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Pre-movie Reading

Shrek: An ogre in Midlife Crisis

Midlife crisis is a term used in Western societies to describe a period of self-doubt that is felt
by some individuals in the "middle years" or middle age of life, as a result of sensing the passing
of their own youth and reaching old age. Many middle aged adults experience major life events
that can cause a period of psychological stress or depression, such as the death of a loved one,
or a career setback. Midlife is often a time for reflection and reassessment.

Shrek’s Problem

Shrek should be happy with his domestic bliss, his three ogre kids and his good standing in the
community. Shrek is feeling over-domesticated. The daily grind of diapers, dishes and toilet
repairs is losing its charm. His house is now a tourist attraction for those looking for a nice
cuddly ogre.

But he's pining for the days of terrifying people and playing around in the mud being
irresponsible and ogreish. "I used to be an ogre," he complains. "Now I'm just a jolly green
joke. Shrek has lost his identity as an ogre. Shrek feels like he is a joke because he is not he is
supposed to be: A TERRIFYING OGRE. Shrek has lost his roar which used to send villagers
running away in terror. Now they run to him and ask him to sign their pitchforks and torches.
Shrek is left feeling like he hates his life.

Questions relating to the movie

1. What is the definition of midlife crisis?

2. Do you think everyone has a midlife crisis?
3. How could you help someone going through a mid life crisis?
4. What are the names of Shrek and Fiona's children?
5. What happy event are Shrek and Fiona preparing for?

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