Resume Film Enola Holmes Oleh: Vinanda Arum Tri Kurniawan - 2014151001

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The first scene of the film starts with Enola telling about his quite happy life, living
with his mother. Enola talked about how her mother had been raising her all this time. This film
is set in 1884, when a teenage woman is required to learn manners, contrary to culture, Enola's
mother teaches more about how to survive.
In the same scene, Enola is telling a story while pedaling. He said that on his 16th
birthday. Where she hoped, when she woke up, she would receive a special gift from her mother
that was different from her expectations, Enola's mother suddenly disappeared without a trace.
Currently, her only hope of finding her mother is through her older brother, Sharelock Holmes.
He is a very famous detective in England, many books and films tell about his prowess. Enola
has high hopes for Sharelock. On the other hand, Enola's older brother, Eudoria Holmes.
Suspects that his mother has left Enola.
Enola was sad and angry, at her two older brothers, who couldn't help her find her
mother. On the second day when Eudoria leaves Enola to enter the female dormitory, she finds
clues to her mother's whereabouts. Her mother asked for directions and money, she fled by train
to London. Early in his journey he met Lord Tewksbury who was running away from his family.
Starting from Enola's fear of being exposed, he invited Tewksbury to escape together to London.
Arriving in London, Enola and Tewsbury parted ways, Enola with the ambition of finding his
mother and Tewksbury with the ambition of a simple life of selling flowers.
With the money she brought, Enola bought and rented a room. He made up the words
in the paper, and hoped that his mother would read the words. Enola, who is increasingly curious
about his mother's whereabouts, continues to look for clues by visiting the “drak area”, namely
the dark side of London. However, during his search for his mother, Enola's life is threatened by
an assassin, who searches for Lord Tewksbury's whereabouts. Increasingly concerned that his
identity would be exposed and threatened, he decided to look for Lord Tewksbury.
She began the search pretending to be a widow, as London culture requires not talking
to people who have recently lost their families.
But plans to seek Lord Tweksbury's lead failed. However he found Tewksbury's hiding place in
the woods, he was spotted by Tewksbury's grandmother.
After searching for half a day, Enola finally found Tewksbury, while selling his book
on a suburban market in London. Enola explains to Tewksbury that the lives of both of them are
being threatened, by assassins who suspect that Uncle Tewksbury's orders, because of
Tewksbury's death, all of his wealth has fallen to his uncle. That night Enola and Tewksbury
sneak into the Tewksbury residence to tell her grandmother and mother if her uncle had gone in
revolt. Not long after their meeting, Enola was found by her older brother, Enola was forced into
the girls' dormitory, luckily Tewksbury did not think she managed to bring Enola away from the
hostel, they both headed straight to the Tewksbury residence.
Tragically met a hit man at the Tewksbury residence. For him, Enola manages to kill,
the assassin. In the seconds of his death Enola continues to pay the price to confess who ordered
him, the assassin dies without a word of support. Enola and Tewksbury, who had just breathed a
sigh of relief, were shocked by the presence of their grandmother. Whereas when Tewksbury
said that his uncle was a traitor, the bullet had already penetrated into his chest.
It turns out that all this time the perpetrator of the rebellion was Tewksbury's
grandmother, she didn't want her power to be taken away, even her own grandson. It was just
Enola's scenario, he had expected all of that, so before sneaking into the Tewksbury residence,
Enola had Tewksbury wear a bulletproof vest.
It was finally Tewskbury's grandmother who was convicted by a London court.
Twesbury regained power, and was assisted by his uncle. Enola managed to solve the rebellion
in Landon earlier than Sharelck Holmes. Her mother returns home and explains to Enola that her
mother has been going to revolt for the sake of justice for the little people in London.
Everything returns to normal, Enola's two older brothers return to London. Enola and his mother
returned to live together. The difference is, now Enola is interested in a journey to solve the

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