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Learning Area Speech Grade Seven-SSC

Learning Delivery Modality Modular Distance Modality (Learners-led Modality)

School ATIMONAN NCHS Grade Level Grade Seven

Teacher MS. JOSCELLE Learning Area Elective-Speech
Teaching Date March 11, 2021 Quarter First Quarter
LESSON Teacher‘s Time Thursday, 11:00-12:00 No. of Days 1 day

I. OBJECTIVES  Define communication;

 Manifest appreciation on the importance of communication in our daily lives through
giving real-life examples of communication that exist around us;
 Explain the nature of communication through group activity.
A. Content The learner….
Standards understands the nature and process of oral communication in context.
B. Performance The learner…
Standards designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral communication activities based
on context.
C. Learning The Learner…
Competencies or  Defines communication. (EN 11/ 12 OC-1a-1)
objectives  Explains the nature of communication. (EN 11/ 12 OC-1a-2)
II. CONTENT Nature of Communication
III. LEARNING Instructional Material for Grade 7 SSC Oral Communication
A. References
a. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
b.Learner’s 8-18
Material Pages
c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional
Materials from
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
Preliminaries Daily Routine
A. Prayer/Welcome Greetings
B. Checking of Attendance
C. Rules

A- ttitude Be positive and try your best!

R- espect Respect everyone and everything.
T- hink Understand and demonstrate.
I- magine Be creative and dream!
S-peak in English Communicate for you to be understood.
T-arget Follow directions and stay on target.
A. Introduction What I need to know?

The learners will be given an idea of the competencies they are expected to learn and to
comprehend about the objectives of the lesson.

In this lesson you are expected to:

1. Define communication;
2. Manifest appreciation on the importance of communication in our daily lives through
giving real-life examples of communication that exist around us;
3. Explain the nature of communication through group activity.
What’s new?

In this part, the teacher will introduce the new lesson in the form of the activity given below:


Directions: This is a test on the nature of communication. Write in your separate notebook the
correct letter of your choice.
______1. Communication is derived as a process by which ideas, thoughts, feelings, emotion,
information passes through _______.
a) symbols c) behavior
b) signs d) all of the above
______2. Speaking is a way of communicating to express____
a) an opinion or idea c) give information or explanation
b) form arguments d) all of a,b and c
______3. The word communication is from the Latin word
a) communis c) communism
b) communist d) common
______4. These are the oral activities that will train you to become a better speaker.
a) delivering a speech c) interviewing and presenting
b) participating in recitations d) all of the above
______5. It includes memos, letters, reports, bulletin boards, handbooks, newsletter,
and the like.
a) media c) verbal media
b) written media d) nonverbal
______6. It includes face to face conversation, telephone, mobile phone, computer, television,
radio, tape-recorded messages, e-mails, slide shows and
many more.
a) verbal media c) written media
b) nonverbal d) media
B. Development What I Know?
The teacher uses The teacher will give an activity that aims to check what the
Constructivist learners already know about the lesson to take.
Approach using The students are given a two-part activity which will
ACTIVITY- introduce them about the topic to be discussed.
BASED. (3A’s
Activity-Act, Task 1: SPOT-ify (Grade 10 Arts-related activity)
Analyze, Apply) (Task1 is also given to the students in their homes)
This is a famous cognitive illusion painting by a Mexican
Task 1: SPOT-ify Surrealist painter, Octavio Ocampo (1943) called as “The
(Arts-related General’s Family”.
Direction: Spot the nine (9) faces which you can find on the
masterpiece by encircling the faces that you can see on the
copy given. Afterwards, write your hypothesis/insight with
regards to the painting. The teacher will ask volunteer from the class who will share his/her

Task 2: Emotional Coloring

Direction: Use the statement in different emotions given. Make sure you use the appropriate
facial expressions, gestures, and bodily movements.

There are two bowls, one for the statements and the other one for the emotions, the
actor/actress will use the statement in different emotions picked. The class will then guess what
emotion was portrayed by the actor/actress. Whoever will guess it correctly will be given

Statements Emotions

A. You have changed my life. – surprised/shocked

B. Get out of my life. - frustrated
C. You are all that matters. - sweet
D. You do not exist. - painful/in pain
E. You do not like it, because…? - shy

 Well Done!
What’s In?

