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1.Online Gumasta License Registration Under Shop Act.

2.Online Registration of Gumasta License Under Shop Act.

Description :

1.Get Gumasta Shop Act License Registration Instantly in the most Affordable Prices !

2.Get Gumasta Shop Act License Registration in the most Affordable Prices Instantly!

What is Gumasta License?

Under the rules and regulations of Shop Act, a Gumasta / Shop Act License is required for starting any
kind of business in India, Maharashtra. A Gumasta License is issued after the business is legally
registered with the Labour Department of State Authority.

A Gumasta or Shop Act License is must for starting any businesses covering shops, retail stores, hotels,
restaurant and commercial buildings of public interest. The license is mandatory and is necessary for
establishment of any business having more than 10 employees.

The Shop And Establishment Act was formed for the welfare of the employees, protection of their rights,
supervision of the conditions in which they work, rules and regulations, payment of salaries, working
hours and various certain issues of employee's interest. And for several other purposes.

This License is very important for getting a GST Registration of your said business, obtaining loan &
subsidies from the government and for ensuring that the business will continue legally without any
further legal issues or complications.


1.What is the Gumasta Shop And Establishment License?

For starting any business in India with physical entitiy or shop, a shop act or gumasta license is
mandatory which should be registered with the state authority or Municipal Corporation of Mumbai.
The license is necessary for conducting business in maharashtra and ensures several benefits for the
business under the shop act scheme.

2.What are the advantages of Gumasta License?

License is mandatory in nature as stated by the government. The registration of this license is not done
for any advantages but for serving as a proof of the existence of your business and is essential for
obtaining GST registration for your business.

3.What if i didn't took the Gumasta License Registration?

Since the license is compulsory and if you didn't take it, then you will not be able to get any benefits as
per the scheme and may also not allowed to conduct your business, which states that your business will
be considered as illegal. Further, there will be great problems in the registration of GST License also.

4.What other things should be mentioned in the registration of Gumasta License?

The Shop Act Establishment registration must include name of the establishment, the employer and
manager's name, nature and type of the business, total number of employees and workers and other
details regarding the business and its conduct should be mentioned in the registration documents.

5. I want to open a current account of my business with the bank. But they are asking for a license or
proof for the existence of my business. What should I do?

Well, for opening a current account with the bank, a proof such as the Gumasta / Shop Act license can
be submitted. This license will serve as the proof for the existence of your business as legal document.
However, there are some other registered documents required to be submitted as proof. Feel free to
contact us for the further details about these documents.

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