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Anderson 1

Tyler J. Anderson

Mrs. Topping


February 21, 2021

A Career as a Software Developer

Software Developers are the secret behind every app you use. Whether it be on your

mobile devices, personal computers, or Point-of-Sale1 devices at your job; software developers

work tirelessly to ensure your applications are functional before and after their release.

With an average salary of $107k a year and a job outlook increase of 22% from 2019 to

2020, software development is becoming an increasingly more in demand career[ CITATION

Occ21 \l 1033 ]. Computing is already a huge part of our lives, and as we find new ways to use

this type of technology as well as new ones2, there will be a need for more diverse and new

minds in the field.

The path to be a software developer starts the same way as many careers, a solid

education. Developers may only require a bachelor’s degree for traditional education but may

require several certifications3 as well depending on their field. However, some may find entry

level positions with an associate degree as well[ CITATION Job21 \l 1033 ]. When you hear the

term “developer,” one may think that writing code is this fields priority and while this is

important, it is more important to get education focused on building the programs. Typically,

there is also some sort of internship performed at some point, much like other careers. For more

senior positions, employers may require a master’s degree[ CITATION Occ21 \l 1033 ].

Point-of-Sale devises are also commonly referred to as POS or Cash Registers.
Such as quantum computing,
A list of common certifications can be found at https://www.indeed.com/career-
Anderson 2

Software Developers may work in an office or potentially even at home, since most if not

all their work is done on a computer. Typically, a developer may work around 40 hours a week,

but may be required to work nights and weekends to meet demands for deadlines or resolve

pertinent technical issues. Work is mostly performed sitting down in front of a computer for

extended periods of time, which is important to think about health-wise when choosing a career

in Development. Jobs in this career can be found in several industries, including but not limited

to: Education, Information Technology, Business and corporations, healthcare, and Government[

CITATION Job21 \l 1033 ].

A career in Software Development can be a rewarding and fruitful experience. An

individual who is great at problem solving, detail-oriented, good at communicating, and has

interpersonal skills; will have a great experience in pursuing this industry. Being ever evolving

with no downturn in sight of the near future, becoming a software developer may be one of the

best careers to get into in 2021.

Anderson 3

Works Cited

Bureau of Labor and Statistics . Occupational Outlook Handbook. n.d. 21 February 2021.



Indeed.com. Job Search. n.d. 21 Februrary 2021. <https://www.indeed.com/career-


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