The learners are given brief drill to help them link the previous activity with the present topic.

Process questions:

What have you noticed about the activity?

Did you find it hard to finish all the tasks given?
How did you spot on the faces in “The General’s Family”?
In task 1, how were you able to guess the meaning of the painting? How?
Is it hard for you to guess the emotion picked by your classmate? If not, why?

You clearly obeyed what was given because you have understood the
idea and the meaning conveyed by what was written on the slides, by what you have seen on the
illustration, and by means of speaking with gestures/body movements/ facial expressions in
Task 2.
What is It?

Let’s Talk About It

The learners are now given a brief discussion of the lesson and help them to discover and
understand new concepts/skills.
The most basic skill that a good communication student must possess is a clear
understanding of the definition of what is communication.
What is Communication?
Communication (from the Latin term “communis” (n.) which means sharing and informing
ideas, feelings, etc. or “communicare” (v.) which means make something common.) is the act
of transmitting intended meanings from one entity or group to another through the use of
mutually understood signs.


Communication is an act of sharing or transferring information

and data gathered from one person to another using different
means, medium, context, media, and cultures.
There are different ways and terms of which Communication can be fully understood. It can be
thru face to face, phone conversation, a group discussion, a meeting or interview, a letter
correspondence, a class recitation, and many others.
Communication is a procedure of sharing and passing on messages or data starting
with one individual then onto the next inside and across channels, contexts, media, and cultures.
(McCornack, 2014). There is a wide variety of contexts and circumstances where
communication can be showed; it tends to be a face-to-face interaction, a phone conversation, a
group discussion, a meeting or interview, a letter correspondence, a class recitation, and many

The different categories of communication include:
 Spoken or Verbal Communication: face-to-face, telephone, radio or television and
other media.
 Non-Verbal Communication: body language, gestures, how we dress or act – even
our scent.
 Written Communication: letters, e-mails, books, magazines, the Internet or via other
 Visualizations/ Visual Communication: graphs and charts, maps, logos and other
visualizations can communicate messages.
 It is a step by step activity (a process).
 It happens between two or more people who act as the speaker or the receiver of the
 It can be expressed through written or spoken words, actions (non-verbal) of both
spoken words and nonverbal actions at the same time.

The truth is, we are communicating constantly because even when you do not want to
communicate, you are communicating! Isn’t that ironic? Yes, you are sending a message by the
way you smile, or frown, sit or move or by the way you walk or dress up yourself and by your
actions. And even when you are sleeping in class, you are communicating that you are either
bored or sick or whatever your reasons be!
This notion tells us that communication is everywhere.
Thus, it is impossible to not communicate. The dark clouds, the deep blue sea, the
howling dogs, your empty room or even the silence of the night, these are all communicating
and telling us something. Try discovering that yourself.
1. How could I assure myself that I am a good communicator?
2. How can communication be successful?
3. What significant learning do you need to improve more upon learning the lesson
Even in the simplest form of self- expression, communication is essential in our lives as
we tell others about ourselves and even as we exchange information, thoughts and feelings
and create relationships with other people.

Talking is a way of communicating with others and with yourself. We communicate

from the moment we were born.

Now, the questions still continue to echo, can man live without communication? Can the
world survive without communication?

No. Man needs to communicate to understand, live, grow, and survive.

You are amazing! The activities clearly show the importance of communication. True
enough, communication plays a vital role in our existence.
C. Engagement What’s more?

The Formative The teacher will give an independent activity that would solidify their understanding or skill of
Assessment is the topic.

now administered APPLY
by the teacher.
Learning Task 1: Modified Frayer Model
Key Ideas
By the way, Frayer Model is a graphic organizer used to build your vocabulary. This technique
requires you to give definition to communication and apply your knowledge on it by generating
examples, giving characteristics or descriptions.

