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Grammar workshe

Mixed ability grammar worksheets

Worksheet 1 Student’s Book pages 38-39

Present Tenses

1 Identify the verb forms in italics.

a. Lots of iTunes fans buy Meiko’s hits these days.

present simple
present continuous

b. She has recently performed in open mic nights.

present perfect
present simple

c. Her father has been supporting her since her adolescence.

present continuous
present perfect continuous

d. Her albums are attracting more and more fans these days.
present simple
present continuous

e. She is working hard to succeed.

present continuous
present perfect

f. Her father is travelling to Georgia in October.

present perfect
present continuous

g. They have already finished the new album.

present perfect continuous
present perfect

h. She has been living in LA for 3 years now.

present perfect
present perfect continuous

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves
Grammar workshee
Mixed ability grammar worksheets
2 Complete the gaps with the appropriate form of the verb in brackets.

a. Mary (study) the violin since she was 7.

b. The bus to the summer music festival (leave) at 8 pm.
c. We (think) of taking some food and drinks along to the picnic.
d. Lola (learn) English in order to play online games.
e. I (sing) for ages, I’m not sure I still can do it.
f. Mike (die) to perform in public again.
g. Gina (write) two books so far this year.
h. We (practise) for the charity performance every week since September.

3 Circle the appropriate form of the verb.

a. Many young people often set / are setting themselves ambitious goals.
b. My girlfriend reads / has been reading poetry for some time.
c. Music often provides / is providing youngsters with an escape valve.
d. Our class has contributed / contributes to the school journal for some time now.
e. Surfing the Internet is so awesome that it has become a habit which I am doing / do every day.
f. I have had / am having lunch with my boyfriend later today.
g. According to the latest statistics, iPad sales increases / have been increasing lately.
h. My classmates tease / are teasing me all the time. It really annoys me.

4 Tell the class more about yourself. To do so, start by writing complete sentences using the
various present tenses: present simple; present continuous; present perfect; present
perfect continuous. You can use the model below to get you started.

Here are a few topics that you can refer to:

• your daily routine • your likes and dislikes • habits and hobbies
• your plans for the weekend • your experience in English

EXAMPLE: I usually go to school by bus. I like playing football after school. I have been learning
karate, but I’d like to try surfing too. This weekend, I’m staying at home and studying English. I really
don’t mind because I like it.
I ___________________________ at _________________________________________.
Usually I _______________________ but sometimes ______________________________
Next week I _______________________________________________________. I like it.
I __________________________________________________________ for some time.

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

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