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Docente Juan C. Gutiérrez D. Asignatura: Cursos: Sede

Inglés 901-902 A
Guía 3_Mayo- JM



A. Desarrollar lectura comprensiva del texto “Area 51”

B. Ampliar vocabulario del texto de lectura y desarrollar preguntas de
C. Desarrollar habilidades de escritura a partir de la expresión de ideas y uso
de verbos para la construcción de textos cortos.


A. Leer el texto “Area 51”, elaborar lista de vocabulario desconocido y desarrollar

Las actividades: Matching/Multiple choice
B. Desarrollar las preguntas sección “Thinking”.
C. Desarrollar su propio texto en la parte de “Writing” usando y subrayando
verbos en pasado.
D. Presentar evaluación que se enviará al correo personal o la plataforma
correspondiente (Google Classroom)




A. Lectura del texto” Area 51”, lista de vocabulario desconocido y desarrollo de

actividades: Matching/Multiple choice. 30%
B. Desarrollo de preguntas sección: Thinking. 20%
C. Desarrollo texto sección Writing. 30%
D. Evaluación enviada plataforma/correo institucional. 20%

Area 51 is an air force base in the Nevada Desert built in 1955 by the United States government.
They needed a remote place where they could test spy planes. Area 51 is heavily guarded. No one
is allowed to enter it without security clearance and people who visit are not allowed to take
pictures. Some of the other names for it are Paradise Ranch, Dreamland and Groom Lake. People
have told stories about strange events there for years. Some say there are mysterious bright lights
that many claim are alien UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects).


It began in the summer of 1947, at the dawn of the Cold War, the U.S. Army Air Forces responded
to a UFO sighting in New Mexico and announced they’d recovered a “flying disc” from a ranch
near Roswell. More than 70 years later, many people think that they actually found aliens and
their spacecraft and took them to Area 51 to study. The base has been top secret ever since. The
incident remains a defining aspect of the area’s identity: The town boasts a UFO museum and
research center, a flying saucer-inspired McDonald’s, even an extraterrestrial “family” stranded
in a broken-down UFO on the side of State Route 285.


A crew of astronauts traveled into space to take photos of the Earth´s surface in 1974. They were
told not to photo Area 51, but accidentally took pictures of the base. The CIA (Central Intelligence
Agency) had the photos classified, meaning they were withheld from the knowledge of the
general public for reasons of national security.


A scientist, Bob Lazar, shocked the world in 1989 when he

claimed to have studied alien spaceships near Area 51. Most
people thought his story was a hoax. Some people believed him
and think it is home to crashed UFOs. Some even believe alien lived on the base. Believers say
scientists study the alien technology at Area 51 and use their research to develop new aircraft.
Skeptics say aliens do not have anything to do with Area 51, arguing that it is only kept secret to
protect military technology. Until 2013, the government did not even admit that Area 51 existed.


Several aircraft were tested at Area 51.

U-2 Spy Plane: Could fly too high for enemies to attack it.

A-12: Could fly higher than other plane.

SR-71 Blackbird: Could fly up to 2.200 miles per hour

F-117 Nightawk: Could not be seen by enemy planes because of a special coating.

MQ-1 Predator: Could spy and attack with no pilot, crew, or windows.


No one has found evidence that aliens or alien spacecraft are held at Area 51. The secrets hidden
within Area 51 may never be revealed.

1. VOCABULARY: Elabore una lista de 50 términos de la lectura anterior y su

correspondiente traducción.

2. MATCHING: Relacione cada término con su descripción.

1.____________Nevada A. Another term for Area 51

2. ___________ aliens B. Made aerial photos of Area 51 classified
3. ___________Roswell C. State where Area 51 is located
4. ___________ aircraft D. Scientist who claims to have studied aliens
5.___________ Groom Lake E. Some believe these are held and studied at
area 51
6. __________ astronauts F. Aircraft tested at Area 51
7. __________ Lazar G. Area 51 was supposedly build to test these
8. __________ CIA H. The military branch who built Area 51
9. __________ U-2 Spy Plane I. The military responded to report of a UFO
10. _________ Air Force J. Took pictures of Area 51 from space

3. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Seleccione la opción correcta.

3A. “Most people thought his story was a hoax”.

A. Game B. Trick C. Spy D. Alien

3B. Which of the following is an accurate statement about Area 51

A. It is located in Roswell, New Mexico

B. The government has always admitted its existence

C. The government admitted to having aliens there.

D. You must have security clearance to visit it.

3C. What did Bob Lazar claim?

A. To have studied aliens at Area 51

B. To find a UFO in Roswell, New Mexico

C. That Area 51 did not exist

D. That the government kept planes at Area 51

3D. With which statement would the author mostly agree?

A. Area 51 definitely has aliens

B. Area 51 is a mysterious place

C. Area 51 should be closed

D. The government will soon reveal the truth about Area 51

THINKING: Responda las siguientes preguntas

A. Do you believe in aliens? Why?

B. Do you think aliens can be explained scientifically?

C. Choose a science fiction story/movie and explain it using verbs in past, underline the verbs and
add some photos

D. What are UFO sightings?


F. Write a story using verbs in past tense and draw a picture – Imagine you met an alien.

Last night I was asleep in my bed, when suddenly… _________________________________






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