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Section Two

Teacher Candidate Background Experience

Through out the years of my education I have been able to achieve and learn a great

deal. This comes with hard work and dedication to the task and goals I set out to complete.

Section two will explore and explain many different aspects that make me who I am today as a

pursue a career in education. The section will dive deeper into my educational background and

experiences, work experiences and school observation. Section five also includes my philosophy

of education in various aspects of the school and classroom. Finally, you the reader will see my

professional resume, which includes worked performed, volunteer experiences and certificates

and special skills. It is my hope in the section of the portfolio that you will see the value I will

add to the board.

Educational Background
My educational background is one of vast interests, memories and educators that have

had a lasting effect on me throughout the years as a continued student and a person in society.

My interests in high school study’s included science, art/dance and geography. As wide as they

are on the spectrum of subject matter and the use of the brain, I have always held myself proud

at the fact that I enjoy the works of science along with learning and exploring the works of art

and dance. These interests led me to the degree I have today from university a B.Sc.

Environmental with a minor in Italian. I used the interests in science and geography to explore a

degree in environmental science. I used my passion for art and culture to learn Italian on a

university level. My continued passion for dance led me to teach dance at the university level to
those at the school. Looking back at my secondary school and university experiences one things

has remain constant even to this day. My deep passion for dance and teaching dance to those

who share this love of art. Being on wide verity of dance teams throughout my education has

led me to develop the skills needed to be a teacher. These include hard work, dedication,

teamwork, passion, communication skills and last but not lest a role model. It is through the

works of academics and personal passion that has led me on the path to be an educator.

One individual in my education that has played a role in myself in becoming an

educator, that has created many experiences for me to reflect on is my grade 9-12 dance

teacher Ms. L. This teacher was not only a teacher for academics for dance and movement but

also a coach and role model for the high school dance team. One experience was when I was in

grade eleven studying dance and in my third year of the dance team. Ms. L and the respected

classes were butting on a show that would be seen on stage for three separate performances.

The amount of passion and hard work needed to teach routines and organize such a task was

inspirational. Ms. L embodied the teacher attributes that we all as students and individuals look

for. Ms. L had motivational strategies; she helped learn their potentials; she cared deeply for

her students and she was a collaborator. It is through viewing and experiencing these works

and traits that I knew I had a stellar teacher and coach. To be like Ms. L as an educator will be a

fleet and a half to accomplish and to be a role model as such even more of a task. Her role in

my life has been one that has had a lasting impact.

In my undergraduate university career one individual with a multiple of shared

experiences really solidified by trajectory in becoming an educator. This professor not only

possessed the ability to captivate the students being taught but his wealth of knowledge is
nothing shy of incredible. I had the privilege of learning from this professor on a number of

occasions and classes. One experience in my undergrad was when I have the opportunity to

study in Italy with Mr.V. It is there that when looking back I learned the most and learned that I

wanted to go forth in being an educator. Mr. V had an incredible wealth of knowledge for the

subject being learned and a great knowledge on how everything connects in today’s world.

Seeing these live and in person allowed me to watch passion, education and commitment ton

the success of his students in real time. To this day I think back on my experience in Italy with

this professor and remind myself that one that could be me. Engaging students, creating and

sharing a wealth of knowledge, having the ability to captivate the students. These are my goals

in life for the future. To be remembered as role model for the conversations and thinks taught.

My experiences in university under the direction of Mr. V is nothing but impactful. Teaching and

educating is a lifestyle you choose, and having this experience with Mr.V has showed nothing

but this.

Work Experiences

While in in my studies in university I had the unique opportunity to teach dance as a

paid venture. I was hired at the age of 18 and 7 years later I am still with the business. The

opportunity to teach students dance for this amount of time has come with many positives and

negatives. The positives have most definitely out weighed the negatives. The sheer opportunity

and experience to teach others that share the same passion as myself is truly amazing. At the

age of 18 I never imagined that I would enjoy teaching to the extent that I do. Having the

experience to teach students 3-18 years of age has taught me the many attributed need to

pursue a career in education. With the ranges in ages throughout the grade and challenges
different grades face, it has help me grow as a teacher. The experiences that I’ve had and

continue to have in this work will most definitely portray a reflection to teaching practice as I

move towards a career in education.

