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Answer to the question No.

a) FV= 1000(1+0.08)3 [FV=PV(1+R)^N]

FV= 1259.712

b) Number of periods= 3 years×4=12

Quarterly rate= = 2%
FV= {1000(1+0.02)12}
FV= 1268.24

c) FV of 2018-2021= 333.333(1.082)+333.333(1.081)+333.333
= 388.80+359.99+333.333
= 1082.123

d) FV of 2018, 2019, 2020 = 333.333¿)+333.333¿)+333.333(1.083)

= 359.99+ 388.80+419.90
= 1168.69

e) 2019 = 1000×8%
= 80
2020 = 1000+80
= 1080×8%
= 86.4
2021 = 1080+86.4
= 1166.4×8%
= 93.312
Total amount = (1000+80+86.4+93.312)
= $1259.712
Answer to the question No. 2

Answer to the question No. 3

Answer to the question No. 4

Details $ $
Cash Flow from Operating 2020 2019
Net Income (160,176)
Add: Depreciation 116,960
Increase in Account Receivable (280,960)
(Cash Outflow)
Increase in inventory (572,160)
(Cash Outflow)
Increase in Account payable 378,560
(Cash Inflow)
Increase in accruals 353,600
Cash Inflow from Operating (164,176)
Cash Flow from Investing
Purchase Plant and Equipment (711,950)
(Cash Outflow)
Cash Outflow from Investing (711,950)
Cash Flow from Financing
Increase in notes payable 436,808
(Cash inflow)
Increase in long-term debt 400,000
(Cash inflow)
Increase in Dividends (11,000)
(Cash Outflow)
Cash inflow from Financing 825,808
Decrease in Cash and equivalents (50,318)

Opening Cash 57,600

Closing Cash 7,282

b) FCF = Operating cash flow – Capital expenditure – Dividend paid
= 164,176 – 711,950 – 11,000
= $558,774

c) Gross profit margin of 2020 = ¿

= 506000/6034000 ×100 = 8.39%

Debt Ratio of 2020 = ¿


Return on common equity of 2020 = Net income /Common equity

= 160176/ 492592=−32. 52%

Total asset turnover ratio = Sales/ Average total assets

=6034000/ ( 2866592+1468800 ) ÷2=2.78 %

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