A Personalidade Está Associada Ao Risco de Demência 2021

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Ageing Research Reviews 67 (2021) 101269

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Is personality associated with dementia risk? A meta-analytic investigation

Damaris Aschwanden a, *, Jason E. Strickhouser a, Martina Luchetti a, Yannick Stephan b,
Angelina R. Sutin a, Antonio Terracciano a
Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA
Euromov, University of Montpellier, France


Keywords: This study provides a quantitative synthesis of the prospective associations between personality traits (neurot­
Personality traits icism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness) and the risk of incident Alzheimer’s disease and
Dementia related dementias. We conducted five separate meta-analyses with 8–12 samples (N = 30,036 to 33,054) that
Alzheimer’s disease
were identified through a systematic literature search following the MOOSE guidelines. Higher neuroticism (HR
= 1.24, 95% CI [1.17, 1.31]) and lower conscientiousness (HR = 0.77, 95% CI [0.73, 0.81]) were associated with
Conscientiousness increased dementia risk, even after accounting for covariates such as depressive symptoms. Lower extraversion
(HR = 0.92, 95% CI [0.86, 0.97]), openness (HR = 0.91, 95% CI [0.86, 0.96]), and agreeableness (HR = 0.90,
95% CI [0.83, 0.98]) were also associated with increased risk, but these associations were less robust and not
significant in fully adjusted models. No evidence of publication bias was found. The strength of associations was
unrelated to publication year (i.e., no evidence of winner’s curse). Meta-regressions indicated consistent effects
for neuroticism, openness, and conscientiousness across methods to assess dementia, dementia type, follow-up
length, sample age, minority, country, and personality measures. The association of extraversion and agree­
ableness varied by country. Our findings indicate robust associations of neuroticism and conscientiousness with
dementia risk.

1. Introduction traits are risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias
(Chapman et al., 2019; Kaup et al., 2019; Terracciano et al., 2014;
Dementia is a leading cause of disability among older adults world­ Wilson et al., 2007). Personality refers to relatively enduring differences
wide (Alzheimer’s Association, 2017; Baumgart et al., 2015; Livingston in behaviors, thoughts, and feelings (Allemand et al., 2008; Costa and
et al., 2017). The most common type of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, McCrae, 1992; Löckenhoff et al., 2008). The Five-Factor Model (FFM)
a progressive neurodegenerative disease that often begins with patho­ organizes personality into five basic traits (Costa and McCrae, 1992):
logical changes in the brain and then progresses to mild cognitive neuroticism (the tendency to experience negative emotions and diffi­
impairment and dementia. Dementia is associated with considerable culties with impulse control), extraversion (the tendency to be sociable,
physical, psychological, social, and economic burden on the individual, energetic, and assertive), openness (the tendency to be creative and to
their caregivers and families, and society at large (Alzheimer’s Associ­ prefer variety), agreeableness (the tendency to be trusting, cooperative,
ation, 2017; World Health Organization, 2019). As such, the World and altruistic), and conscientiousness (the tendency to be organized,
Health Organization (WHO) recognizes dementia as a public health responsible, and disciplined). These individual differences are relatively
priority (World Health Organization, 2019). The etiology of dementia is stable across most of the adult lifespan and predict important life out­
complex and a broad range of risk factors across multiple domains comes such as health (Strickhouser et al., 2017). Of the FFM personality
contribute to risk of developing the disease. These factors range from traits, neuroticism and conscientiousness emerge as the most important
genetic (e.g., ε4 variant of the apolipoprotein E; Deckers et al., 2015) predictors for cognitive health. Specifically, higher neuroticism and
and sociodemographic (e.g., education; Baumgart et al., 2015) to envi­ lower conscientiousness have been associated with an increased risk of
ronmental (e.g., exposure to pollution; Peters et al., 2019) factors. developing Alzheimer’s disease (Duchek et al., 2019; Terracciano et al.,
Within this continuum, a growing literature suggests that personality 2014) and dementia more generally (Kaup et al., 2019; Singh-Manoux

* Corresponding author at: Department of Geriatrics, College of Medicine, Florida State University, 1115 West Call Street, Tallahassee, FL, 32306, USA.
E-mail address: damaris.aschwanden@med.fsu.edu (D. Aschwanden).

Received 16 June 2020; Received in revised form 8 September 2020; Accepted 2 February 2021
Available online 6 February 2021
1568-1637/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D. Aschwanden et al. Ageing Research Reviews 67 (2021) 101269

