Step S Project Breakdown: COIL-Centre College /uninorte

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COIL- Centre College /Uninorte 

Step Project breakdown


  Intro to the projects.You need  to contact each other each week in order to get enough
information to complete each step of the project. 
Step one:  Students create their web page using Google Sites and to write an introduction
about themselves. Share the webpage with your professor.

You should download Whatsapp. Contact your partner and introduce yourself. 

What do you turn in?: The page of the website that has the introductions to you and to your
partner. You can introduce yourself in a paragraph or a video. You should include a photo for
the website. 

  Project: Students  reflect on the iceberg model and discuss what they know about the ‘tip’ of
the iceberg related to their own culture – things they can see.
Based on this discussion, students draw a picture of their iceberg and share it with their

What do you turn in?:  The website section with the picture of their drawing of the iceberg
and a description of the meaning behind it based on their own knowledge and the iceberg.

  Project: Students brainstorm then share in groups what they know about gender roles in their
own culture. What are gender roles? How do they compare with those in your partner’s home
culture? Students prepare three  questions they want to find the answer to related to gender
stereotypes in their partner’s country. Then, share some resources with your partner  (they can
be blogs, articles, youtube videos or other resources  about gender stereotypes) in your 

Presentation skills: Signposting techniques for introductions and overviews and practice
introducing themselves and providing the overview to their final presentation.

What do you turn in?: Prepare to discuss in class and write comparative paragraphs of your
culture and theirs in terms of gender stereotypes. 

  Project: Students hypothesize the culture type of their partner’s culture regarding the Lewis 
model. Group discussion – what problems do you think that person would encounter if they
came for a study abroad ( Kentucky or in Barranquilla)?
Presentation skills: Signposting techniques for main body transitions and conclusions.
Followed by practice.

What do you turn in?: Students research which culture type their chosen country is, then
explain what problems a person from that culture might come across if they were to do a study
abroad in Kentucky and/or Barranquilla and why. This is a page on your website. 
  Project: After being introduced to Hofstede’s model, students research the other culture
based on Hofstede’s analysis using the web link provided (https://www.hofstede- and share their findings in groups through group
discussion. Do these scores shock them? How do they compare with Colombia?

Presentation skills: Using appropriate vocabulary and terminology.

What do you turn in?: Upload a post to your website  about scores and any similarities/major
differences between the USA and Colombia  and why they think that is.

6 Subcultures in your partner’s culture. Find out about and present 3 different pop
cultures/subcultures in your partner’s culture. Present a paragraph and photo of each one on
your website.

Project: Students research subcultures which are specific to their partner’s culture and
present their findings in the class about the subculture they’re going to analyse more closely.

Presentation skills: Creating and using appropriate outlines/notes/PPTs for formal


What do you turn in?: You write a paragraph on their website  about the chosen culture and
relate it to one of the cultural models – how does it relate to the findings from cultural theory?

7 Project: Students discuss what they’ve learned from the project as a whole. What surprised
them the most? What did they enjoy the most? How could this information help them if they
moved to a foreign culture? 

Presentation skills: Prepare and practice a 5 minute presentation to share the images and
ideas  from the Google Website they made.

8 Present your findings about subcultures in your partner’s home country. You will give a 5
minute presentation that can include images from the website you created. 

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