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Umschlag 1 08.03.

2004 17:06 Uhr Seite 1

Erdbebensichere Installationen
Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Foreword

In recent years, the need to make allowance for the impairment of

equipment and installations by seismic actions has increased in
importance worldwide. As a result of the density of populations in
town and city agglomerations as well as the high concentration of
assets in industrialized states, the risk arising from earthquakes
has greatly increased. This does not apply solely to "classical"
earthquake regions, but also to Central Europe where, for exam-
ple, the threat from earthquakes has been underestimated so far.
Greater efforts are necessary to reduce this risk.
This guideline provides the information needed by those carrying
out design work for seismic restraint installations and fastenings
for fixtures (non-structural building members) in field practice. If,
for example, chemical plants or infrastructure utilities, equipment,
etc. are called to mind whose continued operation after an earth-
quake is of vital importance, e.g. hospitals, water supplies and
telecommunication facilities, it becomes clear that material dam-
age and consequential damage as well as that due to the break-
down or interruption of operations resulting from earthquake dam-
age to non-structural fixtures and equipment, etc. can be extreme.
Despite the possibly serious damage that can be caused, the prac-
tical information available to engineers about this subject matter is
limited. This guideline fills, so to speak, the gap in the respective
technical literature.
The guideline contains the "Fundamentals" of seismic engineering
and provides readily comprehensible information about seismic re-
straint design and construction work. In addition, this guideline is
divided into the sections "Installations" and "Interior finishing and
furnishing". Understandable design examples and actual solutions
to seismic restraint fixtures, installations, etc., have been given.
These make it possible for consulting engineers, planners, etc. to
specify effective seismic restrainting measures without them first
having to carry out an unreasonable amount of design and calcula-
tion work.
This guideline was drawn up by a team within the Hilti Corporation,
Schaan, Liechtenstein, and an external specialist. The core of this
team was made up of the following specialists:
Gerald Marxer, dipl. Ing. ETH
Hilti Corporation, Business Area Fastening and Protection,
Schaan, Liechtenstein
Dr. Jakob Kunz, Dr. Ing. ETH
Hilti Corporation, Business Area New Business and Technology,
Schaan, Liechtenstein
Matthias Schoch, Product Manager
Hilti Corporation, Business Unit Installation Systems, Schaan,
Daniel Schuler, dipl. Ing.
Bürkel Baumann Schuler, Ingenieure+Planer AG, Winterthur, Swit-

Schaan, December 2003

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Contents

Foreword 2
Contents 3
Abbreviations, designations 7

Part 1
Fundamentals 9

1.1 Introduction 10
1.1.1 Terms 10
1.1.2 Earthquake strength 10 Magnitude 10 Intensity 11
1.1.3 Goals of earthquake engineering 12

1.2 Effects of earthquakes 13

1.2.1 Ground tremors 13 Characteristics 13 Directions of acceleration 14 Value of acceleration 14
1.2.2 Effects on structures, non structural elements and
installations 15 Horizontal forces 15 Floor oscillation, floor acceleration 15
1.2.3 Direct and indirect effects of earthquakes 17

Part 2
Design and use 19

2.1 Principles of design and use 20

2.1.1 Types of damage 20
2.1.2 Seismic qualification measures 21
2.1.3 Base materials for fastenings 23

2.2 Suitability and use of anchors 25

2.2.1 Anchoring mechanisms 25
2.2.2 Overview of anchors 26 Metal expansion anchors 26 Undercut anchors 27 Adhesive anchors 28 Adhesive expansion anchors 28 Concrete screw 29
2.2.3 Loading behavior of anchors 29 Influence of direction of loading 29 Special aspects of anchoring behavior under shear loading 30

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Contents

2.2.4 Overview of dynamic actions 32

2.2.5 Behavior of anchors under dynamic actions 33 Pre-tensioning of anchor fastenings 33 Behavior under a pulsating load 34 Behavior under a changing load 35 Suitability of anchors 36

2.3 Design of fastenings subjected to seismic actions 38

2.3.1 Design concepts 38 Design with global safety factor 38 Design with partial factors 39 Comparison of design concepts 39
2.3.2 Anchor resistance 41
2.3.3 Loading of anchor fastenings 41 Overview of analysis procedures 42 Equivalent static analysis 42 Response spectra dynamic analysis 44 Analysis with plastic moment 46
2.3.4 Simplified design process 48 Amplification due to building height 49 Increase due to fixture 50 Example of a simplified analysis 50

2.4 Using and securing of beam clamps 51

2.4.1 Overview of beam clamps 51
2.4.2 Earthquake risk 52
2.4.3 Suitability and securing measures 52 Suitability of beam clamps 53 Securing measures 54

Part 3
Installations 57

3.1 Pipes 58
3.1.1 Basic principle 58
3.1.2 Design of pipes 59 Pipe materials 59 Pipe joints 59 Pipe mass 59
3.1.3 Fastening pipes 60 Method of choosing and arranging bracing 61 Necessity for bracing 62 Designing bracing 63 Fastening to concrete surface 65 Choosing size of bracing 66 Bracing arrangement and spacing 68

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Contents

3.2 Air ducts 71

3.2.1 Basic principle 71
3.2.2 Design of air ducts 71 Duct materials 71 Duct joints 71 Duct mass 72
3.2.3 Fastening ducts 72 Fastening spiral tubes 72 Fastening air ducts 76

3.3 Channel installation 78

3.3.1 Basic principle 78
3.3.2 Installation methods 78
3.3.3 Seismic installation 80 Powder-actuated fastening 80 Suspended (U-support) installation 81 Wall (bracket) installation 81 Summary of measures 82

Part 4
Interior finishing, fittings and furnishing 83

4.1 Ceiling paneling and suspended ceilings 84

4.1.1 Overview of systems 84
4.1.2 Seismic effects 85
4.1.3 Ceiling paneling 86
4.1.4 Suspended ceilings 87 Bracing of ceiling structure 87 Securing ceiling hangers 88 Securing ceiling panels 89

4.2 Raised floors 90

4.2.1 Overview of use and design 90
4.2.2 Seismic risk 91
4.2.3 Seismic qualification measures 91 Bracing support framing 91 Floor frames 92

4.3 Furniture, equipment and other movable items 94

4.3.1 Seismic effects 94
4.3.2 Seismic qualification measures 95 Seismic qualification strategies 95 Securing against tipping 96 Securing against falling 97 Securing against impact 97

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Contents

Bibliography 99

Attachment 101
A1 Mass of pipes 101
A 1.1 Threaded pipes according to DIN 2440 (medium-duty) 101
A 1.2 Steel (boiler) pipes according to DIN 2448 102
A 1.3 Stainless steel pipes according to DIN 17455, Series 1 103
A 1.4 Copper pipes according to EN 1057 104
A 1.5 Rigid PVC-µ drain pipes according to DIN 19532 and
DIN 8063, Series 3 104
A 1.6 Polyethylene (PE50) pipes for nominal pressure of PN10 105
A 1.7 Geberit polyethylene drain pipes 105

A2 Necessity for pipe bracing 106

A 2.1 Pipe fastenings with M8 anchor rod 106
A 2.2 Pipe fastenings with M10 anchor rod 106
A 2.3 Pipe fastenings with M12 anchor rod 107
A 2.4 Pipe fastenings with M16 anchor rod 107
Choosing bracing size 108

A3 Pipe bracing spacing 110

A 3.1 M8 "light-duty" bracing 111
A 3.2 M10 "standard" bracing 111
A 3.3 M12 "heavy-duty" bracing 112
A 3.4 M16 "industrial" bracing 112

A4 Spiral tubes 113

Determining number of braces necessary for spiral tubes
A 4.1 Spiral tubes made of Sendzimir-galvanized steel 115
A 4.2 Aluminum spiral tubes 116
A 4.3 Stainless steel spiral tubes 117

A5 Mass of air ducts 118

A 5.1 Air ducts with 0.62 mm thick sheet steel 118
A 5.2 Air ducts with 0.75 mm thick sheet steel 118
A 5.3 Air ducts with 0.87 mm thick sheet steel 119
A 5.4 Air ducts with 1.0 mm thick sheet steel 120
A 5.5 Air ducts with 1.13 mm thick sheet steel 121

A6 Examples of typical applications 122

Single fastening 122
Channel installation 123
Bracket installation 124
Installation of steel beams 125
Installation of rectangular or round air ducts 126

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Abbreviations; designations

AC Acceptance Criteria
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
BC Building Code
CSA Canadian Standards Association
DIBt Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik
DIN Deutsche Industrie Norm (German Industrial Standard)
EN European Standard
EOTA European Organization for Technical Approvals
ER Evaluation Report
ETA European Technical Approval
ETAG Guideline for European Technical Approval
FM Factory Mutual Research Corporation
ICBO International Conference of Building Officials
ICBO ES ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc.
NEBS Network Equipment Building System
UBC Uniform Building Code

Latin capital letters
A amplification factor
F force in general
I intensity
M magnitude; moment
N normal force
R resistance; load-bearing resistance
S stress; action
T natural period; period
V shear force

Latin small letters

a acceleration
b support / brace spacing; width
d displacement; deflection; distance from ceiling
f frequency; factor in general; reduction factor
h height
k correction factor
m mass
m' specific mass; mass per meter run

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Abbreviations; designations

n number of floors
s spacing (distance apart); support or fastening spacing; play
t time
u distance away, stand- off, protrusion
w crack width

Greek symbols (letters)

α angle of support, bracing
γ partial safety factor
ν global safety factor

a acceleration
adm admissible
α bracing angle
b bracing, support
CG center of gravity, C of G
crack cracked
d displacement; design
exist existing
eq earthquake
equip equipment, fixture
floor floor
G continual or permanent load; load caused by weight
g ground
ground ground
h height
horiz horizontal
k characteristic
MM modified Mercalli Intensity Scale
MSK Medvedev-Sponheur-Karnik Intensity scale
max maximum
min minimum
n number of floors, building height
o fundamental frequency
plast plastic
Q variable load
R resistance
S stress; action
stat static, predominantly static load
v velocity
vert vertical
y yield
x, y, z spatial direction

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements

Part 1 Fundamentals

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 1
design of installations and non-
structural elements Fundamentals



Tectonic earthquakes Earthquakes are ground vibrations and shocks, i.e. tremors, that
are triggered by rapid processes taking place in the Earth's crust or
in the Earth's upper mantle. Predominantly, these are so-called
dislocation or tectonic earthquakes. The direct causes of earth-
quakes of this type are sudden mutual movements of tectonic
plates forming the Earth's crust. These movements take place with
a shear fracture which leads to a build-up or accumulation of
stresses in the Earth's mantle. When this occurs, part of the kinetic
energy is released in the form of seismic waves. The point in the
Earth from where the seismic waves originate is called the seismic
focus or hypocenter. Generally, this earthquake focus lies at a
depth of less than 65 kilometers below the Earth's surface. The
earthquake's epicenter on the Earth's surface is above the hypo-
center. The area around the epicenter in which the earthquake can
be felt is termed the epicentral area.

Regions of seismic activity The strongest earthquake activity, also called seismicity, occurs in
the tectonically active zones with the formation of "young" moun-
tains. These zones extend to the edges of the Pacific Ocean as
well as to the Mediterranean-Indonesian Belt which runs through
Southern Europe and Asia.

Earthquake strength

100 damaging earthquakes Every year, there are approximately 5,000 noticeable earthquakes.
per year Roughly 100 of them affect populated areas and are so strong that
they cause damage or even destruction.

Physical measure of the en- The magnitude of an earthquakes provides a measure of the en-
ergy released ergy released during an earthquake (tremor). It is shown on the
magnitude scale named after its inventor C.F. Richter. The magni-
tude is given on a logarithmic scale and so an increase by one unit
represents a 30 fold greater amount of energy. In the central re-
gion of the Alps, the strongest earthquake that need be expected
would have a magnitude, M, of 7. The most powerful earthquake
ever recorded had a magnitude, M, of 8.7.

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 1
design of installations and non-
structural elements Fundamentals

A subjective measure of the The intensity at a certain location on the Earth's surface is, on the
perceptibility and the local other hand, a subjective measure of the effects of an earthquake
destruction on people, buildings, non-structural installations and nature. To
describe the strength or intensity, I, the so-called MSK scale is
used in Europe and the MM scale in North America. Both scales
are similar and cover a range of 12 strengths or intensity levels.
The following Table 1.1 shows a very short extract from the range
of 5 to 10 strengths or intensities on the MSK scale, which is rele-
vant for construction engineering. A seismic wave causing damage
is in the order of a strength or intensity, I, of 5. Generally, appre-
ciable damage results at a strength or intensity I ≥ 7 to 8.

Damage from ground accel- In addition to the strength or intensity, Table 1.1 also shows maxi-
eration exceeding 0.1 g mum values of acceleration a as a proportion of the acceleration
due to gravity [g = 9.81 m/ s2]. These are the empirically deter-
mined values of the horizontal ground vibration components.

Table 1.1 Intensity Effects on buildings (nature) Ground acceleration

Very abridged extract from the
IMSK ag,max [ g ]
MSK intensity scale with the
pertaining empirically determined Hung / suspended items swing / os-
5 0.012– 0.025
maximum ground acceleration cillate; many people are woken
Slight damage to buildings, hairline
6 0.025 – 0.05
cracks appear in plaster
Cracks in plaster, fissures in walls
7 0.05 – 0.1
and chimneys
Wide fissures in masonry, gable parts
8 0.1 – 0.2
and roof cornices / ledges collapse
In some building, walls and roofs
9 0.2 – 0.4
collapse; landslides
Collapse of many buildings, fissures
10 0.4 – 0.8
in the ground up to 1 meter wide

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 1
design of installations and non-
structural elements Fundamentals

Goals of earthquake engineering

Avoidance of personal injury As a result of recurring earthquakes, buildings and load-bearing

and material damage structures collapse, often leaving many people dead or injured.
National economies frequently suffer tremendous material damage
due to catastrophes of this kind. Apart from this damage to build-
ings and the equipment, fittings, etc., in them, infrastructure facili-
ties are also damaged. Follow-up costs, furthermore, can be in-
curred by loss of production and the environment might be

Implementation of earth- It is not compelling that earthquakes have such a serious impact.
quake engineering knowl- Today, using the technology for earthquake resistant construction
edge that has been developed over many years, it is possible for the
number of earthquake victims and the amount of damage caused
by earthquakes to be drastically reduced. In this respect, however,
it is of decisive importance that the experience and realizations
gained from earthquake engineering are resolutely passed on and

Fig. 1.1
The avoidance of personal
injury and property damage are
the goals of earthquake engi-
(Loma Prieta earthquake, 1989)

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 1
design of installations and non-
structural elements Fundamentals

Effects of earthquakes

Ground tremors

Effects of seismic waves Primarily, seismic waves emanating from the earthquake focus set
up ground tremors at the Earth's surface. Additionally, they can
cause permanent faults, cracks, landslides or, if special conditions
exist, so-called ground liquefaction.

Different characteristics Earthquakes can be put into the following categories according to
the ground tremors they set up:
• Ground tremors which occur when the ground is solid, where
the epicentral distance is short and the focus depth is small, are
essentially characterized by a single shock. A well-known ex-
ample of such an earthquake is the Skopje earthquake (1963).
• Most earthquakes in the world, especially the greatest number
of strong earthquakes, which occur along the circum-pacific
belt, are characterized as stochastic tremors, lasting for about
20 to 30 seconds. The frequencies of these tremors vary
widely. A well-known example of such an earthquake in the
past is the El Centro earthquake (1940), whose seismographs
are shown in the following Fig. 1.2.