et al., 2020). In a previous meta-analytic project, we found that not only was through (a) clinical diagnosis, (b) neuropathological evaluation, or
higher neuroticism and lower conscientiousness, but also lower open­ (c) by a cut-off for cognitive performance. (4) Measure of personality:
ness and agreeableness were associated with increased risk of Alz­ Studies reported how personality was measured and assessed at least
heimer’s disease (Terracciano et al., 2014). A few recent studies further one of the following traits: neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agree­
suggest that lower extraversion, openness, and agreeableness are related ableness, and/or conscientiousness.
to increased risk of incident dementia (Aschwanden et al., 2020;
Chapman et al., 2019; Duberstein et al., 2011; Singh-Manoux et al., 2.1.2. Search strategy
2020; Terracciano et al., 2017b), but the findings for these traits are A systematic literature search of five electronic databases covering
mixed. It is also unclear whether there are factors that moderate these all years up to June 2020 was conducted. The databases searched were
associations. MEDLINE provided by PubMed, Science Direct, Web of Science as well
Since our meta-analytic project in 2014 (Terracciano et al., 2014), as psycINFO and psycARTICLES provided by APA PsycNet. The search
the published findings on personality and dementia have expanded terms used were personality OR personality traits OR neuroticism OR
considerably. However, there has been no systematic attempt to assess conscientiousness OR extraversion OR openness OR openness to experience
publication bias or to examine potential moderators of the meta-analytic OR agreeableness OR five factor OR big five AND dementia OR Alzheimer’s*.
associations. The goal of this study is thus twofold: First, we aim to Further, the reference lists of previous work were screened for additional
provide an up-to-date estimation of the association between the FFM studies. A first researcher (DA) screened the titles and keywords of each
personality traits and risk of incident all-cause dementia (hereafter, article for eligibility. Those meeting initial screening criteria were then
“dementia” is used when referring to our outcome variable). The present screened at the abstract level. If a study appeared to meet eligibility
study of five meta-analyses with at least N = 30,036 individuals is six criteria, full-text articles were obtained. The full text-articles of the
times larger than the total samples examined previously (N = 5054; remaining studies were then independently assessed for inclusion by a
Terracciano et al., 2014), which should provide more robust estimates of second researcher (AT). Discrepancies were discussed and resolved.
effect sizes. Furthermore, our previous work focused on published
studies using a clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. We expand on 2.1.3. Statistical analysis
this by including studies that (a) examined all causes of dementia (i.e., To reduce variability across studies, we generally chose the risk es­
not just Alzheimer’s disease) and (b) applied cognitive cut-off scores to timates from the main model, with age, gender, education, and race/
classify dementia. Second, we aim to fill a major gap in the literature by ethnicity as covariates. In addition, we conducted supplementary ana­
addressing potential publication bias and testing several potential lyses with studies that accounted for depressive symptoms. Effects re­
moderators. It is crucial to assess publication bias because it can lead to ported as linear regression coefficients (Duchek et al., 2019) were
overestimated effects and may suggest the existence of non-existing ef­ exponentiated to get the odds ratio.1 Effects reported as odds ratios
fects in meta-analysis (van Aert et al., 2019). It is also important to (Wilson et al., 2005) and risk ratios (Wilson et al., 2006) were directly
examine factors that potentially moderate the meta-analytic associa­ considered as hazard ratios (HRs). The HRs and confidence intervals
tions since this provides insights in the robustness and generalizability of were inverted in one study that presented one unit decrease (vs. in­
the findings. Therefore, the current study tested whether the crease) in personality traits in relation to dementia risk (Wang et al.,
meta-analytic associations vary by classification of dementia (clinical 2009). The log-transformed HR and standard error were scaled in five
diagnosis vs. cognitive cut-off score) and other important aspects, such studies (Johansson et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2009; Wilson et al., 2005,
as follow-up time, year of publication, dementia type, country, average 2006, 2007) to correspond to the effect associated with a difference of
age of the sample, proportion of minority, and personality measure. one standard deviation (1 SD) on the trait. Calculation of the pooled
Based on previous literature, we hypothesized that higher neuroti­ mean effect size was conducted using random-effect model
cism and lower conscientiousness would be associated with an increased meta-analyses. Between-study heterogeneity was quantified using tau2,
risk of incident dementia. We further expected lower openness and Hedges Q, and I2 statistics (Higgins et al., 2003). I2 ranges between 0%
agreeableness to be associated with increased dementia risk because we and 100%, whereof values exceeding 50% were considered to represent
found such associations when estimates were pooled across studies in large heterogeneity (Bellou et al., 2017).
the previous meta-analytic project (Terracciano et al., 2014). We ex­ Given the lack of consensus around measures of publication bias, we
pected, however, stronger associations for neuroticism and conscien­ incorporated three strategies for its assessment. First, the distribution of
tiousness than for openness and agreeableness. obtained effect sizes was examined in a funnel plot and the Egger’s test
for funnel plot asymmetry (Egger et al., 1997) was used to evaluate
2. Methods whether the distribution was significantly asymmetrical. Second, we
applied a trim and fill procedure to obtain a bias-corrected estimate of
2.1. Meta-analyses the overall effect (Duval and Tweedie, 2000). Third, the precision-effect
test and precision-effect estimate with standard errors (PET-PEESE;
The meta-analyses were prepared in accordance with the MOOSE Stanley and Doucouliagos, 2014) was used to estimate the effect size
recommendations for meta-analyses of observational studies (Stroup that would be expected in a hypothetical study with a standard error of
et al., 2000). The MOOSE checklist can be found in the supplemental zero. PET adjusts for small-study effects (i.e., the tendency of studies
material S2. The research question was formed using the PICO frame­ with smaller samples to produce larger effect sizes) and assesses if there
work (Schardt et al., 2007) with P (participants) = cognitively unimpaired is a true effect beyond publication bias. If PET is significant (i.e., indi­
older adults at baseline; I (Intervention) = no intervention / exposure, cation of true effect), the additional PEESE provides a better estimate as
observational (cohort study); C (Comparison) = level of personality traits it corrects for a non-linear association between the reported effect size
(individual differences), and O (Outcome) = risk of incident Alzheimer’s
disease and all-cause dementia.
Note that, for neuroticism and conscientiousness, Duckek and colleagues
2.1.1. Eligibility criteria
(2019) report both regression coefficients and odds ratios in their article, but
Studies on the relation between personality and risk of dementia for the remaining traits, only regression coefficients are provided (in supple­
were included if the following criteria were met: (1) Study design: Studies mental material). To be consistent in the calculation across all traits, we
were longitudinal. (2) Publication status: Studies were published in an exponentiated the regression coefficients for all of them rather than taking the
English language, peer-reviewed journal. (3) Measure of dementia: odds ratios for neuroticism and conscientiousness and exponentiating the co­
Studies reported how dementia was assessed. Dementia classification efficients for the remaining traits.

