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Interpreter Please state your name and other personal circumstances.

Witness I am Karen Dedila, the owner of the store blablabla.
Interpreter The witness is now ready, your Honor.
Judge Prosecution counsel, your witness is now ready.
Prosecution counsel With the kind permission of the Honorable Court, we are offering
the testimony of this witness Your Honor to prove the material
allegations in the criminal information; to identify the perpetrator
and likewise to identify some documents namely affidavit he
executed in relation to this case and to testify on other matters
relative thereto, Your Honor.
Judge Any comment defense counsel to the offer?
Defense counsel We reserve our right to conduct cross-examination, Your Honor.
Judge You may now proceed.
Prosecution counsel With regard with the Criminal Case No. ___, Did you execute an
Witness Yes.
Prosecution counsel Showing to you an affidavit, what is the relation of this affidavit to
you? (sharescreen the affidavit)
Witness My affidavit
Prosecution counsel Above the name affiant,Whose name is this?
Witness My name, Karen Dedila.
Prosecution counsel Above the name Karen Dedila, whose signature is this?
Witness My signature
Prosecution counsel We pray that the signature of Riza Budots will be mark as “Exhibit
Judge Mark it.
Prosecution counsel Before whom did you execute this affidavit?
Witness Officer Harry Panelo
Prosecution counsel Above the name Officer Harry Panelo, there appears a signature.
Whose signature is this?
Witness Signature of Officer Harry Panelo.
Prosecution counsel We pray that the signature of Officer Harry Panelo be marked as
Prosecution counsel Do you affirm and confirm the authenticity of this affidavit?
Witness Yes.
Prosecution counsel Where were you on the morning of January 25, 2021?
Witness Early in the morning, I went out to buy some store supplies.
Prosecution counsel How early is your “early in the morning”?
Witness As early as 7:00 in the morning.
Prosecution counsel After you bought the stocks you needed, what did you do next?
Witness Other supplies I need were out of stock hence I went back
immediately to the store.
Prosecution counsel At what time did you arrive at your store?
Witness Before 8:00 in the morning.
Prosecution counsel What did you do next after you arrived at your store?
Witness I immediately opened the store.
Prosecution counsel After you opened the store, What were you doing?
Witness I was attending to customers who were at the store.
Prosecution counsel Do you have any companion at that time?
Witness Yes.
Prosecution counsel Who?
Witness My brother Harrie.
Prosecution counsel What were you both doing in the store?
Witness He was busy playing ML behind the display shelves.
Prosecution counsel Are you saying you were the only one who attended to the
Witness Yes.
Prosecution counsel And who were the customers you were attending at that time?
Witness The customers were Riza, Revilla, Floyd and Russel.
Prosec Counsel What were Riza, Revilla, Floyd and Russel doing?
Witness They were having a drinking a session.
Prosecution Counsel What were they drinking?
Witness They were drinking Red Horse.
Prosecution Counsel When did they start drinking?
Witness At around 8 A.M.
Prosecution counsel Are you saying that they ordered Red Horse only?
Witness No sir.
Prosecution counsel What else did they order?
Witness They also ordered “pulutan” and some ice for their drinks.
Prosecution counsel What happened next?
Witness I gave them a screw driver.
For what purpose?
They used it to break the ice.
Prosecution counsel You mentioned moments ago that you gave them a screw driver to
break the ice, can you describe to us the screw driver you were
talking about?
Witness The screw driver has a black and gray handle and to my estimation it
is around three. The metal part of the screw driver is around six or
six and a half inches.

Prosecution counsel Are there any other description of this object?