Currently I am also employed at an early childhood learning academy. This

establishment looks after and teaches children 18months – 4 years old. This experience has led

me to understand young children and their developmental process. The challenges of not

knowing what they want from a lack of speech yet providing what is right and just is something

intriguing. This experience with working with small children has benefited me in a number of

ways. It has taught me to create activities, modify and accommodate tasks for students that

need additional help. It has taught me a more concrete aspect of teaching life, working 8-4pm.

The role I play in the classroom really affects the way students react. Being engaging and

captivating students is a task on it own, and it is here that I have learned the most. I will be

taking what I have learned on this professional aspect of teaching and applying it towards my

teaching in the future with my own class. With the continued practices being performed and

used on this daily job, I am confident that I will have the skills needed to run an affective


On the volunteer side of experience towards the path of education, I have taught Italian

school over the summers. This volunteer experience has allowed me to grow as an individual.

By teaching a foreign language to students of various ages it has shown me a great number

skills needed to conduct an effective class. This includes coming prepared, being attentive and

listening to students needs. The volunteer experience is in a real classroom. The aspects and

attributes of a teacher are needed to conduct a fun and engaging lesson. Being part of this type
of education really helped me how to speak in front of people and be comfortable teaching

different topics and explaining tasks. This volunteer experience along with my other work

experiences in educating youth has made me the person I am today. A person striving for a

position with a school and my own class. I want to share my knowledge with others and

continue to learn as I grow in this field.

School observations
The field work that I participated in was a grade six class via online learning, with the

catholic school board. It was a great experience and opportunity to observe a class in real time.

In the class there was around 25 students. The majority of the students were fully engaged in

the lesson and participated throughout. Topics that I was present for the students were ready

to learn and had fun doing it. Topics included literacy through the works of Harry Potter book 1,

the history of early Canada and the processes/steps of mass in church. I could tell that the

students were engaged and willing to participate because of the excellent connections the

teacher made, along with the higher order thinking questions the teacher asked. The students

would participate through oral communication on screen. They also provided meaningful work

submitted via online (google classroom). By typing responses, up loading documents or

photographs. I could also tell that they were learning because they had the ability to recall

information from lessons past, to help them with the lesson being performed. This retention of

knowledge is evidence that the students are learning and using their new found knowledge to

problem solve. Of course, there are always a few students that dislike the process of learning,

but I found that Ms. R did an excellent job with helping these students try to reach their full

Two learning strategies that Ms. R used that worked and I would use in my future classroom

was elaboration and creating a growth mindset. Ms. R was able to provide many examples and

ideas when it came to a new topic/lesson. Elaboration is key for students because it allows for

them to create connections which will opens their minds to understand the topic. Providing

elaboration on lessons shows the students that the teacher is passionate about the topic and

shows mastery over the lesson. If the teacher believes in themselves the students will believe in

them. Creating a growth mind set is key to being an excellent teacher. I will definitely try to

create a growth in my students. When someone in the class didn’t know the answer or was

struggling, Ms. R encouraged them to try again or provided insight on how to get the right

answer. It was “not yet” or “good try” not “no”. This gave the positive atmosphere for students

to try harder and active success.

I wouldn’t change a whole lot on how lessons were run or taught. I would maybe

suggest incorporating more of the creative aspect of blooms taxonomy. I would think this

would be difficult being online but it is possible. Students can create content or create a project

and present to the class. They can investigate a topic and construct a project. Once they have a

concrete knowledge on a topic this level of blooms taxonomy is possible. By teaching higher

order thinking questions the teacher can deliver appropriate instruction and ensure

instruction/assessments are aligned with objectives. In the end the class was very well run and

students were learning. I espier to be a great teacher like Ms. R.

Philosophy of Education
The school

I believe the role in society that a school plays is of great importance. It allows structure

for students and children to be socialised. Within the school setting children are learned

acceptable behaviour, reciprocal relationships, norms of society and conflict resolution. It

provides environment that is safe for children to be in. The role of the school is to educate the

future and grow the minds of individuals. The goals and objective of a school is to provide a safe

environment to engage learning. To grow students minds and provide knowledge and wisdom

to learners for the future. The school should be a place where students come to better them

selves, to create meaningful thought with deep connections. With that being said schools need

to be able to adapt and change as society does. Society is always changing and never the same.

