Dynamic Styles Using PHP and Cookies

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Ever wondered how you can let your visitors customize your sites design in vario

us ways? It can very easily be done with PHP and cookies. Having dynamic styles
could add functionality like adjusting text size, color or background color etc.
In this example I am gonna show you how to make a form which will show some defa
ult style settings and let your visitors change them and have them saved as a co
okie so the visitor will keep the style. You should read up about the ternary op
erator if you haven't already.
First, on the page we display the form on, we want to set some default values fo
r the form if a cookie isn't already set, otherwise we will set the old value.
// Check if the cookie is already set, otherwise set some default stylin
g options
// Also, we need to unserialize the value of the cookie as we are workin
g with arrays
$style = !empty($_COOKIE['style']) ? unserialize($_COOKIE['style']) : nu
// First check if the keys in the arrays are empty, then check if it sta
rts with #
$body_background_color = !empty($style['body_background_color']) ? (strp
os($style['body_background_color'],"#") !== 0 ? "#". $style['body_background_col
or'] : $style['body_background_color']) : "#fff";
$body_text_color = !empty($style['body_text_color']) ? (strpos($style['b
ody_text_color'],"#") !== 0 ? "#". $style['body_text_color'] : $style['body_text
_color']) : "#000";
$body_text_size = !empty($style['body_text_size']) ? $style['body_text_s
ize'] : 12;
$example_background_color = !empty($style['example_background_color']) ?
(strpos($style['example_background_color'],"#") !== 0 ? "#". $style['example_ba
ckground_color'] : $style['example_background_color']) : "#fff";
$example_text_color = !empty($style['example_text_color']) ? (strpos($st
yle['example_text_color'],"#") !== 0 ? "#". $style['example_text_color'] : $styl
e['example_text_color']) : "#000";
$example_text_size = !empty($style['example_text_size']) ? $style['examp
le_text_size'] : 10;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.or
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
<link href="style.php" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<title>Modify stlye</title>
As you can see here, we first have to check if the cookie is set by checking if
it is empty. If it isn't, we unserialize the array data stored in the cookie. Th
en if the indexes in the array is empty or the array is null, they are set to a
default value.
Next we want to show the form:
// If the form hasn't been submitted we should show the form to
the user
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="post" name="s
<label for="background">Backgorund color</label><br />
<input type="text" id="background" name="body_background
_color" value="<?php echo $body_background_color ?>" /><br />
<label for="textcolor">Text color</label><br />
<input type="text" id="textcolor" name="body_text_color"
value="<?php echo $body_text_color ?>"/><br />
<label for="textsize">Text size</label><br />
<input type="text" id="textsize" name="body_text_size" v
alue="<?php echo $body_text_size ?>"/><br /><br />
<label for="examplebackground">#example background color
</label><br />
<input type="text" id="examplebackground" name="example_
background_color" value="<?php echo $example_background_color ?>"/><br />
<label for="exampletextcolor">#example text color</label
><br />
<input type="text" id="exampletextcolor" name="example_t
ext_color" value="<?php echo $example_text_color ?>"/><br />
<label for="exampletextsize">#example text size</label><
br />
<input type="text" id="exampletextsize" name="example_te
xt_size" value="<?php echo $example_text_size ?>"/><br /><br />
<input name="submit" type="submit" value="submit" />
<br />
<div id="example">
#example Lorem Ipsum herp derp
This is a rather basic form and a div with the id #example containing a bit of t
Next, if the form has been submitted, we want to update the settings and redirec
t the user back to this page.
} else {
// We set the cookie expiration time to 1 month on from
the _update_ of values
$month = 2592000 + time();
// We need to serialize the $style array as we cannot st
ore the array directly in the cookie
$style = serialize($_POST);
// We set the cookie name to "style" and put in our seri
alized array $style and expiration date $month
setcookie("style", $style, $month);
// Reload the page to make sure changes take effect
header("Location: index.php");
This here serializes (stores an array as a text representation) the form data an
d sets it to a cookie called "style", which can later be accessed by using $_COO
Next for the CSS file (which is actually a <strong>.php file</strong>):
header("Content-type: text/css");
// Check if the cookie is already set, otherwise set some default stylin
g options
// Also, we need to unserialize the value of the cookie as we are workin
g with arrays
$style = !empty($_COOKIE['style']) ? unserialize($_COOKIE['style']) : nu
// First check if the keys in the arrays are empty, then check if it sta
rts with #
$body_background_color = !empty($style['body_background_color']) ? (strp
os($style['body_background_color'],"#") !== 0 ? "#". $style['body_background_col
or'] : $style['body_background_color']) : "#fff";
$body_text_color = !empty($style['body_text_color']) ? (strpos($style['b
ody_text_color'],"#") !== 0 ? "#". $style['body_text_color'] : $style['body_text
_color']) : "#000";
$body_text_size = !empty($style['body_text_size']) ? $style['body_text_s
ize'] : 12;
$example_background_color = !empty($style['example_background_color']) ?
(strpos($style['example_background_color'],"#") !== 0 ? "#". $style['example_ba
ckground_color'] : $style['example_background_color']) : "#fff";
$example_text_color = !empty($style['example_text_color']) ? (strpos($st
yle['example_text_color'],"#") !== 0 ? "#". $style['example_text_color'] : $styl
e['example_text_color']) : "#000";
$example_text_size = !empty($style['example_text_size']) ? $style['examp
le_text_size'] : 10;
body {
background-color: <?php echo $body_background_color ?>;
color: <?php echo $body_text_color ?>;
font-size: <?php echo $body_text_size ?>px;
#example {
background-color: <?php echo $example_background_color ?>;
color: <?php echo $example_text_color ?>;
font-size: <?php echo $example_text_size ?>px;
The code in the header is the same code we had in the previous file with the add
ition of header("Content-type: text/css"); which tells the browser that this rea
lly is a css file. Then we have the layout where we echo the values.
<h3>mySQL implementation</h3>
To take it further, if you have registered users and want them to be able to hav
e their own style, computer-wide, you could store the serialized array in the us
er table. Do not forget to validate and escape the form input before sending it
to mySQL though. Later, you could just fetch the row from the database instead o
f fetching the cookie.

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