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1. Read each question carefully and choose the best answer. This test consist of critical
thinking skills designed to assess your learning and comprehension of the information
presented on Immunologic and Respiratory disorders. 2. You are given 2 hours to finish this
test. Please submit your response before the times runs out. 3. Once you have answered all
the questions, pleases click the "Submit" button. 4. Do your BEST. Don't CHEAT and always
1. A nurse is planning care for a client who has Hgb 7.5 g/dL and Hct 21.5%.
Which of the following actions should the nurse include in the plan of care?
(Select all that apply.). Multiple choice.

(1/1 Point)
A. Provide assistance with ambulation.
B. Monitor oxygen saturation.
C. Weigh the client weekly.
D. Obtain stool specimen for occult blood.
E. Schedule daily rest periods.
2.A nurse in a clinic is caring for a client who has suspected anemia. Which of the
following laboratory test results should the nurse expect?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
A. Iron 90 mcg/dL
B. RBC 6.5 million/uL
C. WBC 4,800 mm3
D. Hgb 10 g/dL
3.Nurse Tine is addressing Dereck's concern about finger sticks. Which of the
following information should he include in the teaching?. Single choice.
(0/1 Point)
Hold the finger under the cool running water for ten seconds prior to the finger stick.
Use the center ofthe pad of the finger for the puncture site.
Set the lancet device at the shallowest setting to the finger stick.
Use cotton ball to wipe away the first drop of the blood from the puncture site.
4.This pharmacologic treatment helps thin mucus so it’s cleared more easily out
of airways; also soothe mucous membranes in the respiratory tract. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
a. mucolytic
b. antitussives
c. expectorant
d. antihistamines
5.The type 1 diabetes mellitus focus on a 12 year old male name Dereck along
with his mom Deborah,who presents to his provider's clinic with manifestations
of diabetes mellitus,his care and educational needs during diagnosis and
hospitalization and his follow-up appointment to evaluate the outcome of his
treatment and plan of care.Nurse Dom is assessing Derek for manifestation of
diabetes mellitus. For which of the following manifestation should he assess?.
Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
Maculopapular rash
Bruises easily
Blurred vision
6.It is the extra air that can be exhaled after a forced breath. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
a. Tidal Volume
b. Total Lung Capacity
c. Expiratory reserve volume
d. Minimal air
7.During thoracentesis it is important to place the client in a correct position
which is. Single choice.
(0/1 Point)
a) side-lying
b) High fowler’s
c) Upright
d) Dorsal recumbent
8.It refers to the inflammation of lung parenchyma leading to pulmonary
consolidation as alveoli are filled with exudates and it affects both lobes of the
lungs.. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
a. Bronchitis
b. Cystic fibrosis
c. Bilateral Pneumonia
9.Knowing that gluconeogenesis helps to maintain blood glucose levels, a nurse
should:. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
A. Document weight changes because of fatty acid mobilization.
B. Evaluate the patient’s sensitivity to low room temperatures because of decreased adipose
tissue insulation.
C. Protect the patient from sources of infection because of decreased cellular protein deposits.
D. Do all of the above.
10.When putting the device referred to as pulse oximeter, nurse Tom must place
the sensor to. Single choice.
(0/1 Point)
a. to the right side of the knees
b. a newly painted nails
c. An extremity without an impediment in blood flow
d. Necrotic toe
11.Nurse Nanon is preparing to review the results of Dereck's urine
dipstick.Which of the following results should he expect as an indication of
diabetes mellitus?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
Specific gravity 1.010
Negative nitrates
Positive Ketones
pH 6
12.Nurse Irvin is admitting a client with hypoglycemia. Identify the signs and
symptoms the nurse should expect. Select all that apply.. Multiple choice.
(0/1 Point)
A. Thirst
B. Palpitations
Palpitations, an adrenergic symptom, occur as the glucose levels fall; the sympathetic nervous system
is activated and epinephrine and norepinephrine are secreted causing this response. Diaphoresis is a
sympathetic nervous system response that occurs as epinephrine and norepinephrine are released.
Slurred speech is a neuroglycopenic symptom; as the brain receives insufficient glucose, the activity
of the CNS becomes depressed.
