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Learning activity 1

Evidence: A world of images

In this evidence, you have to create at least seven mnemonic cards that will
help you remember the meaning of seven idioms in English. You should include
a drawing representing the idiom, two examples, and the corresponding
translation into Colombian Spanish (if possible).

Look at the example below:

Idiom: Examples:

To bark up the wrong tree. 1. If he wants me to lend him some money, he is barking
up the wrong tree. I know he never pays back.
2. She’s barking up the wrong tree if she thinks he’s
 To look for something in going to leave his wife for her.
the wrong place.
In Colombian spanish:
 To ask the wrong person.
Mear fuera del tiesto.
 To have
completely misunderstood

 To take the wrong course

of action.
Idiom: Examples:

(To) Twist someone’s arm 1. James: jake you should really come to
party tonight,
Definitions: Jake: you know I can`t, I have to hit the
You have great powers of conviction James: c`mon, you have to come, it`s going
and that in the end you managed to to be so much fun and there are going to be
get someone to agree to something lots of girls there. Please come?
after begging after begging them Kake: Pretty girls? Oh all right, you`ve
Your arm has been twisted twisted my arm, i`ll come
In Colombian spanish:

Hasta que me tramo

Idiom: Examples:

(To) Hit the sack 1. It`s time for me to hit the sack, i`m so tired

Definitions: In Colombian spanish:

Estoy que tiro la toalla
 Means go to sleep
 You mean i`m tired
 Means I need to rest
Idiom: Examples:

To cost and arm and a leg 1. Fuel these days costs and arm and a
Definitions: In Colombian spanish:
Something that is very expensive
That is not within reach Cuesta un ojo de la cara

Idiom: Examples:

(To) Stab someone in the back 1. Did you hear that sarah stabbed kate in the
backlast week?
Get in trouble with the police In Colombian spanish:
Stab someone in the back
Imaginese la ultima
Idiom: Examples:

When pigs fly When pigs fly she`ll tidy up her room

Definitions: In Colombian spanish:

Something that will never happen
Cuando vuelen los marranos

Idiom: Examples:

(To) Face the music 1. You know you didn`t study hard, so you`re
going to have to face the music and take the
Definitions: class again next semester if you really want to
Turn your body in the direction of the graduate when you do
Face reality In Colombian spanish:
Face to consequences
A lo hecho pecho
Idiom: Examples:

Speak of the devil 1. Hi, James, speak of the devil, I was just telling
a lady about your new house.
In Colombian spanish:
Talking of the devil
Talking about the person who arrives at Hablando del rey de roma
that moment

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