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1 MODULE 2/2

The Ashes That

Made Trees Bloom
The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom
2 The Essence….

The good old man and his dog- Muko shared

an unbreakable bond even after Muko’s
brutal murder. The spirit of the dog was
eternal solace and magical support to his
master who was a gem of human character.
The king of Japan also rewarded the old
farmer with laurels and presents.
3 Role Players

The good old rice farmer

 Muko’s Spirit
The jealous old couple
The Diamio of Japan
Final Dream
4 Through dream the spirit of dog advices the
farmer what to do next and protects against
evil, greedy couple.
The dog- spirit said , “Take the ashes of the mill,
sprinkle them on the withered trees, and they
will bloom again”.
 Withered – bare and dry
 Castle - Fortress
 seized - captured
 Miserable -sad
 Wicked – evil
 Blaze- fire
 Blossom-flowering
 Palanquin- royal cart/van
 Prostrate- face-down lying position
 Spoil-damage/ruin
 Dwell- to live
Royal Procession
6 The royal procession of the daimio shows the display of
his power and old custom of Japanese people to
remain prostrated as a mark of respect to the royal
It invokes Japanese old culture
Magic spell

 In the garden and in the royal procession of the Daimio the

farmer showed his magic on the withered cherry tree by
scattering ashes over it to turn it into blossom.
 The daimio rewarded the farmer, invited him to his castle.
Abstract Qualities
8  Through the characters the story emphasised on the
removal of bad qualities like greed and adoptions of
virtues like goodness.
Karma(our deeds) play an important role in one’s life in
getting happiness or sadness.
9 Thanks

Pramod Bhivsan Nikalje.

Aecs – 2 Tarapur

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