Fig. 1.2
Plots of acceleration, velocity
and displacement of ground
movements in a North to south
direction during the El Centro-
earthquake (1940)

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 1
design of installations and non-
structural elements Fundamentals

• If the ground is soft, earthquakes can have a very long duration

(> 1 minute) and be characterized by comparatively regular
ground tremors (vibrations / oscillations). The best known ex-
amples of such earthquakes are the ones in Mexico City (1964
and 1985).
Directions of acceleration

Horizontal acceleration pre- Vertical and horizontal movement as well as acceleration deter-
dominates. mines the effects of seismic ground tremors on buildings and
structures as well as the fixtures and installations within them. The
horizontal acceleration is particularly important in this respect. On
the other hand, the proportion of ground acceleration in a vertical
direction is far smaller and often less than half the horizontal com-
ponent. According to a general rule, that is also applied in design
standards, the vertical acceleration is given by:

ag,max,vert = 2/3 . ag,max,horiz
Value of acceleration

Acceleration, earthquake The size of the maximum ground acceleration reached can vary
duration and dominant fre- widely during different earthquakes. For an engineer, the ground
quency acceleration is a key physical parameter. Where damage to build-
ings, structures, fixtures, equipment and installations, etc., is con-
cerned, the dominant frequency and the duration of an earthquake
are decisive. Examples of peak horizontal ground acceleration val-
ues are given in the following Table 1.2. The example of the Mex-
ico City earthquake, which had catastrophic consequences, indi-
cates the significance of the frequency content and the earthquake

Table 1.2 Earthquake / Location / Year Ground acceleration,

Peak value of horizontal ground ag,max [ g ]
Friaul (I = VIII), 1976 0.37
Mexico-City, 1985
– on rock 0.04
– in the area of damage (build-up / amplifica- 0.17
tion in very soft ground layers, duration
approx. 1 minute)
Loma Prieta, North California, 1989 0.67
Northridge, South California, 1994 1.82 (!)

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 1
design of installations and non-
structural elements Fundamentals

Effects on structures, non-structural elements and installa-
Horizontal forces

As a rule, the dead loads of items together with the working or

Extraordinary forces in a
traffic loads predominate in the case of load-bearing structures.
horizontal direction
This applies also to non-structural fixtures, equipment, installa-
tions, etc. Often, when building components of this type as well as
their fastenings are designed and installed, only the vertically act-
ing forces due to weight are thus taken into account. In many
situations, as no continuous or variable forces are acting in a hori-
zontal direction, the resistance to horizontal forces is often consid-
erably smaller than to that in a vertical direction. In view of this, the
typical damage to buildings, structures, non-structural fixtures,
equipment, installations, etc., caused by earthquakes must be at-
tributed to the extraordinary effect of horizontal forces.

Fig. 1.3
Furniture tipped over and shuf-
fled about due to horizontal
acceleration (Hanshin earth-
quake, Kobe, 1995)
Floor oscillation, floor acceleration

Structure acts like a fre- If fixtures, equipment, installations, etc., inside buildings have to
quency filter be made and fastened to resist earthquakes, not the ground
movement, but the movement of the building or floor on which they
are installed is relevant for their design and construction. The
magnitude and frequency of so-called floor oscillation is dependant
on the building structure through which the ground tremors are
transferred. In this respect, a building acts as a frequency filter
which amplifies the ground tremors in the range of its natural fre-
quencies. As the building height increases, the wide-band ground
tremor (oscillation) embracing all frequencies become an ever
closer narrow-band floor oscillation with a virtually sinusoidal char-

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 1
design of installations and non-
structural elements Fundamentals

Fig. 1.4
Floor oscillation due to filtering
and amplification of ground
oscillation (qualitative)

Magnification of ground ac- As a result of the amplification of tremors (oscillations) to within

celeration the range of a building's natural frequencies, the peak acceleration
of the floor oscillation, i.e. the floor acceleration, af, can become
more than double the maximum ground acceleration, ag. In Ameri-
can reference sources, a factor of 2.5 is given, for example, for the
amplification of the horizontal acceleration for buildings with more
than four floors. Fig. 1.5 shows the example of a so-called floor re-
sponse spectrum. In it, pronounced amplification at the frequen-
cies of 3.5 Hz (T = 0.28 s) and 10 Hz (T = 0.1 s) can be identified.

Fig. 1.5
Example of a floor response

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 1
design of installations and non-
structural elements Fundamentals

Direct and indirect effects of earthquakes

Earthquakes can have direct or indirect effects:

• Direct effects are defined as the damage to buildings, struc-
tures, fixtures, installations, equipment, etc., caused by ground
• Indirect or consequential effects are defined as fires, explo-
sions, flooding, environmental harm, etc., resulting from re-
leased hazardous substances as well as general economic or
also social repercussions.
Often, the emphasis is placed on and most attention given to the
direct effects of earthquakes. If agglomerations with high popula-
tions or heavily industrialized areas are hit by an earthquake, how-
ever, the consequential effects can be serious.

Fig. 1.6 (left)

Collapsed façade panels are a
direct effect of an earthquake
(Hanshin earthquake, 1995)

Fig. 1.7 (right)

Damage to pipe installations can
lead to consequential damage
(Loma Prieta earthquake, 1989)

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements

Part 2 Design and use

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 2
design of installations and non-
structural elements Design and use

Principles of design and use

Types of damage

Major damage and Earthquake damage to building components (fixtures) which are
consequential damage not part of the load-bearing structure / framing, can affect installa-
tions and technical equipment in general as well as components of
interior finishing and interior fittings. In many cases, damage of this
kind can lead to consequential damage, such as the release of
dangerous substances, fires and the disruption to electricity or wa-
ter supply. No matter what purpose the affected building compo-
nents or systems serve (hospital, chemical plant, public utilities),
their damage can lead to serious personal injury, damage to prop-
erty and the environment.

Damage to installations The following are examples of the damage caused by earthquakes
to installations and items of technical equipment:
• Shifting and tipping over of machines, containers, transformers,
switch boxes and distribution cabinets due to, for example, poor
• Failure of suspended cables and lines, apparatus, lighting fix-
tures and fittings, etc., due to amplification by seismic excitation
(resonance effects)
• Breaking of pipes, conduits and ducts due to differential dis-

Damage to interior finishing Examples of earthquake damage to items of interior finishing, inte-
items or fittings rior fittings and furnishings are as follows:
• Damage to partition walls / drywalls (cracking, tipping over)
• Collapse of suspended ceilings or parts of them
• Failure of double / false floors or computer floors with conse-
quential damage to equipment
• Shifting and tipping over of furniture (racks, frames, cupboards)
and equipment (computers, etc.)
• Displacement and falling down of stored goods, merchandise
and commodities (bottles, drums, files, medicines, etc.)

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 2
design of installations and non-
structural elements Design and use

Seismic qualification measures

Earthquake-proof positioning In general, the measures dealt with in the following for making
and fastening non-structural fixtures (building components) and installations
earthquake restraint concern the fastening, the positioning and the
installation or securing of fixtures and systems. They do not apply
to special or modified versions of systems or equipment, such as
the use of especially resistant equipment.

Design suitable for earth- Seismic qualification measures include, on the one hand, design
quake-proof fastenings work which takes into account the extraordinary dynamic actions.
Design work concerns first and foremost fastenings, material cross
sections, supports, etc. In many cases in this respect, the com-
paratively simple equivalent static analysis (see or the
simplified design process given in section 2.3.4 can be used. De-
sign calculations for dynamic fastenings are necessary only in a
few very special cases.

Limiting or permitting dis- Very often, in order to make fixtures and installations earthquake
placement restraint, special design measures also have to be taken. Meas-
ures of this type are, for example, safety or securing devices or
displacement limiting devices, which prevent the fixtures, etc., from
shifting, jumping out or slipping out of place, etc., during an earth-
quake. Design measures can also be fastenings and supports to
take up the horizontal loads acting during an earthquake. Differen-
tial displacement occurring during an earthquake, however, can
also be permitted. Then, it is also possible for damage to be
avoided through the design measures taken, such as flexible con-
nections, joints, etc.

Additional fastenings The inclusion of additional fastenings, suspensions / hangers or

supports results from the design work using earthquake loads. At
the same time, this is design safety measure.

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 2
design of installations and non-
structural elements Design and use

Table 2.1 Seismic qualification measures

Earthquake-proofing measures
Design Design measure

Examples of measures
– Design of anchor fastenings – screws / bolts, clips, pins, angle
stops, etc. as safety or dis-
placement limiting devices
– Design of material cross sections, – supports, bracing, etc. to take
etc. up horizontal loads
– Play, flexible connections /
joints, etc. to permit differential
Inclusion of additional fastenings,
suspensions / hangers, supports, etc.

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 2
design of installations and non-
structural elements Design and use

Base materials for fastenings

The relevant base materials or construction methods for earth-

quake resistant fastenings are as follows:
• concrete (reinforced concrete),
• profiled sheet metal
• steel beams.
The fastenings used with these base materials are anchor systems
or special fastening systems "tailor-made" for the geometry or
construction method. In the following Table 2.2, the possible
modes of making single and multiple fastenings with the aid of in-
stallation channels have been depicted, independent of the base

Table 2.2 Single fastening Multiple fastening

Fastenings for various base made directly to base material with installation channel


Profiled sheet metal (con-

crete decking)

Steel beams

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 2
design of installations and non-
structural elements Design and use

Selection of suitable systems In the case of concrete base material and normally also concrete
and design methods for an- poured on steel decking, the fastenings are subsequently made
chor fastenings with anchors. Here, the measures to take in order to ensure earth-
quake resistant anchor fastenings are the selection of a suitable
anchor system, as described in the following section 2.2, and an
anchor fastening design carried out in accordance with the earth-
quake loading, as explained in 2.3.

Fastening system "tailor- There are specially profiled metal sheets with which a fastening
made" for geometry of pro- system designed to suit the sheet metal is used to secure fixtures.
filed sheet metal Mostly, these systems are special nuts whose geometry suits that
of the profiled sheet metal and keys with it. Owing to this keying
action as the load-bearing mechanism, fastenings of this type are
generally more secure in earthquakes. The prerequisite for this,
however, is that fastener used is suitable for the profiled sheet

Earthquake-proofing of beam If buildings have steel beam framing, special beam clamps can be
clamps by taking design used for fastening fixtures and installations. In this respect, how-
measures ever, a very large number of such systems exist. Apart from simply
selecting suitable systems made for the beam sections (profiles),
seismic qualification measures for these fastenings generally have
to be designed. Normally, they consist of safety devices which pre-
vent the beam clamps from working loose or shifting. The use and
suitability, as well as the safety measures for beam clamps used
for earthquake resistant fastenings are discussed in section 2.4.

Fastenings welded and Further, but generally unproblematic as regards seismic qualifica-
screwed / bolted to steel tion, are welding and screws / bolts as modes of fastening to steel
beams beams. In most cases with fastenings of this type, no special
seismic qualification measures are required. A prerequisite, how-
ever, is that the fastenings are not designed on the borderline and
can take up only the static loads, but not additional dynamic loads.

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 2
design of installations and non-
structural elements Design and use

Suitability and use of anchors

Anchoring mechanisms

Various anchoring The transfer of loads into a building member, i.e. base material, by
mechanisms fasteners in general or by anchors in particular is based on the
following three anchoring mechanisms:
• In the case of a friction hold, a tensile load, N, is transferred into
the base material by friction, R. To achieve this, an expansion
force, Fexp, is required which is produced, for example, by pre-
tensioning the anchor (Fig. 2.1 a).
• In the case of a keying hold, a tensile load, N, is transferred into
the base material by a bearing force (keying action), R. To
achieve this, the anchor hole is widened conically (undercut)
when it is drilled or when the anchor is set (Fig. 2.1 b).
• In the case of a bond, a tensile load, N, is transferred into the
base material by means of shear stress, τb. To achieve this,
there must be an adhesive bond between the anchor and the
wall of the anchor hole, made, for example, with a synthetic
resin mortar (Fig. 2.1 c).
Combination of anchoring Many anchors transfer loads by means of a combination of the
mechanisms defined anchoring mechanisms. Keying also plays a role with
anchors which anchor on the basis of friction and this results, for
example, from the anchor expansion forces causing local
deformation of the hole wall. Adhesive undercut anchors effectively
combine the mechanisms of keying and bonding. Adhesive
expansion anchors (see transfer loads by means of a
bond and a friction hold.

Fig. 2.1
Anchor anchoring mechanisms

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Overview of anchors

The various anchoring mechanisms differentiate the following

• Expansion anchors (metal) – friction hold
• Undercut anchors – keying hold
• Adhesive (resin) anchors – bond
• Adhesive-expansion anchors – bond / friction hold
• Concrete screw – keying hold
Metal expansion anchors

The following distinction is made between metal expansion

• Torque-controlled expansion anchors
• Displacement-controlled expansion anchors
Expansion by applying a A torque-controlled expansion anchor is expanded by applying a
torque torque moment which fixes the anchor in its hole. A distinction is
made between a sleeve-type anchor, which mainly consists of a
threaded bolt, tapered plug, spacing sleeve as well as expansion
sleeve (Fig. 2.2 a), and a stud-type anchor, which has a taper and
expansion wedges on its bolt (Fig. 2.2 b). The possibility of
applying a torque is a check that the anchor has been set properly.
If externally applied tensile loads increase or if cracks appear in
the base material, torque-controlled expansion anchors are
capable of re-expanding, i.e. so-called follow-up expansion, and
thus of transferring higher loads or compensating anchor hole

Fig. 2.2
Torque-controlled expansion
a) HILTI HSL heavy-duty
b) HILTI HST stud anchor

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Impact expansion Displacement-controlled expansion anchors have an expansion

sleeve and a plug which is hammered into the expansion sleeve
(Fig. 2.3 a) or onto which the expansion sleeve is hammered (Fig.
2.3 b). The magnitude of the expansion force and thus the tensile
resistance (loading capacity) depend on the amount of expansion
and, in this respect, a very high impact energy is generally
required for proper expansion. Displacement-controlled expansion
anchors cannot re-expand.

Fig. 2.3
expansion anchors:
a) HILTI HKD flush anchor
b) HILTI HHS self-drilling
Undercut anchors

Anchorage from undercut in The cylindrical hole produced for an undercut anchor is widened
anchor hole (undercut) at a certain point using a special drilling process. As a
result of the final hole geometry, it is possible for the anchor to
obtain a keying hold in the base material. Various anchor systems
exist which produce the undercut in the anchor hole during a
special drilling process or which depend on the anchor itself
creating the undercut during the setting operation. The loading
behavior of undercut anchors depends to a great extent on the
undercut. All these anchor systems, however, exert only very little
expansion force, or none at all, during the setting operation.

Fig. 2.4
Undercut anchors:
HILTI HSC safety anchor

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Adhesive anchors

Bonding with synthetic resin Many versions of adhesive / resin anchors are available. A
/ adhesive mortar distinction is made between anchors which have synthetic resin
(adhesive mortar contained in glass or plastic capsules) and those
which are injection systems. When using the systems with glass or
plastic capsules, these are inserted into the anchor hole and,
afterwards, the anchor itself (threaded rod or rebar) is driven in
with a rotary action. This thoroughly mixes and compacts the
synthetic resin / adhesive mortar while filling the annular space
between anchor and hole wall. When using injection systems, the
synthetic resin / adhesive mortar is injected into the anchor hole
and, afterwards, the anchor (rebar or threaded rod) pressed into it.
Both systems have the same working principle. This is based on
the rebar or threaded rod bonding with / adhering to the hole wall.
Loads are then transferred through the bond into the base

Fig. 2.5
Adhesive anchors:
HILTI HVU adhesive anchor
Adhesive-expansion anchor

Anchor generates expansion Adhesive anchors in accordance with are not particularly
forces under tensile loading. suitable for transferring loads, especially tensile loads, into cracked
concrete. Adhesive-expansion anchors though, generate
expansion forces when they are subjected to tensile loading and
this makes them suitable for use in cracked concrete.

Synthetic resin / adhesive Adhesive-expansion anchors consist of an anchor rod with one or
mortar acts as an expansion several tapers which are coated to avoid a bond being formed
wedge. between anchor rod and synthetic resin / adhesive mortar. When a
tensile force is applied to the anchor rod, its tapers are pulled into
the cured synthetic resin / adhesive mortar which then functions as
an expansion wedge. This generates expansion and thus friction
forces which are high enough to transfer the tensile load without
an adhesive / mortar bond being required.

Fig. 2.6
Adhesive-expansion anchor:
HILTI HVZ adhesive anchor

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Concrete screw

The screw is driven into a To be installed, concrete screws are driven into a cylindrical hole
pre-drilled hole. with a hammer drill-driver. These screws have a hardened special
thread. The first three turns of this thread can be serrated to
enable it cut into the concrete more easily. As a result of the screw
thread being cut into the concrete, a keying hold is produced.

