VALS Advertisement Analysis

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April 17th

Ryan Morris
VALS Advertisement Analysis

Dr.Squatch is a soap bar brand that has advertisements all over youtube. As an avid

youtube watcher I have come across this ad many times and I must say I have definitely been

enticed to try the soap bar out. I believe the Dr.Squatch Advertisements appeals very strongly to

my secondary VALS group of makers as well as appealing to my primary group of experiencers

as well.

I believe the Dr.Squatch ads are particularly appealing to the maker group because of a

few key elements of what makes the maker group. The maker group believes in sharp gender

roles and the Dr.Squatch advertisements revolve a lot around what makes you a man. This is

especially evident with statements made such as “Dr.Squatch is for men who open the pickle jar

on the first try.” Inherently in the name of “makers” they enjoy making things themselves, the

advertisement even states Dr.Squatch is for men who build things. Another strong interest of

makers is the outdoors for example hunting, fishing, and camping; through the advertisement

showing what type of men use Dr.Squatch they use visual elements by showcasing men

chopping wood, fishing, and even exploring the woods. The entire advertisement takes place

within the woods which is another visual element that appeals to the maker group. They flex

scents such as “Pine Tar” if you wanna smell like the forest or “Nautical Sage” if you wanna

smell like the ocean. The Dr.Squatch commercials even talk about how government politics led

to the big soap industry turning to chemicals to make soap production cheaper. This is another

point of interest for makers being that a common trait among them is distrust in the government.
Dr.Squatch also has appeal for the Experiancers. Experiencers love physical activity and

they want to try everything. Dr.Squatch’s display of activities that men that use their soap is

likely to draw in Experiencers as customers. In Their advertisements they talk about how new

opportunities arise when you use Dr.Squatch and the ladies will especially be drawn in, it is said

that Experiancers want everything more, therefore the more ladies the better! Experiencers like

to break away from the mainstream which is why Dr.Squatch’s advertisement techniques of

denouncing the big mainstream soap companies is a point of interest for them.

It’s almost as if Dr.Squatch commercials were made with Makers in mind with elements

that would even draw in Experiencers. Their advertisements techniques encompass every single

characteristic that defines what a Maker is all while appealing heavily to the few characteristics

of Experiencers they touch on. Dr.Squatch used verbal elements explaining “what a real man is”

and visual elements by placing the entire setting within the woods.

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