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Recent advances in

Dr. Siddhartha Dutta

contraception MAMC,
New Delhi

Contraception types


Female contraception Outline

Male contraception

Immuno- contraception

Contraception : need of the hour
• World’s population expected to reach 9 billion
by 2050

• India accounts for 17% of world’s population

• 21% of all pregnancies resulting live births are

• Around 2/5 th of all pregnancies are


• If unmet need for contraception was met, we

can avoid
• 55 million unwanted pregnancies(71%)
• 22 million fewer abortions
• 90,000 fewer maternal deaths

Safe Effective Acceptable

Simple to
Inexpensive Reversible

Long lasting to Requiring little

avoid frequent or no medical
of coitus
administration supervision
Female/ Male

Temporary Permanent

Barrier Hormonal IUD
• Condoms
Barrier • Diaphragms
• Cervical cap

Temporary Hormonal
• Implants
• Injectables
methods • Orthoevra patch
• Nuvaring

• Copper T
IUD • Progestrasert
• Lipple’s loop
• All hormonal birth control
measures act via same

• Stops ovulation
contraception • Prevents uterus lining from
build up

• Making the cervical mucous

thick to prevent penetration of
Biphasic pills
Triphasic pills
only pills
Low dose pills
EE= 30-35μg
Monophasic pills Very low dose pills
EE= 15-25 μg

• 20 μg EE and 3 mg Drosperinone
• 24 pills with active medication
• Once daily for 24 days in a row

• Only COC with reported evidence

for and approved indication in the
treatment of emotional and
physical symptoms of
premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Multiphasic pills
• Comparable in efficacy to monophasic pills

• Introduced with an aim of reducing the total dose of hormones per

cycle and to ↓ BTB

• Better carbohydrate and lipid profile

Type Estrogen Progesterone

Triphasic EE – 30 ug (D1-6) Levonorgestrel 50 ug

EE – 40 ug (D7-11) Levonorgestrel 75 ug

EE – 30 ug (D12-21) Levonorgestrel 125 ug

4 phase pills
• Estrogen-estradiol valarate along with newer progestin (dienogest-
DNG) is used
• Step down doses of estrogen and step up doses of progestin
preparation is used
• Qlaira
• Dosing schedule

Days E₂ V DNG
E₂ V-DNG 1-2 3mg
3-7 2mg 2mg
8-24 2mg 3mg
25-26 1 mg
27-28 placebo

• DNG- least CVS & metabolic effects

• More increase in HDL(8%), LDL ↓(6.5%)
• Stability in carbohydrate metabolism
• No glucocorticoid, anti-mineralocorticoid or anti
estrogenic effects
• Reduced breakthrough bleeding
• Effective in treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding
• Significant improvement in Hb, hematocrit, ferritin


• VTE ??
• Amenorrhea more common
Extended cycle regimen

• 150µg of LNG + 30µg of EE • For 365 days

• Taken continuously for 84 days, • No break
break for 7 days
• 0.09mg LNG+20μg EE
• Fewer periods (4 in a year)
• Diminished breakthrough
• Breakthrough bleeding/ spotting bleeding after 8-9 months
– First few cycles
Advantages of continuous use
Decreased 1. Pelvic pain
incidence 2. Headaches
of: 3. Bloating/swelling
4. Breast tenderness for women who experience these symptoms during
the pill-free interval

Improved control over symptoms of endometriosis and polycystic ovary


Greater convenience due to fewer withdrawal bleeds per year

• little information on :

• Long-term safety (although there

are long-term data for comparable
total estrogen- progestin doses per

• Slightly higher cost for medications

(an extra 3 pill packages per year
for a 91-day cycle
Adverse effects of OCP
Mild Moderate Severe

• E-Nausea, • E- vertigo, leg & • E- TE, cholestatic

vomiting, breast uterine cramps, jaundice,
tenderness, mild ppt of DM cholelithiasis,
edema, migraine hepatic
• P- increased • P- BTB, monilial
appetite, wt. vaginitis, • P- MI,
gain, acne, amenorrhea cerebrovascular
hirsutism, thrombosis
decrease in
libido, increased
body temp.
Progestin only pills
• Reducing the dose to the lowest possible without reducing efficacy (10
fold reduction)

• Dosing schedule-
• Started on 5 th day of menstruation
normally Norethisterone
• Strict compliance(< 3 hrs window)
• 21 day of post partum period
• Soon after abortion PoP
• lactation
• Extra precaution for LNG
2 days to be taken 75μg 30μg
• Suppress ovulation(97-100%) vs 40% with other pop
• 0.75 mg
• Thick mucus plug in the cervix
• ↑ tubal peristalsis
• Can be taken within 12 hrs window

