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Earth Hour

I, Introduction:
Hello everyone, my name is Hoang. Before we start, as you know, polution is
more and more increasing, and energy special fossil is becoming exhausted. The
greenhouse effect is getting worse. To raising awareness for energy
consumption and effects on the environment, 7000 cities and towns across 187
counties organized a yearly event. Today, I’m going to tell you about that event
– Earth Hour.
My presentations is divided into 3 parts: history, activites and benefits. If you
have any question, I’ll try to answer all of your question after the presentation.
II, Body
1, History:
Starting as a symbolic lights out event in Sydney in 2007, Earth Hour is now the
world's largest grassroots movement for the environment, inspiring millions of
people to take action for our planet and nature.
The 2007 Earth Hour was held on March 31 in Sydney, Australia at 7:30 pm,
local time. After 7 months, San Francisco ran its own "Lights Out" program
inspired by the Sydney Earth Hour. With their successful event in October, the
organizers decided to rally behind the Earth Hour being planned for March
This chart shows the number of countries participating in Earth Hour. As you
see, in 2008, there are 35 countries around participated as official flagship
cities. In 2018, there are 7000 cities and towns across 187 countries participated
this event. That means, there are more and more country and people are
concerned with environment polution and energy issues.
2. Activies in Earth Hour:
The event is held annually encouraging individuals, communities, and
businesses to turn off non-essential electric lights for one hour, from 8:30 to
9:30 pm on a specific day towards the end of March, as a symbol of
commitment to the planet.
Occasionally, in years when Holy Saturday falls on the last Saturday of March,
Earth Hour is moved a week early rather than its traditional date.
In the 2008 Earth Hour, some websites also took part in the event by changed
into dark mode like Google to encourage people join in this event.
In Vietnam, they are turn off all public electricity and burn candle in the big
square. During this event, they hold on a mini music liveshow without
3. Benefits of Earth Hour:
The first benefits is that we save off many electricity. After 1 hour, a mounts of
energy which we cut off is also epuivalent to a mounts of cacbon dioxide.
According WWF, in 2008 Earth Hour, Bangkok decreased electricity usage by
73.34 megawatts, which, over one hour, is equivalent to 41.6 tonnes of carbon
dioxide. In Vietnam, electricity demand fell 500,000 kWh during Earth Hour
2010, which was three times larger than the first time the country joined the
event in 2009.
The second benefits is raising people’s awareness. From changing individual
behavior, to legislation, Earth Hour has achieved massive environmental
impact. Through the event, many unnescessry electricitis are cut off. People are
starting to use renewable energy.
III, Conclusion:
This is the best event for us to know more and more about polution problems.
In 2019 Earth Hour, WWF send us a message: From changing individual
behavior, to legislation, Earth Hour has achieved massive environmental impact
- but as accelerating climate change and staggering biodiversity loss threaten
our planet, we need to spark never-before-had conversations on the loss of
nature and the urgent need to protect it.
If we didn’t do anything, we could lose everything.
Thank you for attention. If you have any question, I’d be glad to answer your
questions you might have.

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