D. Aschwanden et al. Ageing Research Reviews 67 (2021) 101269

and standard errors (Stanley and Doucouliagos, 2014). We also con­ work focused on Alzheimer’s disease and consisted of US samples only
ducted p-curve analyses (Simonsohn et al., 2015, 2014) to explore the (Terracciano et al., 2014). To further test the generalizability of our
consistency and distribution of statistically significant results and to findings, the following moderators were examined: age of the sample,
distinguish whether significant findings were likely or unlikely to be the proportion of minority, and personality measure. The latter was grouped
result of selective reporting. by the two most common measures across the samples (i.e., NEO
We followed up the meta-analyses with a series of meta-regressions Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) vs. not NEO-FFI and Midlife Develop­
to help identify potential sources of heterogeneity when estimating ment Inventory (MIDI) Personality Scale vs. not MIDI). Except for year of
the pooled hazard ratios. First, we tested whether results differed be­ publication, all moderators were dichotomized to facilitate
tween studies that used a clinical diagnosis to assess dementia compared meta-regressions.
to studies that relied on cognitive performance, as the latter may include The meta-analyses and meta-regressions were conducted using the
more misdiagnosis. Second, we tested whether the associations were “metafor” package (Viechtbauer, 2010) in R software. The HR were
moderated by the length of follow-up since the time interval could be log-transformed, and their standard errors were computed from the re­
informative on the potential for reverse causation. Third, we tested ported confidence intervals to conduct the analyses using “metafor”.
whether year of publication moderated the strength of the associations Z-scores were calculated by dividing the log-transformed HR by its
because effect sizes tend to become smaller in later studies (Combs, standard error (Dear et al., 2019) to enable the p-curve analyses. P-curve
2010). Next, we tested whether the findings generalize to other de­ analyses were conducted using the online app (version 4.06) provided at
mentia types (Alzheimer’s disease vs. all-cause dementia) and samples http://www.p-curve.com/app4/.
from other countries (USA vs. other) given our previous meta-analytic

Fig. 1. Flow diagram for identifying eligible studies. In the present meta-analytic investigation, 12 articles (results from 13 samples) were included.

D. Aschwanden et al. Ageing Research Reviews 67 (2021) 101269

3. Results [0.74, 0.86]) were still associated with increased dementia risk, but the
effects of the remaining traits were non-significant (see Table S1).
3.1. Literature search
3.3. Publication bias
Fig. 1 summarizes the screening procedure. A breakdown of the
database searches is provided in the supplemental material S1. The The Egger’s test, the trim and fill method, and the PET-PEESE found
literature search revealed 1740 total hits (abstracts). Two articles no evidence of publication bias for all personality traits (Table 3). Fig. 3
(Wilson et al., 2006, 2005) were identified by screening the reference shows the p-curve for neuroticism by displaying the 9 studies (out of 12)
list of our previous meta-analytic work (Terracciano et al., 2014) and a that were statistically significant. The application excludes non-
recent article was identified as it comes from our research group significant results. The p-curve analysis provides information about
(Aschwanden et al., 2020). After title, keyword, and abstract screening, the evidential value: If the half p-curve test is right-skewed with p < .05,
the full texts of 23 articles were obtained. Thereof, the results from 13 or both the half and full test are right-skewed with p < .1, then p-curve
cohorts were included in the present study and the number of included analysis indicates the presence of evidential value (Simonsohn et al.,
samples varied across traits: neuroticism k = 12; extraversion k = 10; 2015). For neuroticism, both conditions were met (p < .0001 and p
openness k = 9; agreeableness k = 8; conscientiousness k = 9. Table 1 =0.0002, respectively; see supplemental material S3), suggesting
provides a summary of the characteristics of included samples. evidential value and providing reassurance that the significant findings
were unlikely to be the result of selective reporting. This was also the
3.2. Personality and dementia risk case for conscientiousness (supplemental material S3). For the remain­
ing traits, no p-curve was calculated since there were only few signifi­
The HR from each study and the pooled association are presented in cant individual study results (Carter et al., 2019).
Table 2. By pooling the results from 12 studies, we found that for every
SD increase in neuroticism, the risk of dementia increased by 24% (HR = 3.4. Meta-regressions
1.24, 95% CI [1.17, 1.31], p < .001). Fig. 2 contains the forest plot
summarizing the individual study estimates for neuroticism. Of the 12 Across the eight moderators tested, two statistically significant ef­
studies, 9 studies reported a significant association. Heterogeneity was fects were found (Table 4). Country moderated the association of de­
non-significant according to the Q-value and less than moderate refer­ mentia risk with extraversion (HR = 0.88, 95% CI [0.90, 0.98], p = .019)
ring to the I2-value (Q = 13.67, df = 11, p = .252; I2 = 13.29%). and agreeableness (HR = 1.15, 95% CI [1.03, 1.29], p = .015). The as­
For extraversion, the meta-analysis of 10 studies showed that higher sociation between higher extraversion and lower dementia risk was
extraversion was associated with decreased dementia risk (HR = 0.92, statistically non-significant in American samples (HR = 0.98, 95% CI
95% CI [0.86, 0.97], p = .004). Of these 10 studies, 2 studies reported a [0.91, 1.05], p = .542), while it was significant in studies from other
significant effect (Fig. S1). Heterogeneity was non-significant according countries (HR = 0.87, 95% CI [0.81, 0.93], p < .001). The opposite
to the Q-value and less than moderate referring to the I2-value (Q = pattern was found for agreeableness: Higher scores on this trait were
11.05, df = 9, p = .272; I2 = 19.64%). protective against dementia in US studies (HR = 0.85, 95% CI [0.80,
We found a significant association for openness, such that open 0.92], p < .001), but not in samples from other countries (HR = 0.93,
people were at lower risk of dementia (HR = 0.91, 95% CI [0.86, 0.96], p 95% CI [0.75, 1.16], p = .535).
< .001). Of note, the association was significant in only 1 of the 9 studies For all personality traits, the results were similar across dementia
included in the meta-analysis (GEM, Duberstein et al., 2011; Fig. S2). classification, follow-up length, dementia type, age of sample, minority,
The Q and I2 values suggested homogeneity across studies (Q = 3.53, df and personality measure. It is particularly worth noting that the asso­
= 8, p = .897; I2 = 0%). ciations did not vary by classification of dementia. Follow-up analyses
For agreeableness, the meta-analysis of 8 studies showed that showed that the effect sizes were comparable, although slightly stronger
agreeable individuals were at lower risk of dementia (HR = 0.90, 95% CI for studies that relied on a clinical diagnosis. For example, for neuroti­
[0.83, 0.98], p = .014). Two of the 8 included studies reported signifi­ cism, the effects were HR = 1.26 (95% CI [1.16, 1.36], p < .001) in
cant results (Fig. S3). Heterogeneity was non-significant referring to the studies using a clinical diagnosis and HR = 1.21 (95% CI [1.12, 1.30], p
Q-value and less than moderate according to the I2-value (Q = 5.82, df = < .001) in those using a cognitive cut-off to classify dementia. For
6, p = .444; I2 = 46.16%). conscientiousness, the hazard ratios were HR = 0.75 (95% CI [0.69,
Higher scores on conscientiousness were associated with reduced 0.80], p < .001) in studies using a clinical diagnosis and HR = 0.80 (95%
risk of incident dementia (HR = 0.77, 95% CI [0.73, 0.81], p < .001). Of CI [0.74, 0.85], p < .001) in those applying a cognitive cut-off.
the 9 included studies, 8 studies found a significant association (Fig. S4),
and there was no evidence of heterogeneity (Q = 5.46, df = 8, p = .708; 4. Discussion
I2 = 0%).
The meta-analytic results showed that higher neuroticism and lower
3.2.1. Accounting for depressive symptoms conscientiousness were associated with increased dementia risk. Lower
We conducted supplementary analyses with those studies that levels of extraversion, openness, and agreeableness were also related to
accounted for depressive symptoms in addition to demographic factors, increased dementia risk, although to a weaker extent. The effects of
and some of these studies also controlled for vascular and genetic risk neuroticism and conscientiousness, but not for the other traits, remained
factors. Table S1 lists the covariates that were included in each study. significant in models that further accounted for depressive symptoms.
The number of included studies varied between traits: k = 6 for There was no evidence for publication bias. The association of neurot­
neuroticism; k = 4 for extraversion; k = 3 for openness; k = 2 for icism, openness, and conscientiousness did not vary by the tested
agreeableness; and k = 4 for conscientiousness. In all studies, depressive moderators. Of note, the results were similar in studies that examined
symptoms were measured using a version of the Center for Epidemio­ Alzheimer’s disease compared to all-type dementia, and the results were
logic Studies-Depression Scale, except in KPS and PPSW. In KPS, only slightly stronger in studies that used a clinical diagnosis compared
depressive symptoms were assessed by self-reported problems such as to ascertainment based on cognitive cut-off scores and medical records.
persistently feeling lonely or in a low mood. In PPSW, depression was The findings for publication bias and meta-regressions will be discussed
assessed using DSM-III criteria for major depressive disorders. The in more detail below, followed by a discussion of possible explanations
supplementary analyses showed that higher neuroticism (HR = 1.13, for the personality-dementia associations and potential implications for
95% CI [1.04, 1.22]) and lower conscientiousness (HR = 0.80, 95% CI future research.

