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Intentional living – it’s more than just some buzzword
phrase used to motivate the masses. Living a life of
intention is what allows us to make our dreams and goals
a reality.

Think about it. Changing bad habits, traveling to a dream

destination, building a profitable business, financing your
children’s educations – these are just a handful of things
that cannot happen without preparation and effort – in
other words they require intentional living to make them

So often we simply act or react to the things around us. It’s

easy to get stuck in a routine and keep doing what we’re
doing because that’s how we’ve always done it. Being
more intentional gives us a chance to break those
routines. Before you do something that you want to be
more intentional about, stop and think it through.

Until you’ve created new routines and living intentionally

has become an integral part of your life, it’s important to
remind yourself why you’re doing this. Using a journal can
be very helpful here. Record your “why”, remind yourself
why you want to change and the intentions behind it. It
will keep you motivated to continue to create those new
Think of one thing you’ve always wanted to do or
try and schedule a time to make it happen. How did
you feel when you took action? Did you enjoy
yourself? Who did you share the experience with?
When is the last time that you’ve done something
for yourself? If you’re like most people, it’s probably
been awhile. Today do one thing to pamper
yourself. Write about it in the space below.
Set aside a couple of minutes every morning to
decide on what intentional choices you’ll make
today. This is a daily habit that will serve you well in
living intentionally.
Pick one healthy habit you can incorporate into your
life and take action on it. It can be anything from
taking a daily walk to drinking more water or quitting
Do one thing today to make someone else’s day
more enjoyable. Don’t expect anything in return.
Meditation is a beneficial practice that will leave
you feeling more peaceful and enhance your clarity.
Give it a try. Start with 5 minutes a day and go from
there. Write your thoughts in the space below.
Set aside some time to declutter an area of your
home. It can be a room, a closet, your desk area or
any other place of your choice. Getting things in
order means less chaos for you.
Get back in touch with a friend that you haven’t
spoken with in a long time. It’s easy to fall out of
contact with people but if you make the effort to
reach out you’ll be glad that you did.
Beautify your home. Small touches such as burning
scented candles or putting fresh flowers in a vase
on your table can make a big difference. What will
you do to make your home more beautiful?
Motivate yourself. Listen to inspirational podcasts,
read a motivational book, create a plan for a goal,
Do you speak to yourself in a way that nourishes your
soul or is your mind filled with negative self talk? Write
down some positive affirmations that you can use to
begin changing the messages you send yourself.
Make a list of 5 things you’d like to do in the next year.
Write up a plan with deadlines to make them happen.

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