Khatm e Nabuwat

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Khatm e Nabuwat

(1) What do you mean by khatm e Nabuwat?

i. Literal Meaning:

The meaning of the word khatm is ‘stamp a seal’, ‘to enclose’ and on some occasions it also means ‘to
conclude an assignment’. And word ‘Nabuwat’ means ‘Apostleship’—the position or duty of an apostle
(advocate or supporter of a particular idea or cause).

ii. General Meaning:

In general, Khatm e Nabuwat means that Hazrat Muhammad PBUH is the Last of the Prophets.

In other words, the process and routine of appointing Prophets and Messengers by Almighty Allah has
been terminated, finished, ended, stopped and sealed. None will be appointed as prophet after Hazrat
Muhammad PBUH. His Prophethood will continue until the day of judgement and even afterwards. Only
that person can claim to be a Muslim who has belief in Khatm e Nabuwat and confesses.

(2) Khatm e Nabuwat in light of Quran:

Close to one hundred verses of Holy Quran, directly or indirectly, support the doctrine of Finality of
Prophethood. Being Muslim one should have complete belief in Holy Quran.

1. In Surah Al-Ahzab Allah said:

O people! Muhammad has no sons among ye men, but verily, he is the Apostle of God and the last in the
line of Prophets. And God is Aware of everything.

In this Ayat Allah clearly verified that Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH is His last Messenger and even He
PBUH is not even the father of any man. This clarity is due to the fact that in the past, sometimes son(s)
of Prophets were also bestowed with Prophethood. For example, Ismail (A.S) was the son of Ibrahim (A.S).

2. In Surah Al-Ma’idah Allah once again indicated the Finality of Prophethood:

This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed my favor upon you and have chosen for you
Islam as your religion.

The last revealed verse of Holy Quran is also a testimony that no apostle with the instructions or
interpretations of Holy Quran will ever need to be sent to humanity.
(3) Proof from overwhelming Sahih Ahadith:

The Prophet(PBUH) unequivocally declared that he was the final Prophet. There are 210 Ahadith to sustain
this article of Islamic faith. Not only that, but the Prophet(PBUH) was also pleased to bring forth such
expositions of this word (Khatam-un-Nabiyeen) that all doubts relating to his finality in prophethood stand
void and misinterpretations exposed.

1. Once Holy Prophet PBUH affirmed the finality of his Prophethood by using an analogy like this:

My position in relation to the prophets who came before me can be explained as: A man erected a building
and adorned this edifice with great beauty, but he left an empty niche, in the corner where just one brick
was missing. People looked around the building and marveled at its beauty, but wondered why a brick
was missing from that niche? I am like unto that one missing brick and I am the last in the line of the
Prophets." (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmizi)

2. Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas narrates that Holy Prophet PBUH said to Hazrat Ali (R.A):

You (Hazrat Ali) are related to me as Aaron was related to Moses (pbuh). But no Apostle will come after
me. (Bukhari, Muslim)

3. Difference with the Tribe of Israel:

Once Holy Prophet PBUH observed:

The tribe of Israel was guided by prophets. When a prophet passed away, another prophet succeeded
him. But no prophet will come after me; only caliphs will succeed me. (Bukhari)

4. Ummul –Mumineen Hazrat Ayesha (R.A) narrates, the Holy Prophet PBUH said:

I am the last in line of the prophets of God and my Masjid is the last Masjid. (Muslim)

5. Hazrat Uqba bin Amir (R.A) narrates that Holy Prophet PBUH said:

Had there been any Prophet after me, Omer bin Khatab would have been that. (Bukhari, Muslim)
(4) Consensus of Muslim Scholars and Ummah:

Throughout centuries, Muslim scholars have unanimously supported the fundamental doctrine of the
Finality of Prophethood. So much so that the entire Ummah has recognized anyone claims to be a prophet
or supports someone else’s claim to prophethood to be an unbeliever.

1. Imam Ghazali in his book The Hujjat ul Islam, said:

We have known through “Consensus” that La Nabi B’adi (There is no Prophet after me) proves that the
door to Prophethood has been permanently closed after Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and
the word “Khatam an Nabiyeen” also includes “MUTLAQ ANBIYA (all anbiya)”.

2. Imam Ibn Qudama al Maqdisi in his book Al Mughni said:

Whosoever claims Prophethood or one who accepts his claim then (both) become “APOSTATES” because
when Musaylma Kaddhab claimed to be Prophet and his people testified to it then all of them became
apostates along with him.

3. Allama Ibn-e-Jarir Tabri in his book Tafsir Ibn-e-Jarir interprets Khatam-e-Nabiyeen to mean
Muhammad PBUH is the last Prophet, the one who has closed the Prophethood and sealed it. This seal
will not be opened for anyone till the day of judgement.

4. According to Imam Razi:

The words Kahatam-e-Nabiyeen are used to show that Sharia of Islam is complete. The view that no
Prophet will come after Muhammad PBUH is also more particular about this Ummah and gives the
significance of words in more detail. This is like the example of a son who has no guardian after his father.

5. Allama Baizvi in Tafsir-e-Baizvi wrote that:

Prophet Muhammad PBUH is the last of all Prophets. It makes np difference that Jesus (A.S) will come
again after him, because he will come as a follower of His PBUH sharia.

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