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All chapters B327 Content Prepared by Jamil Makawi

B327: Sustainable enterprises and innovation

Chapter 1: Introduction to sustainable enterprise and innovation


- The term entrepreneur

- Innovation

Understanding societal problems

1. Economic growth:
2. Poverty:
3. Socio-demographic problems:
4. Gender:
5. Access to information, data protection and intellectual property
6. Environmental protection
7. Geo-politics

Addressing societal problems through entrepreneurship and innovation

- Entrepreneurial innovation:

Engaging in addressing societal problems

- whether and why those who develop entrepreneurial innovations care about the contributions
of their innovation in helping society?

All chapters B327 Content Prepared by Jamil Makawi

Chapter 2: Entrepreneurship and innovation: a focus on societal impacts

Chapter outline

Enterprise and community development

- Positive impacts
- Negative social impacts

Triple bottom line Approach

Generating positive impacts (Types of impacts)

- Societal impacts:
- Environmental impacts:
- Economic impacts:

Governance and models of enterprise:

Sacchetti and Tortia(2016) continuum

- Moving from the left-end of the continuum

- On the right side of the continuum
- at the extreme right of the spectrum

Ownership structure, governance and societal impacts

- Employee ownership
- Cooperative enterprises
‘private benefit’
‘mutual benefit’
- Social enterprises
- Non-profit organisations

All chapters B327 Content Prepared by Jamil Makawi

Chapter (external resources): Environment Sustainability & Factors Affecting Innovations in Cleaner

Environmental Sustainability

- Source capacities
- Sink capacities

Environmental Sustainability Definition & Dimensions

1- Output Rule:
2- Input Rule:
a) Renewables (e.g. forest):
b) Non-renewables (e.g. minerals):
3- Operational Principles:

Environmental Sustainability

- four major activities regulating the scale of the human economic subsystem:

Factors Affecting Innovations in Cleaner Technologies or Environmental Friendly Innovation

1. Public Policy
2. Economics
3. Markets
4. Attitudes and Social Values
5. Communities and Social Pressures
6. Technological Opportunities & Capabilities
7. Organizational Capabilities

Student Activity 1: 15-25 Minutes Group Work

List of readings

- Slides 2-6:
- Slides 8-23:

All chapters B327 Content Prepared by Jamil Makawi

Chapter 3: Promoting environmental sustainability in SMEs: the measurement challenge

SMEs and environmental sustainability practices

SMEs and environmental responsibility

Forms of SMEs environmental sustainability

Sustainability Management Tools


1- Circular economy (CE)

2- Cleaner production (CP)
3- Corporate citizenship
4- Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
5- Corporate sustainability (CS)
6- Design for the Environment
7- Ecolabelling
8- Environmental management systems (EMS)
9- Green chemistry (GC)
10- Green Marketing
11- Industrial ecology
12- Sustainability reporting
13- Sustainable supply chain
14- Socially/sustainable responsible investment
15- The triple bottom line (TBL)

The importance of Sustainability Management Tools

The importance of sustainability management tools to be implemented:

Obstacles for implementing sustainability management

- Internal factors:
- External factors:

The following list identifies some of the more promising ways forward for policymakers and

All chapters B327 Content Prepared by Jamil Makawi

Chapter (external resources): Business models and stakeholders & The impact of environmental
sustainability on firm performance

Business models and stakeholders

Importance of setting a business model

What is Sustainable Business model?

A generic business model concept includes:

1- Value proposition
2- Supply chain:
3- Customer interface:
4- Financial model:

Business model for sustainable innovations (BMSI) such as innovations encouraging sharing economy


• normative, strategic and instrumental.

Stakeholder theory and the 3P (people, profit and planet) perspective


Resource interdependence view to decide what stakeholders to involve?