D. Aschwanden et al.
Table 1
Characteristics of the Studies Included in the Meta-Analyses.
Study (Authors & Country N tot N Age M (SD) Female% Education M Minority Follow- Personality Personality Type of Dementia Covariates (main model)
Year) dem (SD) (%) up (M traits measure dementia classification

Rush Biracial ( USA 1064 170 73.8 (9.6) 61.9 12.9 (6.3) 50.2 NA (max N NEO FFIc AD clinical age, sex, race, education,
Wilson et al., = 6) possession of an APOE-ε4
2005) allele, follow-up time
Rush MAP (Wilson USA 648 55 80.6 (6.9) 73.5 14.6 (2.9) 6.3 3 N NEO FFI AD clinical age, sex, education
et al., 2006)
Rush ROS (Wilson USA 904 176 73.5− 80.0 68.0− 71.0 17.8(3.4)- NA NA (max N, E, O, A, C NEO FFI AD neuropathologic age, sex, education
et al., 2007) (6.5)a 18.2(3.3)a = 12)
KPS (Wang et al., Sweden 506 144 83.0(3.2)- 69.6− 76.4a categorical NA NA (max N, E Eysenck dementia clinical age, sex, education, ApoE-
2009) 83.9(3.7)a = 6) ε4 status, cognitive
functioning, vascular
diseases, depressive
GEM (Duberstein USA 767 116 78.6 (3.1) 41.9 categorical 8.2 6 N, E, O, A, C NEO FFI AD, vascular clinical age, gender, education,
et al., 2011) dementia race
BLSA (Terracciano USA 1671 90 56.5 (16.0) 49.4 16.7 (2.5) 29.3 12 N, E, O, A, C NEO PI-R AD clinical age, sex, ethnicity,
et al., 2014) education
PPSW (Johansson Sweden 800 153 38− 54 100 categorical NA NA (max N, E Eysenck all-type clinical age
et al., 2014) = 38) dementia, AD,

HRS (Terracciano USA 10,457 433 67.17 (9.23) 60 13.19 (2.66) 17 6.29 N, E, O, A, C MIDIc dementia cognitive cutoff age, sex, race, ethnicity,
et al., 2017b) education
HABC (Kaup et al., USA 875 125 75.1− 75.3 50 ordinal 47 6.9 O, C NEO FFI dementia clinical / no covariates
2019) (2.8)a cognitive cutoff
WashU (Duchek USA 436 47 65.9 (9.2) 57 15.8 (2.6) NA 6.95 N, C NEO-FFI AD clinical age
et al., 2019)
Whitehall II ( United 6136 118 69.59(5.78)- 30 ordinal 10 4.37 N, E, O, A, C MIDI dementia electronical age, sex, ethnicity, marital
Singh-Manoux Kingdom 75.38(4.97) health data status, education
et al., 2020)
ELSA (Aschwanden England 6887 252 65.65 (8.31) 56.2 3.26 (2.21)b 2.5 5.68 N, E, O, A, C MIDIc dementia cognitive cutoff / age, gender, ethnicity,
et al., 2020) self-report education
HILDA ( Australia 2778 52 60.90 (8.08) 54.7 1.55 (1.79)b 1 10.96 N, E, O, A, C Mini-Markers dementia cognitive cutoff / age, gender, ethnicity,
Aschwanden Saucier self-report education
et al., 2020)