C. Diaphoresis
Palpitations, an adrenergic symptom, occur as the glucose levels fall; the sympathetic nervous system
is activated and epinephrine and norepinephrine are secreted causing this response. Diaphoresis is a
sympathetic nervous system response that occurs as epinephrine and norepinephrine are released.
Slurred speech is a neuroglycopenic symptom; as the brain receives insufficient glucose, the activity
of the CNS becomes depressed.
D. Slurred speech
Palpitations, an adrenergic symptom, occur as the glucose levels fall; the sympathetic nervous system
is activated and epinephrine and norepinephrine are secreted causing this response. Diaphoresis is a
sympathetic nervous system response that occurs as epinephrine and norepinephrine are released.
Slurred speech is a neuroglycopenic symptom; as the brain receives insufficient glucose, the activity
of the CNS becomes depressed.
E. Hyperventilation
13.Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C) test measures the average blood glucose
control of an individual over the previous three months. Which of the following
values is considered a diagnosis of pre-diabetes?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
A. 6.5-7%
B. 5.7-6.4%
Glycosylated hemoglobin levels between 5.7%-6.4% is considered as pre-diabetes
C. 5-5.6%
D. >5.6%
14.Nurse Pete is teaching a client who has multiple sclerosis and a new
prescription for baclofen. Which of the following statements should the nurse
include in the teaching?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
“This medication will help you with your tremors.”
“This medication will help you with your bladder function.”
“This medication may cause your skin to bruise easily.”
“This medication may cause your skin to appear yellow in color.”
15.Which of the following is true about sputum collection?. Single choice.
(0/1 Point)
a. Collect specimen before giving antibiotics
b. Ask the client to drink a glass of water prior to collection
c. Gargle with chlorhexidine before collection
d. Transport the specimen 2 hours after collection
16.The nurse is teaching a client regarding the administration of insulin as part of
the discharge plan. Which of the following insulin has the most rapid onset of
action?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
A. insulin regular (Humulin R)
B. lispro (Admelog)
C. glargine (Toujeo)
D. insulin NPH (Humulin N)
17.A nurse is caring for a client who has pneumonia. Assessment findings include
temperature 37.8° C (100° F), respirations 30/min, blood pressure 130/76, heart
rate 100/min, and SaO2 91% on room air. What would be the first nursing
intervention?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
A. Administer antibiotics.
B. Administer oxygen therapy.
C. Perform a sputum culture.
D. Administer an antipyretic medication to promo
18.You're performing a head-to-toe assessment on a patient with multiple
sclerosis. When you ask the patient to move the head and neck downward the
patient reports an "electric shock" sensation that travels down the body. You
would report your finding to the doctor that the patient is experiencing. Single
(0/1 Point)
Romberg's Sign
Lhermitte's Sign
Uhthoff's Sign
Homan's Sign
19.The nurse knows that glucagon may be given in the treatment of
hypoglycemia because it:. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
Inhibits gluconeogenesis
Stimulates the release of insulin
Increases blood glucose levels
Provides more storage of glucose.
20.Which medications below can help treat muscle spasms in a patient with
multiple sclerosis?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
Docusate Sodium
21.A device that alerts hypoxemia before clinical signs occur. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
a. incentive spirometry
b. mechanical ventilator
c. pulse oximeter
d. cardiac monitor
22.A nurse in a clinic receives a phone call from a client seeking information
about a new prescription for erythropoietin. Which of the following information
should the nurse review with the client?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
A. The client needs an erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) test weekly.
B. The client should have his hemoglobin checked in 4 -6 weeks.
C. Oxygen saturation levels should be monitored.
D. Folic acid production will increase
23.Upon inspection of the posterior thorax and lungs nurse Hanna must note;.
Single choice.
(0/1 Point)
a. Color of Spine and mobility and any structural deformity
b. Tenderness at the scapulae
c. Both a and b
d. B and C are correct
24.These are used to determine the cause and type of anemias.. Single choice.
(0/1 Point)
a. hemoglobin and hematocrit
b. RBC indices
c. CBC
d. RBC only
25.Rotation sites for insulin injection should be separated from one another by
2.5 cm (1 inch) and should be used only every:. Single choice.