Stringent time No androgenic No ectopic

not necessary S/E-Acne pregnancy

No altered Failure rate is

carb/lipid met low
Transdermal delivery


Transdermal gel

Transdermal spray
Ortho evra patch
• Effectiveness-98-99%
• 28 day regimen
Replaced every week
No patch free interval if only LNG 40μg is in it

• 21 day regime
Replaced every week
7 day patch free interval if EE 30μg + LNG 100 μg

Once a week dosing- good compliance High cost
Avoid first pass metabolism Minor skin reaction

Progestin with minimal androgenicity Breakthrough bleeding and mastalgia

• Nestorone(NES) a progestin is used

• Applied in dose 2.3 mg/day once for

21 days with 7 free days

• Nestorone®/Estradiol Transdermal
Gel Gel(Phase 3)

• Adv-
-No skin irritation
- Regular bleeding pattern
-No serious adverse event
• Metered Dose Transdermal System (MDTS) to administer a
pre-set dose of the Nestorone once daily to the skin (forearm)

• Phase 1

• Fast-drying spray & drug is slowly absorbed in the blood

over a period of hours

• Suitable for
• Breastfeeding mothers
• Who cannot tolerate contraceptive pills with estrogens
• Leaves no visible residue & less irritation than patches

• S/E- bruising at the site, breast tenderness, tiredness,

headaches, dizziness
Vaginal contraception- Nuva ring

• Effectiveness- 92-97%

• NES 150μg + 15μg EE/day

• 21day/7 day

• ADV-
-reused for a year
-reduced cost DISADV-
-excellent bleeding control
-rapid return of fertility -feeling of ring on place
-no changes in weight -difficulty in remembering
to reinsert
Vaginal gel
C31G Glyminox 1% Gel(savvy)

50-60% effective

Vaginal microbicide(carrageenan, betacyclodextrin) contraceptive along with spermicidal


Applied 15 minutes prior to intercourse

Prevent from sexually transmitted diseases

• -boost bodies natural defense against infection
• -damage and disable disease pathogen
• -entry and fusion inhibitors

• -Easy to use
• -No serious side effects
AG200-15 (Twirla™)
• Transdermal Contraceptive Delivery System

• Low-dose, once-weekly patch

• EE + LNG

• Once weekly for 3 weeks, followed by a

week without a patch

• Minimizes seepage of adhesive around edge

of patch & ↓ chance of residue on skin
• Promote enhanced patient compliance

• Completed phase 3(FDA approval awaited)


• Levonova
• 20mcg/day LNG -- Mirena
(52mg) over 5 years

• It releases 15µg of LNG per day

in vivo and is effective for 7-10

• Purpose:
• ↑ use from 5 to 7 years
• ↓ cost
• Study completion ~Dec. ‘18
• Monthly injectable

• Pre-filled estradiol cypionate and

medroxyprogesterone syringes

• 25 mg MPA, 5 mg estradiol cypionate

• 94% to 99% effective at preventing


• Still to be introduced in US

• India- completed phase 3

Nestorone/EE 1 Year Ring (CVR)
• Nestorone/Ethinyl Estradiol

• 1-Year Ring (CVR)

• Releases 150 mcg Nestorone & 15 mcg ethinyl estradiol/day over 3-

week period

• 3 weeks in and 1 week out for 13 cycles

• Used like NuvaRing

• Lasts 13 cycles

• Awaiting FDA approval

Androgen formulations

Testosterone undecanoate

• Dose interval- Oral, twice daily

• Potential concern- Twice daily dosing, short and
variable duration


• Dose interval- Oral, daily

• Potential concern- Liver toxicity
• Testosterone enanthate
• Dose interval-1–2 wk
• Overall contraceptive efficacy of
• Potential concern-
• Delay in onset of full
contraceptive action for almost
3-4 months.
• Injections can be painful, high
peak levels
• Side effects from weekly injections
of 200 mg of TE in healthy men
include weight gain, a reversible
25% reduction in testicular
volume, a 6% increase in
hemoglobin, and a 10–15%
decrease in serum HDL cholesterol
01 02
Testosterone Testosterone undecanoate
• Dose interval- 8–12 wk
• Dose interval- 4–6 wk • Potential concern- Injections
• Potential concern- can be painful
Injections can be • Weight gain, a 9% increase in
painful, high peak hemoglobin, and a 14%
levels decrease in HDL
Testosterone implants

• Dose interval- 4 months

• Dose of 600 mg is usually able to maintain plasma
testosterone level within physiological range for 4-5 month
• Potential concern- Surgical placement, occasional painful