Note. Rush Biracial = Rush Memory and Aging Biracial (White, African-Americans); Rush MAP = Rush Memory and Aging Project; Rush ROS = Rush Religious Order Study; KPS = Kungsholmen Project Stockholm; GEM =
Ginkgo Evaluation of Memory Study; BLSA = Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging; PPSW = Prospective Population Study of Women; HRS = Health Retirement Study; HABC = Health, Aging and Body Composition

Ageing Research Reviews 67 (2021) 101269

Study; WashU = Study conducted at Washington University in St. Louis; Whitehall II = Whitehall II Study; ELSA = English Longitudinal Study of Aging; HILDA = Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia; Ntot
= total sample size; Ndem = number of incident dementia cases; M = mean; SD = standard deviation; NA = not applicable (information not found); N = neuroticism; E = extraversion; O = openness; A = agreeableness; C =
conscientiousness; NEO FFI = NEO Five Factor Inventory; NEO PI–R = Revised NEO Personality Inventory; MIDI = Midlife Development Inventory; AD = Alzheimer’s disease. If type of dementia is not specified here, the
original study used dementia more generally as outcome variable. Risk estimates from the main model were used (with age, gender, education, and race/ethnicity as covariates). In two studies, the main model also
included APOE-ε4 allele status and follow-up time (Rush Biracial) or vascular diseases, depressive symptoms, and cognitive functioning (KPS). In two other studies, the main model consisted of age, gender, and education
only (Rush MAP, ROS). In two further studies, we chose the model with age only (PPSW, WashU) and without covariates (HABC), respectively, because their further models were adjusted for various behavioral and health
variables (e.g., smoking, hypertension). a is not provided for the total sample, participants were categorized into groups for use in descriptive statistics; b on a scale from 0 to 6; c only four items were used to assess
D. Aschwanden et al. Ageing Research Reviews 67 (2021) 101269

Table 2
Risk of Incident Dementia Associated with Personality Traits Reported in Each Study, Meta-Analytical Effect Sizes, and Heterogeneity.
HR 95% CI [LL, UL]
Study Sample size

Rush Biracial 1064 1.338 [1.065, 1.682]a – – – –

Rush MAP 648 1.480 [1.143, 1.918] – – – –
Rush ROS 904 1.192 [1.008, 1.409] 1.093 [0.911, 1.312] 0.905 [0.759, 1.081] 0.899 [0.764, 1.059] 0.812 [0.693, 0.951]
KPS 506 1.078 [0.892, 1.303] 0.834 [0.693, 1.003] – – –
GEM 767 1.390 [1.160, 1.670] 0.900 [0.740, 1.080] 0.780 [0.640, 0.950] 0.860 [0.710, 1.040] 0.760 [0.630, 0.930]
BLSA 1671 1.371 [1.085, 1.733] 0.860 [0.687, 1.077] 0.889 [0.708, 1.117] 0.858 [0.680, 1.083] 0.692 [0.549, 0.873]
PPSW 800 1.095 [0.936, 1.282] 0.936 [0.790, 1.107] – – –
HRS 10,457 1.180 [1.070, 1.300] 0.980 [0.890, 1.090] 0.940 [0.860, 1.040] 0.830 [0.750, 0.910] 0.800 [0.730, 0.880]
HABC 875 – – 0.890 [0.740, 1.060] – 0.750 [0.640, 0.890]
WashU 436 1.250 [0.894, 1.740] 1.112 [0.802, 1.542] 0.995 [0.712, 1.388] 0.918 [0.658, 1.278] 0.634 [0.457, 0.881]b
Whitehall II 6136 1.320 [1.160, 1.490] 0.850 [0.750, 0.970] 0.940 [0.830, 1.070] 1.080 [0.940, 1.250] 0.720 [0.640, 0.810]
ELSA 6887 1.199 [1.054, 1.364] 0.867 [0.770, 0.976] 0.892 [0.787, 1.010] 0.964 [0.852, 1.090] 0.814 [0.723, 0.915]
HILDA 2778 1.641 [1.143, 2.355] 0.758 [0.505, 1.137] 0.895 [0.593, 1.351] 0.685 [0.491, 0.956] 0.788 [0.538, 1.155]
Meta-analytic results
k (Ntot / Ndem) 12 (33,054 / 1806) 10 (31,342 / 1581) 9 (30,911 / 1409) 8 (30,036 / 2528) 9 (30,911 / 1409)
random model 95% CI [LL, UL] 1.236 [1.151, 1.327] 0.949 [0.879, 1.024] 0.909 [0.863, 0.959] 0.901 [0.829, 0.979] 0.771 [0.734, 0.811]
z (p-value) 5.85 (<.001) − 1.35 (0.176) − 3.54 (<.001) − 2.45 (0.014) − 10.14 (<.001)
tau2 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00
I2 (in%) 46.59 48.30 0.00 46.16 0.00
Q (p-value); df 20.24 (0.042); 11 17.05 (0.048); 9 3.53 (0.897); 8 13.14 (0.069); 7 5.46 (0.708); 8