(0/1 Point)
A. Third day
B. Every other day
C. 1-2 weeks
D. 2-4 weeks
26.A client is admitted in the ICU for 3 days now. He started having fever this
afternoon. Urinalysis did not indicate presence of bacteria and pus. His chest x-
ray was clear upon admission. The client might have. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
a. community acquire pneumonia
b. Hospital acquired pneumonia
c. Immunocompromised host
d. Bilateral pneumonia
27.Priority nursing intervention for patient with carbon monoxide poisoning is to;.
Single choice.
(0/1 Point)
a. monitor vital signs
b. Administer oxygen
c. Remove victim from exposure
d. Assess the patient’s level of consciousness
28.A patient is receiving Interferon Beta for treatment of multiple sclerosis. As the
nurse you will stress the importance of?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
Physical exercise to improve fatigue
Low fat diet
Hand hygiene and avoiding infection
Reporting ideation of suicide
29.An ABG is taken an hour after following intubation. Interpret the following: pH
- 7.47, PaCO2 - 32, pO2-85,HCO3-25, o2 saturation 98%. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
a. respiratory acidosis
b. respiratory alkalosis
c. metabolic acidosis
d. metabolic alkalosis
30.Deficiency in several bood components can be one of the causes of anemia.
These components are: (Select all that apply). Multiple choice.
(1/1 Point)
a. folic acid
b. lymphocytes
c. Vit. B12
d. erythropoietin
e. iron
31.A nurse is beginning a physical assessment of a client who has a new
diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Which of the following findings should the nurse
expect?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
32.Which of the following is not true about expiration. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
a. It is a passive process
b. the diaphragm relaxes and ascends
c. the atmospheric pressure is higher than intrapulmonic
d. the intercostal muscles relax
33.A client with DM demonstrates acute anxiety when first admitted for the
treatment of hyperglycemia. The most appropriate intervention to decrease the
client’s anxiety would be to:. Single choice.
(0/1 Point)
A. Administer a sedative
B. Make sure the client knows all the correct medical terms to understand what is happening
C. Ignore the signs and symptoms of anxiety so that they will soon disappear
D. Convey empathy, trust, and respect toward the client
34.A nurse is caring for a client 2 hr after admission. The client has an SaO2 of
91%, exhibits audible wheezes, and is using accessory muscles when breathing.
Which of the following classes of medications should the nurse expect to
administer?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
A. Antibiotic
B. Beta blocker
C. Antiviral
D. Beta2 agonist
35.Nurse Dee is on morning shift schedule ,when he did morning rounds, upon
entering the client's room upon initial assessment ,client became unconscious
and stupor, cold clammy skin and when you performed stat random blood
sugar ,it revealed 40mg/dl. What will be his initial nursing action?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
Notify the provider and ensure patent IV line and anticipate D50 water 1 vial ivvt now.
Repeat RBS after 30 minutes
Ensure consent for intubation from the family
Monitor patient for signs of severe hypoglycemic reactions.
36.A client diagnosed with type 1 diabetes receives insulin. He asks the nurse why
he can’t just take pills instead. What is the best response by the nurse?. Single
(1/1 Point)
A. "Insulin must be injected because it needs to work quickly."
B. "Insulin can't be in a pill because it is destroyed in stomach acid."
C. "Have you talked to your doctor about taking pills instead?"
D. "I know it is tough, but you will get used to the shots soon."
37.Which of the following chronic complications is associated with diabetes?.
Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
A. Dizziness, dyspnea on exertion, and coronary artery disease
B. Retinopathy, neuropathy, and coronary artery disease
C. Leg ulcers, cerebral ischemic events, and pulmonary infarcts
D. Fatigue, nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, and cardiac arrhythmias
38.Albert, a 35-year-old insulin-dependent diabetic, is admitted to the hospital
with a diagnosis of pneumonia. He has been febrile since admission. His daily
insulin requirement is 24 units of NPH. Every morning Albert is given NPH insulin
at 0730. Meals are served at 0830, 1230, and 1830. Nurse Bright expects that the
NPH insulin will reach its maximum effect (peak) between the hours of:. Single
(1/1 Point)
A. 1130 and 1330
B. 1330 and 1930
Correct answer: B. 1330 and 1930 The peak time of insulin is the time it is working the hardest to
lower the blood glucose. NPH insulin is an intermediate-acting insulin that has an onset of 1 to 3
hours after injection, peaks 4 to 12 hours later, and is effective for about 12 to 16 hours.
