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Armorial of Indonesia

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This is a list of emblems or seals used in Indonesia. Indonesia is divided into 34
provinces, and each province is divided into regencies (kabupaten) and cities (kota).
There are 416 regencies and 98 cities. Each province, regency, and city has its own
Many of the emblems incorporate the rice and cotton (for prosperity and the 5th
principle of Pancasila, a remnant from socialist heraldry popular during guided
democracy era); symbols marking Pancasila in entirety; as well as symbols marking
the date Indonesia declared its independence, 17 August 1945.


 1National
 2Provincial
 3Regencies and cities
o 3.1Aceh
o 3.2North Sumatra
o 3.3West Sumatra
o 3.4Riau
o 3.5Riau Islands
o 3.6Jambi
o 3.7South Sumatra
o 3.8Bengkulu
o 3.9Bangka Belitung Islands
o 3.10Lampung
o 3.11Banten
o 3.12Jakarta
o 3.13West Java
o 3.14Central Java
o 3.15Special Region of Yogyakarta
o 3.16East Java
o 3.17Bali
o 3.18West Nusa Tenggara
o 3.19East Nusa Tenggara
o 3.20West Kalimantan
o 3.21Central Kalimantan
o 3.22South Kalimantan
o 3.23East Kalimantan
o 3.24North Kalimantan
o 3.25West Sulawesi
o 3.26South Sulawesi
o 3.27Southeast Sulawesi
o 3.28Central Sulawesi
o 3.29Gorontalo
o 3.30North Sulawesi
o 3.31Maluku
o 3.32North Maluku
o 3.33West Papua
o 3.34Papua
 4Historical
o 4.1National
o 4.2Kingdom and Sultanate
o 4.3Subdivision
 5References

Emblem Name Description

The emblem of Indonesia is Garuda, mythical bird from both

Hindu and Buddhist mythology, invokes its pre-colonial Hindu
and Buddhist kingdom in the archipelago, the ancestor of modern
Indonesia. Unlike most depiction of Garuda
with anthropomorphic features, this emblem are modeled after its
national bird, the Javan hawk-eagle recognizable for its crest.
Garuda symbolises strength and power, while the gold colour
symbolises greatness and glory.
emblem of
The feathers on the Garuda of the Indonesian coat-of-arms are
arranged so that they invoke the date of 17 August 1945, the
officially recognised Indonesian Day of Independence : 17 on
each wing, 8 on the tail, 19 on below the shield, and 45 on the
The Garuda clutches a scroll on its talon bearing the National
Motto "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika", an Old Javanese quote from
14th-century poem from Javanese Majapahit Empire, which
means "Unity in Diversity".

Pancasila The Garuda has shield with five emblems on its chest. The shield
are coloured red and white similar to the National Flag and has
thick black lines running horizontally on its center representing
the equator which passes the Indonesian archipelago. Pancasila is
a philosophical and foundational theory of Indonesian state
which contains five principles each represented by the emblems:

1. Belief in the One and Only God, represented by star

2. A just and civilized humanity, represented by chain
3. A unified Indonesia, represented by banyan tree
4. Democracy - led by the wisdom of the representatives of
the People, represented by bull's head
5. Social justice for all Indonesians, represented by rice and

Emblem Name Description

The emblem of Aceh is called Pancacita just like its motto,

a sanskrit word which means "five hope" each represented
by symbols inside the emblem: justice represented by
Emblem of balancing scale, heroism represented by rencong, prosperity
Aceh represented by rice, cotton, and chimney, harmony
represented by mosque dome, and religiosity represented by
book and qalam. In addition white color represent purity,
yellow represent glory, and green represent welfare.[1]

A clenched fist wielding chain connected to a shield

represent determination of the North Sumatran people, five
pointed star, shield, and chain represent unity of the people
to defend pancasila, factory, port, rubber tree, oil palm tree,
tobacco leaf, and farmer represent the resources of the
Emblem of
province, 17 cottons, 8-sided web, and 45 seeds of rice
2 North
represent Indonesia independence day, Barisan
Mountains in the background represent noble personality,
sense of unity, and gotong royong within society. And
lastly, the motto "Tekun Berkarya, Hidup Sejahtera, Mulia
Berbudaya" is Indonesian word which means "work
diligently, live prosperously, and noble culturally".[2]

