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Vol: VI Issue I,JAN-MARCH, 2020, ISSN :(P)-2454-6542; (E)-2455-9342

Journal of Research Innovation and Management Science

Dr.Biswaroop Singh a
Dr.Soumendra Kumar Patra a
Ms.Arunita Padhi a
Department of Business Administration, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack – 753003


Article History Climate change is a complex phenomenon and a serious
Received on : 19th Feb 2020 challenge but the role of accounting for global warming is not made
Received in Revised Format: 3rd March 2020 clear. The paper proposes a broad concept of carbon accounting which
refers to a system that uses accounting methods to record and analyse
Accepted on: 19th March 2020
climate change information, and account and report for carbon related
assets, liabilities, expenses and income for the decision-making of users.
Carbon accounting is conceived of multi- dimension subject and we
Key words:Carbon accounting, need innovative and creative approaches to develop carbon accounting
Climate change, Carbon Management framework, methodology and workable programs.Carbon Accounting
Systems, should be built based on knowledge and techniques from all aspects of
accounting, including financial and management accounting and
auditing. This paper surveys past work on a wide variety of perspectives
associated with climate change science, politics and policy. Finally the
Corresponding author. paper concludes with an overview of challenges in the Indian context,
and seeks to set an agenda for future research opportunities that remains
E-mail : interesting and different.

INTRODUCTION Though carbon accounting covers a wide range of

Carbon accounting refers generally to processes different practices and means different things to different
undertaken to "measure" amounts of carbon dioxide groups of people, it can generally be split into two
equivalents emitted by an entity. It is used by states, categories: physical carbon accounting, which looks at
corporations and individuals to create the carbon credit quantifying physical amounts greenhouse gas emissions
commodity traded on carbon markets (or to establish the to the atmosphere and financial carbon accounting which
demand for carbon credits). Correspondingly, examples looks at giving carbon a financial market value.
for products based upon forms of carbon accounting can Physical carbon accounting for example, can be
be found in national inventories, corporate environmental used to help companies and countries work out how much
reports or carbon footprint calculators. Likening carbon they are emitting into the atmosphere, this is known
sustainability measurement, as an instance of ecological as a greenhouse gas inventory. Once it has been established
modernisation discourses and policy, carbon accounting how much carbon is being emitted, reduction targets can
is hoped to provide a factual ground for carbon-related be set. This method is also important for helping us assign
decision-making. However, social scientific studies of responsibility to different parties for their associated
accounting challenge this hope,(Lohmann, 2009) pointing carbon emissions.
to the socially constructed character of carbon conversion While natural sciences claim to know and measure
factors (Mackenzie, 2009) or of the accountants' work carbon, for organisations it is usually easier to employ
practice (Lippert, 2011) which cannot implement abstract forms of carbon accounting to represent carbon (Lippert,
accounting schemes into reality (Lippert, 2012). 2012). The trustworthiness of accounts of carbon emissions
can easily be contested.(Bowern, 2011). Thus, how well
Vol: VI Issue I,JAN-MARCH, 2020, ISSN :(P)-2454-6542; (E)-2455-9342

Journal of Research Innovation and Management Science

carbon accounting represents carbon is difficult to exactly accounting can help us to answer all of these questions.
know. Science and Technology Studies scholar Donna Quantifying carbon emissions is a complex process,
Haraway's pluralised concept of knowledge, i.e. which is why researchers at the Centre for Business and
knowledges, can well be used to understand better the Climate Change within the University of Edinburgh are
status of knowledge produced by carbon accounting: working on ways to improve accounting methods.“It is
carbon accounting produced a version of understanding highly important that we choose the right methods for a
of carbon emissions. Other carbon accountants would particular purpose” Says Dr Matthew Brander, a Lecturer
produce other results. in Carbon Accounting within the Business School. “There
Carbon accounting can be used as part of are different forms of carbon accounting, and different
sustainability accounting by for-profit and non-profit methods are appropriate for different purposes. Certain
(Bettina, 2011) organisations. A corporate or organisational types of methods don’t tell us about the system wide
"carbon" or greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions assessment consequences of a particular decision. If you use the wrong
promises to quantify the greenhouse gases produced method, you could end up increasing emissions when
directly and indirectly from a business or organisation's your intention is to decrease them”.
activities within a set of boundaries. Also known as a Climate change caused by human activities that emit
carbon footprint, it is a business tool that constructs greenhouse gases into the air which has started showing
information that may (or may not) be useful for its affect in the frequency of extreme weather events such
understanding and managing climate change as drought, extreme temperatures, flooding, high winds;
impacts.(Lippert, 2011). and severe storms. The global surface temperature has also
The drivers for corporate carbon accounting include increased between the start and the end of
mandatory GHG reporting in directors' reports, investment the20thcentury,caused by increasing concentrations of
due diligence, shareholder and stakeholder greenhouse gases resulting from Fossil fuels burning and
communication, staff engagement, green messaging, and deforestation; With the increasing attention given to the
tender requirements for business and government link between greenhouse gases and climate change, many
contracts.(GHG accounting, 2014). Accounting for companies are quantifying their greenhouse gases
greenhouse gas emissions is increasingly framed as a emissions for internal management purposes and an
standard requirement for business. As of June 2011, 60% increasing number are also preparing a greenhouse gas
of UK FTSE 100 companies had published environmental statement:
targets, with 53% of these 240+ targets relating to carbon, (a) As part of a regulatory disclosure regime;
greenhouse gas emissions or energy reductions
(b) As part of an emissions trading scheme or
(representing 59% of the FTSE 100). (Carbon trust) In June
2012, the UK coalition government announced the (c) To inform investors and others on a voluntary
introduction of mandatory carbon reporting, (Carbon basis included as part of the annual report
report, 2011) requiring around 1,100 of the UK's largest Research into Carbon Accounting
listed companies to report their greenhouse gas emissions The University of Edinburgh is unique is its
every year. Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg confirmed approach to research around carbon accounting due to
that emission reporting rules would come into effect from the holistic perspective that it takes. “There is a certain
April 2013 in his piece for The Guardian.(Carbon report, amount of research that goes on elsewhere that focuses
2011). very specifically on a particular field within carbon
Carbon accounting in Smart Climate accounting” says Dr Brander, “here we take a broad view
Carbon accounting provides us with the tools not across all of the different fields of carbon accounting, which
only to quantify and measure carbon emissions but also allows us to transpose methodological lessons learnt in
to help us make informed decisions in regards to mitigation one area to another”.
strategies.How much carbon is being emitted? Who is Some of Dr Brander’s current research is looking at
responsible for these emissions? Which methods should how certain forms of corporate carbon accounting methods
we employ to achieve the biggest carbon reductions? Are can provide misleading information to companies and
there strategies or policies which appear ‘green’ but could consumers. Contractual methods, such as Green Energy
actually increase our carbon emissions? Carbon Tariffs or Renewable Energy Certificates, allow companies
Vol: VI Issue I,JAN-MARCH, 2020, ISSN :(P)-2454-6542; (E)-2455-9342

