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Methods of TEFL for young learners / F

Alma Alfianti A12118308



o textbooks or textbooks (student books)

o teacher's book
o cassette or CD
o poster
o research or study results
o various recorded experiences that are relevant to the subject or subject being coached
o scientific articles and conceptual writings
o record of teacher or lecturer experience
o brochures, manuals and relevant teaching materials


o Very simple grammar

o Types and completeness of vocabulary need to be given because there is almost no
exposure to English outside the classroom;
o The vocabulary is limited to around 500 words;
o Materials need to be accompanied by pictures; students hardly hear the English around
them so it is necessary to practice repetitive pronunciation;
o Students do not have time to practice, the teaching materials must be easy to
understand and varied;
o The vocabulary used is everyday and simple language for communication;
o Easy to obtain, there may be students who do not have textbooks.

3. 1. Adoption of Teaching Materials Teachers can determine teaching materials by directly using
materials in the field without making any changes. In general, teachers or lecturers who adopt the
material will carry out the following activities.

a. Collecting textbooks or references that are relevant to the subject or course.

b. Evaluate these materials whether they are in accordance with the needs of the learning objectives.

c. Choosing material from existing source books, whether it is in accordance with the program or
language class being fostered.

d. Arrange the order of the materials according to the order of the subjects or topics that have been
designed for learning activities. Preparing teaching materials like this does not require a lot of time,
space and money. Moreover, if there is already a source book with the aim, the needs of students with a
level of language difficulty according to the needs of students, the teacher can immediately use the
book. However, it is possible that this kind of material or subject matter is incomplete or inadequate
according to the needs of the learners. Adopting or directly using the material is a drawback because the
teacher only follows what is already available in the book. There may be material that has not been
covered or the content is not suitable for the circumstances and life of students in the area.

2. Material Adaptation

The development of teaching materials can be done by adapting the available materials and then
adjusting them according to the needs. In the bat adaptation, the teacher can do this by adding,
subtracting, replacing, removing some parts of the material that are considered irrelevant. Developing
teaching materials by adapting, means that the pen not only adapts the material to the needs of
students to be able to transfer the content for the subjects or courses that are being followed, but
teaching materials are also prepared based on the specific objectives that have been set This is
important because in this way all material becomes relevant to the needs and objectives of learning.

4. The development of teaching materials can be done through the following stages.

o Formulating learning objectives.

o Determine the appropriate material development approach or method.
o Determine the order of content or subject on the basis of themes, topics, or language functions.
o Perform activities of adoption, adaptation, or modification of certain parts.
o Conduct field trials.
o Reflecting and revising materials.
o Writing or finalizing the product as teaching material



o Listen and repeat

listen and repeat techniques can be implemented in learning to listen, speak, or read. In this
learning technique, the teacher says something and the students just listen
Ex : orange – an orange – there is an orange on the table
o listen and do
In this activity, the teacher says a phrase or commandment, students listen well and then do
what the teacher says
Ex :
teacher : stand up, please
teacher : sit down, now
teacher : open your book!
Teacher : put your pencil under the book!
o question and answer
this technique is a technique that is very well known in any class. for the initial level, activities
can be carried out with the teacher starting to ask questions and giving examples of answers
ex : question : are you ….. ing?
Are you sleeping. Guru dapat melatih kalimat Tanya dengan jawaban yes or no
o Subtituition
o Draw and colour
o Listen and identify
o See differences
o In – pair
o Group discussion
o Cooperative learning
o Question and inquiry
o modeling and demonstration
o concept mapping
o brainstorming
o outdoor activity


o listen and repeat

repeat what the teacher is doing accordingly
ex: teacher listen and repeat
it’s a dog
student : it’s a dog
teacher : it’s a cat
student : it’s a cat
o in – pair
students speak in pairs to practice interaction and communication in pairs
ex : a : may I use ypour pencil ?
b : no, I’m sorry, I only have me

3. I choose this technique in teaching certain language skills / components.

o Outdoor Activity

Learning records do not always have to be done in the classroom. Occasionally students need to be
invited outside the classroom to get to know the environment around them. Activities outside the
classroom can enrich children's vocabulary because there are things that are not or have not been
taught in class. Besides, in groups, students can interact with their group members. Before students are
invited to leave, the teacher needs to give clear directions, what to do the children. This activity is a
strategy to create a "learning community" where children communicate with each other, help each
other, discuss, and learn to find information. Furthermore, the results of the discussion about the object
of the group's choice are reported in the form of an oral report (speaking skill) or a written report
(writing skill). Reports can be presented in the form of posters, dialogues, pictures, poetry or essays.
Newspapers that cannot be presented in class can be displayed so that other groups can read or see


Media is a necessary tool for learning English, especially for children. Media can be used, among others:

1. help simplify the language learning process and improve it

2. reduce the use of the mother tongue or first language

3. generate motivation or interest in student learning

4. explain new concepts so that students can understand without difficulty and misunderstanding

5. equalizing perceptions, especially if the new concept has more than one meaning

6. improve the quality of learning English

7. Make the learning process more interesting and interactive.

2. Visual media are media that can be seen or seen and can be touched by students, for example
pictures, photos, real objects, maps, miniatures, and realia. The visual media most used by teachers
include pictures, flash cards, and real objects (banana). , mango, dictionary, etc).

Various wall magazines. The various kinds of pictures presented in the form of cands (flash cards, erular
cards, flip cards, etc.) really help to smooth the process of learning and teaching English to children. To
teach new vocabulary and the concepts of fow, many, and a lot of, it will be clearer using the media. This
Chinese media can be used for individual, group and classical activities. For large paper, it is necessary to
pay attention to the size of the flash card which must be adjusted according to your needs. Actually,
there is no standard size, but we can adjust it according to the number of students and the size of the

3. In general, the media can be classified into three types, namely (1) visual media or viewing media, (2)
audio media or listening media, and (3) audio visual media or listening and viewing media. Visual media
are media that can be seen or seen and can be touched by students, for example pictures, photos, real
objects, maps, miniatures and realia. The media of view that most teachers use include pictures, flash
cards, and real objects (banana, mango, dictionary, etc.). While listening media (audio) for listening skills
is media whose discourse or content is recorded and can be heard. Listening media are used to listen to
and understand spoken discourse, for example a radio in a cassette recorder. Currently, compact disks
(CDs) have become an easy-to-get design medium other than cassette tapes. The last one is media with
view and perspective which is also media that can be seen and can also be heard, for example TV and
movies. The viewing and listening media are mostly used in EYL classes to broadcast stories, events, or
other local conditions. The displayed image is accompanied by information in English which must be
selected according to the level of student language development. Many teachers have complained
about not using the media on the grounds that lit makes it, they don't have time to make media and it's
expensive. Actually, the reason is not quite right because simple media is not, for example, pictures can
be cut out of old brochures or magazines and then pasted on cardboard or made as wall magazines.

4. In addition to some of the media of view that have been presented above, there are several other
media that are presented in the form of recordings for learning to receive. This kind of media usually
costs more because it is recorded in the studio and looking for readers whose voice will be recorded.
Being able to listen really requires vane recording materials in the form of dialogues, lages and stories.
In this case, the teacher can record the native speaker voice or the English Learner CamScanner itself
which reads a dialogue, poem, or discourse in a clear and correct voice. One audio medium that is
closely related to language learning is a tape recorder with a recording in the form of a cassette. There
are many advantages to media, including the flexibility that a tape recorder can easily move from one
class to another. In addition, without electricity, the tape recorder can still be used using batteries.

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