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          (a)     A boy looks into the sky at night.

It is a clear night and the full moon looks bright.

The stars and planets which he can see at the same times as the moon look dim.

Pictures A – D show how the moon looks at different times.

Which picture shows how the moon appears when the stars in the same part of the
sky look brightest.

Write the letter of the picture you choose.

1 mark

(b)     Explain your answer to part (a).

1 mark

(c)     Some of the planets look brighter than some of the stars.

Why does Venus look brighter than many stars?

1 mark

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(a)     Some children are making a bar chart showing the average distances of some of the
planets from the Sun.

What are the names of the planets which are labelled X and Y on the chart?

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planet X is  ...................................................................................................

planet Y is  ...................................................................................................

1 mark

(b)     The bar showing Venus is missing from the chart.

For the planet Venus, draw a bar of the correct height on the children's chart.
1 mark

(c)     At certain times of the year the planet Venus is clearly visible in the night sky.

Explain how Venus can be seen in the night sky even though it is not a light source.



1 mark

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