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Born to be a character designer

This is the successful journey of a young man that has worked his way up to being a
professional character designer for animation in Egypt. His name is Abdullah Moatasem and
he is only 22 years old.  

For all of you who don't know what character design is, Abdullah gave a brief explanation

AM: “a character designer does is create the look and feel in the 
artwork of how every character in the story of animation or game or commercial is
going to look like in the end.” (:13)

Just like any other kid, Abdullah tried art and fell in love with it. Until he reached the age of
15, he started taking the hobby of drawing seriously so that it can become his career. 

AM: “the way I developed the talent itself or the skill itself is by building the habit of 
working every day like spending a lot of hours studying and copying and like
from other people's work looking at videos of people like instructing and giving tips
and giving advice and you know teaching art itself and of course all geared towards
the field I’m in.” (:30)

According to Pearson College, character design is one of the most creative jobs on an
animated film, allowing the artist to use their wild imagination and come up with great ideas.
The best of all gets paid to do it. 
Abdullah was mainly self-taught, but he took some courses online and learned from
professionals in his field until he reached the point where he started monetizing from his

AM: “the way I got there is by exposing myself a lot on social media like putting work
out there joining groups joining communities and going to events and socializing
networking with people and like by time I got connected with a lot of other artists
saw potential in my work and had other connections in the industry already and
started hitting me up and calling me and asking me for work I started getting a lot of 
jobs since then” (:30)

Abdullah’s proudest gig was working with Netflix Animations on a kids’ TV show called

AM: “I got called up or messaged through Instagram by one of the show creators on
Netflix and I had the opportunity to join them for like five months which was great. I
learned a lot.” (:14)

Abdullah accomplished a lot at a young age, but he still didn't reach his ultimate goal. 

AM: “The main dream for me and what started my whole passion for this field already
is having to work on like one of the big feature blockbuster animation movies that’s
my ultimate goal, I would say.” (:15)
Aliaa Abou Ahmed, A-U-C News.

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