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Lab #: 2

Date: January 9, 2020

To classify compounds as ionic or covalent based on their physical properties.
Apparatus/ Materials:
Compounds; A, B, C, D (Solid samples of Sodium chloride, Copper II sulphate,
Sulphur, and Naphthalene) and E (Liquid iodine), test tubes, rack and holder,
glass rod, 250 cm3 beaker, spatula, Bunsen burner, electrical circuit, propanone,
distilled water
1. A small amount of sample A was placed in a test tube and heated gently
at first, then more strongly until no further change occurred. Observations
were recorded.
2. A small amount of sample A was added to about 20 cm3 of distilled
water. Whether it dissolved or not was recorded. The mixture was tested
with the electrical circuit to find out if it conducts electricity.
3. Step 2 was repeated using propanone instead of distilled water.
4. Steps 1 to 3 were repeated with the other samples (B, C, D and E).

Table showing the tests results carried out on samples A, B, C and D
Samples A B C D E

Physical White Blue solid Soft, pale Light orange- White

appearanc crystalline crystals yellow, brown colour crystalline
e solid when brittle solid. liquid. solid
white solid
Effect of No change Changed Changed Changed Changed
heat was observed colour from colour from colour from state from
blue to white yellow to brown to solid to gas
reddish purple. (sublimed)
brown. It Purple
also effervescence
changed was also
state from seen.
solid to
Solubility YES YES NO YES NO
in water

Electrical YES YES NO YES NO

y in water
Solubility NO NO NO YES YES
Electrical YES YES NO YES NO
y in
Identity of Sodium Copper II Sulphur (S) Iodine Naphthalene
samples Chloride sulphate (C10 H8)
Classificati Ionic Ionic Covalent Covalent Covalent

Data Analysis:
1. On heating, which samples
i) Melted readily?
Samples B and C melted readily when heated.
ii) Sublimed readily?
Sample E sublimed readily when heated.
iii) Remained unchanged?
Sample A remained unchanged when heated.

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