Education Department: Phone: 814-472-3147 Fax: 814-472-3864

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April 19, 2021

To Whom it May Concern:

It gives me great pleasure to enthusiastically recommend Morgan Maslonik for consideration of a

teaching position within your organization. Ms. Maslonik will complete the requirements to earn
a Bachelor of Science degree from Saint Francis University with pending Early Childhood (PreK-
grade 4) and Special Education (PreK- grade 8) certification from the Pennsylvania Department
of Education in May of 2021.

As Associate Professor of Education, I have had the opportunity to teach and interact with
Morgan in several education courses over the past two years. Ms. Maslonik displays an advanced
understanding of the knowledge, skills, and pedagogy necessary to effectively teach and interact
with students.

Morgan showcases the ability to effectively manage numerous responsibilities. She demonstrates
tremendous leadership potential through co-curricular involvement in University and community
activities and functions. She completes tasks with an advanced degree of thoroughness and
precision. During her undergraduate studies, Morgan excelled in her academic work while also
balancing the demands of several part-time employment responsibilities.

Morgan is a hardworking and extremely diligent student. She was a tremendous asset to our
education program. It is without hesitation, I highly recommend Ms. Maslonik for consideration
of a teaching position. Her commitment and dedication to her studies make her an outstanding
candidate as a successful future education professional. Please feel free to contact me to further
discuss Morgan’s qualifications at (814) 472-2844.


Stephanie Ivory, D.Ed.

Associate Professor of Education
St. Francis University
Education Department, Chair

Education Department
● Phone: 814-472-3147 ● P.O. Box 600, Loretto, PA 15940-0066 ● Fax: 814-472-3864

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