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Client Feedback – Abi, John and Ollie

Overall Proposal
The proposal is effective and would probably meet your target audience in a
manner that has a good outcome.
Release date is appropriate and effective.
Good slogan that reflects both your aims and objectives and your target
You need more locations for each advert (It’s fine for adverts to have the same
location as other one of the campaign!)
Budget not complete.
Our Response:
The client has said that our overall proposal is good however, we need to
complete the budget for the campaign and that we need to add more locations
for the campaign, so we have added more locations for our advertisements to
air, this is so that our advertisements will reach a bigger audience and attract a
bigger audience. We have also completed the budget for the advertising
campaign, which includes the prices and the names of the equipment that we
will use.

Planned meeting
(Screenshot of font needs to be on a planned meeting document.) Pick a
different font as the one you’ve chosen is too sporty for a drinks product.
Good colour scheme that has connotations of water with natural flavours. Is
also appropriate for the target audience.
Change the song to something more modern for the target audience.
Our response:
The client has said that we must add a screenshot of the font that we have
chosen, but that it must be a different font because the one we have already
chosen is too sporty for the brand. The client has also said that we have
created a good colour scheme because it has connotations of water with
natural flavours and it is also appropriate for the target audience. In response
to the clients feedback, we have changed our font to sports world because
whilst it still has connotations of sport but it is not as aggressively sporty as the
original font. We have also changed our font from Wannabe by the Spice girls
to Reload by Sebastian Ingrosso. We have chosen Reload because it relates to
the product, because Hydr8 reloads your hydration and the song is called
Reload. Also, Reload is very upbeat which connotes being energetic which is a
feeling you get when you’re hydrated.

Ollie – You have done well to match your audio visual and keep to your aims
and objectives. You will need to be careful that you don’t breach the
misleading code of BCAP. The drink cannot be made to look like it makes
people better at football. You can though, show someone practicing or playing
football, they get dehydrated (through coach’s dialogue perhaps?) and
perform worse, then they have a drink and are hydrated again.
My Response:
This is the feedback that my client has given me for my Audio Advert. My client
has indicated to me that I should change my advert to fit the requirements as
my current advert idea breaches the misleading code of BCAP as my advert
idea makes the drink seem like it’s magical and can make you better at
football/sport/anything if you drink Hydr8. I need to make the dialogue really
clear to the audience as it’s an audio advert which means that the audience
will only be able to get an understanding of the advert from listening to it. This
is harder for them as they won’t be able to physically visualise the content.
However, I could allow the audience to mentally visualise the advert through
the use of ‘Theatre of the Mind’. Theatre of the mind allows the audience to
paint a picture in their mind by using their imagination based on what they can
hear. I could use heavy breathing/panting throughout the advert which will
indicate to the audience that someone is tired/out of breath. I could make the
coach very vocal and make it dialogue detailed throughout the advert. For
example, the coach could shout things like “pick your feet up!”, “why are you
running so slow!?”, “get your head in the game!”, “don’t let him run past you
so easily!” etc. This will give the audience an understanding of the
location/setting and get an understanding of what the advert is about.
Therefore, the coach will guide the audience through the advert from the use
of dialogue.

Abi - A good start Abi, maybe do something similar for your audio visual. The
rest of your group has gone the comedic route though so you need to add
some comedy so it fits.
My Response:
The client has suggested I add some comedic content into my audio advert. To
do this I am going to add in some more SFX, rather than just having birds
tweeting i could add laughing in the background to uplift the mood.

John – Although comedic your advert doesn’t match the rest of the campaign.
Your aims and objectives talk about being aimed at athletes? Make your
adverts feel like more of a campaign.
My Response:
The client has asked me to rethink my audio advert, so instead of a sergeant it
will be a coach and it will involve someone getting tired and the coach will
mock the athlete for getting tired and tell the athlete to drink some Hydr8.

