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auntp2020 Case Study 6 CASE STUDY 6 PATIENT HISTORY Patient Profile: Patient is a 70-year old White Caucasian male, 5'8" and weighs 200 Ibs. He is a retired life insurance salesman. Chief Complaint: "| aay overdueformy dental checkup.” Dental History: In previous years he received regular dental care and was @ila/6 mith Care) appointment interval. Medic tory: He reports a history ive years ago he had a basal cell carcinoma removed from under his right eye. His daily medications are: (Simvastatin) Zocor®, (Metoprolol succinate) Toprol®, (Levothyroxine) Synthroid®, (Lisinopril) Zestril®, (Levodopa) Sinemet® and 81 mg aspirin. His blood “pressure was recorded at 138/88, Extraoral Examination: ae ae cBeuxism 1 tncisad of BSI .5 * Clicking and popping was noted in each TNj} + Mild and inconsistent facil tremors occurred. (DUt +p Pouvrrsorrs ) l * Areas of tenderness were noted in the submental, submandibular and deep cervical chain nodes. Supplemental Information: Comm ouch +> Mobil! * Generalized plaque with bleeding upon probing in most areas. eX + Moderate to heavy stains and calculus deposits, . Sener alte SO loses probs? ‘© Burning dry mouth, Health Behaviors: Soft * Brushes twice daily with a mein bristled toothbrush. * Seldom flosses unless food is trapped. y routine * Burning sensation from his daily mouthrinse. => recommend different mosh vinse - Mecho! free- Brotene? Bleeding Index: 55% Plaque Free Score: 35% Social History: Smoked cigars weekly for 20 years and now smokes 1 pack of cigarettes weekly. S\pge if ig intereskd in Quitting. FF not advise inn 4 Mouth Kinse ps evar ombersprtessoratatiatncesestceskasesis OME WIANGS (WAS Coty tO aiv2020 case Study 6 ted = pathology V © Class I furcation Patient Name: Case 6 V = Class I furcation YF = Class IIT fureation I, II, III = notitiy Date 1|2/(3|}4/[5|6|7]| 8/9 [10/11 [12/13]14]15|16 3.| Xx x 2|x x Oct. 1 _| X |424/424/434|424[324|/424|433|417/424|233|424|424|434|44a6| x 1/2/3/4/|s{6/7/8]9 /10/4a1 6 Peseta yey ered v Date 1/2|3/4|5/6 {71/8 |9 /10/11/12/13/14/15/16 Oct. i | X |434/435|435|534|434/424|424|424|434/434|435|435|446|644| x 2|x x 3 |x x Date 32 |31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 |26|25|24/23]22/21[20/19|18|17 3 |X x xX 2 |x x x Oct. 1 _| X |445/547/434|524|424|/222|337|332/322|223/434|433| x |aaal x 32 |31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25/24 /23/22/21|20/19|18/17 : > Date 32 |31|30 | 29 | 28/27/26 |25|24|23|22|21/20/19|18|i7 Oct. i _| X |434/436/434/333/344|434/425|434|433|434|423|434| x |a35| x 2 |x x Fi 3 |x x Restrrodions -#3 ,#31 ‘Also chonyp ed 4 blue oF 1 1a, Peps tps: lwu: dentalcare.comven-usiprofessionaleducationcase-studleslease-study-S -aniy2020 Case Study 6 CASE STUDY 6 STUDY MODEL STUDY MODEL Mandibular Anterior Lingual/Manillary Palatal Faull Direct hips dertalcaro.convon-usiprofessional-education/ease-stuesicase-study-6 n 4rrtre020 case Study 6 CASE STUDY 6 Recommended + Flossing Soh bagteled tooth oush IMAGES, Ri eA vinse Fluoride tcsthpaste, taooammcnnass Thang toe eter provid Brush wee agua) man Ont. Fluoride Varnish Sa pt hh &. Click to view a larger image: Ryo: Horizentoy Bone toSS Geo ne Full Direct Full Direct Bluried (Six week post-treatment) Redness has, Mnlbula Ameri Lingual Mandibular Anterior Lingual Ceoreosed. less indtammnad®” nips: 42 aivtre020 Case Study 6 238 (Six week post-treatment) go Maxillary Anterior Palatal (Six week post-treatment) https twa dentalare.comien-usfprofessional-ecucation/caso-studiasicase-study-6 22 41/2020 Case Study 6 (CASE STUDY 6 QUESTIONS QUESTIONS 1. What BEST describes the mobility noted in the patient's assessment? A. Vertical as well as horizontal movement B. Greater than normal C. Greater than 1mm displacement D. Normal E. Moderate horizontal mobility 2. What is the deficiency within the brain associated with muscle rigidity and tremors observed in Parkinson's disease? lavin D. Serotonin E. Melanin 3. The U-shaped radiopaque landmark on the maxillary left posterior periapical radiograph is: A. Anterior nasal spine B, Zygomatic arch C. Nasal fossae D. Zygomatic process E, Nasal turbinates 4. What BEST describes the osseous defect in the mandibular anterior periapical radiograph? A. Horizontal C. Erosion D. Cratered E. Infrabony hips: dentalcaro.conven-usiprofessional-education/case-eudlaslease-study-6 18 aiv1re020 Case Study 6 5. What gingival characteristic BEST des ‘A. Bulbous B.Cratered C. Festooned shape cleft 6. Which of the following teeth require Phase I! dental care planning? ibes the interdental papillae between #8 and #9? A #3, #31 B.#31 c. #25 D. #25, #20 E.#20 7. Which of the patient’s medical conditions can be associated with the maxillary anterior palatal surfaces? A. Basal cell carcinoma B. Parkinson's disease 1 c.cenn ——— AF Rechedd SopnooyS? Posode. 100? (CB. Cigar smoking > Sto VHS E. Hypothyroidism 8. All of the following home care devices will reduce the patient's bleeding index and improve his plaque free score except one. What is the EXCEPTION? . ; 5 A Power toothbrush” — PosSilglu Exacay bode. the Youinsons ? interproximal brush “’Dental floss D. Ultrasonic device — Scoring 7 Z Floss holder 9. Which of the patient's medications can increase his xerostomia? A. (Simvastatin) Zocor® B.(Levothyroxine) Synthroid® = Mone CQUSE avy mouth €.81 mg aspirin 4 D. (Levodopa) Sinemet® So Smaiing U E. Cigar smoking 10. What MOST likely is the radiopacity observed near the occlusal surfaces in the maxillary left posterior periapical radiograph? A Thyroid collar hips dontalare.comien-usprofessionabeducatoncase-stuleslcase-stuy 8 28 -anty2020 D, Cone cut E. Lead apron ntps:fwww.dentalcare.comlen-usiprofessional-education/case-shudes/case-study-6

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