Worksheet 2 Student's Book Pages 46-47 Prepositions: The Cafe

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Grammar works

Mixed ability grammar worksheets

Worksheet 2 Student’s Book pages 46-47


1 Circle the appropriate preposition in each sentence.

a. Let’s go picnicking on / in the park. The weather is fantastic!

b. The plane flew upon / over the city skyscrapers into the horizon.
c. We must walk on / across the bridge to meet the rest of the group, who are waiting at / between
the cafe.
d. Opposite / On the cinema there’s a lovely restaurant where we can have dinner for a reasonable
e. Above / Behind me there was a young man trying to jump the queue to get in / to the box office
f. Lola was sitting below / between my friend Justin and I.
g. I forgot the tickets above / on the bedside table.
h. I love looking at that strange painting beside / on the wall and it’s really difficult to
understand, don’t you think?
i. Across / Under my terrace there is a small garden, which has the most amazing flowers which are
in blossom.

2 Choose the best option to complete the gaps.

a. Most children cry in / on their first day on / at school.

b. When it’s hot at / in June we can see lots of people at / in the beach.
c. I love spending an afternoon in / on the shopping center. There are always lots of nice shop
windows to see.
d. My mother was at / in hospital for three weeks.
e. I’ll wait for you in / at the platform.
f. I met Charlie on / at the cinema last month.
g. Yesterday there were lots of people on / at the restaurant.
h. I prefer spending holidays at / in the country. I love the fresh air!
i. I forgot my umbrella on / in the doctor’s waiting room.
j. I want to go to a concert. What’s at / on in August?
k. Julie is already on / at her grandfather’s farm.
l. I’ve just spent three hours in / at the hairdresser’s. Don’t I look great?
m. We’re going to spend all Saturday afternoon on / at the beach.

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves
Grammar works
Mixed ability grammar worksheets
3 Think of your ideal bedroom. Write a paragraph to describe it. You can refer to its:

• furniture
• decoration: lamps, posters, objects, souvenirs, etc.
• electrical appliances, technology

My ideal bedroom is a special place just for me where I can sleep, work, relax or dream… The walls
are painted in ________________________________________________________ and we can
see _________________________________________________________________. The window
overlooks ____________________________________________________________. I have a big
___________________________________________________________________ where I keep
my computer and some of my ___________________________________________. My bed is
________________________________ and __________________________________.
I also have a ____________________________________________________________, so I can
listen to music ____________________________________________________________. On the
bookcase shelves I keep ________________________________________________________.
I wish I could have ___________________________________________, but I love my bedroom.

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

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