The Frequency Split Method For Helical Cone-Beam Reconstruction

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The frequency split method for helical cone-beam reconstruction

G. Shechter
Philips Medical Systems and Technologies, Haifa, Israel
Th. Köhler
Philips Research Laboratories, Hamburg, Germany
A. Altman
Philips Medical Systems and Technologies, Haifa, Israel
R. Proksa
Philips Research Laboratories, Hamburg, Germany
共Received 6 January 2004; revised 14 April 2004; accepted for publication 27 May 2004;
published 14 July 2004兲
A new approximate method for the utilization of redundant data in helical cone-beam CT is pre-
sented. It is based on the observation that the original WEDGE method provides excellent image
quality if only little more than 180° data are used for back-projection, and that significant low-
frequency artifacts appear if a larger amount of redundant data are used. This degradation is
compensated by the frequency split method: The low-frequency part of the image is reconstructed
using little more than 180° of data, while the high frequency part is reconstructed using all data.
The resulting algorithm shows no cone-beam artifacts in a simulation of a 64-row scanner. It is
further shown that the frequency split method hardly degrades the signal-to-noise ratio of the
reconstructed images and that it behaves robustly in the presence of motion. © 2004 American
Association of Physicists in Medicine. 关DOI: 10.1118/1.1773622兴

Key words: cone-beam CT, cone-beam reconstruction, helical CT, PI, wedge

I. INTRODUCTION et al. and Shechter et al. independently.9,13 The focus of

The introduction of cone-beam computer tomography 共CT兲 Kudo et al. was the dose utilization, while Shechter et al.
systems offers a couple of benefits. Compared with a single introduced the concept in the context of high-resolution im-
slice CT system, the time for data acquisition can be reduced, aging using the ray-offset technique. Here, we apply the
the output of the x-ray tube is used more efficiently leading technique to the WEDGE method and investigate the behav-
to a simpler heat management of the tube, and there is no ior with respect to cone-beam artifacts, noise, and patient
longer need for compromising z resolution in order to motion.
achieve an acceptable scan time. However, a major problem This paper is organized as follows: In Sec. II, the
using cone-beam CT systems is to find a proper reconstruc- WEDGE method is reviewed. Furthermore, the frequency
tion algorithm. A large number of publications within the last split technique is introduced for the handling of redundant
few years has addressed the problem of reconstruction of data. Section III shows evaluation results for the method
cone-beam projections acquired during a helical path of the in terms of cone-beam artifacts, noise properties, and
source-detector system. Exact or quasiexact algorithms exist the sensitivity to patient motion. Section IV summarizes
only for a PI and a 3-PI acquisition so far.1–5 However, from the results.
a practical point of view, approximate methods still have
advantages for medium size cone angles, in particular if they
can use an arbitrary amount of redundant data, because using II. THEORY
redundant data is known to reduce sampling artifacts in the z
direction significantly6 and the sensitivity to patient The x-ray source moves on a helical path
motion.7,8 Furthermore, most approximate methods can use
the full detector area at arbitrary pitch values, thus using all
doses applied to the patient, and support the possibility to use 冉
S 共 ␭ 兲 ⫽ R cos ␭,R sin ␭, P
HR ␭
L 2␲ 冊 共1兲
the ray offset technique for resolution enhancement.9 An-
other advantage may arise from a reduced computational ef- around the object. The relative pitch P is the table travel per
fort. The frequency split method may be applied to any of rotation in units of the detector height H projected onto the
these approximate methods. We apply it here exemplarily to center of rotation and R the radius of the helix. A focus-
the WEDGE method.10,11 centered, cylindrical detector at distance L from the x-ray
The basic idea of the frequency split method has been source is used throughout this paper. The fan-angle ␤ 共with
applied first by Tanaka12 for three-dimensional 共3D兲 position ⫺ ␤ 0 /2⭐ ␤ ⭐ ␤ 0 /2) and the height h 共with ⫺H/2⭐h⭐H/2)
emission tomography 共PET兲 imaging and was applied to are used to parametrize the measured data on the detector
cone-beam CT imaging by Kudo area. The position of the detector is given by

2230 Med. Phys. 31 „8…, August 2004 0094-2405Õ2004Õ31„8…Õ2230Õ7Õ$22.00 © 2004 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 2230
2231 Shechter et al.: The frequency split method for helical cone-beam reconstruction 2231

FIG. 1. Geometry of the data acquisition system 共left兲 and the beam shape
after WEDGE-beam transformation.

