Name: Date: Grade and Section: Pre-Activity

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Directions: This is a test on the nature of communication. Write in your separate notebook the correct
letter of your choice.
______1. Communication is derived as a process by which ideas, thoughts, feelings, emotion,
information passes through _______.
a) symbols c) behavior
b) signs d) all of the above
______2. Speaking is a way of communicating to express____
a) an opinion or idea c) give information or explanation
b) form arguments d) all of a,b and c
______3. The word communication is from the Latin word
a) communis c) communism
b) communist d) common
______4. These are the oral activities that will train you to become a better speaker.
a) delivering a speech c) interviewing and presenting
b) participating in recitations d) all of the above
______5. It includes memos, letters, reports, bulletin boards, handbooks, newsletter,
and the like.
a) media c) verbal media
b) written media d) nonverbal
______6. It includes face to face conversation, telephone, mobile phone, computer, television,
radio, tape-recorded messages, e-mails, slide shows and
many more.
a) verbal media c) written media
b) nonverbal d) media

Task 1: SPOT-ify (Grade 10 Arts-related activity)

Learning Task 1: Modified Frayer Model
Key Ideas
By the way, Frayer Model is a graphic organizer used to build your vocabulary. This technique requires you to give
definition to communication and apply your knowledge on it by generating examples, giving characteristics or

My Modified Frayer Model of Communication:



A. Scribble and Write Up! (Written Communication)

Direction: Let us apply what you have learned by doing this activity. Everyone should be an active participant.
Choose only one from the topics below. Write a simple letter addressing the Philippine President Rodrigo Roa
Duterte about your feelings on his actions against COVID 19. Get ready to share your work in front of your


5 4 3
Very good Good Developing
Letter Parts Has date and heading, Has greeting, body, closing Has three or less letter parts.
greeting, body, closing and and signature

Cleanliness The output is free from The work has 3-5 erasures. The output has more than
erasures and is presentable/ five erasures.
Mechanics Make use of correct Make use of correct Punctuation, spelling and
punctuation, spelling and punctuation, spelling and grammar slightly distract the
grammar with less than five grammar with less than reader. There are ten errors
errors. seven errors. or less.

Content Message is clear, precise and Message is clear. Letter has Message is mostly clear.
shows insight. Letter has two paragraphs. Letter is one paragraph in
three or more paragraphs. It length.
encourages a response from
the reader.

B. Scribble and Visualize! (Visual Communication/Non-Verbal Communication)

Direction: Let us apply what you have learned by doing this activity. Everyone should be an active participant.
Choose only one from the topics below. Take a photo together with your group mates that shows or portrays
possible solution to some problems in school or community like: (transfer the photo to laptop and present it in

 Mental health (Grade 7 Health-related topic)

 Teenagers emotionally coping up with the new normal (Grade 7 ESP)
 Hypertension and Diabetes (Grade 7 Health/Science- related topic; non-communicable disease)
 Depression (Grade 7 Health-related topic)
5 4 3
Very good Good Developing
Subject and content of the String and effective. Students mostly make a Ideas are not completely
photo Students make a complete complete and detailed communicated. Students
and detailed portrayal of the portrayal of the problem. make some complete and
problem. All the elements MOSTLY All the elements detailed portrayal of the
are seen on the photo. are seen on the photo. problem. Some of the
elements are seen on the
Creativity Amazing photograph with Good approach in showing Photo shows little to no
unified meaning and creativity. But it could have creativity. Lacks impact.
creative photo. been planned and executed

Call to action Message is clear, precise Message is clear. It is quite Students did not find the
and shows insight. Students appealing and encouraging. message of the photo
find the photo appealing appealing.
and encouraging.


Learning Task 2: Classifying Sample Communication Episodes
Directions: Classify the following communication episodes according to types.

Write A for for Written Communication C for Non-Verbal Communication

B for Verbal Communication D for Visual Communication

_____1. Mercedes sends her children a message using the messenger.

_____2. Romeo tells Juliet of his true feelings.
_____3. Kirby announces his candidacy to his constituents.
_____4. Medien colors the t-shirts with red for the Red Cross Activity.
_____5. Teresa tells herself that things will be all right.
_____6. Hector blows a kiss to Myrna.
_____7. Guiller winks to Baby.
_____8. Cristina gives a thumb up to her friend who is on the other side of the building.
_____9. Mignon displays her photograph in the hall.
_____10. Herbert, Smylene, Marose and Jhaz discussed their project.

Learning Task 3: A REAL SAMPLE

Directions: Now that you know what communication is, list down real examples of communication that occurs
around you. Make a table similar to that table below and write your answers in your Communication Activity

What Where Who How

Talking with friends In school You and your friends You share your experiences and feelings.
At home


DIRECTION: Reflect and answer this final activity in your COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY NOTEBOOK. Ask
for your parent’s signature below.

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