The school should embrace change in a positive way for the success of the whole. It should be

an institution of positive growth and on-going development.

The curriculum

The curriculum within teaching is to provide guidance for educators and structure of

material for students. It should be age based with age appropriate learning. It provides teachers

with the means of thoughtful development for a successful class. The curriculum should

encourage and set goals and objectives for individuals to complete/gain. In order to have

meaningful experiences with best practice for development with the curriculum including

growth and expansions, the course material should include; visual, hands on, oral, interactive

and creative learning. These need to be part of the curriculum to have a positive outcome with


When understanding the learning that happens in schools one must understand the

past, present and future of it. Many people throughout history have helped shape the

understanding of education. Through the works of Plato, Aristotle and in modern times ….

These individuals provide the foundations that education rest upon. It provides insight and a

depth of self knowledge to people. It also propels us forward by always asking questions and

trying to discover the answers. This moves the educational system down the road to continued


Learning in individuals occurs in many ways. Every student is different in their own way

and will learn within strengths in different ways as well. This is why method of instruction is so

hard for teachers. Their needs to be a balance with different instruction methods. This could

include hands on learning, visual learning, oral communication and of course creative

development. Students will excel in more then one way if teaching methods incorporate

different styles of teaching. The outcome of educators learning to incorporate the different

styles will be a result of best practices used by professionals in the industry. Another style of

teaching that has risen in the past few years is the introduction of technology. Technology is a

very powerful tool if used effectively. Living in the modern age today, tech resources can

provide ample about of teaching material and method of delivering a subject to learn. I believe

that technology should be used to progress in learning. It will provide students with the

knowledge to function in an ever-changing world.

When it comes to learning, introducing diversity is a must. As countries around the

world and communities become ever more multicultural, so should the material and learning

environment. Having cultural relative learning/activity incorporated into education is very

beneficial. Tit allows student to be more understanding of differences, be open minded and

overall knowledgeable about the world around them. Programmes like DASA (dignity for all

students act) are a great start to providing a diverse and inclusive school and society.

The Learner

Children and students in early years will develop quickly. Students have many stages

including; physically, social, emotional and cognitive. Children will experience brain

development which includes the experiences of relationships and changing environments.

Children are notoriously resilient and adaptive to change. Making them incredible to learn and

develop not matter what. Their brain is rapidly expanding making it like a sponge. It can absorb

information and create ideas very quickly. A child’s role within a classroom should be open

minded, positive and willing to learn. Their presence should be engaging. With these attributes

the student can learn, grow and develop.


The purpose of assessment is to gage development. To understand that what the

student has learned or if the student is learning at the standard rate. It can provide the teacher

with guidance if topics need more work or revisited later. The methods of assessment are an on

going debate. Standard testing with multiple choice and short answers are proving to be a

challenge on assessing students. As students have many different ways of communicating or

showing what they have learned. Assessments could be more on a hands-on approach and or

an oral communication stand point. Teachers and educators need to be aware of their students

and assess accordingly to understand the rate of success.

Classroom Management
Classroom management and instructional success is achieved through the works of

teacher by encouraging active learning. By having the students engaged in topics by

communicating with one another via student-student or teacher-student. Students are able to

explore their learning abilities and learn from one another. The classroom should be structured

and managed in a positive atmosphere. This will give students the sense of purpose and

importance in the class. In turn it yields higher learning capabilities and outcomes.

The Teacher
The role of a teacher in the school and society is to be a positive role model and a figure

of knowledge and success. I truly believe that teachers need to be overwhelmingly qualified

through higher education. To have high standard credentials as a teach is a must in order to

execute a well structured/knowledgeable class. The teacher must also be willing to always learn

and to embrace a continuous learning career. I believe that a teacher who stops learning is

stuck in the mid, not being able to move forward with the resources and new material

developing everyday. A teacher is many things to many people, but the characteristics of a

teacher is what makes a teacher special. They are kind, supportive, caring, positive. They

continue to provide dedication to their students and career in order to make a difference. They

find inspiration everywhere and embraces change. Teachers will always structure collaborations

and communications with colleagues, parents and the community. In the end schools and
teachers provide a network of knowledge for students to learn. They are both important to the

functionality of society, by maintaining a safe, positive and fun environment.