Observe the hole tolerances. The resistance (loading capacity) of concrete screws is very
dependent on the hole tolerances. These screws are suitable for
use in cracked and non-cracked concrete

Fig. 2.7
Concrete screw:
HILTI HUS universal screw

Loading behavior of anchors

A large number of factors influence the loading behavior of anchor

fastenings. The most important are as follows:
• Anchor working principle (friction, keying and bonding)
• Base material (type, strength, cracked state)
• Direction of loading (tension, shear)
• Mode of loading (primarily static, dynamic)

The general influence of the direction of loading ( and

special aspects of the behavior under shear loading ( are
described in the following. Chapter 2.2.5 deals with special
aspects of the behavior of anchors under dynamic loading.
Influence of direction of loading

The following Fig. 2.8 shows, qualitatively, a typical load-

displacement plot of an anchor fastening under tensile loading and
another under shear loading.

The bending strain of an When an anchor is subjected to a shear load, this load is initially
anchor under shear loading transferred by the friction between the concrete and the anchoring
reduces the resistance plate. If the frictional force is exceeded, the plate slips until, after it
(loading capacity). has slipped by the amount of the hole play, the anchor rests
against the side of the clearance hole in the plate. As the shear
force increases, so does the bearing force at the top of the anchor
hole and concrete spalling takes place in front of the anchor bolt.

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This increases the bending / lever arm of the load and the anchor
is subjected more and more to bending. Owing to slipping of the
anchoring plate, spalling of the concrete and the bending stress,
displacement in the direction of shear loading is considerably
larger than when an anchor fastening is subjected to pure tension.

Fig. 2.8
Typical load-displacement plots
of anchors under tensile and
shear loading
Special aspects of anchoring behavior under shear loading

Loading and failure due to The following special aspects apply to the behavior of anchor
hole play fastenings under shear loading and these are also important in the
case of seismic loading.
• If the shear load exceeds the friction between the concrete and
the anchoring plate, the consequence will be slip of the fixture
by an amount equal to the hole play. If dynamic loading is
involved, this stopping against the side of the hole increases the
load on the anchor bolt and this can then cause shear failure
(Fig. 2.9 a).
• Play, where you have a combination of the hole in the
anchoring plate and an anchor bolt that is not well set in the
hole, the result will be an anchor stressed in bending and this
considerably reduces the loading capacity (ultimate state) (Fig.
2.9 b).
• Where multiple-anchor fastenings are concerned, it must be
assumed that due to play of the hole on the plate a shear load
is not distributed among all anchors. In an unfavorable situation,
when anchor fastenings are made near to the edge of a building
member, only the anchors closest to the edge are loaded and
this can result in failure of the concrete edge before the anchors
furthest from the edge can also participate in the load transfer
(Fig. 2.8 c).

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Fig. 2.9
Modes of failure of anchor
fastenings under shear loading

It is possible to considerably improve the behavior of anchor

fastenings subjected to shear loading by eliminating the hole play
between anchor stud and plate. This also applies to dynamic loads
in general and seismic loads in particular.

The hole play can be eliminated, for example, by filling the

clearance hole with a synthetic resin / adhesive mortar. The
individual effects of this filling are as follows:
• Sudden impact-like loading of the anchor bolt is avoided if the
plate slips (Fig. 2.10 a).
• Filling the clearance hole and the anchor hole, virtually
excludes any bending of the anchor under shear loading. The
fastening resistance (loading capacity) is considerably
increased by taking this measure (Fig. 2.10 b).
• Filling the plate clearance holes of multiple-anchor fastenings,
results in a uniform load distribution to all anchors. In the case
of a fastening near to a building member edge, this filling
prevents the concrete edge from breaking away prematurely
which would happen if the anchors closest to the edge were
loaded (Fig. 2.10 c).

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Fig. 2.10
Effects of filling the clearance
holes and the anchor hole

Overview of dynamic actions

In field practice, dynamic actions are put into the following three
categories depending on how they take place with respect to time:
• Fatigue
• Seismic
• Shock, impact, pulse-like loading

The following table 2.2 shows typical numbers of load cycles and
examples of sources of these types of actions.

Table 2.3 Fatigue Seismic Shock

Categories of dynamic actions
according to No. of load cycles N 104< N <108 101< N <104 1< N <20
Example of source Traffic, Earthquake Impact, crash,
machines explosion

Fatigue-relevant actions can be harmonic or periodic (Fig. 2.11 a).

Seismic actions are transient, stochastic loads (Fig. 2.11 b). Shock
takes the form of a pulse-like load (Fig. 2.11 c).

During earthquakes, fastenings and the base material are

subjected to only few load cycles with high load intensity.

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Fig. 2.11 a) Harmonic load, b) Transient load c) Pulse-like load

Time-history plots of dynamic periodic load

Behavior of anchors under dynamic actions

Different factors influencing The anchoring behavior of anchors subjected to dynamic actions
the anchoring behavior basically depends on the type of action, the anchor working
principle and thus also the behavior of the anchor and the base
material. In the following, information has been provided about the
influence of pre-tensioning, anchoring behavior when loading with
respect to time differs (pulsating, alternating) and the suitability of
using various types of anchors in badly cracked concrete.
Pre-tensioning of anchor fastenings

Pre-tensioning improves the In general, the behavior of anchors under dynamic loading can be
performance under cyclic decisively improved if they are pre-tensioned. This, however,
loading. primarily concerns the performance under fatigue relevant loading
as the pre-tensioning considerably reduces the range of stress,
provided that the upper load limit (max. stress) does not exceed
the pre-tensioning force.

Drop in pre-tensioning force During seismic actions, the loading can exceed the pre-tensioning
during seismic action force which results in torque-controlled expansion anchors post-
expanding. Under a pulsating or an alternating load, this change
from post-expansion and to subsequent release causes a
reduction in pre-tensioning force. The drop in pre-tensioning force
of a torque-controlled, sleeve-type expansion anchor, subjected to
a pulsating tensile load, can be seen in Fig. 2.12 from the
characteristic bend in the load-displacement plot. In the plot
shown, the pre-tensioning force dropped from approx. 60 kN to
less than 20 kN.

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Fig. 2.12
Decrease in pre-tensioning
force of a HILTI HSL M16
heavy-duty anchor under a
pulsating tensile load

Loss of pre-tensioning force If seismic loading could exceed the anchor pre-tensioning force, it
due to cracking is recommended that no allowance be made for this. Furthermore,
it is probable that during seismic actions the concrete base
material will crack. It must then be expected that cracks in the
anchoring zone will cause an immediate and complete loss of pre-
tensioning force and a reduction in the failure load.
Behavior under a pulsating load

Anchors are often exposed to Anchor fastenings loaded in tension are generally subjected to
pulsating loads. pulsating loads when exposed to seismic actions because they
anchor (hold) in the base material. Alternating loads are possible
at the most for stand-off fastenings (see Fig. 2.16).

Fig. 2.13
Tensile-stressed anchor
fastenings under a pulsating

Displacement stabilizes after Tests carried out with tensile-stressed, torque-controlled, sleeve-
several load cycles. type, metal expansion anchors and with undercut anchors which
were subjected to pulsating loads at the frequencies typical for
seismic actions, i.e. 1 to 10 Hz, gave the load-displacement plots
shown in Fig. 2.14. The described tests were run using cracked
concrete (crack width, w = 0.7 mm). At an upper limit load of 80%
of the static loading capacity, the displacement stabilized after less
than fifty load cycles, independent of the frequency.

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Fig. 2.14
Load-displacement plot of
torque-controlled expansion
anchors and undercut anchors
under a pulsating tensile load

Stiff load-displacement Fig. 2.15 shows, qualitatively, the residual loading capacity of
behavior after exposure to a torque-controlled metal expansion anchors and undercut anchors
pulsating load after being subjected to pulsating loads for the duration of an
earthquake (approx. 10 seconds). A comparison with an anchor of
the same type which had not been previously exposed to dynamic
actions shows that the tensile loading capacity (ultimate state) is
virtually unchanged. However, the anchors that underwent prior
"stressing" under a pulsating load displayed a much greater
stiffness. Dynamic loading leads, so to speak, to "embrittlement" of
the fastening.

Fig. 2.15
Comparison of the static tensile
loading capacity of anchors
subjected and not subjected
previously to a pulsating load
Behavior under a changing load

Alternating load on stand-off Changing loads which act on anchor fastenings under tensile
installations or shear loading loading as a result of earthquakes occur seldom for design
reasons. They are possible only with stand-off installations (Fig.
2.16) with synthetic resin / adhesive mortar anchors or when
displacement-controlled expansion anchors are used. By reason of
their working principle, expansion anchors have to be pre-
tensioned, which is why they anchor in the base material.
Changing loads are often also imposed on anchors loaded in
shear, especially during an earthquake.

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Fig. 2.16
Alternating loads acting on
anchor fastenings under
tension and shear

A large amount of Tests carried out with torque-controlled expansion anchors and
displacement under an undercut anchors set in cracked concrete (crack width, w = 0.7
alternating load mm) showed a very large amount of displacement after only few
load cycles. Fig. 2.17 shows, as a comparison, load-displacement
plots of one and the same anchor after 10 alternating load cycles
and 10 pulsating load cycles.

Fig. 2.17
Load-displacement plot of 10
cycles of an alternating load
and a pulsating load
Suitability of anchors

Re-expanding anchors and Anchors generally suitable for taking up dynamic actions are those
anchors with a keying bond which can be given a controlled and sustained pre-tensioning force
are favorable. and are capable of re-expanding. Also favorable are anchors
which have a working principle (anchoring mechanism) based on a
keying hold.

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Torque-controlled, metal expansion anchors, undercut anchors,

adhesive-expansion anchors and concrete screws are
fundamentally suitable for earthquake-proof fastenings. Generally,
displacement-controlled expansion anchors are less suitable
because the expansion forces might be too low and the pre-
tensioning force is completely lost, for example, when cracking
occurs and cannot be re-gained owing to the incapability of these
anchors to post-expand.

The suitability depends on The following table 2.3 provides a rough overview of the suitability
the anchor and cracks in the of various types of anchors to resist seismic actions. This suitability
concrete. depends to a great extent on whether and, if so, how badly the
concrete has cracked and / or how large the cracks are in the
event of an earthquake. Small cracks are those with a width, w, of
less than a few tenths of a millimeter (w < 0.5 mm). Large cracks
in concrete have a crack width greater than a millimeter (w > 1.0

Table 2.4 Type of anchor

Suitability of various anchors for

Adhesive- expansion
earthquake-proof fastenings expansion anchors

expansion anchors
Adhesive anchors

Undercut anchors
Concrete screws

Sleeve type
Stud type

Non-cracked + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
with crack width, w

small (w < 0.5) – + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++

Cracked concrete

medium (0,5 ≤ w ≤1.0) – – + + + ++ ++

large (w > 1.0) – – – – – + ++

++ very suitable + limited suitability – unsuitable

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Design of fastenings subjected to seismic loading

Design concepts

Two design concepts It is possible for two different safety concepts to be used for the
design of load-bearing structures in construction generally and for
the design of anchor fastenings in particular. They are the
previously used concept with a global safety factor, which is still in
use in the USA, and the modern design concept with partial
factors, which is being used increasingly in Europe. Both concepts
can be adopted for the design of fastenings subjected to seismic
loading. These two design concepts are explained and compared
in the following (Fig. 2.17).
Design with global safety factor

Comparison of admissible The design approach using a safety factor is based on a

and actual load deterministic safety concept. The general method of verification is
to compare the admissible load, Fadm , with the existing (actual)
load, Fexist.

Fadm ≥ Fexist

Admissible load The admissible or recommended load, Fadm, is ascertained from

the characteristic value, Fk, of the fastener load and the global
safety factor, ν, as follows:

Fadm = Fk / ν

Global safety factor The characteristic load, Fk, is normally the 5% fractile of the failure
loads determined during tests. In the case of primarily static loads,
the global safety factor, ν, is generally 2.5 to 3.5, depending on the
anchor system.

Admissible load increase for The design concept with a global safety factor is depicted in Fig.
seismic actions 2.14 a. According to ICBO (International Conference of Building
Officials) acceptance criteria, which are decisive in the USA, the
admissible seismic loads, Fadm,eq, may be increased by a
maximum of one third compared to the admissible load of the
dominant permanent action, Fadm,stat:

Fadm,eq ≤ 1.33 . Fadm,stat

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Design with partial factors

Segregation of action and The modern design concept with partial factors currently used in
resistance Europe is a semi-probabilistic approach for safety evaluation. The
design work is based on resolute segregation of the stress,
designated S, and the resistance, designated R. Verification of
structural safety is provided if the design value of stress, Sd, does
not exceed the design value of resistance, Rd:

Rd ≥ S d

Design concept with partial Design values are determined from the characteristic values of
factors resistance, Rk, the stress, Sk, and the pertaining partial factors, γR
and γS.

Coefficient of resistance, The partial safety factor for resistance or coefficient of resistance,
γR = 1.8 to 2.5 γR, takes into account the variation of material strength, the
differing reliability of installing other anchor systems and the
variation of the failure loads. Depending on the scatter of concrete
base material and the characteristics of anchor systems, the partial
factor for resistance, γR, can be1.8 to 2.5.

Load factor, γS = 1.4 According to the currently valid European design standards
for constant and variable (Eurocodes), the load factor for permanent loads, for example for
loads loading caused by weight, γG, is 1.35. In the case of variable loads
it must be set at γQ = 1.5. Where design situations with permanent
and variable actions are concerned, a partial factor, γS = 1.4 can
be used.

Design value equal to Seismic actions are regarded as so-called accidental actions.
characteristic value Contrary to the method used for permanent and variable actions,
the approach taken with these loads is based directly on the
design stress, Sd or Sd,eq, and not on the characteristic stress, Sk
(Fig. 2.17 b).
Comparison of design concepts

Identical safety levels On comparing the design concept with a global safety factor (Fig.
2.17 a) with that with partial factors (Fig. 2.17 b), it is found that the
safety levels of both concepts are virtually identical. In the cases of
a permanent and a temporary design situation and with a global
safety factor ν = 2.5, the same safety level results as when using
the partial safety factors γR = 1.8 and γS = 1.4:

γ R . γS ≈ ν

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Increased admissible load = In the event of an accidental design situation, as defined for
design value seismic actions, the admissible load, Fadm,stat, decisive for
primarily static loading according to ICBO, may be increased by a
third. Taking the characteristic value, Fk, as the outset, this load is
smaller by a factor of 2.5/1.33 = 1.88 and thus virtually at the same
level as the design value of resistance, Rd, when the resistance
factor γR = 1.8 (Fig. 2.17).

If the design concept with partial safety factors is adopted when

designing for earthquakes, the design resistance, Rd, is decisive.
Hence, an identical safety level is achieved as when using the
increased admissible load, Fadm,eq, according to ICBO:

Fadm,eq ≈ Rd

Fig. 2.18
Different design and safety

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Anchor resistance

Resolute differentiation of The relevant values of resistance for designing anchor fastenings
design concepts should be taken on principle from standards or approvals or
manufacturers' documentation. When doing so, however, clear
differentiation must always be made between use of the old
concept with a global safety factor and use of the modern design
concept with partial factors for fastening design.

Increased resistance when If the old design concept with a global safety factor is decisive, the
designing with global safety anchor resistance may be increased by 30% to 40% over the load
factor admissible or recommended for primarily static loading. In US
approvals according to ICBO, an increase by a third is permitted
for seismic loading.

Design value for concept If the design is based on the new concept with partial factors, no
with partial safety factors allowance has to be made for seismic loading due to the
segregation of actions and resistances. The design resistance
given in the approval is then directly relevant. As plastic
deformation of buildings and structures has to be expected during
an earthquake, the design value for cracked concrete Rd,crack,
becomes relevant.

Fig. 2.19
Anchor resistance depending
on design concept

Loading of anchor fastenings

No load factors for seismic Design work for anchor fastenings subjected to seismic loading is
loading usually based on the ground acceleration and the building floor
acceleration, as given in standards (see These figures are
already the design values. No additional load factors have to be
introduced to increase these values.

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Overview of analysis procedures

Different designs processes Anchor fastenings subjected to seismic loading can be designed in
various ways. Selection of the design process to use is then
dependent on the stiffness of the fastenings and fixture
(component to be fastened). Generally, however, the ductility of
fastenings is very restricted. Fastenings, furthermore, are normally
stiff for serviceability state reasons, i.e. their suitability for the
intended purpose. For these reasons, design work is influenced
first and foremost by the behavior under dynamic loading and the
stiffness as well as ductility of the fixture. A distinction is made
between the following three design processes:
• If the fixture is stiff, the equivalent static analysis can be
adopted. It is based on the building floor acceleration and the
mass of the element.
• If the fixture is elastic and has a low natural frequency, the load
on the fastening is governed by the element's response to
dynamic incitation. Acceleration of the fixture is relevant when
using the response spectra dynamic analysis.
• If the fixture is ductile, fastening design can be based on the
max. load that can be applied to the anchor when plastic
deformation takes place.
Equivalent static analysis

Design when fastening a stiff The equivalent static analysis is the method suitable for designing
fixture fastenings for fixtures whose natural frequencies are considerably
higher than the frequency of the ground oscillation (excitation
frequency). Usually, this applies to fixtures (building components)
with a fundamental frequency fo > 15 Hz. Examples of such
fixtures are comparatively compact pieces of equipment which
have stiff structures, like air conditioners.