Journal of Research Innovation and Management Science

and individuals to purchase the right to claim that their emission reduction targets (which at present are applicable
electricity comes from a renewable source, and as such, to developed countries) in order to meet the assigned
has zero emissions. However, Dr Brander highlighted the reduction targets are issued allowances (carbon credits)
importance of fully understanding how these methods equal to the amount of emissions allowed. An allowance
work and whether they do in fact, actually lead to decreases (carbon credit) represents an allowance to emit one metric
in carbon emissions. tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent. To meet the emission
“One of the problems with this practice, is that reduction targets, binding countries in turn set limits on
entering into that contractual arrangement doesn’t actually the GHG emissions by their local businesses and entities.
increase the amount of renewable energy generation that Further, in order to enable the developed countries to meet
is happening, it just reallocates the emissions that are their emission reduction targets, Kyoto Protocol provides
occurring from grid electricity. This has an impact on the three market-based mechanisms.
accuracy and the relevance of the information within a) Joint Implementation (JI)
greenhouse gas accounts for company decision making. Under JI, a developed country with a relatively high
It’s very important to look at these carbon accounting cost of domestic GHG reduction can set up a project in
practices because they can be highly misleading for the another developed country that has a relatively low cost
companies themselves and for other stakeholders like and earn carbon credits that may be applied to their
investors or customers. The kind of research that we do emission targets.
[here at the university] looks at these types of issues and
b)Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
tries to make recommendations on how these types of
carbon accounting methods can be improved so that this • Under CDM, a developed country can take up a
misleading information doesn’t continue.” GHG reduction project activity in a developing country
where the cost of GHG reduction is usually much lower
Contemporary Relevance of the Research Problem
and the developed country would be given carbon credits
Fundamentally, there are three scopes of emissions that
for meeting its emission reduction targets. Examples of
need to be addressed and there are six distinct greenhouse
projects include reforestation schemes and investment in
gases, as outlined by the landmark Kyoto Protocol. The
clean technologies.
gases involved are methane, nitrous oxide, hydro
fluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride and • In case of CDM, entities in developing/least
carbon dioxide. Emission quantities and densities should developed countries can set up a GHG reduction project,
be first converted to what is known as carbon dioxide get it approved by UNFCCC and earn carbon credits. Such
emission equivalents,” which allows for standard carbon credits generated can be bought by entities of
comparisons to be made across the board. In the past two developed countries with emission reduction targets.The
years, hundreds of firms including American Electric unit associated with CDM is Certified Emission Reduction
Power, Ford Motor Company, HSBC, Google and DuPont (CER) where one CER is equal to one metric tonne of carbon
and alike have utilized the voluntary markets to offset their dioxide equivalent.
emissions. Such corporations make up around 80 percent b) International Emission Trading (IET)
of the demand driving the voluntary carbon markets. There Under IET, developed countries with emission
is thus a practical, policy need for the research due to the reduction targets can simply trade in the international
lack of comprehensive up-to-date information about carbon credit market. This implies that entities of developed
financial accounting practices relating carbon emission countries exceeding their emission limits can buy carbon
and credits in India, and the given that regulatory aspects credits from those whose actual emissions are below their
of carbon financial accounting is in its formative stages. set limits. Carbon credits can be exchanged between
Rules and practices are still unsettled and there is a businesses/entities or bought and sold in international
significant opportunity to investigate how new accounting market at the prevailing market price. These mechanisms
rules and practices arise. serve the objective of both the developed countries with
THE KYOTO PROTOCOL emission reduction targets, who are the buyers of carbon
As per the Kyoto Protocol, developing and least credits as well as of the developing and least developed
developed countries are not bound by the emissions they countries with no emission targets (at present), who are
produce. Under the Kyoto Protocol, countries with binding the sellers/suppliers of carbon credits. The non-polluting
Vol: VI Issue I,JAN-MARCH, 2020, ISSN :(P)-2454-6542; (E)-2455-9342