Note. Rush Biracial = Rush Memory and Aging Biracial (White, African-Americans); Rush MAP = Rush Memory and Aging Project; Rush ROS = Rush Religious Order
Study; KPS = Kungsholmen Project Stockholm; GEM = Ginkgo Evaluation of Memory Study; BLSA = Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging; PPSW = Prospective
Population Study of Women; HRS = Health Retirement Study; HABC = Health, Aging and Body Composition Study; WashU = Study conducted at Washington
University in St. Louis; Whitehall II = Whitehall II Study; ELSA = English Longitudinal Study of Aging; HILDA = Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia;
HR = hazard ratio; 95% CI = 95% confidence intervals, LL and UL indicate the lower and upper limits of the confidence intervals; N = neuroticism; E = extraversion; O
= openness; A = agreeableness; C = conscientiousness; k = number of studies; Ntot = total sample size; Ndem = number of total incident dementia. Between-study
heterogeneity was quantified using tau2, Q and I2 values (Higgins et al., 2003). However, these statistics tend to be underpowered in view of the small numbers of
studies and inference about heterogeneity should be made with caution. a To scale the log-transformed HR and standard error in Rush Biracial (Wilson et al., 2005), we
assumed that their reported SD = 11.3 resulted from an outlier or data entry error and used SD = 5 as done by Terracciano et al. (2014). The gist of results did not
change when using the adapted versus the originally reported SD. b The OR provided for conscientiousness in WashU (Table 4 in Duchek et al., 2019) is in the wrong
direction; the absolute value was taken before exponentiating (J. M. Duchek, personal communication, June 30, 2020). We included the corrected OR for consci­
entiousness, that is, OR = .634, 95% CI [.457, .881].

Fig. 2. Forest plot for neuroticism. The plot

summarizes the individual study estimates and
the average effect of the random-effects (RE)
model. Effect sizes are displayed in hazard ratios
with corresponding 95% confidence intervals
(95% CI). Rush Biracial = Rush Memory and
Aging Biracial (White, African-Americans);
Rush MAP = Rush Memory and Aging Project;
Rush ROS = Rush Religious Order Study; KPS =
Kungsholmen Project Stockholm; GEM =
Ginkgo Evaluation of Memory study; BLSA =
Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging; PPSW =
Prospective Population Study of Women; HRS =
Health Retirement Study; WashU = Study con­
ducted at Washington University in St. Louis;
Whitehall II = Whitehall II Study; ELSA = En­
glish Longitudinal Study of Aging; HILDA =
Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in

4.1. Publication bias to be due to selective reporting for neuroticism and conscientiousness.
These findings, however, should be interpreted with caution because
Publication bias is a major threat to the validity of every meta- these methods have reduced statistical power when <10 effect sizes are
analysis as it can lead to overestimated effect sizes and the dissemina­ examined (Sterne et al., 2011; van Aert et al., 2019). Nevertheless, it
tion of false-positive results (Nuijten et al., 2015). Based on the tests could be that the personality-dementia literature is less affected by
used in the present meta-analyses, we found no evidence for biases in the publication bias because many studies examined more than one per­
personality-dementia literature and the significant results were unlikely sonality trait and therefore non-significant effects may be more likely to

D. Aschwanden et al. Ageing Research Reviews 67 (2021) 101269

Table 3 be published. In the present meta-analytic investigation, for example, 10

Publication Bias. studies investigated both neuroticism and extraversion and conse­
Estimate (p-value) quently reported not only the significant effects for neuroticism but also
Test the non-significant results for extraversion.

Trim and Fill 1.209 0.919 0.909 0.954 0.779

/ Egger’s (0.099) (0.890) (0.427) (0.749) (0.179) 4.2. Moderators
PET-PEESE 1.095 0.927 0.943 0.933 0.791
(0.099) (0.890) (0.427) (0.749) (0.231)
The meta-analyses indicated a high degree of consistency across
Note. N = neuroticism; E = extraversion; O = openness; A = agreeableness; C = studies for all personality traits. In view of the small numbers of studies,
conscientiousness. Publication bias was examined via Egger’s regression test for however, heterogeneity should be interpreted with caution. Given the
funnel plot asymmetry (Egger et al., 1997), the trim and fill method of adjusting
limited heterogeneity across studies, it was not surprising that the meta-
for publication bias (Duval and Tweedie, 2000), and the precision-effect test and
regressions only identified one factor (country) that significantly
precision-effect estimate with standard errors (PET-PEESE; Stanley and Dou­
couliagos, 2014).
moderated the meta-analytic results. While there was no statistically
significant association between higher extraversion and lower dementia
risk in American samples, a significant association was found in samples
from other countries. Specifically, the two studies that reported a sig­
nificant result came from the United Kingdom (Whitehall II) and En­
gland (ELSA). The association of agreeableness with dementia risk was
statistically significant in some US studies (i.e., HRS) but not in samples
from other countries (except Australia; HILDA). More research is needed
to clarify whether the association of extraversion and agreeableness
varies across different countries.
No further significant meta-regressions were found. These null
findings address substantive questions on the robustness of the associ­
ations. First, we found no significant differences between studies that
used a clinical diagnosis versus a cognitive cut-off to classify dementia,
although the effect sizes were slightly smaller for the population-based
panel studies that relied on cognitive performance. A clinical demen­
tia diagnosis is the gold standard that is normally done by health pro­
fessionals after an in-depth neuropsychological examination that
includes a structured medical history, neurological examination, infor­
mant reporting, and cognitive testing. This level of detail is often beyond
the capability of large population-based panel studies. In such studies, it
is more likely that dementia is classified based on cognitive performance
Fig. 3. P-curve for neuroticism. The observed p-curve includes 9 statistically only. Although the applied cognitive cut-offs are often validated against
significant (p < .05) results, of which 8 are p < .025. There were 3 additional a diagnosis based on DSM-III-R criteria, as in HRS (Crimmins et al.,
results entered but excluded from p-curve because they were p > .05. The p- 2011), they might be more prone to misdiagnosis or be less reliable
curve analysis provides information about the evidential value: If the half p- considering that variability in cognitive performance increases with
curve test is right-skewed with p < .05, or both the half and full test are right-
cognitive decline (Weir et al., 2011). In light of the aging population,
skewed with p < .1, then p-curve analysis indicates the presence of evidential
however, it is important to have ways to ascertain cognitive impairment
value (Simonsohn et al., 2015). Here, both conditions were met (p < .0001 and
that are less costly than neuropsychological examinations and more
p =0.0002, respectively; see supplemental material S3), suggesting evidential
value and providing some reassurance that the significant findings were un­ precise than population surveys (Crimmins et al., 2011; Weir et al.,
likely to be the result of selective reporting. 2011). The potential loss of power due to misclassification seems to be
compensated by the large and more diverse samples recruited by
population-based panel studies.
The length of follow-up did not affect the meta-analytic associations

