Guided Reading 2 Escalation

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Name______________________________ Class________________________ Date_____________

The Vietnam War

Lesson 2

U.S. Involvement and Escalation

Key Terms and People
Robert McNamara  Secretary of defense under Johnson
Dean Rusk  Secretary of state under Johnson
William Westmoreland  Commander of U.S. troops in Vietnam
Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN)  South Vietnamese military forces
napalm  Gasoline-based explosive
Agent Orange  Chemical that destroyed jungle land
search-and-destroy mission  Tactic in which U.S. troops destroyed Vietnamese
credibility gap  Situation in which the U.S. public no longer believed the Johnson

Before You Read

In the last lesson you read how the United States became involved in
Vietnam. In this lesson you will read about the war America fought
in Vietnam.

As You Read
Use a chart to take notes on the key military tactics and weapons
used by the Vietcong and the Americans.

JOHNSON INCREASES U.S. the Communists might try to take over

INVOLVEMENT other countries.
Who supported Johnson’s decision Much of the public also agreed with
to send U.S. troops to Vietnam? Johnson’s decision. Many Americans
In 1965 Johnson began sending U.S. believed in stopping the spread of
troops to Vietnam to fight the Vietcong. communism.
Some of Johnson’s advisers had opposed By the end of 1965, the United States
this move. They argued it was too had sent more than 180,000 troops to
dangerous. Vietnam. The American commander in
But most of the president’s advisers South Vietnam was General William
supported sending in troops. They Westmoreland. Westmoreland was not
included Secretary of Defense Robert impressed by the Army of the Republic
McNamara and Secretary of State of Vietnam (ARVN) as a fighting force.
Dean Rusk. These men believed He asked for even more troops. By 1967
that America had to help defeat almost 500,000 American soldiers were
communism in Vietnam. Otherwise, fighting in Vietnam.

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Name______________________________ Class________________________ Date_____________

Lesson 2, continued

1. Name two groups that supported American soldiers also turned the
Johnson’s decision to use troops in peasants against them by conducting
Vietnam. search-and-destroy missions. During
Public and president's advisers supported these missions, soldiers destroyed villages
Johnson's decision to use troops in Vietnam. they believed supported the Vietcong.
The frustrations of fighting the war
caused the morale of American soldiers
to sink. Soldiers endured great
FIGHTING IN THE JUNGLE hardships, especially prisoners of war
Why did the war drag on? captured by the North Vietnamese.
The United States believed that its
2. Name two reasons why the U.S.
superior weaponry would lead to a
failed to score a quick victory
quick victory over the Vietcong.
against the Vietcong.
However, several factors turned the war
into a bloody stalemate. The Vietcong's hit-and-run ambush and their refusal to surrender.
The first factor was the Vietcong’s
fighting style. The Vietcong did not have
advanced weapons. As a result, they used
hit-and-run ambush tactics. The Vietcong THE EARLY WAR AT HOME
struck quickly in small groups. They then How did the war affect Johnson’s
disappeared into the jungle or an domestic programs?
elaborate system of tunnels. They knew The number of U.S. troops in Vietnam
how to blend in with civilians. They also continued to increase. So did the cost
placed countless booby traps and mines. of the war. As a result, the nation’s
The second factor was the Vietcong’s economy began to suffer. In order to pay
refusal to surrender. They were willing to for the war, President Johnson had to cut
fight at any cost. General Westmoreland’s spending for his Great Society programs.
strategy for defeating the Vietcong was By 1967 many Americans still
to destroy their morale through a war of supported the war. However, the images
attrition, gradually wearing them down of the war on television began to change
through constant attack. Though the that. The Johnson administration told the
Vietcong suffered many battlefield American people that the war was going
deaths, they continued to fight on. well. But television told the opposite
The third factor was the American story. Each night, Americans watched the
troops’ inability to win the support of brutal scenes of the war on their
the Vietnamese peasants. In fighting the television screens. This led to a credibility
Vietcong, U.S. troops ended up hurting gap in the Johnson administration. A
the peasants as well. For example, U.S. growing number of people no longer
planes dropped napalm, a gasoline- believed what the president was saying.
based bomb that set fire to the jungle.
3. How did the war affect Johnson’s
They did this to expose Vietcong tunnels
Great Society?
and hideouts. They also sprayed Agent
Orange. This was a leaf-killing chemical Many Great Society programs fell under the War on Poverty umbrella
that destroyed the landscape. Both of
these weapons harmed villagers and
ruined villages.

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276 Guided Reading Workbook

Name______________________________ Class________________________ Date_____________

Lesson 2, continued

As you read about the escalation of the war, take notes to answer the

1. What role did each of the following play in the decision to escalate U.S. military
involvement in Vietnam?
Lyndon B. Johnson
Was determined to contain communism in vietnam but opposed sending amerivan troops to fight in vietnam, though he eventually did.

Robert McNamara
Secretary of defense who worked closely with the president to help reach the conclusion to start sending troops to Vietnam

Dean Rusk
Secretary of State who worked closely with the president to help reach the conclusion to start sending troops to Vietnam

William Westmoreland
An American commander in south Vietnam who requested more American troops because he was greatly unimpressed with the fighting
ability of the south Vietnamese army.
U.S. Congress
Granted president Johnson war power such as the decision to send troops off to Vietnam

American public opinion

Did not want to see the spread of communism

U.S. military strategies result in a bloody stalemate

2. What military advantages did the 3. What military advantages did the
Americans have over the Vietcong? Vietcong have over the Americans?
They lacked the high power weaponry that the They had many such as hit and run tactics, a better
American forces had and the number of forces and knowledge of the land.

4. What military strategies did the 5. What military strategies did the
Americans use against the Vietcong? Vietcong use against the Americans?
Getting land mines everywhere to explode in the Setting their own traps in the jungles for American
jungle n trying to prevent the Vietcong from troops to fall into. Fighting for their existence
gaining the support of the south do rural

Public support for the war begins to waver

as a “credibility gap” grows
6. What role did each of the following play in this change of public support?
The U.S. economy
Suffered as the inflation rate tripled and there were tax increases to he,p fund the war

Public was exposed to war in a way they had never experienced such as seeing Americans body bags

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277 Guided Reading Workbook

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