Principle: Element (building During an earthquake and if the fixture is stiff, it is subjected to an
component) acceleration = acceleration identical to that of the building or floor on which it is
building floor acceleration fastened. The equivalent force, acting at the fixture center of
gravity (CG) and relevant for designing the fixture fastening, is
equal to the mass inertia force, F, used when calculating the
building floor acceleration, afloor.

Fig. 2.20
Fastening design using the
equivalent force process

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Example: A stiff floor fastening of a switch cabinet is made with four heavy-
Fastening of a switch cabinet duty anchors of the M10 size. The admissible seismic loading of
the anchors according to the ICBO ES Evaluation Report (ER) or
the design resistance (loading capacity) according to the European
Technical Approval (ETA) is:

Fadm,eq = Rd,crack = 4.9 kN.

The switch cabinet has a width b = 60 cm and a mass m = 500 kg.

Its center of gravity (CG) lies at a height hCG = 100 cm above the

Fig. 2.21
Design example:
Stiff fastening of switch cabinet
to a floor

A horizontal floor acceleration afloor = 0.75 g ≈ 7.5 m/s2 is

assumed as the design basic earthquake. The mass inertia force,
F, with this stiff fastening is then:

F = m . afloor

F = 500 . 7.5 = 3,750 N = 3.75 kN

If the loading is uniformly distributed to all four anchors, the

following relevant combined load results as the design load in the
event of an earthquake:

Vd = F / 4
Vd = 3.75 / 4 = 0.94 kN

Nd = F . hCG / (2 . b)
Nd = 3.75 . 100 / (2 . 60) = 3.13 kN

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2 2
Sd = Vd + Nd

Sd = 0.94 2 +3.132 = 3.27kN

Verification of load-bearing The admissible seismic loading, Fadm,eq, according to ICBO or the
safety design resistance, Rd,crack, according to the ETA is higher than
the design stress, Sd. This, therefore, verifies the structural safety:

Fadm,eq = Rd,crack > Sd
Response spectra dynamic analysis

Design of fastenings for Elastic fixtures, such as pipe installations, are incited by seismic
elastic elements with low actions and they then vibrate / oscillate. If fixtures have a
frequency comparatively low fundamental frequency fo < 15 Hz, the fixture
acceleration can be considerably higher in comparison to the floor
acceleration. Allowance must be made for this amplification. The
fixture acceleration is decisive when designing fastenings.

Principle: Fixture In the case of elastic fixtures, not the building floor acceleration but
acceleration > floor the fixture acceleration, aequip, governs the magnitude of the mass
acceleration inertia force, F, acting on the fastenings. In order to accurately
ascertain the fixture acceleration, the so-called floor response
spectra for the respective installation location would have to be
calculated first. Calculating these floor response spectra for each
individual fastening and the vibration / oscillation behavior of the
fixture (fastened component, equipment, etc.), however, is very
complicated and often not possible in field practice. When
designing fastenings, however, an estimated amplification of the
acceleration is sufficiently accurate in most cases (see simplified
design process

Fig. 2.22
Fastening design using the
response spectra process

Example: A ventilation and air-conditioning unit is installed on spring

Air conditioner installed on damping mounts and secured to the floor with four heavy-duty
anti-vibration mounts anchors of the M10 size. In order to obtain a good insulating effect,
the mounts are elastic, i.e. adjusted for low frequency. the natural
frequency, fo, of the entire system is below 15 Hz.

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The admissible seismic loading of the anchors according to the

ICBO ES Evaluation Report (ER) or the design resistance
according to the European Technical Approval (ETA) is:

Fadm,eq = Rd,crack = 4.9 kN

The ventilation and air-conditioning unit has a mass m = 600 kg

and is mounted on a floor frame with a width b = 175 cm. The
center of gravity (CG) of the unit is at a height hCG = 80 cm above
the floor.

Fig. 2.23
Design example:
A fan on anti-vibration mounts
fastened to the floor

Doubled floor acceleration A horizontal floor acceleration afloor = 0.75 g ≈ 7.5 m/s2 is
assumed as the design basic earthquake. The low natural
frequency of the fan installed on the anti-vibration mounts results
in an increase in acceleration by a factor Aequip = 2.0.
Consequently, the value aequip = 1.5 g ≈ 15 m/s2 is relevant for the
fixture (equipment) acceleration.

F = m . aequip

F = 600 . 15 = 9,000 N = 9.0 kN

If the load is uniformly distributed to all four anchors, the following

relevant combined loading results as the design stress in the event
of an earthquake:

Vd = F / 4
Vd = 9 / 4 = 2.25 kN

Nd = F . hCG / (2 . b)
Nd = 9 . 80 / (2 . 175) = 2.06 kN

2 2
Sd = Vd + Nd

Sd = 2.252 + 2.06 2 = 3.05 kN

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 2
design of installations and non-
structural elements Design and use

Verification of load-bearing The admissible seismic loading, Fadm,eq, according to ICBO or the
safety design resistance, Rd,crack, according to the ETA is higher than the
design stress, Sd. This thus verifies the structural safety:

Fadm,eq = Rd,crack > Sd
Analysis with plastic moment

Fastening design for ductile Where ductile fixtures are concerned, i.e. those which can be
fixtures deformed in the plastic range, such as base plates, columns or
brackets, the fastening may be designed in such a way that it is
capable of taking up those forces which are transferred when
plastic deformation of the building component takes place. It is
assumed in this case that the transferred force and the moment
during plastic deformation remain constant

The moment, M, acting on a fastening is equated to the plastic

Principle: moment, Mplast, where the plastic moment results from the
Plastic moment limits loading moment of resistance and the yield stress of the fixture. Then, the
of fastening forces existing with this moment, Fplast, are determined from the
plastic moment, Mplast,. The plastic deformation limits, so to
speak, the max. possible force.

Fig. 2.24
Fastening design using plastic

Example: An air conditioner is fastened to the floor on a frame made of

Air conditioner installed on installation channels. The channels used as columns have a
ductile frame moment of resistance W = 3 cm3. These columns have a height
hp = 50 cm. A two-hole base plate and heavy-duty anchors of the
M10 size secure the air conditioner to the floor. The admissible
seismic loading of the anchors according to the ICBO ES
Evaluation Report (ER) or the design resistance according to the
European Technical Approval (ETA) is:

Fadm,eq = Rd,crack = 4.9 kN

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 2
design of installations and non-
structural elements Design and use
Fig. 2.25
Design example:
Air conditioner installed on a
ductile frame

The installation channels are made of St 37-2 steel. The yield

stress of the steel fy = 23,500 N/cm2. The moment at which the
channels undergo plastic deformation, Mplast, is:

Mplast = fy . W
Mplast = 23,500 . 3.0 = 70,500 Ncm

The plastic moment, Mplast, is generated by a force, Fplast, which

acts on the column at a height, hp:

Fplast = Mplast / hp
Fplast = 70,500 / 50 = 1,410 N = 1.41 kN

Plastic forces and moments = The max. forces and moments which can be transferred by the
max. stress channel and thus act on the two-hole base plate are Fplast and
Mplast. If there is uniform distribution of the load to the two anchors,
the following relevant combined load results as the design stress:

Vd = Fplast / 2
Vd = 1.41 / 2 = 0.71 kN

Nd = Mplast / b
Nd = 70,500 / 20 = 3,525 = 3.53 kN

2 2
Sd = Vd + Nd

Sd = 0.712 +3.532 = 3.6 kN

Verification of load-bearing The admissible seismic loading, Fadm,eq, according to ICBO or the
safety design resistance, Rd,crack, according to the ETA is higher than the
design stress, Sd. This thus verifies the structural safety:

Fadm,eq = Rd,crack > Sd

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 2
design of installations and non-
structural elements Design and use

Simplified design process

Fastening design with the aid Generally, calculating the floor acceleration, afloor, required for
of amplification factors design work using the equivalent force process ( or
calculating the fixture acceleration, aequip, needed for design work
using the response spectra process ( is complicated
because this calls for dynamic analysis of the building load-bearing
structure and the fixture (equipment). A simplified design process
carried out with the aid of amplification factors is given in the
following. This process is based on a design method that is
commonly used and described in pertaining literature.

Calculation of the force, F, acting on the fixture and relevant for

designing the fastenings, is carried out as follows using the fixture
mass, m, the ground acceleration, a ground, and the amplification
factors, An and Aequip:

F = m . aground . An . Aequip

Factors A allow for the increase in ground acceleration caused by

the building structure ( and the increase in floor
acceleration in the case of less stiff, elastic fixtures (
afloor aequip
An = A equip =
aground afloor

The ground acceleration, aground, used in the design calculation is

ascertained from the respective national standards and for the
earthquake areas defined in them.

Fig. 2.26
Simplified design process using
amplification factors

Conservative process When using the simplified design process, the results are
conservative, i.e. on the safe side. If the obtained equivalent forces
are too high, the amplification then has to be determined
accurately by dynamic analyses.

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 2
design of installations and non-
structural elements Design and use
Amplification due to building height

Amplification of max. 1.5 or The relevant ground acceleration, aground, on the first floor of a
2.5 building is amplified in the range of the natural frequencies of the
load-bearing structure. This amplification automatically becomes
larger the higher the building is. A process described in pertaining
literature gives an amplification factor An = 1.5 on a building roof.
In this respect, the amplification factor from first floor An,ground =
1.0 to building roof An,max = 1.5 can be interpolated linearly. Other
design criteria provide a max. amplification factor An,max = 2.5 for
buildings with more than four floors.

Linear rise in amplification On the basis of this information, an assumption on the safe side is
factor that the amplification factor on the 4th floor of a building An = 1.5.
Linear extrapolation thus gives a max. amplification factor
An,max = 2.5 on the 12th floor. Independent of the floor, n, for
which a design has to be carried out, the amplification, An, can be
determined as follows or read from plots, Fig. 2.26.

An = +1

Fig. 2.27
Amplification factor for building

Scope This simplified procedure cannot be applied to buildings with more

than twelve floors. A dynamic analysis of the load-bearing
structure then becomes necessary.

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 2
design of installations and non-
structural elements Design and use
Increase due to fixture

Increase due to resonance Where fixtures are concerned which are not stiff, such as
effect equipment installed on spring damping units or building
components which have a comparatively low level of stiffness, the
incitation by seismic actions can amplify the fixture acceleration,
aequip, to the extent that it lies significantly above the floor
acceleration, afloor. Several sources in literature give an
amplification factor Aequip = 2.0 when the ratio of the natural period
of the fixture (incl. the fastening), Tequip, to the period of the
building or floor, Tfloor, satisfies the following condition.

0.6 < Tequip/Tfloor < 1.4

Increase by a factor of 2.0 for Taking this rule as the basis and the floor natural frequency in a
low-frequency fixtures standard case fo,floor ≤ 10 Hz, it is assumed as a simplification that
amplification is relevant for less stiff fixtures and for fastenings with
a natural frequency fo,equip < 15 Hz.

• Stiff fixtures fo,equip ≥ 15 Hz):

Aequip = 1.0
• Elastic fixtures fo,equip < 15 Hz):
Aequip = 2.0
Example of a simplified analysis

Air conditioner fastened to a An air conditioner is installed on the roof of six-story building (n =
building roof 6). This equipment has a mass m = 550 kg, and is mounted on
spring damping units to avoid the transfer of vibration / oscillations.
For the building location, the national earthquake standard
specifies a horizontal ground acceleration ag,horiz = 0.3 g for the
relevant earthquake area.
ag,horiz = 0.3 g ≈ 3 m/s2
m = 550 kg

Amplification factors:
An = 1.75 for n = 6 according to
Aequip = 2.0 for fo,equip < 15 Hz according to

The horizontal force acting at the C of G of the equipment and

relevant for designing the fastening is as follows:
Fhoriz = m.a .A .A
g,horiz n equip
Fhoriz = 550 . 3.0 . 1.75 . 2.0 = 5,775 N ≈ 5.8 kN

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 2
design of installations and non-
structural elements Design and use

Using and securing beam clamps

2.4.1 Overview of beam clamps

Fastening with beam clamps Generally, fastenings are made to steel beams with so-called
beam clamps. Other methods are welding or drilling and screw /
bolt fastening. These methods of fastening, however, are usually
complicated, time consuming and expensive. Furthermore, they
are not very flexible and tend to impair the corrosion protection of a
beam. In view of this, they are not used very often. Earthquake-
proofing measures for beam clamp fastenings are dealt with in the

Fastening versions Fastenings made to steel beams with beam clamps are carried out
as single suspensions (single-clamp fastenings) or as multiple-
clamp fastenings in conjunction with installation channels. C-
shaped clamps are used for single suspensions and these are
clipped or screwed onto beam flanges. Installation channels can
also be fastened with C-type clamps. Other fastening versions for
channel installations are the clamps shown in Fig. 2.27, which are
also referred to as support plates.

Fig. 2.28
Various beam clamps for
fastening to steel beams

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 2
design of installations and non-
structural elements Design and use

Earthquake risk

Loosening and shifting of The acceleration generated and acting during earthquakes with
beam clamps pulsating or alternating loads can cause the screws / bolts holding
beam clamps to work loose and the fastenings to shift due to the
horizontal loading. There is then a risk of channels which are
secured, for example, with support plates, slipping out of
suspension hoops (Fig. 2.28 a) or the entire beam clamp slipping
off the beam flange (Fig. 2.28 b).

Fig. 2.29
Possible modes of failure of
fastenings made with beam
clamps and support plates

Earthquake-proofing The seismic qualification for fastenings made to steel beams

measures consists of using clamp systems that are suitable for the respective
beam section as well as their correct installation and measures to
prevent the clamps from loosening and shifting. These are
described in the following section 2.4.3.

Suitability and securing measures

Load-bearing safety in To guarantee the structural safety of fastenings made to steel

general beams in general, the following points must be observed:

• Beam clamps must be used which are suitable for the beam
section (flange thickness, flange taper) and the fixture (threaded
rod, installation channel).
• The fastening must be made properly (tightening torque).

Strategies for earthquake To particularly guarantee the safety during earthquakes of

proofing fastenings made to steel beams, the following additional measures
can be taken:
• The clamping screws / bolts can be prevented from working
loose, e.g. by using lock nuts.
• Clamps must be prevented from slipping, e.g. by providing teeth
/ serrated edges, retaining straps, etc.
• Installation channels must be prevented from shifting (slipping),
e.g. by securing them with powder-actuated fasteners.

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 2
design of installations and non-
structural elements Design and use
Suitability of beam clamps

Securing clamping screws / Fastenings made to steel beams, which are suitable for
bolts and teeth / serrations earthquake restraint installations, are those that cannot or are
hardly likely to shift on beam flanges under a pulsating or
alternating load. Not very suitable in this respect are those
fastenings that are only clipped on or whose clamping screw / bolt
can work loose and those which can slip on flanges comparatively
easily. With this in mind, it is better for the clamping bolt to be
secured with a lock nut and for teeth or serrations, etc. to be
provided to make it more difficult for beam clamps to slip.

Fig. 2.30
General suitability of beam
clamps for earthquake-proof

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 2
design of installations and non-
structural elements Design and use
Securing measures

Limited or prevented shifting The seismic qualification of fastenings made to steel beams
essentially aims at limiting the slip of even loose beam clamps and
thus of preventing the fastening from subsequently failing.
Basically, this can be achieved with the following securing
• retaining straps
• end stops
• powder-actuated fasteners

Retaining straps for single As shown in Fig. 2.30, beam clamps for single suspensions can,
suspensions for example, be secured with retaining straps. After installation of
the beam clamps, the straps are simply bent around the far beam
flange. This prevents the beam clamps from slipping.