C. 1530 and 2130
D. 1730 and 2330
39.You're developing a plan of care for a patient with multiple sclerosis who
presents with Uhthoff's Sign. What interventions will you include in the patient's
plan of care?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
Avoid movements of the head and neck downward
Encourage patient to use warm packs and heating pads for symptoms
Educate the patient on three ways to avoid overheating during exercise
Do not keep room temperature cool
40." I hereby acknowledge that I completed taking the exam and answered all the
items with INTEGRITY.". Single choice.
41.Nurse Wat is addressing Dereck's concern about his peers making fun of him
because he has to check his blood glucose level.Which of the following responses
should he make?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
" Sometimes a person who has diabetes mellitus feels embarassed when they have to check their
blood glucose in front of others.Have you ever felt that way?
"You may feel uncomfortable checking your blood sugar in front of your friends,but if you
explain to them what you are doing they'll understand"
"Why do you feel uncomfortable checking your blood sugar around others?Monitoring your
blood sugar is an important part of your care"
"Im proudnof you for checking your blood sugar levels like you're supposed to.Dont worry
about embarrassed about it how,it well get better"
42.Nurse Bright is preparing to administer a morning dose of insulin aspart to a
client who has type 1 diabetes mellitus. Which of the following actions should the
nurse implement?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
Check blood glucose immediately after breakfast.
Administer insulin when breakfast arrives.
Hold breakfast for 1 hr after insulin administration.
Clarify the prescription because insulin should not be administered at this time.
43.Nurse Tay is teaching Deborah and Dereck about the Hemoglobin
A1c(HbA1C).Which of the following statements by Deborah indicates an
understanding of teaching?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
"I Dereck's A1c is 7% ,it means his blood sugar is well controlled".
"The A1c indicates how much glucose is attached to Derek's white blood cells"
"The A1c indicates Derek's average blood sugar level of the previous months"
" If Derek develops anemia,his A1c level will decrease"
44.A nurse is teaching a client who has a new prescription for ferrous sulfate.
Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching?.
Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
A. Stools will be dark red.
B. Take with a glass of milk if gastrointestinal distress occurs.
C. Foods high in vitamin C will promote absorption.
D. Take for 14 day
Single line text.

46.58. A client was brought to the Emergency room because of a terrible

headache, coupled with nausea, flushing and impaired visual acquity after
sleeping inside his car for two hours. He might have;. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
a. 40% carbon monoxide poisoning
b. 30% carbon monoxide poisoning
c. 50% carbon monoxide poisoning
d. greater than 50% carbon monoxide poisoning
47.A client with type 1 diabetes mellitus has a fingerstick glucose level of
258mg/dl at bedtime. An order for sliding scale insulin exists. The nurse should:.
Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
. Call the physician
B. Encourage the intake of fluids
C. Administer the insulin as ordered
D. Give the client 1/2 c. of orange juice
48.Nurse Type is preparing to administer morning doses of insulin glargine and
regular insulin to a client who has a blood glucose 278 mg/dL. Which of the
following actions should he take?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
Draw up the glargine insulin then the regular insulin in the same syringe.
Draw up and administer regular and glargine insulin in separate syringes.
Administer the regular insulin, wait 1 hr, and then administer the glargine insulin.
Refer to the provider prior of insulin adminsitration.
49.Nurse Dom is teaching Dereck and Deborah about diabetes management
during illness.Which of the following statement indicates understanding of
teaching?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
" Dereck should discontinue his insulin injections if he is vomiting"
"Dereck should decrease his fluid intake when he's sick unless he's vomiting"
" We should check Dereck's urine ketones twice a day when he's sick"
"Derek should check his blood glucose level every 3 hours when he's sick"
50.What is the compensation of this ABG results? pH - 7.47, PaCO2 - 32, pO2-
85,HCO3-20.. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
a.) no
b.) partial
c). full
d). none of the above
51.A nurse in a clinic is caring for a client whose partner states the client woke up
this morning, did not recognize him, and did not know where she was. The client
reports chills and chest pain that is worse upon inspiration. Which of the
following actions is the nursing priority?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
A. Obtain baseline vital signs and oxygen saturation.
B. Obtain a sputum culture.
C. Obtain a complete history from the client.
D. Provide a pneumococcal vaccine.
52.A severe and persistent asthma that does not respond to therapy and
progresses rapidly to asphyxiation:. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
a. respiratory failure
b. pneumonia
c. atelectasis
d. status asthmaticus
53.Nurse Dom is selecting a snack for Dereck.Which of the following snacks
should he choose?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
A frosted chocolate cupcake and 8 oz cartoon skim milk.