My Modified Frayer Model of Communication:


Subject Integration What I can Do?

across curriculum
(Grade 7 Health Activity for those students at home (for those learners at home, they are to do the Task A
and ESP) only.)
Task 3
The students use the
ICT in presenting A. Scribble and Write Up! (Written Communication)
their output.
Direction: Let us apply what you have learned by doing this activity. Everyone should be an
They make use of active participant. Choose only one from the topics below. Write a simple letter addressing
camera for the the Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte about your feelings on his actions against
Scribble and COVID 19. Get ready to share your work in front of your classmates.
Visualize activity.
B. Scribble and Visualize! (Visual Communication/Non-Verbal Communication)
Direction: Let us apply what you have learned by doing this activity. Everyone should be an
active participant. Choose only one from the topics below. Take a photo together with your
group mates that shows or portrays possible solution to some problems in school or
community like: (transfer the photo to laptop and present it in class)

 Mental health (Grade 7 Health-related topic)

 Teenagers emotionally coping up with the new normal (Grade 7 ESP)
 Hypertension and Diabetes (Grade 7 Health/Science- related topic; non-
communicable disease)
 Depression (Grade 7 Health-related topic)

Students will then share their works in front.(Verbal Communication)

Activity for those students in the classroom (they will be divided into three groups one for
“Scribble and Write up”, second group for “Scribble and Visualize”

Marvelous! These activities actually boost your confidence and exercise your ability to
express yourself. How did you find the activity? Was it easy or difficult to use written

communication, Group A? How about in using photos, Group B? Is it hard to speak in front of
your classmates? Do you think the nature of communication exist in our activity? In what way?
In communication, all you have to remember is that you have to make sure you are able to
get your message across to your listener the way you intended it to be understood. Now, do you
think you were able to do that?


5 4 3
Very good Good Developing
Letter Parts Has date and Has greeting, body, Has three or less
heading, greeting, closing and signature letter parts.
body, closing and
Cleanliness The output is free The work has 3-5 The output has more
from erasures and is erasures. than five erasures.
Mechanics Make use of correct Make use of correct Punctuation, spelling
punctuation, spelling punctuation, spelling and grammar slightly
and grammar with and grammar with distract the reader.
less than five errors. less than seven There are ten errors
errors. or less.

Content Message is clear, Message is clear. Message is mostly

precise and shows Letter has two clear. Letter is one
insight. Letter has paragraphs. paragraph in length.
three or more
paragraphs. It
encourages a
response from the

5 4 3
Very good Good Developing
Subject and content String and effective. Students mostly Ideas are not
of the photo Students make a make a complete completely
complete and and detailed communicated.
detailed portrayal of portrayal of the Students make some
the problem. All the problem. MOSTLY complete and
elements are seen on All the elements are detailed portrayal of
the photo. seen on the photo. the problem. Some
of the elements are
seen on the photo.
Creativity Amazing Good approach in Photo shows little to
photograph with showing creativity. no creativity. Lacks
unified meaning and But it could have impact.
creative photo. been planned and
executed well.

Call to action Message is clear, Message is clear. It Students did not find
precise and shows is quite appealing the message of the
insight. Students and encouraging. photo appealing.
find the photo
appealing and

D. Assimilation What I have learned?

In this part the The students will be given questions to be answered to process what they learned from the
teacher uses lesson.
Multiple Choice as
form of summative Learning Task 2: Classifying Sample Communication Episodes
assessment Directions: Classify the following communication episodes according to types.

Write A for for Written Communication C for Non-Verbal Communication

B for Verbal Communication D for Visual Communication

_____1. Mercedes sends her children a message using the messenger.

_____2. Romeo tells Juliet of his true feelings.
_____3. Kirby announces his candidacy to his constituents.
_____4. Medien colors the t-shirts with red for the Red Cross Activity.
_____5. Teresa tells herself that things will be all right.
_____6. Hector blows a kiss to Myrna.
_____7. Guiller winks to Baby.
_____8. Cristina gives a thumb up to her friend who is on the other side of the building.
_____9. Mignon displays her photograph in the hall.
_____10. Herbert, Smylene, Marose and Jhaz discussed their project.
What can I do?

The teacher will provide an activity which will transfer their knowledge or skill into real-life

Individual Activity
Learning Task 3: A REAL SAMPLE

Directions: Now that you know what communication is, list down real examples of
communication that occurs around you. Make a table similar to that table below and write your
answers in your Communication Activity Notebook.

Wha Wh Ho
t o w
Talking with In school You and your You share your experiences and
friends friends feelings.
At home

V. The learners will write their insights about the lesson.

DIRECTION: Reflect and
answer this final activity in

Prepared by:


Teacher I


Master Teacher II


Head Teacher III, English Department


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