opened its first ever Favor and 292 megawatt Nova Olinda sar According Enel they te cueny the offshore wind farm. The 42 MW parks The frmer i ocat in Ba sates ‘bgt solar parks tn South Amc th the Tabkoluoto wird farm was officially "Iabocas do Heo Vlho municipality and ants lb operated under 20-year og opened ~ ahead of schedule ~ by comprsesof850,000 PV panels with an expected term power puchase agreement (PA) with Finnish energy developer Suomen sanualoutpus of oer 550 giganat hours. ‘he Bratian Chamber of Cammerciaiaon of Hyotytwull, and is the first offshore “hisisad ohe enough w meet the elcrity __Ehetic EnengyThe compar tated thatit has wind farm on Baltic Sea requirement of moe thin 268000 Brian invested sou $40 lon oe wera pant ‘The project received the Finnish ouch ech yo and $900 miler Nova Olinda, BS feed-in-taiff (83,5 MWh for 12 years) as well asa €20 million demonstration subsidy, and first UK gets first subsidy-free solar farm started with a demonstration project (the Pori pilot project) back in 2010, Lisi etaeeetrteceae taccannecrite nenenenanigen EI oe energy sectorin UK ast opened itsfnt_agovernmentscheme to rubsiise the cost, 2.3. MW wind tarbine to Suomen, subsidy fee solar farm, As per reper & such as ‘contacts for difeence’ which ofr —_-Hydtytuul. Ths turbine is still grid 10 megawatt (MMW) sla farm, capate of developers guaranteed minimum pice for connected but is now surrounded by generating enough power for 2300 homes, was the elocrictygencrated, 10 AMW turbines that were installed ‘opened in Bedfordshire by Anesc,apeivae Reportedly the Clayhil farm hasbeen but earlier this yea. The wind farm is 1.2 company that specialises in designing and. near the town of Flawick next to an existing kilometres from shore and at a water buiklingsolarand bttery torage techefore sol proect which ld, however, bene fom depth 9 matrea, Of great interet ie seling them on. subsidy under therenevables obligation the fct that the Tahkoluoto wind ‘The group that hs dewloped the farm is mechanism. Analyt sid basing new projets farmis the first offshore wind backed by Alenia. an aset management rex existing schemes was crucial dive farm designed for icy conditions harnessing technological solutions for arctic conditions Speaking about this technological lnnovation and the possibilities it opens, Suomen Hyotytuul’s chalrman of the board Tuomo Kantola stated Suomen Hyétytauli now has “a ready concept for planning and building offshore wind power on an industrial scale. B company Thecompany hassuceedsdin ——_downcess, B (October 2017 | ergy ent | 477 N23) ‘Opportunities in biomass sector are diverse’ It is essential to adopt bidding process for Biomass power too. Auctions of Biomass power projects could help in obtaining lower generation cost of power, which could help in scaling up of the sector in a big way, says Dr DK Khare, Director, MNRE in an interview with Fozia Yasin pattofthe energy need ofthe flows directly bick tothe farmers through se local evronment ls andhouss that nearly 60-70% ofthe popaaton lives . in wllagsewithoutlorwith marginal accessto What is the pace at which the Biomass sector is moving? & om has some unique characteristics, hasbeen estimated that about $0 millon tons Why Is Biomass sector lang tthe mst atractie renewable option of agicuhure important for the country? forthe rual aeassuch as o-ndstil resis ate inns ichly-endowed with Biomass sj moe that resources which canbe hamessed to meet si system could forother economic purposes About 140-150 _nilion tons pe year surplus ageo-Industeal snd agriculture residues could genemte over 18000 ABW power Of this potetial, about 1Sstatesaccount for almost 96 percent of the here: Howevesprostatly slang: pat of residusis wasted die to poor harvesting ficiency, wich usally to burning inthe field especially in the state of Puja Haryana and pars of UP. Ke may properly harves compact and sori, Biomass potential coal be higher than the estimated potenti In addition, a suplus powergenenition capacity of about 7000 MIW through bagasse based oll eration in $50 sugar ili the coantryhas bea esimate in te country. The ote for bagasse cogeneration es maily inthe nine sugar producing states, withthe smeximasm potential of about 1750 MW each in the tates of Maharashtra and Uttar Prades, You may real thatthe Ministry as seta target of 175 GW renewable power daring 2015, which cludes 100GW solar, 60.GW wind, 10 GW feom Biomass and 5 GW from Small Hydro Powerby 2022. Againstthe terget set forthe country, we hae alan set up Biomass based projects of more than8 Gi (8182 MW). This includes a tot of 1751 MW fror 204 project power ‘sing biler and steam turbines and about 6131 MW bagasse cogeneration peojets st ‘upin 320 sugar sist the esti potential of 7000 MW, Inadditon, around 30 Biomass power progcts(combastion based), aggrspaing to about 350 MW are under ‘vious stagesof implementation. Siar 30 baggsse cogeneration planisin suarmils, Including cooperative sugar mis of about 650, MW areat vious stages Ths we can confidently sy that the target of 10 {GW woald be achieved before 202. This ector hls great potential ands capable For mesting the ever incresing demand ofthe country nergy need. What are the major constraints in.utilization and scaling up of Biomass for energy? “The main challenge in Bion Energy rainly due to erratic and unreliable supply chain of requisite quality and quantity of Wecan confidently say that the target of 10 GW would be achieved before 2022. This sector holds great potential and is capable for meeting the ever-increasing demand of the country's energy need eter 119 Biomass feedstock. Each Biomass power project developer has to seta plan fox supply ‘of processed Biomass feedstock for 52 weeks tna year Due to seasonal croppingpatern of agricultural practices in India, which leeds to uneconmicl propostion of harvesting,