D 共 ␭, ␤ ,h 兲 ⫽S 共 ␭ 兲 ⫹ 共 ⫺L cos共 ␭⫹ ␤ 兲 ,⫺L sin共 ␭⫹ ␤ 兲 ,h 兲 .

Cone-beam projection data are acquired according to

p 1 共 ␭, ␤ ,h 兲 ⫽ 冕0

f 共 S 共 ␭ 兲 ⫹lE 共 ␭, ␤ ,h 兲兲 dl, 共3兲
FIG. 2. Exemplary overscan weighting functions for different illumination
windows according to Eq. 共13兲. Illumination windows 关 ␪ f : ␪ l 兴 from top to
where E(␭, ␤ ,h) is the unit vector pointing from the source bottom are 关⫺␲/2:␲/2兴, 关⫺2␲/3:2␲/3兴, 关⫺␲:␲兴, and 关⫺1.3␲:1.3␲兴.
position S(␭) to the detector element D(␭, ␤ ,h).

A. The original WEDGE method p 4 共 ␪ ,u,h 兲 ⫽ p 3 共 ␪ ,u,h 兲 * 共 h ramp共 u 兲 * m 共 u 兲兲 , 共8兲

We shortly review the main tasks to be done for the where h ramp and m correspond to the Fourier transform of
WEDGE method. H ramp and M, respectively. Finally, the image is reconstructed
The first step in the WEDGE method is a parallel rebin- using 3D back-projection according to

ning, which is also called WEDGE-beam-transform.10 Each 1
row of the detector is handled separately. The new data are f 共 x 兲⫽ w 共 ␪ ,x 兲 p 4 共 ␪ ,u 共 ␪ ,x 兲 ,h 共 ␪ ,x 兲兲 d ␪ , 共9兲
2␲ I共 x 兲
parametrized by the view angle ␪, which is the angle of the
parallel lines projected onto the xy plane, the distance of the where the functions u( ␪ ,x) and h( ␪ ,x) provide the
lines from the rotation axis u and finally the unchanged co- coordinates of the object point x projected onto the WEDGE
ordinate h, see also Fig. 1: detector, and the integration is performed over the set
I(x) of all projection angles, where the object point
␪ ⫽␭⫹ ␤ , 共4兲
x is within the cone. The weighting function w( ␪ ,x) has
u⫽R sin ␤ , 共5兲 to fulfill the following normalization condition for all
␪ 0 苸 关 0: ␲ 兴 :
p 2 共 ␪ ,u,h 兲 ⫽p 1 共 ␪ ⫺arcsin共 u/R 兲 ,arcsin共 u/R 兲 ,h 兲 . 共6兲
Geometrically, the cone beam is transformed into a
wedge-shaped beam, which gave rise to the name of the
冕 兺
I 共 x 兲 兵 i苸N 其
␦ 共 ␪ 0 ⫺i ␲ 兲 w 共 ␪ ,x 兲 d ␪ ⫽1. 共10兲

transform. Various methods are possible for choosing the weighting

Due to the focus centered, cylindrical geometry of function. In Ref. 15, we set w( ␪ ,x)⫽1, if ␪ is within the PI
the physical detector, it appears that the line integrals window and 0 elsewhere. This is called WEDGE-PI. Heus-
within each row of the rebinned detector correspond to cher and Brown16 prefer to choose w( ␪ ,x) according to the
lines which are truly parallel to each other. The next step aperture of the ray passing x, which is called aperture
in reconstruction is the usual weighting with the cosine weighted WEDGE. Here, we calculate the weight from the
of the cone angle, illumination window of the voxel. We call this procedure
angular weighted WEDGE.
L For a low pitch helical scan, the phenomenon of inter-
p 3 共 ␪ ,u,h 兲 ⫽ p 2 共 ␪ ,u,h 兲 . 共7兲
冑h 2
⫹L 2 rupted illumination occurs.17 This means that some object
points enter and leave the cone several times and it leads to a
These data are filtered using a modified band-limited ramp noncontinuous illumination interval. For the sake of simplic-
filter. The ramp-filter H ramp( ␯ ) itself is calculated as de- ity, we restrict ourselves to the so-called central illumination
scribed in Ref. 14. This filter is multiplied in the Fourier window. This is the largest interval 关 ␪ f (x): ␪ l (x) 兴 which in-
domain by another function M ( ␯ ) which is used to taper the cludes the well-known PI-illumination window I PI(x)
resolution of the final image. The filter step yields projection ⫽ 关 ␪ PI
f (x): ␪ l (x) 兴 .
PI 18
In other words, ␪ f (x) is the smallest
data angle for which 关 ␪ f (x): ␪ PI l (x) 兴 contains only projection