Fig. 2.31
Securing a beam clamps for a
single suspension with a HILTI
MF-CS retaining strap

Retaining straps for Installation channels fastened with support plates (Fig. 2.31 a) or
installation channels beam clamps (Fig. 2.31 b) can also be secured with retaining
straps. If the fastening is of the type shown in Fig. 2.31 b, it must
be remembered without fail that the channels must also be
screwed / bolted together with the beam clamps.

Fig. 2.32
Securing installation channels
with HILTI MF-CS retaining

End stops for installation It is often possible for end stops to be fitted in such a way with the
channels installation channels that the channels cannot drop out of the
beam clamps or suspension hoops. This must be absolutely
certain, even if the fastening has worked loose and the channel
has slipped owing to horizontal earthquake forces. The end stops
are screwed / bolted to the adjacent side of the beam with play, s.
This has to be smaller than the shift, u, which would cause failure
of the fastening.

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 2
design of installations and non-
structural elements Design and use

Fig. 2.33
Securing installation channels
with end stops

Post-securing of channels Often, when post-securing channels against earthquakes and

which are too short. these channels are too short, it is not possible for the end stops to
be installed on the opposite beam flange. In these cases, retaining
straps (Fig. 2.33 a) can be used or the channels have to be
extended to permit the end stops to be fitted (Fig. 2.33 b).

Fig. 2.34
Post-securing of short
installation channels

Securing installation Installation channels installed on steel beams can be secured

channels with powder- against shifting with powder-actuated fasteners. A single nail is
actuated fasteners usually sufficient. It must be remembered though, that this fastener
has no load-bearing or fastening function (Fig. 2.34). As a powder-
actuated fastener can be placed without any preparatory or
removal work, i.e. direct fastening, the use of a powder-actuated
fastener is a very efficient method of post-securing against

Fig. 2.35
Securing installation channels
with a powder-actuated
fastener: HILTI DX fastening

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements

Part 3 Installations

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 3
design of installations and non-
structural elements Installations


Basic principle

Horizontal forces The fastenings for earthquake restraint installation of pipes

basically have to be designed so that the horizontal seismic loads
can be taken in addition to the gravity forces. To take horizontal
forces, the pipe fastenings must either be designed to be
sufficiently flexurally stiff, or have bracing that can transfer the
horizontal forces (Fh) in compression. It must be ensured that
horizontal loads can be taken transversely and longitudinally in
relation to the pipe axis.

Fig. 3.1
Horizontal seismic forces Fh,x
transverse in relation to pipe

Fig. 3.2
Horizontal seismic forces Fh,y in
direction of pipe axis

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 3
design of installations and non-
structural elements Installations

Design of pipes

The following design specifications apply to exposed pipes. Other

seismic criteria govern buried pipes and pipes laid in concrete.
Pipe materials

Conventional pipe materials Seismic design of pipes can basically be carried out with the
conventional materials (steel, non-ferrous metals and plastics)
used for installing pipes. Such pipes include:
• Threaded gas and water pipes
• Seamless or welded steel pipes
• Stainless steel pipes
• Semi-hard or soft annealed copper pipes
• PVC or polyethylene (PE) pipes
No brittle materials Pipes made of particularly brittle materials, such as, for example,
cast iron, or special glass or ceramic pipes, are not to be regarded
as earthquake-resistant. If such materials have to be used, the
pipe fastenings must be designed to provide vibration damping.
Pipe joints

State of the art The pipe connections can be designed using state-of-the-art
methods and techniques:

• Screw and threaded connections

• Flanged connections
• Socket joints
• Welded and brazed joints
Pipe mass

Mass per meter run The design of earthquake restraint pipe fastenings is governed by
according to Appendix A1 the mass of the pipe as well as the seismic action. The pipe
masses (m') in kilograms per meter run [kg/m] are given for the
common steel and plastic pipes in the tables in Attachment A1.
The contents of the pipe and any lagging are to be taken into
account in determining the mass of the pipe.

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 3
design of installations and non-
structural elements Installations

Fastening pipes

Pipe installation Individual pipes are normally installed with pipe rings or strip
hangers. However, for earthquake restraint installation it must be
ensured that horizontal seismic loads are taken by the pipe
fastening (compare 3.1.1).

Braces for anchor rods with Threaded rods used in pipe fastenings will only take the full
low flexural stiffness moments produced by the horizontal forces if the rods are
sufficiently stiff in flexure. However, if the loads are substantial
and/or the distances below ceiling large, the moments acting on
the fastenings can be too large. In such cases additional bracing is
necessary to take the horizontal forces. Both transverse and
longitudinal braces must be provided. They may be combined with
the pipe fastening.

Fig. 3.3
Bracing for individual pipe
fastenings with pipe rings and
anchor rods

Bracing for strip hangers Strip hangers basically cannot take horizontal forces. Additional
bracing is always necessary for earthquake-resistant fastening of
pipes suspended with such systems. Since the strip of the hanger
is incapable of taking any compression forces, transverse and
longitudinal braces are necessary on both sides.

Fig. 3.4
Bracing for individual pipe
fastenings with strip hangers

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 3
design of installations and non-
structural elements Installations
Method of choosing and arranging bracing

The method described below and shown in the flowchart, Fig. 3.5,
is recommended for earthquake restraint installation of pipes. It
involves three steps:

1: Starting from the pipe mass m', the distance of the pipe below the
Necessity for braces ceiling d and the necessary fastening or support spacing s, the first
step involves determining whether any braces at all are necessary
for seismic design. For M8, M10, M12 and M16 fastenings, this
assessment can be carried out with the aid of Charts A2.1, A2.2,
A2.3 and A2.4, which are to be found in the attachment.

2: If bracing has to be used for earthquake restraint installation,

Choosing size of fastening suitable fastening sizes must be worked out in the second step.
Depending on the governing seismic acceleration, the ideal size
can be determined with the aid of the charts, Figs. 3.13, 3.14 and

3: In the last step, the minimum bracing spacing b necessary is

Brace spacing determined with the aid of Charts A3.1, A3.2, A3.3 and A3.4. The
spacing b depends on the governing horizontal acceleration, the
mass of the pipe and the bracing height.

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 3
design of installations and non-
structural elements Installations

Fig. 3.5
Method of choosing and
arranging braces
Necessity for bracing

Bracing for large Whether bracing is necessary basically depends on the magnitude
horizontal load of the seismic forces acting on the pipe fastenings. The moment
arising in the anchor rod of the pipe fastening as a result of the
horizontal forces depends on the pipe mass (m'), and on the
distance below ceiling (d) at which the pipe is installed.

Necessity for bracing With the aid of the charts to be found in Attachments A2.1, A2.2,
determined from Charts A2.1, A2.3 and A2.4, it is possible to determine for the different sizes of
A2.2, A2.3 and A2.4 in the threaded rod (M8, M10, M12 and M16) whether bracing is
Attachment necessary for earthquake restraint installation of a pipe. With the
governing horizontal acceleration (ah), the distance below ceiling
(d), and the support spacing (s) , the maximum pipe mass (m'max)
at which earthquake restraint installation is still possible without
bracing (Fig. 3.6) can be read off the charts. If the mass per meter

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 3
design of installations and non-
structural elements Installations

run (m') of the pipe to be installed is greater than the maximum

mass (m'max) read off the charts, bracing is necessary (Fig. 3.7).

Fig. 3.6
Pipe installation without bracing

Fig. 3.7
Pipe installation with brace
Designing bracing

Bracing taking the form of Bracing can be made of anchor rods as shown in Fig. 3.8 or steel
anchor rods or steel flats flats as shown in Fig. 3.9. For anchor rod braces, the same sizes
(M8, M10, M12 and M16) as for the pipe fastenings are used. For
steel flat braces, structurally equivalent sections as shown in Table
3.1 are used. Anchor rods or steel flats can be used for both
transverse and longitudinal bracing.

Typical applications in A practical example of the design of a pipe is to be found in

Attachment A6 Attachment A6.

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 3
design of installations and non-
structural elements Installations

Fig. 3.8
Anchor rod brace

Fig. 3.9
Steel flat brace

Table 3.1 Pipe fastening Brace

Design of bracing
size Type Anchor rod Steel flat
M8 "light-duty" M8 4/20 mm
M10 (3/8") "standard" M10 (3/8") 5/20 mm
M12 (1/2") "heavy-duty" M12 (1/2") 6/30 mm
M16 (5/8") "industrial" M16 (5/8") 8/30 mm

Bracing angle If possible, bracing is to be arranged at an angle of 45°. If

necessary for reasons of space, it may be arranged at a flatter or
steeper angle within the range from 30° to 60°. The spacings at
which the braces are to be positioned must then be corrected
according to Fig. 3.20.

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 3
design of installations and non-
structural elements Installations
Fastening to concrete surface

Types of fastening Pipe hangers with bracing can be fastened to the concrete surface
in different ways. As shown in the following Figs. 3.10, 3.11 and
3.12, internally threaded anchors, baseplates, stud anchors or
installation channels can be used. These types of fastening can be
employed for both transverse and longitudinal bracing.

Fig. 3.10
Fastening with internally
threaded anchor

Fig. 3.11
Fastening with baseplate and
stud anchor

Fig. 3.12
Fastening with installation

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 3
design of installations and non-
structural elements Installations
Choosing size of bracing

Bracing for every 3rd or 4th It is advantageous to choose the size of any seismic bracing used
pipe fastening for pipes so that a bracing spacing b > 10 m. Assuming a normal
pipe fastening spacing of s = 2.5 to 4.0 m, every third or fourth
fastening must then be braced.

The ideal bracing size can be read off the following diagrams, Figs.
3.13, 3.14 and 3.15, for the particular pipe mass (mass per meter
run of pipe m') and bracing height h.

Fig. 3.13
Ideal bracing sizes for an
acceleration ah = 0.5 g

Example read off chart

21/2" boiler pipe,
full of water.
Mass (Attachment A1.2):
m' = 9.16 kg/m
Bracing height:
h = 300 mm
Bracing size:
M8 "light-duty"
Angle 30° ≤ α ≤ 45°

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 3
design of installations and non-
structural elements Installations

Fig. 3.14
Ideal bracing sizes for an
acceleration of ah = 1.0 g

Example read off diagram

21/2" boiler pipe,
full of water.
Mass (Attachment A1.2):
m' = 9.16 kg/m
Bracing height:
h = 300 mm
Bracing size:
M10 "standard"
Angle 30° ≤ α ≤ 45°

Fig. 3.15
Ideal bracing sizes for an
acceleration of ah = 1.5 g

Example read off diagram

114.3 mm dia. boiler pipe,
full of water.
Mass (Attachment A1.2):
m' = 18.9 kg/m
Bracing height:
h = 300 mm
Bracing size:
M12 "heavy-duty"
Angle 30° ≤ α ≤ 45°

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 3
design of installations and non-
structural elements Installations
Bracing arrangement and spacing

Spacing as shown on Charts Pipe bracing to take horizontal seismic loads is to be arranged at a
A3.1, A3.2, A3.3 and A3.4 in spacing of (b). This spacing can be read off Charts A3.1, A3.2,
the Attachment A3.3 and A3.4, which are assembled in Attachment A3, for the
particular governing horizontal acceleration (ah), pipe mass (m')
and bracing height (h). This spacing is the maximum permissible
value, so the bracing may be closer together than this but not
further apart. A separate chart applies to each type (M8 "light-
duty", M10 "standard", M12 "heavy-duty" or M16 "industrial").

The pipe masses (m') can be determined with the aid of the tables
in Attachment A1.

It is advantageous for the bracing to be at a spacing that is a

multiple of the normal pipe fastening spacing of (s), so that, for
example, every third or fourth pipe fastening is braced.

Transverse and longitudinal Transverse and longitudinal bracing must be at a spacing of (b),
but may be installed separately (Fig. 3.16) or combined (Fig. 3.17)
on the same pipe fastening.

Fig. 3.16
Bracing arranged transversely
and longitudinally in relation to
pipe axis and at spacing of b in
each case

Fig. 3.17
Transverse and longitudinal
bracing on the same pipe

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 3
design of installations and non-
structural elements Installations

Bracing for both horizontal Where the pipe changes direction, particular care is necessary to
directions ensure that bracing is not provided in one direction only (Fig. 3.18).
In such cases it can sometimes be necessary to arrange identical
sets of bracing one after another along the pipe axis (Fig. 3.19).

Fig. 3.18
Inappropriate arrangement of
bracing (none in y direction)

Fig. 3.19
Horizontal forces in y direction
taken by longitudinal bracing

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 3
design of installations and non-
structural elements Installations

Reduction in spacing b for The maximum permissible spacing b at which transverse and
flat bracing longitudinal bracing must be used, which is read off Charts A3.1,
A3.2, A3.3 and A3.4, applies to bracing at an angle of 30° ≤ α ≤

At larger angles α, i.e. with flatter bracing, the length of the bracing
increases and hence, because of the longer buckling length, its
loading capacity decreases. If, for reasons of space, flatter bracing
has to be installed, the spacing (b) is to be corrected as follows
with the factor (k):

bα = k . b

bα spacing of bracing at angle of α
k correction factor from Fig. 3.20
b bracing spacing from
Charts A3.1, A3.2, A3.3 and A3.4

Fig. 3.20 Factor k for correcting

the maximum permissible
spacing b for flatter bracing

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
Part 3
structural elements Installations

Air ducts

Basic principle

Horizontal forces As for pipes (Chapter 3.1), the fastenings for seismic installation of
air ducts must be designed and installed so that horizontal seismic
loads can be taken in addition to the gravity forces. It must be
ensured that horizontal seismic loads can be taken both
transversely and longitudinally in relation to the ducts.

Design of air ducts

Normal design Air ducts are basically to be designed in accordance with accepted
practice. With the exception of the following designs for fastening
the ducts, no special seismic design specifications have to be
followed. Normal installation practice governs the duct materials,
thicknesses of the sheet metal and connectors in particular.
Duct materials

Common materials Seismic design of air ducts can basically be carried out with the
conventional materials used for installing ducts (steel, aluminum
and plastics).
Duct joints

State of the art The duct connections can be designed on the basis of state-of-the-
art methods and techniques:

• Connections with sheet metal screws or pop rivets

• Flanged connections
• Socket joints
• Welded and brazed connections

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
Part 3
structural elements Installations
Duct mass

Mass per meter run The design of seismic duct fastenings is governed by the mass of
in Appendices A4 and A5 the air duct as well as the seismic action. The duct masses (m') in
kilograms per meter run [kg/m] are given for the common spiral
tubes in the tables in Attachment A4. The masses of rectangular
ducts with different sheet metal thicknesses and cross sections are
to be found in Attachment A5. Any lagging is to be taken into
account in determining the mass of the duct.

Fastening ducts

Common duct fastenings Spiral tubes or rectangular ducts are normally used as air ducts.
The ducts can basically be installed with the usual fastenings, such
as pipe rings or installation angles. However, for seismic fastening
it must be ensured that horizontal seismic loads can be taken.
Fastening spiral tubes

Fastening with rings or Spiral tubes can be installed with air duct rings (Figs. 3.21 and
installation straps 3.22b) or with installation straps (Fig. 3.22a). M8 or M10 anchor
rods are normally used for the fastening.

Low bending resistance of Because of the large bending arm produced by the comparatively
anchor rods large diameter of the duct, and the small section modulus of M8
and M10 anchor rods, the bending stress in the anchor rod
hangers under shear loading is generally large. To take horizontal
seismic loads, air duct fastenings therefore have to be provided
with bracing in many cases.

Fig. 3.21
Fastening of spiral tube with air
duct ring and brace in
transverse and/or axial

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
Part 3
structural elements Installations

Fig. 3.22
Fastening of spiral tube with
installation strap, and with air
duct ring and braces

Load transfer at wall Anchor rods are the best way of providing bracing. It must be
penetrations and duct bends ensured that the ducts are basically braced both transversely and
longitudinally (Fig. 3.21). To avoid expensive designs, if possible
wall penetrations (Fig. 3.23) and changes in the direction of the
duct (Fig. 3.24) are to be used to enable horizontal forces to be
transferred at these points, so that additional anchor rod braces
are not necessary.

Fig. 3.23
Seismic loads in direction of
duct axis taken by wall

Fig. 3.24
Seismic loads in direction of
duct axis taken by fastening on

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
Part 3
structural elements Installations

Bracing for every fastening Every fastening of spiral tubes with pipe rings and M8 anchor rods
for large diameter ducts generally must have bracing if the tube diameter ø ≥ 200 mm.
From a tube diameter of ø ≥ 300 mm, every fastening with M10
anchor rods has to have one brace.

