Test Procedure + IND Actual Leg Length ASIS-Medial

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Test Procedure + IND

Actual Leg Length ASIS-Medial Leg length True Structural Leg

Malleolus discrepancy Length
Allis Sign (Galeazzi Misalignment True structural
Sign) discrepancy

Anvil Test Hip Pain Femoral Head/Neck


Apparent Leg Umbilicus to Medial 5mm difference Functional

Length Malleolus discrepancy
Chiene Test Measure the Increase in diameter Femoral Neck Fx or
Circumference Hip Dislocation
around thigh
Gauvain Sign Sidelying pt Abdominal muscle TB of the hip
1.Passively put the pt contraction
in IR (toe in) OR
2. Passively put the
pt in ER (toe out) Osteonecrosis of
Femoral Head
Guilland Sign Pinch the pt’s quad in Brisk flexion of the Meningitis/meningeal
the supine position, opposite hip and irritation
legs extended knee
Meningitis Tests:
1. Guilland Sign
2. Brudzinski Sign
3. Kernig Sign
4. Soto-Hall Sign

Test Procedure + IND

FAI Test Pt supine. Examiner Pain Femoracetabular
passively does: Impingement
1.Hip Flexion
Hip Instability Pt supine Excessive Movement Hip Instability
1. 30 degrees hip in comparison to the
flexion other side or sense of
2. 30 degrees apprehension
3.10-15 degrees ER
4. LAD
Hip Telescoping Test First dr pulls up then Hip Pistoning Developmental
pushes it down Dysplasia of the Hip

Jansen Test Put pt in this position Affected side can’t Hip OA

and DO NOT touch complete the motion
or stabilize anything,
you’re just looking at
the height of their
knee relative to the
*put pt in figure 4
position and leave
them there

Ludloff sign Pt seated Failure to accomplish Traumatic separation

Cross arms position of Lesser Trochanter
Bring knee to chest
L for Ludloff=L for
Lesser Trochanter
Ober Test Sidelying test Leg remains ITB Contracture
1.Dr passively abducted
abducts leg
2. Dr passively
extends leg
3. Dr drops the knee
hand contact to
watch the knee drop

Patrick/FAbErE/ FAbErE Pain Intraarticular Hip

Figure 4 Test Pathology

Phelps Test 1. With Legs straight, Flexion of knees Gracilis muscle

ask the patient to allows more hip contracture
move the knees apart abduction
2. With the Knees
bent, ask the patient
to move the knees

Thomas Test Pt’ active: Affected leg (bent Iliopsoas shortened

Thigh of the knee) flexes
unaffected leg is
flexed towards the
abdomen and pt
holds it.
Affected leg is the
bent one on the table
Trendelenburg Test Iliac crest is high on Hip Pathology on
the standing side Elevated Side
and low on the side
of the elevated leg OR
(the standing side is
the side opposite the Gluteus medius
side of hip flexion) weakness on
standing side

Hip Tests for Specific Muscle/Muscular Structures

T=Trendelenburg=Gluteus Medius

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