The following is a copy of my personal professional resume. References are available

upon request.

Vincent Coccurello
Hamilton, Ontario L8W 2G8
Mobile: 905 928 9509 Email:


Master of Science in Elementry Education May 2020 – December 2021

Medaille College, Buffalo, New York, USA

Bachelor of Science Honours: Physical Geography September 2013 – June 2018

Minor in Italian
Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario

Work Experience

Early Child Care Provider February 2021 – Present

Greystone Learning Academy

 Provided care to young children

 Create activities and curriculum
 Experience through COVID-19 protocols
 Worked with professionals
 Cared for children with learning curves
Field Technician November 2016 – September 2017
Pinchin Environmental, Mississauga Ontario

 Preformed Mould and Air Quality testing in indoor areas

 Use and knowledge of equipment for testing
 Report writing and Lab assistance
 Communication skills between business and clients
 Office assistant, copying/scanning/organizing electronically

Tap Director August 2014 - Present

Steps Performing Arts, Hamilton, Ontario

 Created and managing a new tap dance program by being organized and efficient to further
enhance performance, skill and enrollment within the institution
 Working with over 20 students and a staff of 10 allowed for the program to be successful and
continue to grow
 Hire individuals to assist in classes
 Enhance time management, discipline and increase positive attitude

Soccer Dance Instructor January 2014 - 2017

(Self created and operated in the Greater Toronto Area)

 Created a program to teach dance to soccer players in the GTA

 Create a positive outdoor dance experience to get individuals bodies moving differently
 Developed positive client relationships by professionally handling concerns and questions
about the program and discipline
 Has grown from one city to three cities in two years including (Hamilton and North Toronto)
reaching over 500 players

Produce Clerk May 2013- 2017

Zarky’s Fine Foods Hamilton, Ontario

 Organized shipments and receiving merchandise from and to companies

 Learned networking skills to local farmers and developed relationships to further sales
 Organized and developed food inventory spread sheets for the department
Volunteer Experience

Italian School July 2013

Hamilton Ontario

Helped developed speaking, comprehension, and writing skills in Italian

 Worked with Word and Excel to develop class list and enrollment
 Created and assisted in outdoor and indoor activities

Professional Development

Third year field course project (GEOG 3P56) September - December 2015
St. Catharines/Peterborough Ontario

 Created a Geo-field research project with primary data collected, analyzed and oral

Clubs and Memberships

Brock Italian Club September 2013 – Present

St. Catharines, Ontario

 President from 2015 - Present

 Managed an executive team, members and financial aspects, to promote and sustain Italian
culture and values in the community
 Hosted an Italian dinner and dance of over 200 people

Avanti (Sons of Italy for young Italians) January 2015 - Present

Hamilton, Ontario

 Involved in Italian activities and festivals in Hamilton and the greater area
Readers Choice Award (Hamilton Spectator) June 2016
Hamilton, Ontario

 Recipient for best dance teacher in Hamilton

 Outstanding excellence in the style and teaching

Believing and Achieving Award June 2013

Hamilton Wentworth District School Board
Hamilton, Ontario

 Keeping true to ones self and accomplishing what is set out to the best of abilities
Special Skills/interest and Activities

 Comprehend, speak, read and write in Italian (on going schooling 70% fluent)
 Many years working with Excel, Word and PowerPoint for class and seminars
 Public speaking skills through presidency of the Brock Italian Club
 CPR and Infection disease control
 DASA Training
 SMART board basic level training
 School Violence and Prevention and Intervention
 Over 15 years of Dance and Performance experience

To conclude section two provides insight to many aspects that make me who I am.

Through the works and experiences of my educational background, professional work

experiences and school observations. The section also included my philosophy on education

and my in-depth views on the school, classroom, leaner, curriculum, assessment and classroom

management. The section also included my resume that highlights my work experience in and

out of education along with my achievements throughout the years. Finally, I hope this section

has proven that I am read to make the next step towards my career in education. As you move
forward in the portfolio, I will share my educational artifacts that give fist hand proof of my

abilities as an educator.

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