However, in the case of smaller ducts at smaller distances below

ceiling d, bracing may only be necessary for every 2nd or 3rd
fastening. The number of anchors that have to be provided for
seismic fastening of spiral tubes can be read off the charts, Figs.
3.25 and 3.26, for the particular duct diameter and distance below

Fig. 3.25
Necessity for bracing for spiral
tube fastenings with
M8 anchor rods

Example read off chart

Spiral tube: ø = 125 mm
Distance below ceiling:
d = 250 mm
Fastening with
M8 anchor rods
Bracing necessary for every
2nd duct fastening

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
Part 3
structural elements Installations

Fig. 3.26
Necessity for bracing for spiral
tube fastenings with
M10 anchor rods

Example read off chart

Spiral tube: ø = 225 mm
Distance below ceiling:
d = 350 mm
Fastening with
M10 anchor rods
Bracing necessary for every
2nd duct fastening

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
Part 3
structural elements Installations
Fastening air ducts

Fastening with installation Rectangular air ducts are usually fastened with air duct installation
angles angles. For powder-actuated ceiling fastening, wall or channel
installation (compare with 3.3), L-shaped installation angles can be
used (Fig. 3.27 a). L-shaped (Fig. 3.27 b) or Z-shaped installation
angles (Fig. 3.27 c) are also used for suspension with anchor rods.

Channel installation The other usual alternatives, with which the duct is installed on a
suspended installation channel, are to be designed according to
Chapter 3.3.

Fig. 3.27
Fastening air ducts with
installation angles

Anchor fastening design Measures taken to ensure the earthquake resistance of powder-
using the equivalent force actuated and suspended air duct fastenings include the correct
process choice of anchor fastening. The loads governing this choice can be
calculated with the aid of the equivalent static analysis (
The air duct mass (m`) required for the calculation can be
determined for different duct cross sections and sheet metal
thicknesses with the aid of the tables in Attachment A5.

Shear force transfer with With powder-actuated fastening as shown in Fig. 3.27a, with the
suspended installation of exception of anchor design no other seismic measures are
ducts necessary. If rectangular ducts are suspended from anchor rods
as shown in Fig. 3.27b or 3.27c, measures must always be
adopted to transfer horizontal seismic loads, since the anchor rods
are comparatively flexible in bending.

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
Part 3
structural elements Installations

Bracing and exploiting duct Depending on the distance below the ceiling and the size (mass)
routing of the duct, the hangers are to be reinforced with one (Fig. 3.28a)
or two (Fig. 3.28b) braces. Duct bends, tees and wall penetrations
are to be exploited where possible to take shear forces, so that the
necessity for bracing is eliminated (Fig. 3.28c).

Fig. 3.28
Seismic reinforcement of
suspended rectangular ducts

Typical applications in An example of the practical design of the bracing of a rectangular

Attachment A6 duct is to be found in Attachment A6.

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 3
design of installations and non-
structural elements Installations

Channel installation

Basic principle

Horizontal forces Fastenings employing installation channels are generally used for
installation runs with several parallel pipes and/or air ducts. As for
individual pipes (Chapter 3.1) or air ducts (Chapter 3.2), the
fastenings for seismic channel installation must be designed and
installed so that the horizontal seismic loads can be taken in
addition to the gravity forces. It must be ensured that seismic loads
can be taken both transversely and longitudinally.

Installation methods

Powder-actuated fastening, Channels can basically be installed using powder-actuated ceiling

suspended installation and fastening (Fig. 3.29), suspended from the ceiling (Fig. 3.30) or
wall installation installed as brackets on the wall (Fig. 3.31). Single or double rows
are also possible with suspended installation channels or brackets.

Fig. 3.29
Powder-actuated ceiling

Fig. 3.30
Suspended ceiling installation
(single or double row)

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 3
design of installations and non-
structural elements Installations

Fig. 3.31
Wall (bracket) installation

The fastened mass (m`) All types of building services, such as heating and plumbing pipes,
governs seismic installation air ducts or cable runs, can basically be installed with channels
(Fig. 3.32). Fundamentally, however, this is not what governs the
loading of the installation channels, connectors and fastenings in
the concrete surface, and hence the earthquake resistance of the
channels. What is more critical is the mass fastened to the channel

Fig. 3.32
Channel installation of different
building services (e.g. air ducts,
pipes and cable runs)

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 3
design of installations and non-
structural elements Installations

Seismic installation

Bracing to take horizontal To ensure earthquake-resistant channel installation, the fastenings

forces must be able to take the horizontal seismic forces. In a similar way
to the individual pipe (Chapter 3.1) and air duct (Chapter 3.2)
fastenings, bracing is also necessary for this purpose.
Powder-actuated fastening

Suitable anchor fastenings With channels installed on the ceiling with powder-actuated
fastenings, earthquake resistance is ensured if suitable and
correctly designed anchor fastenings are used for fixing to the
concrete surface, and if the individual fastenings installed on the
channel meet the loading requirements.

Design of individual The stipulations of Chapter 3.1 for pipe fastenings and Chapter 3.2
fastenings in accordance for air duct fastenings basically govern seismic design of the
with 3.1 and 3.2 individual fastenings. As a result, depending on the distance below
the ceiling d (Fig. 3.33) measured from the installation channel, the
mass of the pipe or air duct and the horizontal acceleration,
individual braces can sometimes be necessary (Fig. 3.34).

Fig. 3.33
Channel installation of pipes
with distance below ceiling d

Fig. 3.34
Channel installation with
seismic bracing of one pipe

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 3
design of installations and non-
structural elements Installations
Suspended (U-support) installation

Stiff U-support structures or To ensure earthquake resistance, suspended ceiling fastenings

bracing must basically be designed so that horizontal forces can be taken.
This can be achieved by designing them as sufficiently stiff U-
support structures (Fig. 3.35). Channels suspended with anchor
rods always require transverse and longitudinal bracing (Figs. 3.36
and 3.37).

Fig. 3.35
U-support assembled from
installation channels

Fig. 3.36
Installation channel suspended
with anchor rods and
transversely braced

Fig. 3.37
Installation channel suspended
with anchor rods and
longitudinally braced
Wall (bracket) installation

Longitudinal bracing Wall or bracket fastenings basically allow forces transverse to the
axis of the pipe to be transferred effectively. However, to ensure
earthquake resistance of brackets, in many cases bracing in the
direction of the pipe axis is necessary (Fig. 3.38).

Fig. 3.38
Longitudinally braced wall

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 3
design of installations and non-
structural elements Installations
Summary of measures

The following Table 3.2 summarizes the types of installation that

may necessitate special seismic qualification measures.
Attachment A6 gives concrete examples of practical versions of
seismic channel designs.

Table 3.2
Measures for seismic channel

Typical application examples

in Attachment A6

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements

Part 4 Interior finishing, fittings and


Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 4
design of installations and non-
structural elements Interior finishing, equipment

Ceiling paneling and suspended ceilings

Overview of systems

Fastened directly to load- Ceiling systems are described as ceiling paneling if they and their
bearing ceiling support framing are fastened directly to the load-bearing structure
(Fig. 4.1 a). Ceilings of this type consist, for example, of gypsum or
plaster boards that are secured to support framing made of timber
laths or battens.

Suspended from load- Ceiling systems are described as suspended ceilings if they are
bearing ceiling hung, i.e. suspended, from the load-bearing ceiling with hangers
(Fig. 4.1 b). They consist, for example, of mineral-fiber panels that
fit in a suspended, light metal structure. In the following, both
ceiling systems are shown schematically.

Fig. 4.1
Ceiling paneling a) and
suspended ceilings b)

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 4
design of installations and non-
structural elements Interior finishing, equipment

Seismic effects

Major hazard for people Ceiling paneling and suspended ceilings are damaged extremely
often by earthquakes. Although ceiling components often have
only a comparatively low weight, the risk to people from falling
parts of a ceiling should not be underestimated. Especially in busy
public buildings and very tall rooms, ceiling components falling
Fig. 4.2
because of an earthquake can be a major hazard for people.
Damage to a suspended ceiling
caused by an earthquake: San
Francisco Airport, 1989

The reasons why, comparatively speaking, ceiling paneling and

suspended ceilings react very sensitively to the effects of
earthquakes are varied. As, in standard cases, ceiling paneling
and suspended ceilings are subjected only to their own weight, the
load-bearing safety reserves of fastenings and hangers are often
too small, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, these
fastenings and hangers are not designed for earthquake forces
acting dynamically in a horizontal direction in many cases.

The following Table 4.1 shows the main types of earthquake

damage to ceiling paneling and suspended ceilings as well as the
general measures to be taken to avoid it. The following sections
4.1.3 Ceiling paneling and 4.1.4 Suspended ceilings describe the
earthquake qualification measures in detail.

Table 4.1
Overview of earthquake Suspended ceilings
damage and damage
avoidance measures for

Earthquake damage Collapse / Swinging Failure of Collapse /

falling of ceiling hangers falling of
ceiling panels ceiling panels

Relevant direction of loading Horizontal /

Vertical Horizontal Vertical

Earthquake qualification Fastening Collapse / Securing Securing

measure falling

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 4
design of installations and non-
structural elements Interior finishing, equipment

Ceiling paneling

Ensure load-bearing safety of If ceiling paneling is to be earthquake restraint after installation, the
fastenings. fastenings and connections must be made in such a way that
sufficient load-bearing safety reserves exist and that the dynamic
loads imposed during an earthquake are taken up. This applies not
only to fastenings made to the load-bearing structure, but also to
ceiling panel connections to the support framing.

Suitable anchors and screws Anchors suitable for taking up seismic actions must be used in
/ bolts instead of nails principle for fastenings made to the load-bearing structure (see
section 2.2). In this respect, plastic anchors are hardly suitable for
this type of application (Fig. 4.3). Screws / bolts are fundamentally
better than nails or clips for the earthquake-proof fastening of
ceiling panels to their support framing (Fig. 4.3). Especially with
smooth-shank or very short nails, there is a risk of the nails pulling
out and the ceiling panels collapsing / falling to the floor.

Fig. 4.3
Earthquake proofing of
fastenings holding ceiling

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 4
design of installations and non-
structural elements Interior finishing, equipment

Suspended ceilings

Earthquake hazard The main earthquake hazard with suspended ceilings comes from
the swinging action or oscillation of the entire ceiling structure
initiated by the horizontal acceleration. This can result in hangers
failing and ceiling panels collapsing / falling down (see table 4.1). A
ceiling that swings can also cause damage to other fixtures,
equipment, non-structural components, etc., such as the lighting.
The following outlines the measures that can be taken to avoid
earthquake damage to suspended ceilings.
Bracing of ceiling structure

Earthquake hazard As hangers are designed mostly as components to carry only

tensile loads and are thus not very stiff, horizontal acceleration can
easily incite suspended ceilings to oscillate / swing. The resulting
relative displacement and knocking against other fixtures,
equipment, non-structural components, etc., can cause ceiling
parts to collapse / fall to the floor and damage to fixtures,
equipment, non-structural components, etc. To avoid any swinging
during an earthquake, bracing can be installed with some hangers
to take up horizontal forces (Fig. 4.4 a). It must then be borne in
mind that bracing is required in a longitudinal and transverse
direction of a room. Horizontal forces can also be taken up by
fastening a ceiling to walls (Fig. 4.4 b).

Fig. 4.4
Earthquake-proofing measures
to avoid swinging / oscillation

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 4
design of installations and non-
structural elements Interior finishing, equipment
Securing ceilings hangers

Earthquake hazard Fig. 4.5 shows types of hangers widely used for suspended
ceilings. Below, in Fig. 4.6, are examples of methods of
earthquake qualification hangers. In the case of spring-tensioned
hangers, care must be taken to use rods of adequate length and
the right diameter. Nonius hangers have to be secured with pins
which cannot drop out. Wire hangers should be secured in such a
way that the support framing cannot become detached during an

Fig. 4.5
Types of hangers for
suspended ceilings

Fig. 4.6
Earthquake-proofing of hangers

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 4
design of installations and non-
structural elements Interior finishing, equipment
Securing ceiling panels

In the case of so-called insert ceilings, mineral fiber or metal

ceiling panels are laid in a metal structure. Ceiling panels of this
type often ride up and out of the metal structure during an
earthquake and then fall to the floor (Fig. 4.2). Methods of securing
ceiling panels are shown in Fig. 4.7. Possible securing measures
are the use of compression springs (Fig. 4.7 a) or clips (Fig. 4.7 b)
or screw fastenings (Figs 4.7 c and d).

Fig. 4.7
Earthquake qualification of
ceiling panels

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 4
design of installations and non-
structural elements Interior finishing & equipment

Raised floors

Overview of use and design

Flexible cable routing Raised floors are used in offices, computer rooms, distribution
possible in cavity centers, etc. They allow electrical and communication cables to be
laid in the cavity and flexibly routed to where needed. The cavity
can also be used for installing air ducts or pipes for sanitary

Square grid Raised floors are made up of floor panels laid on pedestals (Fig.
4.8 a). The panels are usually square and therefore
interchangeable. The pedestals are bonded or anchored to the
concrete floor.

Support framing for extra Where the raised floor has to be temporarily covered over large
stability areas or uses high pedestals, and generally to improve horizontal
stability and increase load capacity, the floor panels are laid on
support framing consisting of longitudinal and transverse stringers
(Fig. 4.8.b).

Fig. 4.8
Construction of raised floors
without a) and with b) support

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 4
design of installations and non-
structural elements Interior finishing & equipment

Seismic risk

Hazards due to horizontal Raised floors are basically designed to take vertical loads (caused
loads by weight). When subjected to horizontal earthquake loads (inertia
forces caused by mass), the pedestals can tip over or buckle,
causing the entire floor structure to collapse. Particularly
endangered are floors that use high pedestals, lack enclosing
walls, transfer horizontal loads or carry heavy equipment or

Seismic qualification measures

Bracing support framing or The prime objective of earthquake qualification measures for
separate floor frames raised floors is to take the horizontal forces that arise during
seismic activity. Such measures are necessary if, with high
superimposed loads, freestanding floor areas and/or high
pedestals, the horizontal forces could lead to failure of the floor
structure. There are basically two types of measures that can be
• Bracing the support framing
• Separate floor frames for heavy equipment or fixtures

Earthquake-proofing of floors Examples of design measures for earthquake qualification of

without support framing raised floors without support framing (compare Fig. 4.8 a) include
flexurally rigid design, fastening of the pedestals and consistent
use of screws to fasten the floor panels to the pedestals. However,
such measures are usually difficult to implement.
Bracing support framing

Bracing for floors without If the support framing of the raised floor cannot be fastened
adjoining walls or with heavy laterally to a wall and braced (Fig. 4.9 a), and at points at which
loads the floor is loaded with heavy equipment or fixtures (Fig. 4.9 b),
45° bracing with installation channels must be installed to take the
horizontal forces. The bracing is to be bolted to the support
framing and anchored to the concrete floor.

Bracing for x direction and y If the horizontal seismic loads cannot be taken by wall fastenings,
direction the transverse and longitudinal beams have to be braced
(horizontal forces in x and y directions).

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 4
design of installations and non-
structural elements Interior finishing & equipment

Design using the equivalent The bracing and its bolts and fastenings can be designed using the
force process equivalent static analysis (compare Chapter 2.3.4).

Fig. 4.9
Bracing for a) floors without
adjoining walls and b) with high
Floor frames

Advantageous with heavy It is advantageous to install on separate floor frames comparatively

equipment or fixtures with large and heavy equipment or fixtures, such as switch cabinets or
numerous cables racks, for which numerous electrical cables are laid in the floor
cavity, and which may also require a supply of cooling air from the
cavity. Such frames are completely separate from the floor, and
have to be fastened separately.

Stiffened design with Raised floor frames are made up of installation channels and
installation channels connectors, and anchored to the concrete floor. Earthquake
restraint floor frames must be designed with sufficient stiffness to
resist shear forces. This can be achieved by fitting diagonal
channels in the framework.

Design using the equivalent Earthquake restraint floor frames and their fastenings can be
force process designed using the equivalent static analysis (compare Chapter

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 4
design of installations and non-
structural elements Interior finishing & equipment

Fig. 4.10
Equipment or fixtures fastened
to earthquake-proof floor frame
assembled from installation

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 4
design of installations and non-
structural elements Interior finishing & equipment

Furniture, equipment and other movable items

Seismic effects

Tipping, moving or swinging Furniture, equipment and stored items can basically be expected
of non-fixed objects to move and/or tip over or fall under seismic loading. Suspended
items start swinging and can be damaged by hitting something if
there is insufficient clearance for the motion to take place freely.