1/2 cup mac and cheese and 4 oz carton of grape juice
6 baby carrots and 6 cherry tomatoes with 2 Tbsp ranch dressing
Six whole grain crackers with 2 0z mild cheddar cheese
54.Nurse Win is teaching Dereck about exercise and diabetes management about
diabetes management.Which of the following statements by Dereck indicates an
understanding of the teaching?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
" I should limit my exercise to one hour each day"
" I should take a break from exercise for 2 days each week"
"I should eat a complex carbohydrate snack before I exercise"
"I should take an extra dose of regular insulin 30 minutes before exercise"
55.Which of the following best describes Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
a. refers to the pulmonary consequences resulting from entry of endogenous* or exogenous
substances into the lower airway
b. a complication of some other conditions, caused by a diffuse lung injury and leads to
extravascular lung fluid
c. An accumulation of thick, purulent fluid within the pleural space
d. occurs with the use of corticosteroids, chemotherapy, nutritional depletion, use of broad-
spectrum antibiotics, AIDS, genetic immune disorders and long term advanced life-support therapy
56.Nurse New is teaching Deborah about fasting blood glucose test.Which of the
following statements indicate Deborah's understanding of the teaching?. Single
(0/1 Point)
"Derek's shouldn'nt eat for 4 hours before checking his fasting blood sugar"
"I need to take Derek to the lab to have his fasting blood sugar checked"
"Derek's fasting Blood Sugar level is expected to be between 70-110 mg/dl""
" I need make sure that Derek's fasting blood sugar is checked every 3-5 days"
57.A client with diabetes mellitus has an above-knee amputation because of
severe peripheral vascular disease, Two days following surgery, when preparing
the client for dinner, it is the nurse’s primary responsibility to:. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
A. Check the client’s serum glucose level
B. Assist the client out of bed to the chair
C. Place the client in a High-Fowler's position
D. Ensure that the client’s residual limb is elevated
58.Who among the following clients is at risk for ARDS?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
a. a client with end stage cancer receiving broad spectrum anti microbials
b. a client who was on mechanical ventilator support for 3 days
c. A client who is post repair of maxillary fracture and chest trauma
d. None of the above
59.At 67, Mr. X-ray was not able to quit smoking, even if he is coughing for 12
weeks now, few minutes later his wife called an ambulance because Mr. X-ray
cannot breath and kept on coughing out yellowish phlegm. He was rushed to the
nearest hospital and lost his consciousness few minutes after. Mr. X-ray is a client
that possibly presents the symptoms of what pulmonary problem?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
a. Bronchial asthma
b. Carbon monoxide poisoning
c. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
d. Closed obstructed pulmonologic disorder
60.Which finding below represents a positive Romberg Sign in a patient with
multiple sclerosis?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
The patient report dark spots in the visual fields during the confrontation visual field test.
When the patient closes the eyes and stands with their feet together they start to lose their
balance and sway back and forth.
The patient's sign and symptoms increase when expose to hot temperatures.
The patient reports an electric shock feeling when the head and neck are moved downward.
61.It displays Information on the anatomic location and appearance with
radiation. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
a. Ultrasonography
b. Computed tomography scan
c. X-ray
d. MRI
62.azithromycin is an example of.... Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
a. fluoroquinolones
b. Mast cell stabilizer
c. macrolides
d. cephalosporins
63.A client with diabetes mellitus states, “I cannot eat big meals; I prefer to snack
throughout the day.” The nurse should carefully explain that:. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
A. Regulated food intake is basic to control
B. Salt and sugar restriction is the main concern
C. Small, frequent meals are better for digestion
D. Large meals can contribute to a weight problem
64.52. A 26-year old client is rushed to the Urgent Care Unit due to difficulty of
breathing. Upon auscultation nurse Miko heard a high pitch sound over both
lung fields, the client is coughing without secretions, the cardiac rate is now
115bpm. The next best thing that nurse Miko should do is to:. Single choice.