Table 4
Findings from Meta-Regressions.
HR 95% CI [LL, UL]

Dementia classification 0.967 [0.864, 1.083] 1.028 [0.905, 1.167] 1.035 [0.932, 1.151] 0.928 [0.784, 1.099] 1.066 [0.964, 1.179]
Follow-up length 0.977 [0.859, 1.110] 1.052 [0.919, 1.204] 0.986 [0.854, 1.139] 0.909 [0.750, 1.101] 1.003 [0.876, 1.149]
Year of publication 1.000 [0.989, 1.011] 0.993 [0.980, 1.006] 1.005 [0.992, 1.019] 1.006 [0.988, 1.025 0.997 [0.985, 1.009]
Dementia type 1.070 [0.946, 1.210] 1.127 [0.969, 1.311] 1.005 [0.873, 1.157] 0.983 [0.809, 1.195] 0.969 [0.848, 1.107]
Country 0.948 [0.842, 1.067] 0.885* [0.799, 0.980] 1.008 [0.904, 1.125] 1.153* [1.028, 1.292] 0.990 [0.892, 1.097]
Age 1.006 [0.866, 1.169] 1.041 [0.887, 1.221] 1.023 [0.832, 1.258] 1.166 [0.918, 1.481] 1.082 [0.881, 1.328]
Minority 1.105 [0.927, 1.317] 0.935 [0.728, 1.201] 0.975 [0.837, 1.135] 0.948 [0.702, 1.280] 0.938 [0.812, 1.084]
NEO-FFI 0.918 [0.816, 1.032] 0.905 [0.774, 1.058] 1.074 [0.950, 1.213] 1.029 [0.840, 1.261] 0.992 [0.885, 1.112]
MIDI 1.023 [0.910, 1.151] 1.000 [0.880, 1.137] 0.935 [0.834, 1.047] 0.902 [0.757, 1.074] 0.986 [0.886, 1.097]

Note. HR = hazard ratio; 95% CI = 95% confidence intervals, LL and UL indicate the lower and upper limits of the confidence intervals; N = neuroticism; E = ex­
traversion; O = openness; A = agreeableness; C = conscientiousness. Moderator effects were explored for dementia classification (dementia based on clinical diagnosis
vs. cognitive performance), follow-up length (mean above or below 10 years), year of publication (continuous variable), dementia type (dementia vs. Alzheimer’s
disease), country (USA vs. other), age of sample (mean age above or below 65), minority (mean percentage above or below 20%), and personality measure grouped by
the two most common measures across the samples (i.e., NEO-FFI vs. not NEO-FFI and MIDI vs. not MIDI).
p < 0.05.