Fig. 4.11
Earthquake hazards for
furniture and equipment

Narrow racks and shelves Cabinets and shelves with a narrow footprint and high center of
tipping or falling, and gravity are most in danger of tipping over. Horizontal seismic
suspended items swinging motion causes non-fixed items of equipment and stored goods to
move. Equipment installed on a base and goods stored on racks
can eventually fall off. Suspended items of equipment, such as
light fittings, start swinging when an earthquake occurs. This can
cause them to hit fixed objects, or even slip off a hook and fall

Reinforcement of heavily Heavily loaded shelves and cabinets, for example carrying books
loaded shelves or files, can themselves collapse under horizontal loading. The
reinforcement necessary to prevent this is not covered below. The
following chapter specifies earthquake qualification measures that
can be used to prevent tipping, movement, falling, swinging and

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 4
design of installations and non-
structural elements Interior finishing & equipment

Seismic qualification measures

Measures for lifeline facilities Earthquake qualification of furniture and equipment in buildings
can prevent severe property damage in the event of an
earthquake. In the case of buildings that have to remain fully
functional after an earthquake, earthquake qualification of
equipment may even be mandatory. This mainly applies to "lifeline
facilities", such as hospitals, command centers or communication

Reducing major damage to In industrial plants and service operations, damage to equipment
property can lead to production or service failures, and correspondingly
high losses. Sesimic qualification of furniture and equipment is
therefore often advisable.
Seismic qualification strategies

Bracing, securing and The basic strategies are shown in the following figure. Tall, slender
staying items can be prevented from tipping over by fastening to the wall
or bracing to the ceiling (Fig. 4.12 a). Barriers are to be provided
for shelves and racks, and at the edges of bases, to prevent freely
movable equipment or objects falling off (Fig. 4.12 b). Suspended
items are to be supported or stayed with cables (Fig. 4.12 c).

Fig. 4.12
Earthquake-proofing strategies

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 4
design of installations and non-
structural elements Interior finishing & equipment
Securing against tipping

Wall angles or wall braces Cabinets or shelves positioned against walls can simply be
secured with fastening angles as shown in Fig. 4.13 a. When
positioned near the wall, they can be braced, for example with
installation channels as shown in Fig. 4.13 b.

Fig. 4.13
Securing cabinets and shelves
positioned against or near a

U-supports or inclined Freestanding cabinets or shelves must be supported or braced

bracing from the ceiling. For example, U-supports (Fig. 4.14 a) or bracing
with inclined channels as shown in Fig. 4.14 b can be used.

Fig. 4.14
Securing freestanding cabinets
and shelves

In addition to securing the units themselves, the fact that goods

can fall out of the cabinets or off the shelves in the event of an
earthquake must be taken into account. It may therefore be
necessary to secure cabinet doors and individual shelves (see

Guideline for earthquake resistant Part 4
design of installations and non-
structural elements Interior finishing & equipment
Securing against falling

Barriers and lips to prevent To secure freely movable equipment or other items from falling,
falling barriers can be installed at the edges of concrete bases or
individual shelves. A tensioned wire rope is also sometimes
sufficient to prevent comparatively light goods falling off.

Fig. 4.15
Examples of methods of
preventing items falling off
concrete bases and individual
Securing against impact

Preventing swinging or Light fittings and ceiling panels, which an earthquake can cause to
providing clearance for swing and hit other fittings or fixtures, so that some or all of the
motion items are damaged, can be braced with anchor rods or channels,
or stayed with cables (Fig. 4.16 a). If it is decided not to prevent
this motion, sufficient clearance for it to take place freely must be
provided. Ensure, however, that the hook does not allow the items
to slip off and fall down (Fig. 4.16 b).

Fig. 4.16
Securing against impact

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Bibliography

Ammann, W. J.: Fastening systems under seismic loading

conditions, Tenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Balkema, Rotterdam, 1992

Ammann, W. J. et al.: Verstärkungsmassnahmen für erdbeben-

gefährdete Bauwerke, Dokumentation D 097, Schweizerischer
Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein, Zürich, 1993

Bachmann, H.: "Erdbebensicherung von Bauwerken", Birkhäuser

Verlag, Basel, 1995

CEB: Fastenings for Seismic Retrofitting, State-of-the-art Report

on Design and Application, Bulletin d'Information Nr. 226, Comité
Euro-International du Beton, Paris, August 1995

Eder S. J., Yanev p. I.: "Evaluation of cable tray and conduit

systems using the seismic experience data base", in: Nuclear
Engineering and Design, Vol. 107 (1988) 155-160, North-Holland,

EERI: (1984): "Nonstructural Issues of Seismic Design and

Construction", Earthquake Engineering Research Institute,
Berkeley, California, Publication No. 84-04, June 1984

FEMA-172; (1990): "Techniques for seismically rehabilitation

existing buildings", Federal Emergency Management Agency, Los
Angeles, 1990

Goldberg A., Rukos E. A.: "Nonstructural elements" in Rosen-

blueth E. (Ed.): "Design of earthquake resistant structures",
Pentech Press, London, 1980

Hardy G. S. et al.: "Piping seismic adequacy criteria recommen-

dations based on performance during earthquakes", in: Nuclear
Engineering and Design, Vol. 107 (1988) 155-160, North-Holland,

Hilti Corp.: "Seismic Restraint System Manual for Bracing of Pipes

and Conduit", Hilti Corp.,Tulsa, First Edition 2001

John, M.: "Anwendungsinformationen Erdbeben", Hilti AG, 1998

Kunz, J. et al.: Dynamisch belastete Befestigungen in

Betonuntergründen, Schweizer Ingenieur und Architekt, Nr. 9,
Zürich 5. März 1999

NEHRP, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program;

(1989): "Techniques for Seismically Rehabilitating Existing
Buildings (Preliminary), Federal Emergency Management Agency,
URS/John A. Blume & Associates, San Francisco

Rosman, R.: "Erdbebenwiderstandsfähiges Bauen", Verlag

Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin-München, 1983

Satzger, H.: Schäden an Deckenbekleidungen und abgehängten

Decken, Frauenhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, 1998

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Bibliography

Schuler, D.: "Befestigungen gebäudetechnischer und industrieller

Installationen", Studientagung "Sicherheit und Dauerhaftigkeit von
Befestigungssystemen, SIA-Dokumentation D 055, SIA, Zürich,

Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association

Inc., SMACNA, "Seismic Restraint Manual – Guidelines for
Mechanical Systems" Second Edition, February, 1998

SIA Dokumentation D 097, "Verstärkungsmassnahmen für

erdbebengefährdete Bauwerke, Zürich, September, 1993

Tauby, R. T. et al.: A Practical Guide to Seismic Restraint,

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
Engineers, Inc., Atlanta, 1999

Technische Weisung Schock-Schutz, Gruppe Rüstung, Bundes-

amt für Armeematerial und Bauten, Bern, 2001

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

Mass of pipes

A 1.1
Threaded pipes according to DIN 2440 (medium-duty)

Pipe dimensions Pipe masses m' Sup.spacing

DN Size OD empty full of water with lagging max. rec.
[nom.dia.] [inches] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] [kg/m] [m]
8 1/4 13.5 0.65
10 3/8 17.2 0.85 1.01 1.30 2.25
15 1/2 21.3 1.22 1.47 1.80 2.75
20 3/4 26.9 1.58 2.02 2.40 3.00
25 1 33.7 2.44 3.13 3.90 3.50
32 1 1/4 42.4 3.14 4.30 5.70 3.75
40 1 1/2 48.3 3.81 5.15 6.60 4.25
50 2 60.3 5.10 7.55 9.90 4.75
65 2 1/2 76.1 6.51 10.52 15.00 5.50
80 3 88.9 8.47 13.98 19.90 6.00
100 4 114.3 12.10 21.30 30.90 6.00
125 5 139.7 16.20 30.17 40.60 6.00
150 6 165.1 19.20 39.06 50.40 6.00

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

A 1.2
Steel (boiler) pipes according to DIN 2448

Pipe dimensions Pipe masses m' Sup.spacing

DN Size OD empty full of water with lagging max. rec.
[nom.dia.] [inches] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] [kg/m] [m]
10 3/8 17.2 0.69 0.83 1.50 2.25
15 1/2 21.3 0.96 1.20 2.50 2.75
20 3/4 26.9 1.41 1.80 3.20 3.00
25 1 33.7 2.01 2.65 4.30 3.50
32 1 1/4 44.5 2.70 3.91 5.50 3.75
40 1 1/2 48.3 2.95 4.41 6.00 4.25
51.0 3.12 4.77 6.50 4.40
50 57.0 3.90 5.96 7.60 4.60
2 60.3 4.14 6.47 9.00 4.75
63.5 4.36 6.97 9.50 5.50
65 2 1/2 76.1 5.28 9.16 13.90 5.75
82.5 6.31 10.86 15.20 6.00
80 3 88.9 6.81 12.15 18.40 6.00
94 101.6 8.76 15.76 24.80 6.00
108.0 9.33 17.31 27.50 6.00
100 4 114.3 9.90 18.90 28.80 6.00
127.0 12.20 23.32 35.10 6.00
133.0 12.80 25.07 36.50 6.00
125 5 139.7 13.50 27.12 38.20 6.00
152.4 16.40 32.54 46.50 6.00
159.0 17.10 34.76 48.90 6.00
150 6 168.3 18.10 39.93 50.60 6.00
177.8 21.30 43.40 58.90 6.00
193.7 26.00 51.26 66.50 6.00
200 219.1 33.10 64.73 79.50 6.00
244.5 37.00 91.40 108.50 6.00
250 273.0 41.40 95.40 111.70 6.00
300 323.9 55.50 130.85 150.00 6.00
350 355.6 68.60 159.20 198.20 6.00
400 406.4 86.30 204.40 227.70 6.00
500 508.0 135.00 320.50 345.50 6.00

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

A 1.3
Stainless steel pipes according to DIN 17455, Series 1

Pipe dimensions Pipe masses m' Sup.spacing

DN OD wall thickness empty full of water with lagging max. rec.
[nom.dia.] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] [kg/m] [m]
- 17.2 1.00 0.63 0.78 1.45 1.25
- 21.3 2.00 0.97 1.21 2.50 1.50
- 26.9 2.00 1.25 1.66 3.10 2.00
- 33.7 2.00 1.58 2.27 4.00 2.25
- 42.4 2.00 2.02 3.18 4.80 2.75
- 48.3 2.00 2.31 3.85 5.45 3.00
- 60.3 2.00 2.92 5.41 7.95 4.00
- 76.1 2.00 3.70 7.78 12.50 4.25
- 88.9 2.00 4.35 10.01 16.25 4.75
- 114.3 2.60 7.27 16.62 26.50 5.00
- 139.7 2.60 8.92 23.13 34.00 5.00
- 168.3 3.20 13.20 34.09 47.75 5.00
- 219.1 3.20 17.30 52.83 67.50 5.00
- 273.0 3.20 21.60 80.14 96.50 5.00
- 323.9 3.20 25.70 108.10 127.25 5.00
- 406.4 3.20 32.30 162.02 185.50 5.00
- 508.0 3.20 40.40 243.08 268.00 5.00

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

A 1.4
Copper pipes according to EN 1057

Pipe dimensions Pipe masses m' Sup.spacing

DN OD wall thickness empty full of water with lagging max. rec.
[nom.dia.] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] [kg/m] [m]
6 1.0
8 1.0
10 1.0 0.25 0.30 0.40 1.00
12 1.0 0.30 0.38 0.50 1.25
15 1.0 0.39 0.52 0.80 1.25
18 1.0 0.47 0.67 1.00 1.50
22 1.0 0.58 0.90 1.30 2.00
28 1.5 1.11 1.60 2.40 2.25
35 1.5 1.42 2.21 3.10 2.75
42 1.5 1.70 2.89 4.40 3.00
54 2.0 2.91 4.87 7.30 3.50
64 2.0 3.47 6.29 9.80 4.00
76 2.0 4.10 8.20 14.00 4.25
88.9 2.0 4.90 10.50 16.40 4.75
108.0 2.0 7.40 15.70 27.50 5.00
133.0 3.0 10.90 31.50 35.80 5.00
159.0 3.0 13.10 ????? 43.50 5.00

A 1.5
Rigid PVC-µ drain pipes according to DIN 19532 and DIN 8063, Series 3

Pipe dimensions Pipe masses m' Sup.spacing

DN OD wall thickness empty full of water with lagging max. rec.
[nom.dia.] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] [kg/m] 20°C [m] 40°C
40 50.0 1.8 0.42 1.94 – 1.40 1.10
50 63.0 1.9 0.56 3.04 – 1.50 1.20
65 75.0 2.2 0.78 4.30 1.65 1.35
80 90.0 2.7 1.13 6.19 1.80 1.50
100 110.0 3.2 1.64 10.70 – 2.00 1.70
125 140.0 3.7 2.13 11.90 – 2.25 1.95
150 160.0 4.7 3.44 19.47 – 2.40 2.10

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

A 1.6
Polyethylene (PE50) pipes for nominal pressure of PN10

Pipe dimensions Pipe masses m' Sup.spacing

DN OD wall thickness empty full of water with lagging Max. rec.
[nom.dia.] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] [kg/m] [m]
20 20 2.0 0.11 0.31 –
25 25 2.3 0.16 0.49 –
26 32 2.9 0.26 0.80
34 40 3.7 0.41 1.24 –
40 50 4.6 0.63 1.94 –
60 63 5.8 1.00 3.07 –
70 75 6.8 1.40 4.36 –
80 90 8.2 2.02 6.27 –
100 110 10.0 3.00 9.36 –
125 125 11.4 3.89 12.09 –
150 160 14.6 6.37 19.81 –
200 200 18.2 9.93 30.95 –

A 1.7
Geberit polyethylene drain pipes *10 x diameter in accordance with manufacturer's specification

Pipe dimensions Pipe masses m' Sup.spacing

DN OD wall thickness empty full of water with lagging max. rec.
[nom.dia.] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] [kg/m] [m]
26 32 3.0 0.24 0.77 – 0.32*
34 40 3.0 0.33 1.23 – 0.40*
40 50 3.0 0.46 1.98 – 0.50*
50 56 3.0 0.48 2.44 – 0.56*
60 63 3.0 0.61 3.15 – 0.63*
70 75 3.0 0.73 4.46 – 0.75*
80 90 3.5 0.96 6.37 – 0.90*
100 110 4.3 1.49 9.56 – 1.10*
125 125 4.9 1.90 12.35 – 1.25*
150 160 6.2 3.00 20.11 – 1.60*
200 200 6.2 3.62 31.26 – 2.00*
250 250 7.8 5.48 48.63 – 2.50*
300 315 9.8 8.97 77.50 – 3.15*

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

Necessity for pipe bracing
A 2.1
Pipe fastenings with M8
anchor rod

Example read off chart

1" boiler pipe,
full of water.
Mass (Attachment A1.2):
m' = 2.65 kg/m
Seismic acceleration:
a = 0.9 g
Distance below ceiling:
d = 200 mm
Support spacing:
s = 2.0 m
Max. mass:
mmax' = 3.0 kg/m
m'max > m'
No bracing necessary

A 2.2
Pipe fastenings with M10
anchor rod

Example read off chart

2" boiler pipe,
full of water.
Mass (Attachment A1.2):
m' = 6.47 kg/m
Seismic acceleration:
a = 0.9 g
Distance below ceiling:
d = 200 mm
Support spacing:
s = 3.0 m
Max. mass:
mmax' = 4.0 kg/m
m'max < m'
Bracing necessary

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

A 2.3
Pipe fastenings with M12
anchor rod

Example read off chart

2" boiler pipe,
full of water.
Mass (Attachment A1.2):
m' = 6.47 kg/m
Seismic acceleration:
a = 0.9 g
Distance below ceiling:
d = 200 mm
Support spacing:
s = 3.0 m
Max. mass:
mmax' = 7.0 kg/m
m'max > m'
No bracing necessary

A 2.4
Pipe fastenings with M16
anchor rod

Example read off chart

4" boiler pipe,
full of water.
Mass (Attachment A1.2):
m' = 18.9 kg/m
Seismic acceleration:
a = 0.9 g
Distance below ceiling:
d = 250 mm
Support spacing:
s = 3.0 m
Max. mass:
mmax' = 14.7 kg/m
m'max < m'
Bracing necessary

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

Choosing bracing size

Bracing for every 3rd or 4th It is advantageous to choose the size of any seismic bracing used
pipe fastening for pipes so that a bracing spacing of b > 10 m results. Assuming a
normal pipe fastening spacing of s = 2.5 - 4.0 m, every third or
fourth fastening must then be braced.