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angles ␪ for which the point x is still in the wedge. ␪ l (x) is

defined, respectively. Let

␣共 x 兲⫽ 再 ␲, ␪ l 共 x 兲 ⫺ ␪ f 共 x 兲 ⬎2 ␲ ,
共 ␪ l 共 x 兲 ⫺ ␪ f 共 x 兲兲 ⫺ ␲ , else,

be the overscan angle and

再 ␲
T 共 x 兲 ⫽ ␪ l共 x 兲 ⫺ ␪ f共 x 兲 ⫺ ␲
1, else
, ␪ l 共 x 兲 ⫺ ␪ f 共 x 兲 ⬎2 ␲

the plateau value. The weighting function w( ␪ ,x) is then

chosen as
w 共 ␪ ,x 兲 FIG. 3. Exemplary MTF functions for the low-frequency image 共top兲, the
high-frequency image 共middle兲, and the overall MTF 共bottom兲. F 1 ⫽0.38,
␪⬍␪ f 共 x 兲,

0, F 2 ⫽0.95, F 3 ⫽0.05, F 4 ⫽0.12.

T 共 x 兲共 ␪ ⫺ ␪ f 共 x 兲兲 / ␣ 共 x 兲 , ␪ f 共 x 兲⭐␪⬍␪ f 共 x 兲⫹␣共 x 兲,
⫽ T共 x 兲, ␪ f 共 x 兲 ⫹ ␣ 共 x 兲 ⭐ ␪ ⬍ ␪ l共 x 兲 ⫺ ␣ 共 x 兲 , WEDGE reconstruction, the product of the ramp with M ( ␯ )
would be used in the filter step. We use two parameters F 1
T 共 x 兲共 ␪ l 共 x 兲 ⫺ ␪ 兲 / ␣ 共 x 兲 , ␪ l共 x 兲 ⫺ ␣ 共 x 兲 ⭐ ␪ ⬍ ␪ l共 x 兲 ,
and F 2 to parametrize the shape of M. Here, F 1 is the start
0, ␪ l共 x 兲 ⭐ ␪ . and F 2 the end of a cosine shaped fall-off according to
共13兲 for ␯ ⭐F 1 ␯ Ny ,

The shape of this weighting function is illustrated in Fig. 2
for different illumination window widths.
M F 1 ,F 2 共 ␯ 兲 ⫽
2 冉
1⫹cos 冉
␲ 共 ␯ ⫺F 1 ␯ Ny兲
共 F 2 ⫺F 1 兲 ␯ Ny
冊冊 ,
B. The frequency split method for F 1 ␯ Ny⬍ ␯ ⭐F 2 ␯ Ny ,
0, else,
If the original WEDGE method is used without redundant
data, we observe only very little cone-beam artifacts, even with ␯ Ny being the Nyquist frequency. In the frequency split
for large cone angles.15 However, if it is applied to scans method, we use two functions M Flf ,F ( ␯ ) and
3 4
with a small pitch and a large cone angle, we observe sig- M Fhf ,F ,F ,F ( ␯ ) to reconstruct the low-frequency and the
1 2 3 4
nificant artifacts for both, aperture weighted WEDGE and high frequency image, respectively. The two parameters F 3
angular weighted WEDGE. This is shown in Sec. III for and F 4 are used as F 1 and F 2 in Eq. 共14兲 to control the
angular weighted WEDGE. The artifacts have typically a resolution of the low-frequency image. The modulation
very low spatial frequency in planes perpendicular to the transfer function for the high-frequency image is simply
rotation axis. This has been observed also for other 3D re-
construction algorithms.12,13 This motivated the following M Fhf
1 ,F 2 ,F 3 ,F 4
共 ␯ 兲 ⫽M F 1 ,F 2 共 ␯ 兲 ⫺M Flf 3 ,F 4 共 ␯ 兲 . 共15兲
approach to handle redundant data: Two separate images are
The modulation transfer functions are illustrated in Fig. 3.
reconstructed. The first one contains the low spatial fre-
As Kudo et al.,13 we reconstruct the low frequency image
quency components in planes perpendicular to the rotation
not from strictly nonredundant data, but we use a small
axis. This is reconstructed using no or only little redundant
amount of redundant data ␻ 共which is called ⌬ by Kudo
data. The second one contains the high spatial frequencies
et al.兲. The amount is another parameter for the reconstruc-
and this is reconstructed using all redundant data. It may be
tion. The low frequency image is reconstructed using an an-
noted that one advantage of using redundant data is the re-
gular range of ␲⫹␻ centered around the PI illumination win-
duction of aliasing artifacts in the xy plane. Since these ar-
dow I PI(x). The reason to use some redundant data is to
tifacts show up in high spatial frequencies, the frequency
reduce the sensitivity of the algorithm to patient motion. This
split method still maintains this feature. 共Sampling artifacts
will be demonstrated in Sec. III. The high frequency image is
in z direction,6 also known as windmill artifacts,19 are of
always reconstructed using all redundant data.
course not reduced by the quarter detector offset and are also
not expected to be suppressed by the frequency split method
since they show up in the medium frequency range.兲 III. EVALUATION
A modification of the ramp filtering 关Eq. 共8兲兴 is tradition- Head imaging is probably the most demanding applica-
ally used to control the resolution in the xy plane by multi- tion for cone-beam algorithms because of the very complex
plication with a modulation transfer function 共MTF兲. The bone structures inside the head, which can easily cause cone-
frequency split is realized by a modification of this MTF beam artifacts. Thus, we picked a head phantom for the
function. Suppose we want to achieve an MTF given in the evaluation of cone-beam artifacts. For the analysis of the
frequency domain as a function M ( ␯ ). For standard sensitivity to motion, we took the cardiac phantom described