Audio Visual
Ollie - You will need to be careful that you don’t breach the misleading code of
BCAP. The drink cannot be made to look like it makes people better at football.
You can though, show someone practicing or playing football, they get
dehydrated and perform worse, then they have a drink and are hydrated again.
If comedy is the route you’re going, all of the adverts will need to be comedic.
My Response:
This is the feedback that my client has given me for my Audio Advert. My client
has indicated to me that I should change my advert to fit the requirements as
my current advert idea breaches the misleading code of BCAP as my advert
idea makes the drink seem like it’s magical and can make you better at
football/sport/anything if you drink Hydr8. However, I could show someone
practicing/playing football, they get dehydrated from the coaches football
drills, exercises and passionate/energetic personality and still can’t score/do
well, then they both have a drink which makes them hydrated and have more
energy, they’ll look happier and the player will perform better than when he
was dehydrated. It is important to show that the player and coach are
dehydrated to prevent me from breaching the BCAP code. To do this I will film
close up shots of sweat coming off their foreheads, sweaty armpits/chest/back,
heavy breathing, yawning, coach getting frustrated (head in hands) and the
player leaning over with his hands on his knees. All of these actions are signs of

Abi - You will need to be careful that you don’t breach the misleading code of
BCAP. The drink cannot be made to look like it makes people more powerful.
You can though, show how someone has side effects from being dehydrated
and then become hydrated which improves their physical state. I also think the
idea might be too hard to do as you need mise-en-scene of the 1980’s. Your
group has also made their campaigns comedic so you will need to do the same!
Also, the product doesn’t follow your campaign message.
My Response:
The client has stated that I need to make sure I don't breach the misleading
code of BCAP. To make sure this doesn’t happen I will have to switch up my
idea slightly. Instead of the actor developing super fast speed after drinking
hydr8, i will have them looking sluggish and tired. And then when they have a
drink they will appear hydrated and full of energy. Therefore I will not be
breaking the code.

John – Advert is a good idea but doesn’t make sense with the slogan. Alter
your idea to better fit the slogan.
My Response:
The client has asked me to rethink my audio visual advert and try and alter it to
better fit the theme, so i have decided that the audio visual advert will start
with a group of people running a marathon, and someone will grow tired to
have a Hydr8 to carry on and run the marathon

Ollie – General idea is fine but you need to adapt it to better suit your slogan,
how can you show someone being deflated then having the drink and being
hydrated? Split screen? Try and show off your photoshop skills with what you
choose also.
My Response:
This is the feedback that my client has given me for my Audio Advert. My client
has indicated to me that I should change my advert to fit the requirements of
the avert relating to the slogan. To do this I will include a before and after
section on my print advert. I will have a big, clear image of the Hydr8 product
in the middle of the advert taking up roughly a third of the page. On one side
of the bottle will be a before section where I will use a blurry photo of the
player looking dehydrated (sweaty/out of breath) and sad. This side of the
advert will be black and white as this will connote negativity as being
dehydrated isn’t good. On the other side of the bottle (after side) will be a
clear, colourful picture of the boy shooting and the ball will be inline with the
goal to make it look like it’s about to go in. The coach will be in view smiling
with a bottle of Hydr8 in his hand as it will indicate that the player has done
well and Hydr8 has helped him to that. This side will be clear as it will help
emphasise the positivity of the image and it will be colourful as bright colours
connote happiness and positivity. Therefore, this will indicate to the audience
that Hydr8 is a positive product.

Abi – A good idea but doesn’t fit the rest of your adverts (The three have to fit
together.) It does however, fit your target audience. Try and show off your
photoshop skills with what you choose also.
My Response:
The client here has said I need to amend it to make it fit my other adverts, I am
going to have 3 athletes on a basketball court at the end of a game. 2 of the
players will be on the side looking lethargic and very fatigued whilst the other
one is standing drinking hydr8, it will be an action shot of that person shooting
the ball in the hoop. This will be taken from a very low angle shot to make the
drink come across powerful. I will add another slogan which will be “a sip for
John - A good idea but doesn’t fit the rest of your adverts (The three have to fit
together.) Why five different people? Why not 8 with the 8 different flavours?
It does however, fit your target audience. Try and show off your photoshop
skills with what you choose also.
My Response:
The client has given me feedback and has asked me to have a different number
of people so instead of 5 people there will be 8 people to represent the 8

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