Witness It has a rough surface.
Prosecution counsel And you know this because?
Witness I am the owner of the screw driver.
Prosecution counsel After you gave them the screw driver, what happened next?
Witness They were laughing loudly while arguing and joking about the
recent American Politics.
Prosecution counsel What do you mean by American Politics?
Witness They were talking about Trump and Biden.
Prosecution counsel How were you able to hear what they were talking about?
Witness I went outside told them not to make too much noise as it was early
in the morning.
Prosecution counsel How did they respond to your request?
Witness They all apologized.
Prosecution counsel When you went outside, what else did you see?
Witness I saw Floyd breaking the ice.
Prosecution counsel What did they do next?
Witness Russel told Floyd “Sika pay man ditoy tani nalammin en jay imak.”
Prosecution counsel What was the response of Russel?
Witness Russel acceded to the request of his brother.
Prosecution counsel What happened next?
Witness Floyd stabbed Russel in the chest.
Prosecution counsel What did he used to stab Revilla in the chest?
Witness He used the same screwdriver they used to in breaking the ice.
Prosec Counsel What happened moments before Floyd stabbed Russel?
Witness I saw and heard Revilla told Floyd “ Karuprupam ni Donald
Trump!” (Your face looks like Donald Trump’s).
Prosecution counsel How did Floyd respond to what Revilla said?
Witness Floyd left what he was doing and punched Revilla Budots.
Prosecution counsel What else transpired if any?
Witness Revila Budots also threw a punch at Floyd Maywedder. They
exchanged several punches until Revilla was able to tackle Floyd
Maywedder on the ground and Riza and Russel intervened.
Prosecution counsel What happened next?
Witness Floyd grabbed the screw driver which they used to break the ice and
stabbed Revilla in the chest.
Prosecution counsel Are you saying that you saw Floyd stabbed Revilla in the chest?
Witness Yes.
Prosecution counsel How far were you from Revilla and Floyd?
Witness I was in arms reach of the both of them when Floyd stabbed Russel.
Prosecution counsel What did you do next?
Witness I screamed at the top of my lungs, telling Floyd to stop.
Prosecution counsel How did Floyd respond? (What happened after you shouted?)
Witness He let go of the screw driver leaving it in the chest of Revilla.
Prosecution counsel You said earlier that Riza and Russel intervened, what did they do
when Floyd stabbed Revilla on the chest?
Witness They shouted “Oy oy!”. Immediatley, Russel went in between them
while Riza rushed to hold Revilla.
Prosecution counsel What did you do next?
Witness Riza, Russel, Pinky, Floyd and I attended to Revilla and
immediately hailed a taxi to bring Revilla to the hospital.
Prosecution counsel Are you saying that Floyd attended in helping Revilla?
Witness Yes, but not immediately.
Prosecution counsel What do you mean not immediately?
Witness After Floyd stabbed Revilla he stood there for a while doing nothing
and then proceeded to help us attend to Revilla after a few seconds.
Prosecution counsel What else happened at that time?
Witness While he was helping us, he repeatedly uttered the words “ Sorry
Prosecution counsel Were you able to hail a taxi?
Witness Yes.
Prosecution counsel What did you do next?
Witness Riza, Russel, Floyd, Pinky and I then carried Revilla inside the taxi.
Riza, Russel and Pinky brought Revilla to the hospital.
Prosecution counsel Are you saying Floyd helped carry Revilla into the taxi?
Witness Yes, he helped in carrying Revilla into the taxi.
Prosecution counsel While carrying Revilla, what did you observe?
Witness While carrying Revilla, he still repeatedly uttered the words “Sorry
Prosecution counsel Were you able to carry Revilla into the taxi?
Witness Yes. Riza, Russel and Pinky also went inside the taxi to bring
Revilla to the hospital.
Prosecution counsel What did you do next?
Witness I turned around to talk to Floyd but I saw him running.
Prosecution counsel And then?
Witness I chased him but I was not able to catch up to him.
Prosecution counsel What then did you do next when you were not able to catch up to
Witness I went inside the store and clean.
Prosecution counsel I am showing to you a screw driver, is this the instrument you are
referring to which Floyd used in stabbing Revilla’s chest?
Witness Yes.
Prosecution counsel Madame witness, in relation to this case, do you remember having
executed or give your statement to any authority regarding this
Witness Yes, Ma’am.
Prosecution counsel That would be all, Your Honor.

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