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TABLE I. Definition of the scanners used in the simulations. L is the distance TABLE II. RMS noise level in HU calculated in a circular region of interest
from the source to the detector, R the distance of the source to the rotation containing 5025 voxels on the left-hand side of the phantom. Images were
axis, and H the detector height, and P relative pitch. reconstructed using standard WEDGE. They are shown in Fig. 4.

No. rows 64 No redundant data All redundant data

No. columns 672
No. vertices/turn 1160 High pitch 6.17 5.83
L/mm 1040 Low pitch 9.62 5.76
R/mm 570
H/mm 73
Active pixel height/mm 1.055
Active pixel width/mm 1.117 In the frequency split method, some data are discarded.
Focal spot size/mm2 0.6⫻1.0 Thus, the signal to noise ratio may be reduced compared to
Full fan angle ␤ 0 26.1° the standard WEDGE, which would be a reduced dose utili-
Detector width/mm 473.8
Full cone angle 4.02°
zation of the method. As a measure for the dose utilization,
P for low pitch scan 0.6 we calculated the root-mean-square 共rms兲 deviation from the
P for high pitch scan 1.5 average reconstructed absorption value in a homogeneous,
circular region of 5025 voxels on the left-hand side of the
phantom. We do not aim at making an absolute statement
about the dose utilization. The aim is to evaluate the loss in
in Ref. 20. A scanner with 64 rows was used for the simula- signal-to-noise ratio of the frequency split method compared
tion. The detailed scanner geometry is given in Table I. Note with the standard WEDGE method.
that the fan angle of the system is unusually small. This is
due to the fact that the phantoms used in the study are both 1. Standard WEDGE
rather small and fit completely into the fan angle of 26°. Figure 4 shows reconstruction results for the standard
Furthermore, it should be noted that the height and width of WEDGE method at high and low pitch and different amount
the detector pixel is given as active height and width. These of redundant data usage. The rms noise values are summa-
quantities define the area, where x-ray photons are detected. rized in Table II.
In order to suppress aliasing in the xy plane, we mimicked a We observe that for the high-pitch case shown in the up-
dual-focus acquisition by using a larger active width than the per row of Fig. 4, the utilization of redundant data introduces
pixel spacing. Thus, the simulation can be seen as a direct or enhances low-frequency artifacts, i.e., dark or bright
simulation of the data, which are obtained in a real system shades, close to the inner ear on the right-hand side of the
after interleaving data from the two focus positions. The Ny- phantom. The same holds true for the low-pitch case shown
quist frequency ␯ Ny in our simulation is 12.94 cm⫺1.
The frequency split method is designed for low pitch he-
lical scans. Thus, we tested the algorithm for a low pitch
helical scan. However, in order to complete the study and to
demonstrate that the problems we observe for low pitch are
mainly related to the use of redundant data, we included
simulations at high pitch and reconstruction results for the
standard WEDGE method.
In Sec. III A, we will focus on pure cone-beam artifacts
using a static head phantom. At the same time, we measure
image noise in order to evaluate the dose utilization. In Sec.
III B, the behavior with respect to motion is analyzed.
A. Analysis of cone-beam artifacts and dose utilization
The forbild head phantom 共as given in www.imp.uni-兲 was used for the cone-beam artifact
evaluation. The objects designed for resolution measurement
were omitted. We showed already in Ref. 9 that the resolu-
tion of the standard WEDGE method is maintained by the
frequency split method.
In order to test the dose utilization of the frequency split
method, we added Poisson distributed noise to the projec-
tions. The simulated nonattenuated number of photons was
0.6⫻106 and 1.5⫻106 per single detector pixel for the low- FIG. 4. Results for the standard WEDGE method at different pitches and for
different amount of redundant data usage at z⫽⫺6 mm. Top, results from
pitch and high-pitch dataset, respectively. For the pitch val-
the high pitch scan. Bottom, results for the low pitch scan. Left, no redun-
ues used, this implies that the dose applied to the phantom is dant data are used; right, full usage of redundant data. Level 35 HU, window
the same for both data sets. 100 HU.