The ideal bracing size can be read off the following charts, Figs.
3.13. 3.14 and 3.15, for the particular pipe mass (mass per meter
of pipe length m') and bracing height h.

Fig. 3.13
Ideal bracing sizes for an
acceleration of ah = 0.5 g

Example read off chart

21/2" boiler pipe,
full of water.
Mass (Attachment A1.2):
m' = 9.16 kg/m
Bracing height:
h = 300 mm
Bracing size:
M8 "light-duty"
Angle 30-45°

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

Fig. 3.14
Ideal bracing sizes for an
acceleration of ah = 1.0 g

Example read off chart

21/2" boiler pipe,
full of water.
Mass (Attachment A1.2):
m' = 9.16 kg/m
Bracing height:
h = 300 mm
Bracing size:
M10 "standard"
Angle 30-45°

Fig. 3.15
Ideal bracing sizes for an
acceleration of ah = 1.5 g

Example read off chart

114.3 mm dia. boiler pipe,
full of water.
Mass (Attachment A1.2):
m' = 18.9 kg/m
Bracing height:
h = 300 mm
Bracing size:
M12 "heavy-duty"
Angle 30° ≤ α ≤ 45°

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

Pipe bracing spacing

The pipe masses (m') can be determined using the tables

assembled in Attachment A1.

The bracing is advantageously combined with the normal pipe

fastenings at a spacing of (s), so that, for example, every third or
fourth pipe fastening is braced.

Transverse and longitudinal Transverse and longitudinal bracing must be at a spacing of (b),
directions but may be installed separately (Fig. 3.16) or combined (Fig. 3.17)
on the same pipe fastening.

Fig. 3.16
Bracing arranged transversely
and longitudinally in relation to
the pipe axis, and at a spacing
of b

Fig. 3.17
Bracing for the longitudinal and
the transverse direction on the
same pipe fastening

Bracing for both horizontal Where the pipe changes direction, particular care is necessary to
directions ensure that bracing is not provided in one direction only (Fig. 3.18).
In such cases it can sometimes be necessary to arrange identical
sets of bracing one after another along the pipe axis (Fig. 3.19).

Fig. 3.18
Unfavorable arrangement of
bracing (none in y direction)

Fig. 3.19
Horizontal forces in y direction
taken by longitudinal bracing

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

A 3.1
M8 "light-duty" bracing

Example read off chart

2" boiler pipe,
full of water.
Mass (Attachment A1.2):
m' = 6.47 kg/m
Seismic acceleration:
a = 0.9 g
Bracing height:
h = 300 mm
Bracing spacing:
b = 12.8 m

A 3.2
M10 "standard" bracing

Example read off chart

3" boiler pipe,
full of water.
Mass (Attachment A1.2):
m' = 12.15 kg/m
Seismic acceleration:
a = 0.9 g
Bracing height:
h = 300 mm
Bracing spacing:
b = 15.9 m

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

A 3.3
M12 "heavy-duty" bracing

Example read off chart

5" boiler pipe,
full of water.
Mass (Attachment A1.2):
m' = 27.12 kg/m
Seismic acceleration:
a = 0.9 g
Bracing height:
h = 300 mm
Bracing spacing:
b = 16.7 m

A 3.4
M16 "industrial" bracing

Example read off chart

219 mm dia. boiler pipe,
full of water.
Mass (Attachment A1.2):
m' = 64.7 kg/m
Seismic acceleration:
a = 0.9 g
Bracing height:
h = 350 mm
Bracing spacing:
b = 14.7 m

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

Spiral tubes
Determining number of braces necessary for spiral tubes

Bracing for every fastening Every spiral tube fastening with pipe rings and M8 anchor rods
for large diameter ducts usually must have bracing if the tube diameter ø ≥ 200 mm. From
a tube diameter ø ≥ 300 mm, each fastening with M10 anchor rods
has to have one brace.

However, in the case of smaller ducts suspended at smaller

distances below the ceiling d, bracings only necessary every 2nd
or 3rd fastening. The number of braces that has to be provided for
earthquake-resistant hanging of spiral tubes can be read off the
charts, Figs. 3.25 and 3.26, for the particular duct diameter and
distance below ceiling.

Fig. 3.25
Necessity for spiral tube
fastenings with
M8 anchor rods

Example read off chart

Spiral tube: ø = 125 mm
Distance below ceiling:
d = 250 mm
Fastening with
M8 anchor rods
Bracing necessary for every
2nd duct fastening

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

Fig. 3.26
Necessity for bracing for spiral
tube fastenings with
M10 anchor rods

Example read off chart

Spiral tube: ø = 225 mm
Distance below ceiling:
d = 350 mm
Fastening with
M10 anchor rods
Bracing necessary for every
2nd duct fastening

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

Mass of spiral tubes

A 4.1
Spiral tubes made of Sendzimir-galvanized steel

Mass per meter length of tube m' [kg/m]

Tube diameter D Thickness of sheet steel t [mm]
[mm] 0.45 0.50 0.62 0.75 0.80 1.0
80 1.04 1.16 1.43 1.73
100 1.30 1.44 1.79 2.17
125 1.63 1.81 2.24 2.71
140 1.75 1.94 2.61 3.16
150 1.95 2.17 2.69 3.25
160 2.08 2.31 2.87 3.47
180 2.34 2.60 3.23 3.91
200 2.60 2.89 3.58 4.33 5.63
224 4.01 4.85 5.18 6.48
250 4.48 5.42 5.78 7.23
280 5.02 6.07 6.47 8.09
300 5.38 6.51 6.94 8.68
315 5.64 6.82 7.28 9.10
355 6.36 7.69 8.21 10.26
400 7.17 8.67 9.25 11.56
450 8.06 9.75 10.40 13.00
500 8.96 10.84 11.56 14.45
550 12.72 15.90
560 12.95 16.19 15.75
600 13.87 17.34 16.82
630 14.57 18.21 17.70
650 15.03 18.79
700 16.19 20.23
710 16.24 20.52 19.97
750 17.35 21.68
800 18.50 23.12 22.50
900 25.32
1000 28.13

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

A 4.2
Aluminum spiral tubes

Mass per meter length of tube m' [kg/m]

Pipe diameter D Thickness of sheet aluminum t [mm]
[mm] 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20
80 0.49 0.62
100 0.61 0.81
125 0.76 1.01
140 0.85 1.13
150 0.91 1.21 1.52
160 0.97 1.29 1.61
180 1.09 1.45 1.81
200 1.21 1.61 2.02
224 1.81 2.26
250 2.02 2.53 3.03
280 2.27 2.83 3.39
300 2.43 3.04 3.64
315 2.55 3.19 3.83
355 2.87 3.59 4.31
400 3.24 4.05 4.86
450 3.64 4.55 5.46
500 4.05 5.06 6.07

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

A 4.3
Stainless steel spiral tubes

Mass per meter length of tube m' [kg/m]

Pipe diameter D Thickness of sheet steel t [mm]
[mm] 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00
80 0.92 1.38
100 1.16 1.74
125 1.45 2.17
140 1.61 2.41
150 1.73 2.59
160 1.85 2.77
180 2.08 3.12
200 2.31 3.47
224 3.88 5.17 6.47
250 4.34 5.79 7.24
280 4.86 6.48 8.10
300 5.20 6.93 8.66
315 5.46 7.28 9.10
355 6.16 8.21 10.26
400 6.94 9.25 11.56
450 7.80 10.40 13.00
500 8.67 11.56 14.45

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

Mass of air ducts

A 5.1
Air ducts with 0.62 mm thick sheet steel

Mass per meter length of duct m' [kg/m]

Cross-sectional Width/height of duct W/H [ - ]
area of duct A [m2] 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
0.025 3.52 3.73 4.06 4.40
0.050 4.97 5.28 5.74 6.22
0.075 6.09 6.46 7.03 7.62
0.100 7.03 7.46 8.12
0.125 7.87 8.34
0.150 8.62

A 5.2
Air ducts with 0.75 mm thick sheet steel

Mass per meter length of duct m' [kg/m]

Cross-sectional Width/height of duct W/H [ - ]
area of duct A [m2] 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
0.050 7.52
0.075 8.51 9.21
0.100 9.03 9.83 10.46
0.125 9.51 10.09 10.99 11.89
0.150 10.42 11.05 12.03 13.03
0.175 11.26 11.94 13.00
0.200 12.03 12.76 13.90
0.225 12.76 13.54
0.250 13.46 14.27
0.275 14.11 14.97
0.300 14.74 15.63
0.325 15.34 16.27
0.350 15.92
0.375 16.48
0.400 17.02
0.425 17.54
0.450 18.05
0.475 18.55
0.500 19.03

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

A 5.3
Air ducts with 0.87 mm thick sheet steel

Mass per meter length of duct m' [kg/m]

Cross-sectional Width/height of duct W/H [ - ]
area of duct A [m2] 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
0.175 15.08 16.32
0.200 16.12 17.45
0.225 15.71 17.10 18.51
0.250 16.55 18.02 19.51
0.275 17.36 18.90 20.46
0.300 17.10 18.13 19.74 21.37
0.325 17.80 18.88 20.55 22.24
0.350 18.47 19.59 21.32 23.08
0.375 19.12 20.28 22.07 23.89
0.400 19.74 20.94 22.80 24.68
0.425 20.35 21.58 23.50 25.44
0.450 20.94 22.21 24.18
0.475 21.51 22.82 24.84
0.500 22.07 23.41 25.49
0.525 22.62 23.99 26.12
0.550 23.15 24.55 26.73
0.575 23.67 25.11 27.33
0.600 24.18 25.65 27.92
0.625 24.68 26.18
0.650 25.17 26.69
0.675 25.65 27.20
0.700 26.12 27.70
0.725 26.58 28.19
0.750 27.03 28.67
0.775 27.48 29.15
0.800 27.92 29.61
0.825 28.35 30.07
0.850 28.78 30.53
0.875 29.20 30.97
0.900 29.61 31.41
0.925 30.02
0.950 30.43
0.975 30.82
1.000 31.22

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

A 5.4
Air ducts with 1.0 mm thick sheet steel

Mass per meter length of duct m' [kg/m]

Cross-sectional Width/height of duct W/H [ - ]
area of duct A [m2] 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
0.250 22.43
0.275 23.52
0.300 22.69 24.57
0.325 23.62 25.57
0.350 24.51 26.53
0.375 25.37 27.46
0.400 24.07 26.20 28.37
0.425 24.81 27.01 29.24
0.450 25.53 27.79 30.09
0.475 26.23 28.55 30.91
0.500 26.91 29.30 31.71
0.525 26.00 27.57 30.02 32.50
0.550 26.61 28.22 30.73 33.26
0.575 27.21 28.86 31.42 34.01
0.600 27.79 29.48 32.09 34.74
0.625 28.37 30.09 32.75 35.46
0.650 28.93 30.68 33.40 36.16
0.675 29.48 31.27 34.04 36.85
0.700 30.02 31.84 34.66 37.52
0.725 30.55 32.40 35.28 38.19
0.750 31.07 32.96 35.88 38.84
0.775 31.59 33.50 36.47
0.800 32.09 34.04 37.06
0.825 32.59 34.57 37.63
0.850 33.08 35.09 38.20
0.875 33.56 35.60 38.75
0.900 34.04 36.10 39.30
0.925 34.51 36.60
0.950 34.97 37.09
0.975 35.43 37.58
1.000 35.88 38.06

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

A 5.5
Air ducts with 1.13 mm thick sheet steel

Mass per meter length of duct m' [kg/m]

Cross-sectional Width/height of duct W/H [ - ]
area of duct A [m2] 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
0.600 39.26
0.625 40.07
0.650 40.86
0.675 41.64
0.700 39.17 42.40
0.725 39.86 43.15
0.750 40.54 43.89
0.775 41.21 44.62
0.800 38.46 41.87 45.33
0.825 39.65 42.52 46.03
0.850 40.23 43.16 46.73
0.875 40.80 43.79 47.41
0.900 38.46 41.36 44.41 48.08
0.925 38.99 41.91 45.03 48.74
0.950 39.52 42.46 45.63 49.40
0.975 40.03 43.00 46.23 50.04
1.000 40.54 43.00 46.82 50.68

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

A6 Examples of typical applications

Single fastening

Figs. A6.1 – A6.3

Standard fastening

Solution for seismic restraint installations

Figs.A6.4a and A6.4b

Fastening with HKD flush

Method of securing:
45° axial brace and transverse
brace with AM anchor rod and

Figs. A6.5a and A6.5b

Fastening with MGL/S/GP
baseplate and HAST stud
Method of securing:
45° axial brace and transverse
brace with AM anchor rod and

Figs. A6.6a and A6.6b

Fastening with MQ installation
channel and HAST stud anchor
Method of securing:
45° axial brace and transverse
brace with AM anchor rod and
MQ3D-A/-B or MFP-AP.

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

Channel installation

Fig. A6.7

Standard fastening

Solution for seismic restraint installations

Fig. A6.8
Fastening with HST stud

Stable U-support assembled

from MQ installation channel

No additional bracing
necessary (depending on load
and distance below ceiling).

Fig. A6.9
Installation channel suspended
with anchor rods and secured
with transverse braces.
Method of securing:
45° transverse braces with MQ
channel and MQP-45° brace

Fig. A6.10
Installation channel suspended
with anchor rods and secured
with longitudinal braces.
Method of securing:
45° axial braces with MQ
channel and MQP-45° brace

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

Bracket installation

Fig. A6.11

Standard fastening

Solution for seismic restraint installations

Post-installed means of
reinforcing brackets

Fig. A6.12
Bracket with additional axial
brace and transverse brace:

MQK-21D bracket fastened

with HST or HSA stud anchor.

45° transverse brace with
MQK-SK or –SL angle support.

Fig. A6.13
MQK-21D bracket fastened
with HST or HSA stud anchor.

45° axial brace with MQK-SK or
–SL angle support.
[plan view]

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

Installation on steel beams

Fig. A6.14
Standard fastening

Solution for seismic restraint installations

Securing MQ installation
channel with end stops.

Figs. A6.15a and A6.15b

Fastening MQ channel with
MQ-T beam clamps.

Method of securing:
End stop with MQP-1/1 brace
shoe or 90° MQW-3 angle.

Fig. A6.16
Securing MQ channel with MF-
FC beam clamps.

Method of securing:
End stop with MQP-1/1 brace

Fig. A6.17
Fastening MQ channel with
MQ-T beam clamps.

Method of securing:
Direct securing of installation
channel with DX fastener (X-

Post-installation securing
with short installation
Figs. A6.18a and A6.19b
5a) with MF-G retaining strap
5b) MQZ channel tie
SS & end stop
90° MQW-3 angle.

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non-
structural elements Appendix

Installation of rectangular and round air ducts

Figs. A6.20 – A6.23

Standard fastening

Solution for seismic restraint installations

Reinforcing suspended
rectangular and round air

Figs. A6.24 and A6.25

Type of fastening (installation
angle above or below)
depending on weight and
distance below ceiling.
Fastening of rectangular air
duct with MAC-WZ or MAC- W
installation angle.

45° axial / transverse brace
with AM anchor rod and MQ3D-
A brace or MPF-AP bracing set.
Round air ducts fastened
with MAC-WR air duct hanger
or MAC-PI air duct ring.

Figs.A6.26 and A6.27

45° axial / transverse brace
with AM anchor rod and MQ3D-
A brace or MPF-AP bracing set.

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non –
structural elements Appendix

Abstract of Seismic Restraint Systems Manual Hilti US

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non –
structural elements Appendix

Abstract of Seismic Restraint Systems Manual from Hilti US

Guideline for earthquake resistant
design of installations and non –
structural elements Appendix

Abstract of Seismic Restraint Systems Manual from Hilti US

Umschlag 4 08.03.2004 17:05 Uhr Seite 1

Hilti Corporation
FL-9494 Schaan
Principality of Liechtenstein

Hilti = registered trademark of Hilti Corp., Schaan W 2954 0204 00-e 1 Printed in Liechtenstein © 2004 Right of technical and programme changes reserved S. E. & O.

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