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I quick thank you to anyone who is reading this, thank you! I hope you’re enjoying the story!

And also
for anyone that has read my other story, ‘Renesme and Jacob’s Story’, I recently added the last
chapter to that, so read if you wish! Oh, and please, please, please review! Any criticism or idea are
welcome! Thank you again!

I stared up at the white ceiling. I’ve been lying in my bed for hours, just staring above me wallowing in
the fact that I was moving today. I looked over to the alarm clock sitting on my nightstand. The bright
red numbers told me it was fifteen minutes past four. I sighed, was I ever going to get some sleep?

I spotted my phone lying on the floor next to my bed. I leaned down to pick it up and quickly pressed the
1 button, speed dialing my best friend. It rang and continued to ring for a good long minute and a half.
Guess he doesn’t have his voicemail set up, I thought. I was just about to hang up when I voice

“Hello?” Jacob answered, his voice annoyed.

“I can’t sleep.” I complained.

“Nesssssie.” He groaned. “It’s like 4 in the morning.”

“Come over here!” I pleaded. I always fell asleep when Jacob was with me. For some reason his
presence always seemed to calm me, no matter what was running through my head.

“No. I’m hanging up now, Ness.” His words were starting to slur. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Actually...later

“Fine.” I huffed. There was no point in arguing with a tired Jacob. “Goodnight, Jake.”

“Night, Ness.” He hung up.

I leaned of to plug my phone back into its charger on my nightstand and laid back down. Suddenly the
bed felt much more comfortable. I pulled back the cover and pulled them back around me. With Jake’s
voice still in my head, I eventually fell into a light sleep.

“Renesme.” Someone was lightly shaking me.

“Ehhh!” I groaned turning my head in the opposite direction of the disturbance and pulling the
comforter over my head.

“Renesme, you have to get up now. We’re leaving in about an hour.” I recognized it as my mother’s
voice. She was walking out of the room and into the living room of the cottage now.

“Ehhh.” I groaned again looking over at my alarm clock. 6 o’clock, it read.

I’d had only two hours of sleep, fantastic. I grudgingly got out of my comfortable, warm bed onto the
cold wooden floor. I shivered slightly and walked over toward my shower, eager to be warm again.
After my shower I went out into the living room. Jacob was sitting at the counter eating a bowl of cereal
slowly. Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him eat anything slowly. I walked over to him and sat on the
stool across from him.

“A little sleepy there, Jake?” I asked.

“Someone woke me up in the middle of the night!” He accused, not looking up from his bowl.

“Well at least you got some sleep.” I responded, getting up to get myself some cereal as well. I wasn’t
really a huge fan of human food, but it kept me full.

I sat back down at the table while he ate his last spoonful. He sighed contently when finished and
pushed the dirty dish out of the way to lean across the counter toward me.

“So you excited for the big day?” He said, slightly smiling.

I frowned and continued to eat spoonful’s of Cheerios. I really did not want to think about what was
going to happen today let alone talk about it. Jacob seemed to understand because he dropped the
topic and walked over to the sink to clean his dish.

“You’re parents told me to let you know that we’re leaving in…” He looked over to the wall at the clock
hanging above the stove. “Approximately half an hour and they want you to meet them at the main

I finished the few remaining pieces of cereal and jumped off the stool. I turned around to look over the
kitchen and living room one last time before my departure. I quickly walked off toward my room with
Jacob at my heels. I stopped at the door.

There it was. Exactly the same as it was five years ago. My bed was wedged in the corner and the small
nightstand and dresser were the only other pieces of furniture. A few pictures hung on the walls that I
had forgotten to pack up. One was of me when I was little, sitting on the porch of the main house with
my mother and father and my side. The other two were pictures of me and Jacob on First Beach, one
with me looking about 9 years old and another that was taken a few months ago. I slowly walked over to
hold my hand over the more recent one. As if I could just transport myself back in time when I wasn’t
about to leave my home.

“Ness,” Jacob appeared at my side. “Come here.”

He pulled me over into his chest. I wrapped my arms around his torso, his warmness spread though me.
He held me there for a minute or two then pulled away and leaned down a few inches to be at the same
eye level as me.

“Oh, Ness.” He sighed. “Don’t cry, sweetheart.”

I had just realized the moisture falling out of my eyes. He softly wiped away to silent tears.
“I’m just going to miss it, that’s all.” I looked back over at the pictures remembering how happy I was
when they were taken. “Everything’s going to be so different now.”

“No it’s not, Nessie. What’s going to change?” He questioned. “You’re still gonna be you. Your family will
always be there. I’m still here, Ness.”

He started to lean even closer toward me, I could feel his warm breath on my face. It felt amazing. For a
second I thought he was going to kiss me, but no. I didn’t like Jacob like that and neither does he. We
were perfect as friends, best friends. I wouldn’t do anything to change that.

He suddenly leaned away and held my hand. “Come on. Let’s go.”

I took the three pictures off the wall to pack in my suitcase and glanced around the room one last time.

“Okay, I’m ready.” I said.

We slowly walked through the forest in silence. It was peaceful like this, the snow had mostly melted in
anticipation of spring, the wildlife had started to peak out into the world again. A few bunnies crossed
our path to the main house but even they’re lively prance wasn’t enough to make me feel any better.

We were approaching the house when the entire family was walking toward they’re cars, suitcases in
hand. Mom had mine and Jake’s things as well.

“Are we leaving already?” I asked my dad as we walked toward the driveway.

“We thought we’d get a head start on things.” He stated. “You can go inside real quick if you want,

I shook my head. I didn’t want to remember the house as it was now…empty. I wanted to remember all
of the good times, the happy memories that had taken place there. Not wanting to look back I headed
toward Dad’s silver Volvo with Mom. When I sat in the backseat and buckled my unneeded seatbelt she
turned around to look at me.

“It’s going to be okay, Renesme. Everything will work out.” She spoke, softly. “I promise.”

I looked down. I wasn’t so sure about that. No matter how much convincing Jacob had tried to do. I felt
like everything was going to be so different. I didn’t like change because my life was so perfect the way it
was. Mostly I was afraid of how things will be with Jake, what happens when he’s in a whole new city
with all new people. New people to make his best friends! What if he got a girlfriend, then she would be
the one that he spent his entire day with.

I guess I was to out of it to notice when he come to sit next to me and my father was in the driver’s seat
driving away from my home.



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