In Partial Fulfilment of Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination School Based Assessment For Communication Studies

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2 015-2016

In Partial Fulfilment of
Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examination
School Based
Assessment for
Communication Studies

Name: Samantha A. Walters

School: Belmont Academy
Candidate #:
Centre #:
Terr tory: Jamaica

Teacher: Ms, Smalling-Powell

Theme: Single Parenting
Topic: Good or Bad?
Tab [e of Contents

General introduction 2

Preface 3


Analysis 7


This project is focused on single parent families. According to the Collins D ictionary a single

parent is a person who has a dependent child or dependent children and who is widowed,

divorced, or unmarried_ As a member of this hstitution the researcher decreed a privilege to

iivestigite the implications that are linked to my topic. It was researched i the exposition and

presented in the form of a narrative entitled "A. Walk on the Wild Side". It is iiteresting that

whilst she is a victim to this phenomenon it is coherent that there are others in society that are

baffled by the social, economic and educational experiences of a single parent families as seen in

both genres.

Hence, the researcher believes ti -rat pertaining to her academic interests this project will cum-

Jute significantly in obtaining an Associate's Degree of Humanities the upcoming

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examirration she is preparing for_ In addition, her findings will

hcrease the skills and knowledge necessary to greater understand the area of Social Work that

she is aspiring for. Coupled with the skills and incisive garnered it will also aid in developing her

analytical and problem solving skills_

"A Walk on the Wild Side" is a shot-t story depicthg a family broken up because of don -estic

violence, residing h the father of the house abandoning his responsibilitiesfor his wife and son.

It impacted their family drastically and their child became violent and joined a gang where he got

his ultimate punishment that turned his life would forever.

This short story serves to educate and inform readers of the implications of single parenthg and

the effects it has on both the parent and children involved. 'This story was created to be recited at

meetings to single parents in a school but all parents from any union can read it_ This genre was

chosen to brig awareness of issues developed socially, emotionally and educationally by being

h a singb parent family. Also, by sharing it with this audience it captivates parents from

different societies, age ranges and gender to formulate ways to cope with similar problems that

could have or even to prevent it from happening.

A Walk on the Wild Side

"Dustin mi cah do dis null more", said Mavette pantitg "If yu did listen to mi this would'n

happen!" he barked still washing his hands. Dust Jackson, a porce officer at. Franksvile

County, comes home just to lay his hand on his wife, not for pleastre but for pain. Mavette was

getting ready for their big anniversary trying to please him, almost ten years, They were high

school sweethearts and feel in love instantly, at first sight, more reason to fight for her marriage.,

But tlis time, Dustin left for work after a heated argument and never returned, clearing out the

house clean of his stuff and a bit of hers too. A relief for Mavette, Kendrick their son took it so

especidly because this was two days betbre his thiteenth birthday, blamilg his mother for
his father's leaving,

Three years passed, Mavette's pre-occupation fuelled his anger with his father's take off and

grew his bitterness towards her He gave Mavette a bloody nose, black eyes and two broken

fingers. Love and torture., her own son to continue the same behaviour of Dustin. But her

undying strengthen to keep her family together, prevailed all the hmt. while she was at worIL

cal; from his school about him misbehaving. He turned out for the vvorse skipping school,

constant fights and the ultimate impregiating a girl who he says he doesn't know, He even took

i a step fixther and left the house and never returned. She then wondered \Vila she did Nvrong. for
her family being torn apart.
That same night Kendrick spent the night with his friend Blingy, THE DON., He mentioned to

him that he could make easy money by working for him_ Kendrick was not up for it at frst but

he was desperate because he did not have any money_ So, he agreed to do it_ He got his gun on

the spot_ The frst job was to steal $20 thousand dollars from the Franksville Commercial Bank.,

But an hour before he went he got a message and ignored it.