MENT(7α-methyl-19-nortestosterone) implant

• Phase 2
• Dose interval- 6 months
• Surgical placement, poor sperm suppression, concern
regarding bone effects

Testosterone Dihydrotestosterone
Testosterone gel
patch(non scrotal) gel

• Dose interval- daily • Dose interval- daily • Dose interval- daily

• Potential concern- • Potential concern- • Potential concern-

Poor efficacy, high Possibility of Poor efficacy
frequency of skin partner transfer,
irritation daily application
Testosterone buccal
• Buccal
• Manufactured under trade
name Straint

• Applied twice a day

• Dose interval- Daily

• S/E-allergic reaction , Liver

Nonhormonal Methods
Non hormonal

Analogue of lonidamine

Phase 2

Disrupt the interaction of spermatid-Sertoli cells

Adjudin Binds to FSH receptor on Sertoli cell

As it does not affect spermatogonia themselves

the loss of fertility is reversible

Inj/ implant/ gel

Low oral bioavailability

Also know to be a potential anticancer drug

Failure of
spermatids to align
and be released
Sperm production
into the lumen,
needs retinoic acid
and aberrant
orientation to the
RAR sertoli cells

1 week RAR 100% effective &
antagonist t/t– 3 reversible in
month block animal models
Targets both sertoli cells and germ cell

Promising preclinical data for a potential

oral, non hormonal male contraceptive

• It activates the ERK/MAPK pathway, reduces
expression of prosurvival factors

• Alters expression of sertoli-germ cell adherens

junction proteins disrupts sertoli cell
microtubule structure
• Induces the proapoptotic factor, fas-result in
germ cell loss
Intra VAS device
• Non hormonal

• Injectable silicone plugs(Shug)

• 2 plugs blocks the sperm flow in vas deferens

• Reversibility not known

• There are two tested types of injected plugs

• Medical-grade polyurethane (MPU)
• Medical-grade silicone rubber (MSR)

• USA- silicon(phase 1)

• China- Polyurethane stent+ nylon mesh(phase 2)

• lower efficacy rate when compared to traditional

Reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance

Polymer gel of styrene maleic anhydride+ DMSO

Injected into the lumen of the vas deferens using

a no-scalpel technique
Both partially occlude the vas deferens, while also

RISUG deactivating the sperm that are able to pass through

the partially occluded vas deferens, thereby preventing
successful fertilization

India- phase 3

Reversible by flushing with NaHCO3

S/E- transient painless scrotal swelling

Targeting sperm

• Catsper blocker
• Sperm-specific transmembrane
proteins-allow Ca++ entry in sperm
• The rise in intracellular calcium
mediated by the catspers is directly
responsible for the increase in
flagellar beat frequency that
characterizes sperm hyperactivation

2 types of sperm antigens

Functional antigens as the enzymes known to be required for sperm

metabolism (lactic dehydrogenase-XLDH-C4)

Involved in sperm-egg interactions and the processes leading to fertilization

(acrosin and hyaluronidase)

Structural antigens- expressed on the sperm cell membrane and which

may be involved in gamete interaction and fusion

Two sperm antigens identified- SP-10 and PH-20, have been shown to have
promising antifertility effects when injected into laboratory animals
Antigen-focused on the
surface antigen zona

VACCINES Causes an inflammatory
reaction in the ovary which
might be indicative of a risk
of acute ovarian
disturbances or long-term


Forma a part of the trophoblast cell membrane

Pregnancy-specific ß1 glycoprotein (SP-1 ) an antifertility effect was observed

when female baboons and cynomolgus monkeys were actively immunized with
human SP-1, in the majority of cases (50-80%), this effect was manifested as a late

Placental antigen PP-5,when animal is actively immunized with human PP-5 and a
substantial reduction in fertility was shown
Production or function of hCG can be inhibited immunologically, the
corpus luteum would regress

Type 1- developed by the Population Council in New York and by the

National Institute of Immunology (NII) in New Delhi, is based on the
whole beta subunit of the hormone (ß-hCG)

Type 2- developed with support from the WHO Task Force on Vaccines
for Fertility Regulation, is based on a portion (carboxyterminal
peptide) of the beta subunit of the hormone (ß-hCG-CTP)

All of these anti-hCG vaccines require multiple injections to achieve

and maintain levels of immunity that are considered effective
• From a global standpoint, there is clearly a desire and need for more
contraceptive options

• Couples desire more choices for fertility control as unplanned

pregnancies continue to occur at alarming rates

• Paucity of research in male hormonal contraceptive control

• Government and not-for-profit sponsors are needed to devote

necessary resources for long-term efficacy studies of newer molecules

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