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The number of converted Muslims increasing in Norway

Hello everyone, today we are going to discuss how Islam made its way in Norway. How a
religion that had only 1006 members in 1980 in Norway is now having more than 1.5 lakh
members in Norway if we see the statistics of 2018 and this number is rapidly increasing at a
good pace.

How Islam entered Norway, and where does Islam stand in front of other religions in

Islam entered Norway when the prince of Tunis sent its ambassador in the 13th century to
Norway with gifts and messages of Sultan to make democratic relations. Now Muslims are the
most significant minority in Norway, surpassing protestants comprising almost 3.15% of the total
population. With more than 40 masjids present in Norway for Muslim worshippers and members
of every community of Muslims such as Sunni, Shia and Ahmadis are current in Norway.
Muslim population in Norway now increased by more than 150% compared to 1980, and the
numbers are expanding every day. We have to keep in mind is that this rapid increase is
primarily because of immigrants from different Muslim countries such as Pakistan, Iran and
Somalia. They had asked for asylum in Norway a few years ago. But we cannot ignore the fact
that along with these people, almost 3000 people from Norway accepted Islam in the interval
ranging from 1980-2018, and the number of people embracing Islam in Norway is increasing
every day.

Why can it be termed as the start of a positive change?

Islam is currently the most targeted religion in the world. In every world, you may have to face
some severe implications just because you are a Muslim. Still, even after this, the best thing to be
proud of for Muslims is that Currently, Islam is the fastest-growing religion globally. If we
follow statistics, it may be the most prominent religion in the world in 2070. Islam is
significantly growing in western countries where Muslims have little to no influence. Countries
with conditions not very supporting for Muslims are now witnessing Muslims appearing as a
force to reckon. The increasing number of Muslims also clearly negates the theory that Islam is
a religion spread by the sword because now the Muslims are not in power. majorly a minority
in western countries, and no one can force someone in a western country to accept Islam without
their willingness

How Norway government reacted to the increasing number of Muslims?

Like France and other European countries, Norway also didn't react to it positively, and many
steps were taken to ensure that being a Muslim shouldn't be supported in general Norway

 Like spreading rumours that in Islamic schools of Norway, Hitler's actions against Jews
are justified, and Muslims are taught that whatever Hitler did with Jews is justified in
Muslims' eyes.
I mean, what kind of accusation is that?
How Islam a religion which says in his Holy Book that "killing of one human is killing
off entire human being". Can justify the actions of Jews. It is just a conspiracy against
Muslims, which gave its results as well as know a minimum of 50 per cent of the
population thinks the teachings of Islam are against ideologies of people of Norway
 Another step taken is to ban veils for women in the name of security and ban Burqa in
education and healthcare centres. It can be termed as interference in someone's religion
and against women's rights because it should be the right of a woman what she wants to
wear? Isn't this against the western ideology that women should be allowed what they
want to wear in public?

Many famous Muslim converts such as Yousef-al-Nahi and Vegard Bjorge have raised their
voices against this biased attitude against Muslims

How should the Muslims of Norway react to this situation?

. Muslim community of Norway will have to understand that offering prayers or performing Hajj
will not teach someone the true meaning of Islam. Muslims of Norway will have to do the most
primary task showing tolerance against things they don't like. Muslims of Norway will have to
be more tolerant and try to display the manners of our Holy Prophet(PBUH) so that people could
be introduced to the true spirit of Islam
Also, Muslims will have to combine to raise their voices as a standard unit and go for collective
efforts to ask for their just rights.

Use every platform so that the light which started shining with increasing Muslim converts in
Norway and other Muslim countries shouldn't be turned off.

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Best of luck, everyone. Thanks for your time

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