Journal of Research Innovation and Management Science

companies from less developed countries can sell the the four major emerging economies with Brazil, South
quantity of carbon dioxide emissions they have reduced Africa and China; the like-minded developing countries
(carbon credits) and earn extra money in the process. This (LMDC); the G77 + China; and the Coalition for Rainforest
mechanism of buying and selling carbon credits is known Nations (CfRN).
as Carbon Trading. Its GHG emissions in 2015 stood at 3,571m tonnes
Carbon Accounting in India of CO2 equivalent (MtCO2e), according to data compiled
India has signed a Kyoto Protocol in 2002 regarding by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).
emissions. There are three mechanisms under the Kyoto Emissions increased over three-fold since 1970.
Protocol for the developed countries which are under India’s per capita emissions stood at 2.7tCO2e in
quota restrictions to acquire carbon credits. These are Joint 2015, around a seventh of the US figure and less than half
Implementation, Clean Development Mechanism and the world average of 7.0tCO2e. (See “note on infographic”
International Emissions Trading. The CDM mechanism at the end of this article for details on use of 2015 data).
helps the developed countries to earn carbon credits. It India ratified the Paris Agreement on 2 October 2016,
also helps the developing countries to receive the capital, almost exactly a year after it submitted its climate pledge,
as well as the latest and clean technology. Under the IET or “nationally determined contribution” (NDC), for the
Mechanism, the countries can trade in the international Paris climate talks.
carbon credit market. Carbon credit is traded globally and
The pledge is for a 33-35% reduction in emissions
it is a recently traded commodity at major commodity
associated with each unit of economic output (“emissions
intensity”) by 2030, compared to 2005 levels. Carbon Brief
India’s key policy developments, pledges and analysis at the time found India’s emissions could increase
statistics show that India Inc has begun to recognise the 90% between 2014 and 2030, even if the pledge is met. The
importance of carbon accounting. It has undertaken and Indian government is considering long-term growth
reported this in various public forums such as Carbon strategies for 2030-2045, which would “decouple” carbon
Disclosure Project (CDP) and “sustainability reports”. The emissions from economic growth, says CAT. India has
number of companies responding to the CDP’s information indicated it may be willing to increase its climate pledge
request on climate-change mitigation strategy, emission in 2020. However, it has not yet translated the Paris
risk hedging, and carbon accounting has increased steadily Agreement goals into domestic law.
2009 onwards. But, those with the largest carbon footprint
It further outlines plans to increase tree cover to
still need to do more. Producers and consumers are both
create an additional cumulative carbon sink of 2,500-
responsible for emissions and have a shared responsibility
3,000MtCO2e by 2030 – roughly on a par with its total
to address the problem. Details of how this shared
emissions across one year.
responsibility is to be divided between the producers and
the consumers—only this can help achieve meaningful The pledge says India’s goals represent the “utmost
emission reduction—need to be worked out. The exact ambitious action in the current state of development” and
nature of this sharing is yet to be determined in criticises the “tepid and inadequate” response of developed
negotiations, but both CBA and PBA need to be squared. countries to global warming. “India, even though not a
Carbon accounting for companies is not only about part of the problem, has been an active and constructive
measuring, monitoring, benchmarking and reporting GHG participant in the search for solutions,” it says.
emissions but also about taking accountability and India is clear that implementation of its pledge will
bringing down emissions and reducing impact. It is a depend heavily on climate finance, technology transfer
catalyst for the evolution of an entirely novel investment and capacity building support from developed countries.
and accounting industry. Capitalising on carbon In total, it estimates it will need at least $2.5tn up to 2030,
accounting can place companies ahead of the carbon from both domestic and international funds.
regulatory curve. Carbon accounting might not be an exact India’s NDC is consistent with the 2C goal of the
science today, but its role has never been more important. Paris Agreement, but not the 1.5C limit, according to
The Paris pledge Climate Action Tracker (CAT), an independent analysis
India is part of four negotiating blocs at of climate pledges produced by three research
international climate talks. These are BASIC, a coalition of organisations. However, the top end of India’s policy range
Vol: VI Issue I,JAN-MARCH, 2020, ISSN :(P)-2454-6542; (E)-2455-9342

Journal of Research Innovation and Management Science

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technological and economic development for developing
• Lippert (2012). Carbon dioxide. In C. A. Zimring,
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