The emblem contains mosque and Rumah Gadang,

traditional homes with unique roof of the Minangkabau
people, it represent the west sumatran people which firmly
holds the traditional values and Islamic religion, the star
represent the first Pancasila principle: Belief in One and
Emblem of
Only God, the sea waves represent the dynamics of the
3 West
society, and the motto "Tuah Sakato", which means
"agreement to enforce the result of consensus decision-
making to reach common goals". In addition, white
represent purity, red represent courage, yellow represent
greatness, black represent resilience and eternity, and green
represent hope.[3]
The emblem is a green shield with 45 links to represent the
Indonesia year of independence, five wave
represent pancasila, the ship on the center is called
Emblem of "Lancang Kuning", a legendary boat of the riau people, it
Riau symbolizes Riau peoples great history and its way of live as
a people who depended on the sea, keris with serindit head
symbolizes heroism and struggle. Lastly, rice and cotton
represent prosperity.[4]

The emblem consist of yellow five-pointed star represents

first pancasila principle: Belief in One and Only God, chain
surrounding the shield represents unity of the people, white-
sailed yellow boat on the center symbolizes spirit of
solidarity and determination of the people to accelerate
development of the province, 24 seeds of rice and 9 cottons
Emblem of represent the formation of the province on 24 September
5 Riau 2002, keris with serindit head represent struggle to develop
Islands this maritime province to reach prosperity, red Tepak Sireh,
a traditional Malay metal container to store betel, used for
chewing and various traditional ceremony, it symbolize
friendship, 7 waves symbolize 1 July 2004 when the
province officially function, the motto "Berpancang
Amanah, Bersauh Marwah" means Staked by Trust,
Anchored by Dignity[5]

The emblem consist of five-sided base symbolize

the Pancasilaic soul and spirit of the Jambi people, a
mosque with 6 holes, 5 top foundations, 7 bottom
foundations, and 1 keris represent the birth of the province
on 6 January 1957, the mosque itself represent the religion
of the Jambi people. Keris Siginjai, a legendary weapon
Emblem of from Jambi symbolize the struggle and heroism of Jambi
Jambi people to defeat colonialism and tyranny. Cerana, a
traditional container to hold betel symbolize the holiness of
the God. Gong, a traditional musical instrument to represent
spirit of democracy, four lines below the gong represent
history of Jambi from kingdom times to its formation as
province. And its motto: "Sepucuk Jambi, Sembilan Lurah"
means that Jambi consist of nine traditional regions.[6]
On the center of the emblem is lotus with five petals
symbolize the national ideology Pancasila, Ampera
Bridge is an iconic building from South Sumatra, around
Emblem of
the bridge is mountain and rivers represents the geography
7 South
of South Sumatra, above the lotus is traditional South
Sumatran roof with 17 points, 8 roof lines, and 45 roof tiles,
it represent the Indonesian independence date. The motto
"Bersatu Teguh" means "United (we) stands"[7]

Star represent the One and Only God, below the star is

Cerana, a traditional metal container to hold betel represent
tradition, Rudus, a traditional sword represent
Emblem of
8 heroism, Rafflesia arnoldii represent the nature of
Bengkulu, rice and coffee symbolize prosperity, 18 waves
symbolize the birth date of Bengkulu province (18
November 1968)[8]

The emblem is five pointed shield symbolize the Pancasila,

on the center is the map of Bangka Belitung represent the
land, the people, the government, and the resources of the
province. The map are inside a circle representing the unity
of the people of Bangka Belitung to confront the globalized
world, 27 seeds of rice symbolize the birth of the province
Emblem of based on the legislation number 27 year 2000, 31 peppers
Bangka symbolize Bangka Belitung as the 31st province of
Belitung Indonesia, both rice and pepper also symbolize prosperity,
Islands between the rice and pepper is tin ingot represents the
natural resource of the country that support the economy of
this region for more than 300 years. The emblem are
coloured blue to represent the sea. The motto Serumpun
Sebalai means People of Bangka Belitung is a community
(serumpun) working together with a sense of kinship
(sebalai) to achieve the goals.[9]

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