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Just the Facts By Paul L.


Welding Variables for Welder Qualification

— Part 2: Essential Variables

Essential variables for the qualification of welding personnel are discussed

In Part 1 of this series (Welding Specification for Welding Procedure and considered easier to make a groove
Variables for Welder Qualification — Performance Qualification and (ASME) weld in a joint having a solid backing
Part 1: Philosophy, Inspection Trends, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC), strip than it is to make a weld in an
May 2020), we saw that the basic phi- Section IX: Welding, Brazing, and Fus- open-root joint, which has no solid
losophy for the qualification of ing Qualifications, both allow welders material to provide support for the
welders and welding operators is to who qualify with any transfer mode of root pass deposit. For that reason, al-
prove their skill in making welds, re- gas metal arc welding (GMAW) (except most all of these standards agree that
gardless of the governing code. It is no short-circuiting gas metal arc welding a welder who qualifies by making a
surprise, then, that there should be [GMAW-S]) to qualify for the spray, groove weld in an open-root joint is
some commonality in the essential pulsed-spray, and globular transfer qualified to weld both with and with-
variables for welder qualification mode of both self-shielded and gas- out solid backing; conversely, a welder
across these various codes. That is, in- shielded flux cored arc welding who qualifies on a solid-backed joint is
deed, the case. In fact, for some of (FCAW-S and FCAW-G) and vice versa, only qualified to weld with solid
these variables, the qualification rules except AWS B2.1 limits welders who backing.
are virtually identical in each code. A qualify using GMAW to the gas- In welds involving reinforcing bar,
survey of these standards would find shielded version of FCAW only. as governed by AWS D1.4, Structural
the following essential variables in Welding Code — Steel Reinforcing Bars,
many (or in some cases, all) of the Welding Progression the joints don’t use backing strips in
codes, as follows: the same way that they are used for
1. Change in welding process Another variable change that re- welds in plate. Welders are qualified
2. Change in progression for quires the requalification of the welder for either (a) welds made from both
vertical welding is a change in progression from uphill sides with backgouging or from one
3. Deletion of solid backing to downhill or vice versa. This variable side onto a backing strip or (b) partial
4. Change in welding position change requires requalification in all of penetration welds made from one side
5. Change in electrode usability the listed standards. This reflects the only. There is no option for qualifying
6. Change in diameter fact that each progression requires its both using a single test.
7. Thickness range qualified. own unique skill set. For that reason,
the welder must demonstrate each Welding Positions
This article provides general obser- skill to be qualified for both progres-
vations about these essential variables sions. For a qualification on pipe in the Different welding positions require
and the ranges for which welders, ex- horizontal (5G) or 45-deg angle (6G) different skill levels. For instance, a
cluding welding operators, are quali- position, welding continuously all the welder who has demonstrated the skill
fied when testing with groove welds. It way around the pipe provides exactly to deposit weld metal in the flat posi-
is not an all-inclusive list of the qualifi- that proof, provided all of the required tion may not have the skill needed to
cation ranges or the permutations test specimens can be obtained and weld overhead. In the qualification
thereof. For complete qualification successfully tested — Fig. 1. For small codes discussed herein, the position
ranges and their exceptions, please re- pipe diameters, more than one coupon qualification rules are all quite consis-
fer to the specific code. is usually required to get the required tent. For groove weld qualifications in
number of specimens out of the de- plate:
Welding Process posits made with each progression. 1. Flat position welds qualify flat
grooves and flat and horizontal fillets,
A change in this variable always re- Solid Backing except for (a) ASME BPVC Section IX,
quires requalification, reflecting the AWS D1.4, and AWS D1.6, Structural
fact that each welding process requires The deletion of solid backing is an- Welding Code — Stainless Steel, which
its own skill set. There are always ex- other “universal” essential variable for don’t qualify the horizontal fillet weld
ceptions, however. (AWS) B2.1, welder qualification. It is generally position and (b) AWS D1.3, Structural

