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Bem Explicado

Centro de Explicações Lda.

Inglês 6º Ano – Simple Past

Nome: _________________________________________________ Data: ___/___/___

1. Complete this story using the verbs in brackets:

Peter and the Wolf

Peter was a young boy who __________________ (live) in a small village. He

had no family but he had lots of friends. The people of the village
__________________ (ask) Peter to take their sheep to the mountain.
So, early in the morning he __________________ (walk) up the mountain with
lots of sheep around him.
During the day he __________________ (look) after the sheep,
__________________ (count) them, __________________ (play) his flute,
__________________ (climb) up the trees and he __________________ (talk) to the
sheep but they __________________ (not / answer) him, of course. So, he was very
lonely up there in the mountain.
One day he __________________ (decide) to play a trick on the people of the
He __________________ (cry) loudly for help: “Wolf, wolf, please help me!”.
Some men and women __________________ (appear) in the street and
__________________ (walk) quickly to help Peter. But when they __________________
(arrive) there, there was no wolf at all. Peter __________________ (laugh) and
__________________ (laugh) at them but they __________________ (not / laugh)
because they weren’t very pleased with him. And they __________________ (return)
Some days later when Peter was in the mountains a real wolf ______________
(appear) and ________________ (attack) his sheep. The boy ____________ (try) to
fight the wolf but it was too dangerous. So Peter ___________ (cry) loudly for help:
“Wolf, wolf, please help me!”. But this time people ________________ (not / answer).
The people of the village __________________ (stay) at home because they
__________________ (not / believe) in Peter anymore.
Poor Peter, People __________________ (not / help) him and he had to run to
the village for help!

2. Write these sentences in the negative and interrogative form:

a. Peter walked up the mountain with the sheep.
Neg. - _________________________________________________________________________
Int. - ___________________________________________________________________________

b. He played a trick on the people of the village.

Neg. - _________________________________________________________________________
Int. - ___________________________________________________________________________

c. They helped Peter with the wolf.

Neg. - _________________________________________________________________________
Int. - ___________________________________________________________________________

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