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Republic of the Philippines


Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija


AGBUS 1100 - Agribusiness

Submitted by:

Nieto, Princess Leona M.

Perelta, Haipha Mae D.

Submitted to:

Mariss DO. Inducil


November 2019

Mrs. Corazon Dayro Ong, a full-time mother

had to take care of the household. Her experience as a dietitian proved useful in preparing
native snacks for the kids and his husband. At one point, she decided to experiment with a
new filling for siopao, in addition to the usual bola-bola and asado. She developed a skinless
longganisa as palaman for homemade siopao. But she didn’t know that her skinless
longganisa would be such a hit, that everyone who tasted it would ask for more. Mrs. Ong's
hobby turned into a business. The demand for her products was so strong that she decided to
establish on June 26, 1975 a small meat processing company which she registered as CDO
Food Products, carrying her initials. With a initial capital of P60,000 borrowed from a local
bank, CDO Food Products began operation with longganisa and tocino as start-up products.

CDO-Foodsphere Inc. is now 44 years and one of the country's largest meat processors, and
now in the global market through their canned meat products. They are committed to
spreading authentic, yet distinct taste of Filipino food in Philippines and wherever a Filipino
resides throughout the world. The CDO Karne Norte, CDO Bibbo! Hotdog, CDO Meat Loaf,
CDO Hamburger Patties, CDO Holiday Ham are some of the named brands enjoyed by the
Filipino family. The market reach of CDO has a global presence spanning across Australia,
United Arab Emirates, Japan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Papua New Guinea, United States and
Canada, among others. Their PESTLE analysis is given below:


The food safety is a foremost responsibility of food business operators and key government
agency. Food Safety Regulation Coordinating Board (FSRCB) is created to monitor and
coordinate the performance and implementation of the mandates of the DA, the DOH, the
DILG and the LGUs in food safety regulations. The key government agencies with the prime
responsibility of ensuring food safety include the following are the responsibilities of these
government agencies: The Department of Agriculture (DA) shall be responsible for food
safety in the primary production and post-harvest stages of food supply chain and foods
locally produced or imported in this category. The Department of Health (DOH) shall be
responsible for the safety of processed and prepackaged foods, foods locally produced or
imported under this category and the conduct of monitoring and epidemiological studies on
food-borne illnesses. The Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) in
collaboration with the DA, the DOH and other government agencies shall supervise the
enforcement of food safety and sanitary rules and regulations as well as the inspection and
compliance of business establishments and facilities within its territorial jurisdiction.


The two main manufacturing of CDO-Foodsphere INC. are located in the Valenzuela and
Malvar, Batangas. With this two manufacturing plants many Filipinos are help to have a job
and not just only job but also encourage many distributors to create a business. The CDO-
Foodsphere INC. has a big contribute to our economy. They are exporting their products in
Australia, United Arab Emirates, Japan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Papua New Guinea, United
States and Canada, and even in Asian countries. All that FoodSphere has accomplished
through the years, the company is continuously committed to building more entrepreneurs
and to ultimately helping uplift the Philippine Economy.


The Odyssey Foundation Inc. (OFI), the corporate social responsibility (CSR) arm of
CDOFoodsphere, Inc. has undertaken several projects under its “Gabay Kalikasan” advocacy
to increase public awareness on environmental protection and preservation. Gabay
Edukasyon is one of the five pillars of OFI’s NEELS advocacy campaign – nutrition,
education, environment, livelihood and service to humanity. NEELS represent the
commitment of OFI to help Uplift the lives of those who are in need.

Odyssey Foundation Inc. (OFI) is a non-profit organization created to formally continue

providing individuals new hope into their lives by giving aid and assistance. It gears to
provide nourishment to less fortunate Filipinos, child and youth welfare development,
livelihood enhancement programs, and health and nutrition advocacy and promotion. With
these, OFI hopes to promote, support, and finance nutrition programs to enhance the well-
being of our fellow men, women, and children in dire need of assistance.

As Mr&Mrs. Jose Ong have said, “Foodsphere Inc. has grown to become a leading food
company because of the loyal support of our customers who became accustomed to our high-
quality, but affordable, products. As we become bigger as a company, we recognize the need
to reach out to the segments of our society who have less in life and do not have enough
access to proper nutrition. We feel that as a food company, we should take the lead in sharing
not only food, but also hope with less fortunate brothers, sisters and children."


With the CDO-Foodspear Inc. advanced of high capacity production of machineries. They
continuously improve their product through their packaging. They are conducting research
and study before they launched a new product. With the research and development company
ensure a quality products. They promote their products through advertisement and adopt the
trends of the society. They also have website that provides information about the company
and its product.

There can be many legal involvements upon

the food industry. They were awarded as the
Food Safety Management System in
2011, Quality Management System
Certification in 2012 and Food Safety System Certificate in 2013. But
issue arise in October 2019 about the CDO-Foodspear Inc. is the foul odor from its
manufacturing plant in Malvar, Batangas. They failed to address the problem which became
the violation of the company’s Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC).


These past few months there is African Swine Flu (ASF) in the Philippines which causes lack
supplies of good meat in the market. But the CDO-Foodspear Inc. assures that it was safe and
high quality products. Because whether canned or frozen they all inspected responsibly and
are imported from countries that are free from the African Swine Flu (ASF) epidemic in the
Philippines. While the local meat are completely undergo of screening and clearance by the
National Meat Inspection Service.


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