(0/1 Point)
a. Check the blood pressure
b. Attached the patient to a pulse oximeter
c. Obtain an ABG
d. Do chest physiotherapy
65.A nurse is teaching foot care to a client who has diabetes mellitus. Which of
the following information should the nurse include in the teaching?. Single
(1/1 Point)
Remove calluses using over‐the‐counter remedies.
Apply lotion between toes.
Perform nail care after bathing.
Wear open‐toe shoes.
66.A nurse is providing teaching for a client who is scheduled for a bone marrow
biopsy of the iliac crest. Which of the following statements made by the client
indicates an understanding of the teaching?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
A. “This test will be performed while I am lying flat on my back.”
B. “I will need to stay in bed for about an hour after the test.”
C.“This test will determine which antibiotic I should take for treatment.”
D.“I will receive general anesthesia for the test"
67.Rotating injection sites when administering insulin prevents which of the
following complications?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
A. Insulin edema
B. Insulin lipodystrophy
C. Insulin resistance
D. Systemic allergic reactions
68.A patient is suspected of having multiple sclerosis. The neurologist orders
various test. The patient's MRI results are back and show lesions on the
cerebellum and optic nerve. What signs and symptoms below would correlate
with this MRI finding in a patient with multiple sclerosis?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
Blurry vision
"Pill rolling" of fingers and hands
Heat intolerance
69.When a 42-year old, male, married client is subjected for chest x-ray it is
important to note. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
a. If he has tongue ring or piercing
b. May be pregnant
c. Able to inhale and hold breath
d. All of the above
70.You are nurse in charge caring for type 1 Diabetes mellitus plan of
discharge,the provider ordered for dietary counseling program for your
patient.For whom do you refer the client prior to discharge?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
Allergo consult for food preferences
Nutritionist /Dietitian specialist
Community food sources
Financial assistance program
71.A 55-year old, female, single client is receiving an anticoagulation therapy,
however she is subjected for an arterial blood gas study. The following must be
considered prior to blood extraction 1. normal coagulation study 2. modified
allens test must be done 3. heparinized syringe must not be used 4. check site for
bleeding 5. check o2 saturation 6. there must be a presence of bubbles in the
tuberculin syringe 7. check site for pain. Single choice.
(0/1 Point)
b. all except 3 and 6
c. 1,2,4,7
d. all are correct
72.Nurse Win went to a patient’s room to do routine vital signs monitoring and
found out that the patient’s bedtime snack was not eaten. This should alert the
nurse to check and assess for:. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
A. Elevated serum bicarbonate and decreased blood pH
B. Signs of hypoglycemia earlier than expected
Correct answer: B. Signs of hypoglycemia earlier than expected. Eating a bedtime snack can prevent
blood glucose levels from dropping very low during the night and lessen the Somogyi effect where
glucose levels drop significantly between 2:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m.
C. Symptoms of hyperglycemia during the peak time of NPH insulin
D. Sugar in the urine
73.A nurse is completing an integumentary assessment of a client who has
anemia. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
A. Absent turgor
B. Spoon-shaped nails
C. Shiny, hairless legs
D. Yellow mucous membranes
74.Untreated diabetes may result in all of the following except:. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
Cardiovascular disease
Kidney disease
75.Nurse Dom is teaching Dereck and Deborah about injection site and rotation
and insulin injection techniques.Which of the following statements by Derek
indicates understanding of the teaching?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
"I should gently massage the site for ten seconds after the injection"
" I should use my upper leg for the injection before playing soccer"
" I should inject the insulin straight in at ninety -degree angle"
" I should use the same body area for injections for 4-5 days"
76.A client with diabetes mellitus visits a health care clinic. The client’s diabetes
previously had been well controlled with glyburide (Diabeta), 5 mg PO daily, but
recently, the fasting blood glucose has been running 180-200 mg/dl. Which
medication, if added to the clients regimen, may have contributed to the
hyperglycemia?. Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
prednisone (Deltasone)
atenolol (Tenormin)
phenelzine (Nardil)
allopurinol (Zyloprim)
77.Nurse Hanna is correct in assessing the anterior thorax when she inspects for;.
Single choice.
(1/1 Point)
a. Inspect for symmetry of the thorax, ribs and clavicles
b .Note manner of breathing and any signs of respiratory difficulty
c . Assess the respiratory rate, depth and symmetry
d. All are correct
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