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Quizizz: Research on Various Contemporary Ar

Quiz started on: Fri 23, Apr 03:38 PM Total Attendance: 3 Average Score: 5833

Class Level
# Correct

What defined Earth art from the other forms of art?


What makes installation art different from sculpture or other

traditional art forms? 0

Juan is a thriving politician. He wants that even in the far-flung

area, his name and his platform be remembered. What art form is 2
best use by Juan?
Sam is well-versed in creating digital images with the aid of a
computer. What form of art does Sam practicing? 3

Actors and actresses are the major key players to give life to
performance whether live or recorded, spontaneous or scripted. 3

What makes photography different from painting?


It is an art for which the idea behind the work is more important
than the finished art object. 2

It refers to an imprecise category of photographs, created in

accordance with the creative vision of the cameraman. 3

What form of contemporary art is this?


What form of contemporary art is this?


Total 18
Player level data in next Sheet!!

Time is represented in GMT+0800

ontemporary Art Forms 1
erage Score: 5833

Class Level Player Level

# Incorrect # Unattempted
( CABUAL, A. )

It gives stress to the

2 0 environment

Its complexity and ingenuity

3 0

1 0

Computer Art
0 0

Performance Art
0 0

Photography requires a real

2 0 physical object to be there to
take a picture of it.
Conceptual Art
1 0

0 0

Land Art
1 0

Poster Art
2 0

12 0 8770
Player Level
Allid, Kevin Anderson
Causo, Aleah Marie
All ( Allid, Kevin
( Aleah Marie Causo )
Anderson Allid )

It required too many materials It integrates other forms of art

to finish one work

Its complexity and ingenuity Its popularity and intricacy

Poster Video

Computer Art Computer Art

Performance Art Performance Art

Photography creates emotions Photography uses creative

that move and compel people imagination to come out with
to do things. a beautiful work of art.
Graphic Art Conceptual Art

Photography Photography

Land art Sculpture

Installation art Photography art

4720 4010
Quizizz: Research on Various Contemporary Ar
Quiz started on: Fri 23, Apr 03:38 PM Total Attendance: 3 Average Score: 5833

Players Score Accuracy Started At

( CABUAL, A. )
8770 90% Fri 23, Apr 07:41 AM

Causo, Aleah Marie

( Aleah Marie Causo ) 4720 60% Fri 23, Apr 07:42 AM
Allid, Kevin Anderson
All ( Allid, Kevin 4010 50% Fri 23, Apr 07:41 AM
Anderson Allid )

Time is represented in GMT+0800

ntemporary Art Forms 1
ge Score: 5833


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