D. Aschwanden et al. Ageing Research Reviews 67 (2021) 101269

(see also Terracciano et al., 2017). This finding is contrary to expecta­ et al., 2008). Moreover, cognitive engagement could be an underlying
tions from the reverse causality hypothesis that assumes personality is mechanism between openness and dementia risk. Open individuals can
changed by the underlying neuropathology in the prodromal phase of be described as intellectually engaged, curious, and imaginative, and
the disease. If that were the case, the association between personality they tend to perform well on cognitive tasks (Curtis et al., 2015; Luchetti
and risk of dementia would be stronger among studies with a shorter et al., 2016). They also tend to engage in a variety of activity types such
follow-up (with a shorter follow-up, the assessment of personality is as cognitive, social and physical activities (Stephan et al., 2014). The
closer to the onset of dementia). engagement in cognitive and other activities may positively contribute
Year of publication did not moderate the meta-analytic findings. This to cognitive reserve and protect against dementia (Chapman et al., 2012;
is particularly reassuring and contrary to the winner’s curse pattern of Gow et al., 2005; Sharp et al., 2010). Likewise, being agreeable and
later published studies tending to find increasingly smaller effects extraverted could ease the formation and stability of social networks
(Combs, 2010). that in turn might reduce risk of dementia (Bennett et al., 2006; Crooks
We found no differences between studies that focused on Alzheimer’s et al., 2008).
disease and those that used dementia more generally as an outcome. Finally, personality has not only been linked to behaviors and health
Future studies, however, are still needed to investigate whether per­ conditions, but also to dementia-related biomarkers. Although the
sonality traits can help in differential diagnosis, especially for fronto­ literature on personality and biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease and
temporal dementia or Lewy body dementia. related dementias is limited, recent studies have found some converging
Finally, neither the average age nor the proportion of minority of the evidence that neuroticism is associated with measures of tau neurofi­
samples influenced the results. Thus, across the adult life span and brillary tangles: A neuropathology study reported that individuals with
across races/ethnicities, personality shared the same relations with de­ higher neuroticism were more likely to have advanced stages of tau
mentia risk. Likewise, personality-dementia associations were not neurofibrillary tangles at autopsy (Terracciano et al., 2013). Similarly,
moderated by the personality measure used, which indicates that the in samples of cognitively healthy older adults or adults in the early
same pattern of associations holds across the two most common FFM stages of Alzheimer’s disease, higher neuroticism was associated with
questionnaires, again supporting the robustness of the findings. higher tau measured using in vivo positron emission tomography or
cerebral spinal fluid (Duchek et al., 2019; Schultz et al., 2019). There is
4.3. Potential mechanisms between personality traits and dementia risk also evidence that higher neuroticism and lower conscientiousness are
associated with reduction in regional brain volumes (Bjørnebekk et al.,
A recent review (Segerstrom, 2018) discussed four models that could 2013; Jackson et al., 2011). Furthermore, lower conscientiousness has
explain the observed associations between personality and risk of de­ been linked to brain-tissue loss and other measures of brain integrity
mentia: common cause (e.g., through a common gene), spectrum (e.g., (Booth et al., 2014).
reflecting an early symptom), pathoplastic (e.g., conferring resilience to More knowledge about the amount of neuropathological burden is
neuropathology), and predisposition (e.g., through health behaviors). needed to differentiate between the pathoplastic and the predisposition
The common cause model proposes that genes that affect personality model. If personality is linked to better cognitive function despite
phenotype also affect dementia risk. Current evidence, however, sug­ burden, the pathoplastic model would be favored (because personality
gests that the relatively small genetic effects are unlikely to play a major affects the appearance or severity of dementia). If personality is related
role in the association between personality and dementia (Luciano et al., to reduced burden, the predisposition model would be favored (because
2018; Stephan et al., 2018), thereby weakening evidence for this model. personality reduces dementia risk directly or through other variables).
The spectrum model suggests that personality is a prodrome or other Some evidence suggests a pathoplastic effect of neuroticism and a pre­
subclinical symptom of dementia. After the onset of dementia, it is disposing effect of conscientiousness (Segerstrom, 2018), but further
common to observe personality change (Siegler et al., 1994). For research is needed to explain the personality-dementia associations.
example, a meta-analysis found large (>1 SD) declines in conscien­
tiousness and extraversion as well as increases in neuroticism from the 4.4. Potential implications, strengths, and limitations
premorbid to current state in patients with cognitive impairment (Islam
et al., 2019). Whilst these findings support personality change during the Based on the present findings, two main implications for future
disease, personality does not appear to reflect a symptom before the research arise. First, the meta-analytic effect sizes for personality traits
onset of cognitive impairment: Changes in personality were not signif­ were comparable with those of other health and behavioral factors
icantly different between individuals who later did or did not develop related to cognitive impairment and dementia, such as diabetes (RR =
dementia in a longitudinal study that focused on the preclinical phase 1.18, 95% CI [1.02, 1.36]; Xue et al., 2019), hypertension (HR = 1.59,
(Terracciano et al., 2017a). Moreover, personality in adolescence, a life 95% CI [1.20, 2.11]; Sharp et al., 2011), physical activity (RR = 0.76,
stage presumably free from dementia related neuropathology, predicted 95% CI [0.66, 0.86]; Blondell et al., 2014), cigarette smoking (RR =
dementia risk almost five decades later (Chapman et al., 2019). 1.30, 95% CI [1.18,1.45]; Zhong et al., 2015), low-to-moderate alcohol
Although these findings indicate that the spectrum model is less likely, drinking (RR = 0.74, 95% CI [0.61, 0.91]; Anstey et al., 2009), or
the temporal evolution of personality change across the different phases late-life BMI (RR = 0.83, 95% CI [0.74, 0.94]; Pedditizi et al., 2016). Of
of dementia needs to be further clarified. note, the HABC study (Kaup et al., 2019) accounted for many of these
It seems more likely that personality has a predisposing or patho­ factors (i.e., depressive symptoms, hypertension, myocardial infarction,
plastic relationship to dementia risk. The pathoplastic model suggests diabetes, stroke; see Table S1) and still found a significant effect of
that personality influences the presentation or course of dementia, such conscientiousness. In another study (Johansson et al., 2014), the hazard
that personality may contribute to resilience against neuropathology ratio of neuroticism did not change in the fully adjusted model that
and allows one to bear more neuropathology before experiencing included hypertension, coronary heart disease, smoking, BMI, depres­
symptoms (Graham et al., 2020; Terracciano et al., 2013). sion, age, and education (HR = 1.10, 95% CI [0.94, 1.28]) compared to
The predisposition model proposes that personality shapes dementia the main model that controlled for age only (HR = 1.10, 95% CI [0.91,
risk through a cascade of effects on proximal behaviors and health 1.31]). Although the hazard ratio was non-significant in both models, it
conditions. For instance, higher neuroticism and lower conscientious­ went in the expected direction and the strength of association did not
ness are associated with a worse health profile, physical inactivity, change when accounting for clinical factors. This underlines the
obesity, smoking, depression, and lower education, which are risk fac­ importance of personality and indicates that personality should be
tors for incident dementia (Bogg and Roberts, 2004; Chapman et al., considered when identifying at-risk individuals. Using web-based
2011; Hampson et al., 2007; Sutin et al., 2018, 2011, 2010; Terracciano questionnaires, it is possible to inexpensively screen people in the

D. Aschwanden et al. Ageing Research Reviews 67 (2021) 101269

community and identify those with scores high on neuroticism and low CRediT authorship contribution statement
on conscientiousness (Chapman et al., 2014; Lahey, 2009). These in­
dividuals might benefit most from inclusion in preventive interventions. Damaris Aschwanden: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal
The development of innovative personality-tailored interventions is now analysis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Visuali­
necessary to move the field forward and test whether individuals high on zation. Jason E. Strickhouser: Methodology, Formal analysis, Data
neuroticism and low on conscientiousness respond well to such in­ curation, Writing - review & editing, Visualization. Martina Luchetti:
terventions. Likewise, recent research indicates that it might be possible Writing - review & editing. Yannick Stephan: Writing - review &
to change personality traits, such as reducing maladaptive aspects of editing. Angelina R. Sutin: Conceptualization, Writing - review &
neuroticism through interventions (Chapman et al., 2014; Roberts et al., editing, Supervision. Antonio Terracciano: Conceptualization, Meth­
2017; Rüegger et al., 2017; Stieger et al., 2020). If such changes are odology, Formal analysis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing - orig­
enduring, interventions that target personality could be incorporated inal draft, Writing - review & editing, Supervision.
into dementia prevention and eventually into the clinical context.
Second, we identified country as moderator for the associations of Appendix A. Supplementary data
extraversion and agreeableness with dementia risk. These results may
inspire future studies to conduct preregistered replication efforts to Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the
establish these associations and further investigate potential cross- online version, at doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arr.2021.101269.
cultural differences. Related to this issue, there is a great need for
more studies, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries References
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