14 Inspection Trends / August 2020

Welding Code — Sheet Steel and AWS
D1.9, Structural Welding Code —
Titanium, both of which do not allow
groove welds to qualify fillet welds.
2. Horizontal position groove welds
generally qualify flat and horizontal
groove and flat and horizontal fillet
3. Vertical position groove welds in
plate generally qualify flat and vertical
groove and fillet welds. AWS B2.1,
ASME BPVC Section IX, AWS D1.1,
Structural Welding Code — Steel, AWS
D1.2, Structural Welding Code — Alu-
minum, AWS D1.4, AWS D1.5, Bridge
Welding Code, and AWS D1.6 add hori-
zontal fillets to this, and AWS D1.1
also adds horizontal groove welds. Fig. 1 — Welder qualification rules permit a plate qualification to qualify for limited welding
4. Overhead groove welds typically on large diameter pipe. The ranges qualified, however, vary slightly from one code to the
qualify only flat and overhead groove next.
and fillet welds. ASME Section IX,
AWS B2.1, AWS D1.1, AWS D1.2, AWS
example, for welding of nickel-based
D1.4, AWS D1.5, and AWS D1.6 add Electrode Usability alloys, an F-Number 43 qualification
horizontal fillet welds in plate to this
would not qualify a welder using the
qualification. For these codes, a 3G This variable addresses the ease of
same process to use an F-Number 45
and a 4G test would qualify the welder manually manipulating molten weld
for all positions. metal. AWS has assigned F-Numbers
In AWS D1.2, all of the electrodes
5. AWS D1.1, AWS D1.2, AWS to electrodes, based on their usability,
are assigned F-Number 21 through 25,
D1.4, AWS D1.5, and AWS D1.9 allow to reduce the number of qualifications
so any F-Number 2X electrode quali-
combination testing in both the verti- required. This is the variable used by
fies them all. On the other end of the
cal (3G) and overhead (4G) positions all the codes discussed herein with the
spectrum, in AWS D1.9, a change in
to qualify for all positions in plate. exception of API 1104, which groups
electrode classification, even within an
ASME BPVC Section IX, AWS B2.1, electrodes by Group Numbers, which
F-Number, requires requalification.
and AWS D1.6 require horizontal (2G), are different than F-Numbers.
For AWS D1.4 and D1.5, welders are
3G, and 4G tests to qualify for all posi- For carbon and low-alloy steel elec-
limited to using only the electrode
tions in plate. trodes used for shielded metal arc
classifications listed in the code, but
6. Fillet weld qualifications only welding (SMAW), the electrodes be-
any one within a process qualifies all
qualify welders to make fillet welds. come more difficult to use as the F-
within that process. However, these
7. The 6G position in which the Numbers increase from F-Number 1
are all F-Number 4 (low-hydrogen
pipe is stationary at a 45-deg angle, in through F-Number 4.
SMAW electrodes) or F-Number 6 sol-
most cases, qualifies welders for all In AWS D1.1 and D1.3, both of
id or flux-cored wires anyway.
positions. which are limited to carbon and low-
In AWS D1.6, a change of F-
8. AWS D1.3 requires separate alloy steels, welders using SMAW are
Number within a given process re-
qualifications for groove welds and fil- qualified to use any electrode whose F-
quires requalification. In addition to
let welds, including for positions. Number is equal to or less than that
stainless steel-to-carbon steel weld-
9. AWS D1.9 also requires any used for qualification. For example, an
ments, the scope of AWS D1.6 in-
welder who wants to make a fillet weld F-Number 4 qualification would quali-
cludes several stainless steel filler met-
to have a groove weld qualification fy the use of electrodes assigned to F-
als that have elevated nickel contents,
first, in addition to the required fillet Numbers 1 though 4. For the other
which are assigned F-Number 43. The
weld test. welding processes in these codes, a
scope of F-Numbers in AWS D1.6,
10. API 1104, Welding of Pipelines change in F-Number requires requalifi-
therefore, includes F-Number 4 elec-
and Related Facilities, speaks an entire- cation, but all of the other solid and
trodes for SMAW of carbon and low-
ly different language and requires sep- flux-cored wires for gas-shielded and
alloy steels and martensitic and ferrit-
arate qualifications for the “fixed” or flux-shielded arc welding of carbon
ic stainless steels; F-Number 5 elec-
“position” welding, in which the pipe and low-alloy steels are assigned to F-
trodes for SMAW of austenitic and du-
is stationary compared to “roll” weld- Number 6.
plex stainless steels; F-Number 6 elec-
ing in which the pipe is usually hori- In AWS B2.1 and ASME BPVC Sec-
trodes (solid and flux-cored wires for
zontal and rolled under a torch or elec- tion IX, both of which cover all base
the gas-shielded and flux-shielded arc
trode fixed at top dead center. For field metals, the F-Number rule for SMAW
welding processes); and F-Number 43
welding of pipe, roll welding is rarely of carbon and low-alloy steels is the
(nickel-based solid wires for gas-
used and is mainly confined to shop same as that described above for AWS
shielded arc welding).
welding of spool pieces. D1.1. In addition, a change in F-
In API 1104, the Group Number
Number requires requalification. For