Bain& Bning, Brring, a call from the Franksville C'ounty "Mom I'm i trouble come and bail

LTE out please!" with no hesitation the phone hang; (Ai_ The bail was made and the following day

on his arrival to sclyiol, he was expeld because of being involved in & a1 activities. The

decision of quitting scho-ol was the option he to-ok. Working for Blingy gave him more money

than gong to school all day. His success in his previous job promoted him to all Blingy's err my Paul
K. Kendrick grimly said no to the deal and Blingy told him 13woy mi own yuh and if

yuh mil do it mi a geh yuh til 12 tonight". He panicked and ran out keeping himself busy for the
whole day because he knew someone was going to die that night and it sure wouldn't be him.

The phone rang "Kenny rill doh haffi do dis conic back hon-e", he slammed the phone down
and trilled it off_ Night fell and it was time. Heart pounding, chest caving in, he had to do

somethin, can snitch, I won't!" he thought He got dressed, strove his gun on his side and was
ready for the battlefield, the chsh of the gangs had begin_ He drove by the place when Paul K

lived and saw him walking to the play field his red outfit that he and his gang always
wears_ Feet away as much as to not be seen gripping the steel that detemines hi;

titure,.,Bratatatl Bratatat! The gun went off. A crowd of poke then surrounded him, Paul K
was Officer Paul Kardigan of the Long-ville County, private investigator.
Kendrick was caught red-handed, handcuffed and brought to the police station for questioning,

did ma tell the officers about Blingy and served twenty years behind bars for attempted

nurder and having an &gal gum Most of his time he spent reminiscing on i.vhat he did and

decided to get counselling and change his life, December 17, 2015, he was released and became

a personal mentor for boys that faced similar situations as he did at the Enpowenuent Society

for Boys (ESB), He also reconnected with his mother and developed a relationship to last a

The reflective piece "A Walk on the Wild Side" depicts a family beg broken up into a single

parent fanily because of the absenoe of the father who was domesticall.y abusing. his wk. Their

son took his father going away very seriously and turned out for the worst being involved in

illegal activities. Illustrating how single parenti-ig can have multiple effects. A range of language

registers, dialectal variations, attitudes to language and communicative behaviours were used to

bring across the seriousness of the topic being explored. However for arralysing, the prose

iinguage register and communi;ative behaviour were chosen to be discussed thoroughly.

Language Register is the anticipated approach and stages of formality correlating with varieties

of language. It is understood by the reader from the writer's approach towards, tone and stages of

formality. Formal, frozen, consultative, casual and iitimate are the five stages, named by

linguists. The register used in the prose above is the intimate register. Evidently seen in line 3-4

"Dustin mi cab do dis null more". The Jamaican CrcoL was used with an iltimate tone because it

highlights a language somewhat used between persons who share a close relationship or bond.

Mavette is over with the abuse but the for is subtle giving the impression that she is not quite

done, which is communicated to the reader.

The writer of the short story utilizes the comn -tinicative behaviours of Artifacts and Five Senses

the piece. The use of Artifacts is seen ii Inc 25- 26 He drove by the place where Paul K
lived and saw him walkiig to the playfield in his red outfit that he and hip gang always wears"

the object of a red outfit that was worn signifies someone belonging to a group that can be easily

identified_ The colour red could also be symbolic of danger the story. The Artifact strengthens

as a warning sips that something wrong was going to happen_ Five Senses, line 27 "gripping the

steel that detennims his fuare", is a communicative behaviour that brigs about the anxiety of

wanting to know the next move.. win he go through with it or will he give up?

The prose is more developed vvhen using language registers and communicative behaviours_ In
using them, character's personalities and roles are more #Thshed out",
B it, hograpily


Veronica Sinim and Sandra Osborne. (2009). Comunication studies for CAPE Examinations.
London: Macniullian Publisher Limited.

.Ran-isawak, R and Unraw„ R. (2003). Modules in Socill Studies. La Ronuine: Carikcan

Educational Publishers.

Lute met Webs lies

Draniquc, W. (2011, I'ebruaty 9). Language Registers, Retrved on December 21, 2015, from

Blogspot: http://capc-co nu m tud E s.b logspot.corn/2011/02/langtrage -re g isters.html.

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