- First scenario:
- Second scenario:
- Third scenario:
- Fourth scenario:

Engagement strategies of stakeholders

Engagement strategies:

- Inform:
- Consult:
- Involve:
- Collaborate:
- Empower:

The impact of environmental sustainability on firm performance

Does adopting environmentally friendly technology and practices improve firm performance?

Intervening variables

The role of corporate environmental disclosures

All chapters B327 Content Prepared by Jamil Makawi

Chapter 4: The experiential project: undertaking your work-based investigation


The experiential project as work-based learning

Three different types of work-based learning described by Lemanski et al. (2011)

- On the Left-hand End,

- On the Right Hand of the spectrum:
- Learning through work

Skills gained from work-based learning & experiential projects

Challenges of work-based learning and experiential projects

1- Identifying a suitable research site and innovation.

2- Gaining access.
3- Identifying who to interview.
4- Ethical practice in research.

Collecting evidence

Qualitative and quantitative evidence

- Quantitative evidence
- Qualitative evidence

Primary and secondary evidence

- Primary evidence
- Primary evidence

Interviews and observation

Ethical practice in investigations

1. Informed consent and right to withdraw

2. Recognizing power and coercion
3. Principle of ‘no harm’–to participants and researchers
4. Anonymity
5. Data storage and destruction

Analysis and presentation of evidence

Quality of investigation

All chapters B327 Content Prepared by Jamil Makawi

Chapter 5 Intrapreneurship

Introducing intrapreneurship

The term intrapreneur

Forms of intrapreneurship

- Skunk works or bootlegging

- Corporate innovation contests
- New venture teams, divisions and spin-outs
New venture teams
- New venture teams, divisions and spin-outs
A new venture division
- Corporate venturing
- Licensing and outsourcing of innovation
- Entrepreneur in residence
- Entrepreneur in residence
- Hackathons

Personal characteristics of intrapreneurs

1- Resourceful and determined – within the constraints and advantages offered by large
2- Able to navigate corporate culture, bureaucracy and processes
3- Willingness to take risks and incur personal loss
4- Able to hold down ‘day-job’ and progress intrapreneurial idea
5- Ability to persuade
6- Can establish and leverage networks – both external and internal

Creating organizational conditions for intrapreneurship

1- Support for intrapreneurship – e.g. celebrate successes

2- Broader measures of success – not only short-term profit focus
3- Managed approach to risk – rather than avoidance of risk
4- Empowerment of staff – including flexibility in use of time
5- Tolerate spare capacity and promote reuse
6- Encourage networking – especially horizontal, cross functional networking

Stages of intrapreneurship

• Defining a problem or opportunity

• Coalition building
• Mobilizing and completion
• Successors or dismantling

All chapters B327 Content Prepared by Jamil Makawi

Chapter 6: Managing teams in sustainable enterprises

Individual as leader-entrepreneur

The “Big Five model” of personality traits

- Openness to experience:
- Conscientiousness:
- Extraversion:
- Agreeableness:
- Neuroticism:
Schwartz values theory
- values
Importance of values
Ten distinct values according to Schwartz’s
Personal development planning for leadership
Nonaka and Takeuchi (2011) describe six abilities that are considered to be essential, in order to lead
with practical wisdom
- Judging goodness
- Grasping the essence
- Creating shared contexts
- Communication competences
- Power
- Fostering practical wisdom in others

Entrepreneurial team formation and teamwork

Team roles
The role of Organizational culture in fostering entrepreneurial team formation and performance

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Chapter 7: Evaluating enterprise and innovation solutions

Chapter outline:
What is accountability?
Meaning and dimensions of accountability
Personal and organizational resilience
- Personal resilience:
- Organizational resilience:

What types of crises impact on SMEs and what are the effects?
- Accidents or human-induced crises:
- Personal crises, adversity and trauma:
- Conflict situations such as war-torn countries:

Using resilience to respond to crisis

1- Identify the determinants of resilience:

2- Develop a resilient strategy

All chapters B327 Content Prepared by Jamil Makawi

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