August 2020 / Inspection Trends 15

assignments do not correlate with the tion ranges are less than 278⁄ in., 278⁄ in. welders qualifying to these codes are
AWS F-Number system. For SMAW, a thru 12¾ in., and greater than 12¾ in. qualified to weld only the carbon steel
change to or from Group No. 3 elec- There is a multiple qualification option and low-alloy steels within the scope
trodes, which are low-hydrogen elec- that allows a welder to qualify for of the code. The same is true for API
trodes, requires requalification. For all “everything” if he/she successfully 1104.
other listed processes, welders are makes the following two test welds, In AWS D1.6, welders who qualify
qualified for all electrodes listed within both on pipe 658⁄ in. in diameter or using any of the base metals within
the assigned Group; but, each Group greater having a wall thickness of ¼ in. the scope of AWS D1.6, or who qualify
only has a few listed classifications. or more: one groove weld in a butt using Group I or II base metals in AWS
Welders can, however, qualify with un- joint and one overhead branch-on-pipe D1.1, or who qualify in accordance
listed electrodes, but those qualifica- connection weld. with AWS B2.1 are qualified to weld
tions are limited to the electrode any of the base metals in AWS D1.6.
tested. Thickness Range for In AWS D1.2, welding personnel are
qualified to weld all base metals within
Groove Welds
Diameters the scope of the code. The same is true
for the personnel qualifying in accor-
For welder qualification, some
Small diameter pipe, tube, and bar dance with AWS D1.9.
codes address the range of base metal
require more manual dexterity to weld thicknesses the welder can weld, while
than large diameter pieces. As the others only specify limits for how Summary
weld progresses around the outside di- much weld metal he/she can deposit.
ameter of a small-diameter piece, the Welding Procedure Specifications Although the essential variables for
welder must continually change the (WPSs) specify limits on the base met- qualifying welders are virtually the
angle of the torch or electrode, as well al thickness that can be welded. Since same in each code discussed in this ar-
as the filler metal during manually fed all welds must be made in accordance ticle, the ranges qualified for each are
processes, to maintain the correct arc with a WPS, ASME BPVC Section IX, not exactly the same and can some-
length, position, and pool control. This AWS B2.1, and AWS D1.6 choose to times vary significantly from code to
adjustment must occur much more only specify limits for how much weld code. Each code should be consulted to
quickly with small diameters than metal the welder can deposit using a determine the precise range for which
with larger ones. given electrode classification and any given welder is qualified.
AWS D1.4 states that welders “shall process. In these codes, when a welder Qualification codes have non-
be qualified on the smallest bar size to deposits a minimum amount of weld mandatory, or suggested, forms that
be used in production.” ASME BPVC metal (12⁄ in. per Section IX and 34⁄ in. can be used to document the qualifica-
Section IX, AWS B2.1, and AWS D1.6 per B2.1 and D1.6) in the test coupon, tion of welding personnel. Although
have the following identical qualifica- there is no maximum on the amount codes do not always explicitly describe
tion ranges: diameters less than 1 in. of weld metal he/she can deposit using the variables to be documented on a
qualify all diameters equal to and a specific electrode and process, free- performance qualification form, I rec-
greater than the diameter tested; di- ing him/her to make partial penetra- ommend the following:
ameters between 1 and 278⁄ in. qualify tion or complete joint penetration 1. The qualification code
diameters of 1 in. and greater; and di- welds using any WPS for which he/she 2. The year edition
ameters greater than 278⁄ in. qualify 278⁄ is qualified. Otherwise, the welder is 3. The date the tests were
in. diameters and greater. qualified to deposit no more than successfully completed
AWS D1.1 has different qualifica- twice what he or she deposited in the 4. All of the essential (or
tion ranges depending on whether the the coupon. qualification) variables
welder is qualifying on complete joint All other AWS structural codes, as 5. The ranges qualified for each
penetration (CJP) groove welds or CJP well as API 1104, only specify the essential variable
groove welds in T-, Y-, or K- connec- thickness of base metal he/she can 6. The test results
tions. Generally, larger diameter weld. In those cases, the welder must 7. Certification by the employer.
coupons are required to qualify make production welds within both
welders for unlimited diameters, but, the base metal thickness range for Providing these qualification ranges
even then, the minimum diameter which he/she is qualified, as well as the will make it easier for the welding su-
qualified is similar to that tested. base metal thickness range of the gov- pervisor to ensure that welders are
Smaller diameter coupons are required erning WPS. There are no rules for de- only assigned to welds for which they
to qualify the smaller diameter ranges. posit thickness per process and elec- are qualified.
AWS D1.2 and D1.9 use a different trode classification or for partial pene- Can procedures or welders be quali-
methodology and qualify discreet di- tration welds. The base metal thick- fied to more than one code using one
ameter ranges. The qualification ness qualification ranges for welders in set of test coupons? We’ll find out in
ranges in the two codes are different. these codes vary considerably. an upcoming edition.
There are no diameter range rules
in AWS D1.3 and D1.5.
As for API 1104, diameter qualifica- Base Metals PAUL L. STURGILL
( is a Senior Cer-
tion ranges for cross-country pipeline tified Welding Inspector, ASNT Level III VT
Since the AWS structural welding Instructor, 3-A Certified Conformance
welders are quite different. For a single Evaluator, and owner of Sturgill Welding
codes D1.1, D1.3, D1.4, and D1.5 are
qualification, the diameter qualifica- & Code Consulting, Ellettsville, Ind.
limited to carbon and low-alloy steels,

16 Inspection Trends / August 2020

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