What Follows Scrum at SAP?: Christian Schmidkonz, SAP AG Henrik Stotz, SAP AG Karlsruhe XP Days - November 2007

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What follows Scrum at SAP?

Christian Schmidkonz, SAP AG

Henrik Stotz, SAP AG

Karlsruhe XP days - November 2007


1. Scrum
2. Test Driven Development
3. Retrospectives
4. Product Owner
5. Agile Planning and Estimation
6. Agile Strategy 2008

November ’05 to September ’07

80 Projects since November 2005 25 single-site projects

at 16 Locations 55 multi-site projects
BU CTO+ Solutions SCM
Berlin Minsk
Walldorf China
Toronto St.Ingbert Budapest
Chicago Suite
ERP Sophia Sofia Optimization
Palo Antipolis Japan
Square Ra‘anana

Industry Bengaluru
Scrum Benefits

Increased product quality

Enhanced transparency

Agile Development

Reduced risks
Increased flexibility

Improved productivity

1. Scrum
2. Test Driven Development
3. Retrospectives
4. Product Owner
5. Agile Planning and Estimation
6. Agile Strategy 2008
Motivation for TDD

Global Quality Team

How to do efficient
Less errors Text testing
Less maintenance
Text Continuous high
Cost reduction Text
Interest in TDD
Our Path to TDD

Two days training Training

Four weeks “inside coaching”
One week “outside coaching”
Three months on our own again

© SAP AG 2007 / C.Schmidkonz, J.Staader: Piloting of TDD with Scrum / Page 7

TDD Benefits

Increased product quality

Reduced risks
Increased flexibility

Improved productivity

1. Scrum
2. Test Driven Development
3. Retrospectives
4. Product Owner
5. Agile Planning and Estimation
6. Agile Strategy
Motivation for effective Retrospectives

Global Quality Team

Establish a
Effective process Learning Culture
improvements Text
Enable team
More successful Text
projects Text

Better products Continuous

A selected set of possible practises
Retrospectives Benefits

Increased product quality

Reduced risks

Improved productivity

1. Scrum
2. Test Driven Development
3. Retrospectives
4. Product Owner
5. Agile Planning and Estimation
6. Agile Strategy

© SAP AG 2007 / C.Schmidkonz, J.Staader: Piloting of TDD with Scrum / Page 13

Product Owner Motivation

Better products

agile product management

effective product owners.


Agile Product Management –
The Product Leadership Approach

Assignment by senior management

Moderation of product vision
Product requirements document Training

Program leadership
Eco System
Requirements management
Sprint planning Motivation
Product control
Product adoption
Effective Product Owners

Personal Skills Operational Skills

Empowered Leader Process Mentor
Authority Requirements engineering
Authentic & trustworthy Product standard awareness
Change skills Production know-how

Communicator Program Manager

Good negotiater Planning skills
Good networker Project Management Skills
Intercultural skills Financial Skills

Product Definer
Visionary skills
Domain expertise
Political skills

Strategic Skills
Product Owner Benefits

Increased product quality

Enhanced transparency

“Better products
through agile product management
and effective product owners.“

Reduced risks
Increased flexibility

Improved productivity

1. Scrum
2. Test Driven Development
3. Retrospectives
4. Product Owner
5. Agile Planning and Estimation
6. Agile Strategy

© SAP AG 2007 / C.Schmidkonz, J.Staader: Piloting of TDD with Scrum / Page 18

Motivation for Agile Planning and Estimation

Global Quality Team

Improved product
planning Text
Identification of
Improved Text
project forecast Text
Agile Planning and Estimation

Figure 8 : Estimating the Duration of a Project by Estimating Its Size

Expected Benefits

Increased product quality

Enhanced transparency

Reduced risks
Increased flexibility

Improved productivity

1. Scrum
2. Test Driven Development
3. Retrospectives
4. Product Owner
5. Agile Planning and Estimation
6. Agile Strategy

© SAP AG 2007 / C.Schmidkonz, J.Staader: Piloting of TDD with Scrum / Page 22

Agile Benefits

Increased product quality

Enhanced transparency

Agile Development

Reduced risks
Increased flexibility

Improved productivity
Agile Benefits Matrix
Agile Strategy Plan

1 Agile as Management buy-in

strategic topic Agile Product
Continue adoption

Mentors Development
Transparency New areas
Self-monitoring Agile Mentors

“Monitoring” TDD

Product Owner
Deepen Agile
Agile Planning + practises
Thank you!

Christian Schmidkonz, SAP AG

Henrik Stotz, SAP AG
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© SAP AG 2007 / C.Schmidkonz, J.Staader: Piloting of TDD with Scrum / Page 27

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