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Republic of the Philippines


General Tinio (Papaya) Off-Campus Program
Brgy. Concepcion, Gen. Tinio (Papaya), Nueva Ecija

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

a. Define and elaborate modifiers
b. Identify the modifiers in the given sentences; and
c. Construct sentences that modify the given words.
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic: Modifiers
b. Materials: Laptop, Powerpoint Presentation
c. Reference: Teacher’s Guide
III. Learning Procedures
Teacher’s Task Student’s Response

A. Procedural Activity
1. Daily Routine
Good day everyone!
Before we start let us pray first!
Mariel will you lead the prayer. (Mariel will lead the prayer)
Close your eyes and bow you heads.
We praise Your name Lord, Forgive all our sin, we
ask for your presence, give us Wisdom, Knowledge
and Understanding as we study our lesson for today,
this we pray in the name of Jesus!
2. Classroom Management
Good Morning Class!
Good Morning Ma’am!
How are you today?
It’s Great Ma’am!
What have you been doing since we last talked?
We are answering our modules Ma’am!
That’s great to know! Anyway, who among you uses
mobile data to attend your classes? You can open
your microphone or type it on our chat box.
( Students are typing )

Oh! I see that almost half of the classes using a

mobile data.
Anyway, try to stay in our conference room
throughout the entire time because I prepared
activities which I know you will enjoy! Okay?

Let’s have this short video presentation about online Yes Ma’am!
class etiquettes

For your attendance, will you please type it on our ( The students are watching the video presentation )
chat box, last name, first name and then middle
( The students are typing )
3. Review
Okay class before we start our lesson can anyone
give me a recap of what we had tackled yesterday?
Yes Geraldine.
(The students will answer)
Ma’am. We tackled yesterday about “ Personal
Very Good Geraldine! Pronoun”
Now what is Personal Pronoun, anyone?
Yes Mark Louie? (The students will answer)
Personal Pronoun refer mainly to person or people,
Exactly! place or things.
And who can give an example of Personal Pronoun?
Oh do not answer in chorus just raise hand
Yes mark Redel? (The students will answer)
I, me, my, mine us, our, ours

Very good I am so happy because you still remember

our past lesson.
(The students will answer)
Now class are you excited and ready for our next Yes Ma’am!

(The students will answer)

B. Motivation Yes Ma’am!

I have here an activity, I know that almost all of you

are familiar with this 3 Pics One Word.
Look at these pictures, then guess the word that was
describing by the images. I will give you 10 seconds
to answer.
So let us start!


(The students will guess the pictures)


(The students will guess the pictures)


(The students will guess the pictures)

Very good class! You did a great job!

C. Lesson Proper
Now let’s unlock those difficult words
Are you ready?
Here we go. First word is Modifier. What do you
think Modifier is?
Very Good! ( the students will answer )
Modifier is a words/ phrase / clause which modifies
other words in a sentence.
Second is Adjective, What do you think adjective is?
Very Good!
Adjective is a word or phrase naming an attribute,
added to or grammatically related to a noun to ( the students will answer )
modify or describe it.
Last word we have adverb, What do you think adverb
Very Good!
Adverb is a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies (The students will answer)
an adjective, verb or other adverb or a word group,
expressing a relation of place, time, circumstances,
manner, cause, degree and etc.

So class for today we’ll just be focusing on the word

modifiers which are the adjectives and the adverbs.
Tomorrow we’ll be discussing the phrases and
clauses as modifiers that function also as an adverb or
an adjective.

This time I want you to watch a video clip.

Which is related to the topic that we are going to
discuss today.
Are you ready? Make sure you listen, and watch it
Here we go.
( The Teacher will play the video ) (The students will answer)
Grammatical modifier Yes Ma’am!
Meaning, definition, explanation.
After you watch the video, are we clear about ( Mariel will give an example)
( Erika will give an example)
Will you give an example Mariel.

Very Good! How about Erika?

D. Application
Since you already had something ideas about our
topic, now let’s have an activity. Are you ready?
Let’s go!

Identify the qualifier’s modify the word

“DETECTIVE” ( Daniel will answer )
The answer is “Brilliant”
First sentence is
Mark Luiz is a brilliant detective,
Yes Daniel.

What is the word modify detective, again?

Very good.
The word that modify the word Detective is Brilliant,
Why, because the adjective Brilliant modify the
predicate noun which is Detective.
Very Good.
The second sentence is
The Detective with the long hair solves the most ( Aljohn will answer)
baffling cases. with the long hair
What do you think phrase that modify the word
Yes Aljohn.

Again, Very Good.

The Phrase or word that modifies the word Detective
is with the Long Hair, why, because the noun
Detective modify by the prepositional phrase with the
long hair.
Last one, Ken Quijano is a detective who has come to ( Jovy will answer)
England as a war Refugee. who has come to England as a war Refugee.
What do you think phrase is modify the word
Yes Jovy.

Wow! Very Good the phrase that modify the word

detective is who has come to England as a war
Why, because the detective is modify by relative
clause which is who has come to England as a war
Refugee. ( the Students will answer )
Very Good Class!

E. Generalization ( Lara will answer)

Now, how your experience in Identifying modifier? Modifier is a words/ phrase / clause that’s add
What? That’s Great information about another word or phrase.
What Do you think Modifier is?
Yes Lara.

Fantastic! Now Let’s talk about it ( Michelle will answer )

Modifier is a words/ phrase / clause that’s add Adjectives modify the nouns and pronouns
information about another word or phrase.
What do you think Adjective is?
Yes Michelle.

Nice Answer!
(Nicka will answer )
Adjectives that modify nouns are used after a Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.
determiner and before the noun.
And lastly, what do you think Adverb is?
Yes Nicka

Very Good!
For additional information,
Adverbs that modify adjectives or adverbs are used
immediately in front of the word they modify.

Oops, where not done yet.

IV. Evaluation
Now let us see , if you really understand our lesson ( the Students will answer in chorus )
Yes Ma’am!
To furtherly assess you, you have to construct Five
(5) sentences that modified the word teacher.
Are you ready class!

Now I know you constructed sentences about teacher.

Kindly send it in our chat box, this will serve as your
quiz for today, and I will check it later.

V. Assignment:
Thank you so much for your cooperation class, but
we ended this discussion, I want you to write an
essay about the pandemic using different modifiers
underline once the modifier and twice the word it

Once again this is Ma’am Maricel Cuizon Sta. Maria

saying that

“Trust in the Lord with all your Heart and do not

lean on your own understanding, in all your ways
acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path ”
Proverbs 3:5-6
Keep safe and God bless every one!

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