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FIG. 5. Reconstruction results for the frequency split

method with F 3 ⫽0, F 4 ⫽0.3 and low-pitch scan of the
head phantom at z⫽⫺6 mm. Left, low-resolution im-
age using ␻⫽␲/5; middle, high-frequency image using
all redundant data; right, final image for WEDGE with
the frequency split method. Level 35 HU, window 100
HU for the low-resolution and the final image, level
⫺1000 HU, window 100 HU for the high-frequency

in the lower row. Here, the effect is even stronger because WEDGE. However, for the higher cutoff frequency F 4
approximately three times more data were used by the recon- ⫽0.3, we observe a small increase of the noise level by 3%.
struction for the right image than for the left one. This causes
also the significant reduction in the noise level, see Table II. B. Sensitivity to motion artifact
If all redundant data are used, the resulting noise level is In order to analyze the sensitivity to patient motion, we
almost the same for both pitches, as expected since the simu- used the cardiac phantom as described in Ref. 20. The phan-
lated dose for the two cases is the same. The argument about tom had 60 beats per minute and a rest period of 20%. The
the same dose is strictly true only for object points on the simulated time for one rotation of the scanner was 420 ms.
rotation axis, where the ratio illumination window is the The other scan parameters are the same as for the low pitch
same as the ratio of the relative pitches. Since the region, scan of the head phantom. Results for the frequency split
where we computed the noise level is slightly off-center, a method for different values of the overscan ␻ and the cutoff
small difference in the noise level is expected. frequency F 4 are shown in Fig. 7. For comparison, Fig. 8
shows the result for the standard WEDGE method. The goal
2. Frequency split WEDGE of the evaluation here is not to recover the small spheres
Figure 5 shows exemplarily the low frequency, the high well—we do not evaluate a cardiac CT algorithm—but to get
frequency, and the final image for the frequency split method as little artifacts as possible in the surrounding area. It might
applied to the low-pitch scan. Results for the frequency split be seen as a simulation of a thorax scan, where we do not
method applied to the low-pitch scan are shown in Fig. 6 for want to get artifacts inside the nonmoving tissue from a
different values of the overscan angle ␻ and cutoff frequency moving stent placed in a coronary artery.
F 4 . The rms noise values are summarized in Table III. Comparing the upper and the lower row of Fig. 7, we
We observe, that the low-frequency artifacts are com- observe that the sensitivity to patient motion increases with
pletely suppressed by the frequency split method for both an increased cutoff frequency F 4 . This can be explained by
cutoff frequencies and ␻⭐␲/3. For a larger overscan of the fact that a low cutoff frequency implies that more fre-
␻⫽2␲/3, the dark and bright shades near the inner ear, which quency components are reconstructed using the full overscan
are present in the standard WEDGE reconstruction in the range. The sensitivity is reduced if a larger overscan angle ␻
lower right image of Fig. 4 become slightly visible. is used. However, the biggest decrease in motion artifacts is
The noise measurement confirms that for the low achieved by going from ␻⫽0 共left column of Fig. 7兲 to
cutoff frequency F 4 ⫽0.15, the dose utilization of the ␻⫽␲/3 共middle column兲. Increasing the overscan angle fur-
frequency split method is virtually the same as for standard ther to ␻⫽2␲/3 共right column兲, has only a little effect on the

FIG. 6. Results for the frequency split method and the

low-pitch scan of the head phantom at z⫽⫺6 mm. Top
row, F 3 ⫽0, F 4 ⫽0.15; bottom row, F 3 ⫽0, F 4 ⫽0.3.
Left, middle, right column, ␻⫽0, ␻⫽␲/3, ␻⫽2␲/3.
Level 35 HU, window 100 HU.

