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Urbina 1

Fabiana Urbina

Honors 175


Jiro Dreams of Sushi

As I went through the list of documentary choices, I had to do a little digging into

which one what each one was and that I could also watch as I only have Netflix, Hulu, and

YouTube of course. All of which I had access to really attracted me and indeed I will be

watching those in my own time, but when it comes to food, I always seem to gravitate to it

easily. This is because its not only about the food, but it is also learning about the techniques,

cultures, ingredients, and people. Therefore, I decided to watch Jiro Dreams of Sushi, I was

extremely interested form the very beginning; sushi is my favorite food. The way the

documentary is shot seems intimate and as if you were experiencing it with them, which captured

my attention even more, the attention to detail is astonishing.

Watching the documentary, I felt as if I was going through this extended journey, almost

as if I had been Jiro myself. They captured the essence of every variable when it comes to this

restaurant. We got to look at Jiro himself his past, present and view on the future. Also, his sons

and their perspectives, how they must carry on the legacy, which are big shoes to fill. The

apprentices and the journey they have to go through in order to reach a stature remotely in Jiro’s

level and across from that the suppliers and how meticulous their trust in Jiro is. The admiring

work Jiro does could not be done without these essential parts to this business. Lastly, the

customers, a food commentary, childhood friends of Jiro, and the outside world because he was
Urbina 2

awarded 3 Michelin stars. This was overall well thought out and it paid much respect to the work

Jiro and his apprentices perform.

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