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TABLE III. RMS noise level in HU calculated in a circular region of interest TABLE IV. Artifact levels in the motion phantom. The RMS deviation from
containing 5025 voxels on the left-hand side of the phantom. Images were the true background value was calculated in the square indicated in Fig. 8.
reconstructed using the frequency split method. They are shown in Fig. 6. The first three columns are related to the images shown in Fig. 7, full
For all cases, we used F 3 ⫽0. overscan is equivalent to standard WEDGE shown in Fig. 8. For all cases,
we used F 3 ⫽0.
␻⫽0 ␻⫽␲/3 ␻⫽2␲/3
␻⫽0 ␻⫽␲/3 ␻⫽2␲/3 Full overscan
F 4 ⫽0.15 5.76 5.76 5.77
F 4 ⫽0.30 5.92 5.90 5.90 F 4 ⫽0.15 2.6 1.3 1.1 1.0
F 4 ⫽0.30 4.8 1.4 1.2 1.0

motion artifacts. This conclusion obtained from a visual in- Alternatively, it is valid to say that these Radon planes con-
spection is also supported by a quantitative analysis of the tain only low-frequency information in planes perpendicular
motion artifacts. We calculated the root-mean-square devia- to the rotation axis.
tion from the true background value in a rectangular region The observation that the WEDGE method exhibits low-
indicated in Fig. 8. The results are summarized in Table IV. frequency artifacts may be explained by the facts mentioned
The frequency split method applied to WEDGE becomes above. In the WEDGE method, redundancies are treated like
the standard WEDGE method for the both limits, F 4 →0 and in 2D CT. The fact that some Radon planes are not measured
␻→max. Thus, the result of the standard WEDGE method as multiple times is neglected. The structure of the resulting
shown in Fig. 8 represent the best possible result that we can artifacts can be related by the Fourier slice theorem to an
obtain with the frequency split method applied to WEDGE. improper weighting of these Radon planes.
It appears that an overscan angle of ␻⫽␲/3 is sufficient to The frequency split method is a heuristic approach to
reach almost the same level of artifact suppression as the mitigate this effect. Cone-beam artifacts are reduced signifi-
standard WEDGE method. cantly, see Figs. 5 and 6. This improvement is achieved over
a wide range for the parameter values F 4 and ␻.
The choice for the overscan parameter ␻ and the cutoff
IV. DISCUSSION frequency is obviously a trade-off between the performance
Like in many other approximate methods, the way redun- of the algorithm with respect to cone-beam artifacts, dose
dant data are used in the WEDGE method is motivated and utility, and robustness with respect to patient motion. If we
justified by two-dimensional 共2D兲 arguments: Rays passing a consider cone-beam artifacts, it appears that the overscan
certain object point are considered to be equivalent if they must not be chosen large, see right-most images in Fig. 6.
are parallel in the projection onto the plane perpendicular to The aspect of dose utilization pushes the cutoff frequency
the rotation axis. Of course, redundancy in cone-beam CT is down and the overscan to large values. Similarly, motion
not related to line integrals but to Radon planes. As a matter artifacts are better suppressed for a low cutoff frequency F 4
of fact, not all Radon planes are measured multiple times for and a large overscan angle, see Fig. 7. However, it appears
a low-pitch helical CT scan.17,5 In particular, planes, which that these parameters are not very critical for the scanner that
have only one intersection point with the helix, can be mea- we investigated here. With a proper choice of the cutoff fre-
sured only once. Geometrically, these planes are almost per- quency and the overscan angle, namely F 4 ⫽0.15 and
pendicular to the rotation axis. According to the 3D Fourier ␻⫽␲/3, we can maintain the good dose utilization and sup-
slice theorem, these Radon planes contain predominantly in- pression of motion artifacts of the WEDGE method, while
formation about spatial frequencies along the rotation axis. reducing cone-beam artifacts significantly.

FIG. 7. Results for the frequency split method and the

low-pitch scan of the cardiac phantom at z⫽3 mm. Top
row, F 3 ⫽0, F 4 ⫽0.15; bottom row, F 3 ⫽0, F 4 ⫽0.3.
Left, middle, right column, ␻⫽0, ␻⫽␲/3, ␻⫽2␲/3.
Level 0 HU, window 100 HU.

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Medical Physics, Vol. 31, No. 8, August 2004

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